This is a quick fix until I get a random number generator into QF.
Mingw's RAND_MAX is only 0x7fff and so the (((rnd >> 10) & 63) - 31.5) / 63.0
used for the z component of origin and velocity would never go positive.
For now, change the 10 to 9 (reusing another bit from Y). I plan on
implementing a full 32-bit PRNG in QF so we always have a reliable
It was properly cleared after drawing water chains and sky chains, but I
had missed normal surfaces. It took the use of the same texture for both
normal surfaces and water surfaces to trigger the bug. Thanks go to Simon
'Sock' O'Callaghan and his In The Shadows mod.
The depth limits in the gl and glsl renderers and in the trace code really
bothered me, but then the fix hit me: at load-time, recurse the trees
normally and record the depth in the appropriate place. The node stacks can
then be allocated as necessary (I chose to add a paranoia buffer of 2, but
I expect the maximum depth will rarely be used).
It turns out the expected orientation of the sky cube is exactly that of
Blender's default cube looked at from the front view (num-1) and the front
face being the nearest face. This put's Marcher's sun nicely in the view
when exiting the cave.
Rearrange the sky_suffix and sky_coords arrays and remove the sky_target
array such that the faces can be loaded using
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i (apparently certain drivers break if
the faces aren't loaded in the correct order).
Also, the nomalization of the direction vector in the fragment isn't
This reverts commit e170f4ee75.
It turns out I messed up something in the patch. I noticed the problem
while playing digs04.bsp: many sub-model surfaces, particularly those with
animated textures, were not being transformed correctly. As this patch did
not make a large performance difference, it's probably better to just
revert it. I might revisit it later.
Since the backtile is loaded into a scrap and used as a subtexture, we
can't use GL's texture wrapping, thus do the wrapping ourselves. There are
some minor issues with the wrong part of the scrap being drawn: need to
investigate where the bug is (vrect, make_quad, etc).
It turns out glsl, sw and sw32 weren't getting any benefit from R_CullBox
because the frustum wasn't setup :P. Get another 8% out of bigass1
(174->184fps). bigass1 now runs 2x as fast as it did before I started this
optimisation run :)
This severely reduces the calles to BindTexture, and more importantly,
glUseProgram, EnableVertexAttribArray etc. The biggest changes are:
o icons and text are all in the one giant texture
o icons and text are mixed in the one queue
This gave ~9% speedup for bigass1 (159->174fps).
Though the bsp loader doesn't yet support colored lighting, the ambient
light will be colored when it does. With this, I guess iqm model support is
done for glsl until I figure out how I want to do dual quaternion support.
There's still a problem with his finger tips and feet, but the rest of his
limbs seem to be working well. Much thanks to Spike for encouraging me to
do a dump of the matices that are actually sent to the card.
It turns out that animated joints remain relative right up to the last
This avoids sending invalid pose data to the renderer. The symptom was a
vertex array offset higher than the vertex array size. Discovered by calim
of nouveau while he was debugging a driver problem found by QF. Many
While checking the shaders to see if there might be anything obvious to
work around the current nouveau shader issues, I found a 1 that should have
been a 1.0. I'm surprised it ever compiled.
It doesn't seem to have any useful effect in QF (even before the plugin
project) other than setting the number of frames to update. I'm not sure if
it's a useless variable or one where the user is supposed to match it to
the system configuration. Anyway, with this, the glsl plugin now works.
This allows the vid module to load the render module and access render
specific functions before the renderer initializes, which happens to need
an initialized vid module...
The renderer now gets initialized and things sort of work (qw-client will
idle, though nothing is displayed). However, as the viddef stuff is broken,
it segs on trying to run the overkill demo.
Where possible, symbols have been made static, prefixed with glsl_/GLSL_ or
moved into the code shared by all renderers. This will make doing plugins
easier but done now for link testing. The moving was done via the gl
Where possible, symbols have been made static, prefixed with gl_/GL_ or
moved into the code shared by all renderers. This will make doing plugins
easier but done now for link testing.
QF will now load a single image with (${skyname}_map.*) using blender's
layout. That is, 3x2 with the top row being back, right, front and the
bottom row being bottom, top, left.
Most subsystems that depend on other subsystems now call the init functions
themselves. This makes for much cleaner client initialization (more work
needs to be done for the server).
I'd actually done this the first time, but then got confused and forgot the
waterchain works with multiple textures. This is actually the right place
as all transparent surfaces need to be sorted irrespective to their
textures. Really, waterchain needs to be renamed.
If the map got reloaded but the current leaf didn't change the world (and
most entities) didn't get drawn. Forcing a vis update by first setting
r_viewleaf to null and marking surfaces does the trick :)
The renderer should now be free of any direct access to client code. Even
3d rendering is now done via a function pointer.
The cshift code is done as a 2d screen function.
This is a rather "evil" hack because GLES doesn't seem to need
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE, but GL does, and all my work is currently
done in GL rather than GLES. Point particles now work, but the sizes are
all wrong.
Using quads requires 4 elements, but triangles require 6. I'd gotten the
element array setup right, but I'd forgotten to tweak vacount when drawing
the particles.
I'm not sure if there's a bug in mesa, or if I'm doing something wrong, but
GL_POINTS doesn't seem to be working properly. I get the points, but
writing to gl_PointSize doesn't make a difference despite the size range
being 1-255.
Unfortunately, the maximum point size on Intel hardwar seems to be 1, so I
can't tell if the colors are right.
This is largely just a hacked version of GL's particle code.
For now, only the glsl loader disables caching, but it stores the frame
vertices in GL memory, so its hunk usage is relatively lower (and will be
lower still when I get skins sorted out).
Unfortunately, the intel driver on my eeepc doesn't like the mipmas for
plat_top2 or +2floorsw. If I either don't load their mipmaps, or skip
drawing them, things seem to work nicely.
It turns out my complicated plan was just that: complicated. Although there
are currently some bugs, the method I used to build the VBO in the first
place will work equally well for building the index lists.
Just some problems with lightmaps. There also seem to be some issues with
seams (t-junctions?) and far clip, but they're quite separate.
There's also a problem with a segfault when loading a second map.
The entire vertex set from every model is put into one list (not yet
uploaded). chains of elements arrays are build for non-instanced models
(instanced models will have their chains built each frame).
Still nothing being rendered: still in the process of building the display
lists, but I'm making good progress. Get this into git before something
goes wrong :)
After getting in contact with serplord, I now know that the sw alias
loading was correct. Turns out the gl loaders was mostly correct, just a
mistaken subtract rather than add. And with that, I can implement alias-16
support in glsl. better yet, since all the work is done in the loader, the
renderer doesn't know anything about it :) However, I need to create some
16-bit models for testing.
Not all hardware can access a texture sampler from the vertex shader, and I
don't want multiple paths this early in the game. Now, vertex normals are
uploaded as shorts. Should be 14 bytes per vertex (was 10, could have been
8 if I had put the normal index with the vertex rather than st).
This uses the same calculations as the software renderer. However, as the
lightmap calculations are not done yet, if there is no dlight in the
vicinity, there will be no light. demo1 is pretty cool to watch :)
While the first frame was fine, any subsequent ones were not. I had
forgotten that hdr->poseverts held the edited vertex count rather than
Vertex locations need to be unsigned byte rather than byte (GL is funy
with that). s and t need to be at least short, and since the normal index
is embedded in the st vector, it needs to be the same type. With this, my
test tetrahedrons seem to be working.
The plan is to do interpolated sprites based on a discussion I had with
LordHavoc about them: blending between the two sprite frames. He didn't
mention it, but it looks like blending between the sprite frames' verts is
necessary too.
Since I'm not specifying the api when creating my context, mesa is giving
me GL2. This is fair enough, but in GL2, vertex attribute 0 is the vertex
position. This too, is fair enough. The problem is, mesa is assigning 0 to
my vcolor attribute and thus I can't set it. The work around is simply to
swap the declaration order of vcolor and vertex (this really shouldn't work
eiter, I suspect).