Internal: "uselongtexturenames" setting is now stored in map settings file, not in the program configuration file.
Fixed, Color Picker plugin: in some cases mouse movement was processed incorrectly.
Fixed, Color Picker plugin: float color value output was culture settings-dependant.
Error Check form: number of selected items is now shown in the window's title.
Error Check form: fixed slowdowns when trying to select many (like 1000) results at once.
Visual mode: when "Synch camera position" setting is enabled, and the cursor was outside of a sector when entering Visual mode, camera height is now adjusted based on nearest sector (previously the height was adjusted only when the cursor was inside of a sector).
"Auto-align textures X", "Auto-align textures X and Y" actions, UDMF: alignment source sidedef part's horizontal scale is now applied to all aligned sidedefs.
Visual mode, UDMF: 'lightfog' flag is now automatically updated when changing sidedef brightness or using "Match Brightness" action.
Linedefs mode: added "Update 'lightfog' flag" menu item.
Game configurations: cosmetic changes in UDMF linedef flag names.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Fixed, Visual mode: floor brightness was calculated incorrectly when "Disable Light Effects"/"Restrict light inside" 3d floor flags were used and the floor had "lightfloor" property.
Fixed: "lightabsolute" flag was accessed incorrectly in previous commit.
Fixed, long texture names support: in some cases long texture names were not processed correctly when pasting map geometry.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases combined sidedef brightness was calculated incorrectly. Also, MAPINFO FadeColor and OutsideFogColor properties are now taken into account.
Hexen_linedefs.cfg: "Door Raise" and "Door Locked Raise" used incorrect enums for "Close Delay".
Sound Environment mode: you can now delete currently highlighted sound environment thing by using "Delete" action.
Sound Environment mode: the sidebar panel icons now have the same colors as corresponding sound environments.
Fixed, Sound Environment mode: in some cases several sidebar panel items were highlighted at once (I broke this in r2201).
Fixed, Fit Textures action: lower linedef parts were aligned incorrectly.
Changed, Fit Textures Options form: "Fit across multiple surfaces" checkbox is now disabled when the action is applied to a single surface.
Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: when several wall parts were selected, only one could be dragged with the mouse.
Fixed, Visual mode, Auto-align textures, UDMF: TEXTURES scale is now taken into account when aligning textures.
Fixed, Visual mode, Auto-align textures (Y), UDMF: nearest height matching is now applied to non-wrapped middle backsides.
Cosmetic changes in ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
Sound Environment Mode: sound environments can now be picked by editing sound environment things.
Sound Environment Mode: detected sound environments names are now used as item names in the tree view.
Fixed, Classic modes: incorrect texture was used as unknown floor/ceiling texture (I broke this in r2199).
Fixed, MainForm: reverted MainForm.UpdateToolStripSeparators. By making it look simpler I made it work more buggy...
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Changes since 5bf51d0:
Large scale cleanup & refactoring.
Sound Propagation Mode: you can now click on doublesided linedefs to toggle sound blocking flag.
Sound Environment Mode: you can now click on doublesided linedefs to toggle sound zone boundary flag.
Sound Propagation Mode: reimplemented the highlighting of non-deaf things. Things are now highlighted using selection color.
Removed "Show tooltips" checkbox. Tooltips are now always enabled.
Fixed, Sound Environment Mode: thing tooltip about multiple active sound environment things was shown even when there was only one active sound environment thing.
Fixed, Sound Environment Mode: "Configure colors" toolbar button was not working because of missing action.
Fixed, cosmetic: "Configure colors" toolbar icon was missing a tooltip.
Fixed, cosmetic: display was not redrawn after changing colors using "Color configuration" window.
Fixed, Sectors mode, UDMF: surface cache was not updated after applying floor/ceiling brightness gradients.
Cosmetic, Sectors mode, UDMF: brightness gradient modes now have more descriptive names.
Internal, InterpolationTools: replaced EaseInOutSine equation with one, which actually works.
Map Analysis mode: selection color is now used when rendering affected things.
Fixed, Map Analysis mode, "Check unused things" check: checker returned false-positive results when used in Doom map format.
Nodes Viewer mode: added more boilerplate to classic nodes reader.
Thing Filters Form: program configuration was not marked as changed when saving thing filters.
Cosmetic layout fixes in Thing/Linedef/Sector Info panels.
Cosmetic text fixes in several Map Analysis results.
Internal: debug console is now cleared when creating a new map.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Fixed, Sectors mode: holding Alt to (de)select things inside of sectors worked only in band selection mode. Now it also works when selecting individual sectors and when using paint selection mode.
Fixed, Statistics Control: forgot to remove some test code in r2176...
Internal: removed several unused icons.
Statistics control: things count was not updated when adding or deleting things.
Map Analysis mode: "Check texture alignment" is now disabled by default.
Updated Inno Setup script and images.
Added DirectX web installer to Builder\Setup.
Updated MakeRelease.bat.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Fixed, Nodes Viewer Mode: the mode was unable to handle missing node lumps properly.
Fixed, Nodes Viewer Mode: the mode no longer builds nodes when unable to find both classic nodes and ZNODES at the same time.
Removed SlimDX installer, because it's no longer required.
Internal: debug console is now cleared when opening a map.
Fixed: PairedFloatControl had incorrect initial link icon.
Internal, AngleControl: rewritten AngleChanged event so it behaves like the rest of custom events.
Updated GZDB icon.
Fixed, Fit Textures action: vertical texture offset of a middle part of double-sided linedef with "Lower unpegged" flag was calculated incorrectly.
Fixed, Fit Textures action: texture offsets were calculated incorrectly when using the action on several groups of connected walls at once with "Fit across connected surfaces" enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: middle parts of double-sided linedefs were not rendered when ScaleY was negative.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Visual mode: removed "Fit Texture's Width" and "Fit Texture's Height" actions.
Visual mode: "Auto-align texture offsets" actions were incorrectly aligning double-sided middle walls in some cases.
Visual mode: "Auto-align texture offsets" actions now align non-wrapped double-sided middle walls to vertical offset closest to their initial vertical offset.
Visual mode: middle parts of double-sided walls were ignored when Shift-selecting walls.
Nodebuilders/Game configurations: GL nodes definitions were missing from game configurations.
Nodebuilders/Game configurations: "~MAP" wildcard can now be a part of a lump name.
Nodebuilders: GL nodes were not properly handled by the editor.
Main Window: the window is now moved into the view when stored position is ouside of screen bounds.
Classic and Visual modes: changing thing pitch was ignored in some cases.
Visual mode: raising and lowering a thing with "+SPAWNCEILING" flag now works the same way as when raising/lowering a regular thing.
Visual mode: using "Raise/Lower Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector" actions on a thing with "+SPAWNCEILING" flag now works the same way as when using them on a regular thing.
Rendering: even more fixes to MODELDEF and UDMF properties-related model rendering logic.
Internal, ResourceListEditor: rewritten resource validation check in a more OOP-ish way.
Configurations: fixed an infinite loop crash when a file was trying to include() itself.
UDMF thing flags: added Skill 6-8 to the flags list (because there are thing filters for these).
ZDoom_ACS.cfg: added definitions for SetTeleFog and SwapTeleFog.
ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg: added definitions for A_SetTeleFog and A_SwapTeleFog.
Updated ZDoom ACC.
Updated documentation.
Import Wavefront .obj as Terrain mode: floor height of each created sector is now set to the average height of an .obj polygon it was created from.
Import Wavefront .obj as Terrain Settings window: added "Use slopes" checkbox. When enabled, the mode will create slopes using vertex height offsets (UDMF) or Floor Vertex Height things (1504).
Fixed, Visual Mode: things were rendered at wrong height after using "Lower/Raise Height" actions in sectors with sloped floor (or ceiling for ceiling-aligned things)
Fixed: info panel was not updated after switching to another Edit Mode.
Fixed, Texture Browser Form: well, I broke "Tab" key functionality again (in previous commit)...
Maintenance: changed curly braces style to match DB2 one (hopefully not breaking anything in the process...).
Maintenance: changed private method names casing to match DB2 one.
Open Map in Current WAD: resources are now reloaded when current and target map's resources don't match.
Added some boilerplate to UniversalParser and PK3FileImage.
Internal: ImageSelectorControl now has "UsePreviews" property.
Internal: added ConfigurablePictureBox.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
"Find Any Texture or Flat", "Find Sector Flat" and "Find Sidedef Texture" options now support "*" (match any number of characters) and "?" (match any single character) wildcards.
"Find Any Texture or Flat" is now available any game configuration (previously it was disabled when "MixTexturesFlats" game configuration option was disabled, now only "Replace" functionality is disabled).
"Find Thing Flags" and "Find Linedef Flags" can now replace flags.
Added "Find Sidedef Flags" and "Find Sector Flags" search options.
Fixed, Draw Grid mode: grid triangles are now aligned properly with previously drawn triangulated grids when using the same map grid size and "Lock slices to grid" and "Triangulate" options are enabled.
Fixed, Draw Grid mode: not all grid cells were drawn in some cases.
Fixed, Draw Grid mode: current grid size was not increased when "Lock slices to grid" was enabled and the start point was no longer on the map grid.
Changed, Draw Grid mode: snap to grid is now always enabled and snap to nearest is now always disabled when "Lock slices to grid" is enabled.
Changed, Draw Grid mode: when grid's width or height is 0 when accepting the mode, a segmented line is now drawn instead of just a line.
Consistency, Randomize Sectors form: persistent settings are now saved only when applying changes done in the form (e.g. in the same conditions as in Randomize Things / Vertices forms).
Fixed: Randomize Sectors, UDMF: vertex height changes were not undone properly after using the mode (I broke it in r2101).
Fixed: Randomize Sectors: floor/ceiling textures can not be used as lower/upper textures when "MixTexturesAndFlats" is disabled. In this case the corresponding option is now changed to "Use default texture".
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: floor and ceiling textures were not exported when using "classic" game configurations (ones with disabled "MixTexturesAndFlats" option). This should also fix incorrect flats on exported model when there are flats and textures with the same name.
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: 3d floors geometry and wall geometry around them was created incorrectly.
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: floor and ceiling textures of non-Vavoom 3d floors were swapped on exported geometry.
Added icons for "Save Screenshot" menu items.
Development: "Save Screenshot (active window)" action will work on a child Form only if it is inherited from DelayedForm.
Renamed "Toggle dynamic lights rendering" action to "Show dynamic lights".
Changed: "Show dynamic lights" action now toggles between available dynamic light rendering modes.
Renamed "Toggle models rendering" action to "Show models".
Changed: "Show models" action now toggles between available model rendering modes.
Removed "Toggle dynamic lights animation" and "Render selected/all models" actions.
Fixed, Randomize Sectors form: selection highlight was not updated after applying the changes when the form was shown in Sectors mode.
Consistency: selection is now cleared after applying changes done in Randomize Things and Randomize Vertices forms.
Fixed, Classic modes: sprites of things with attached models were not rendered when model rendering was disabled.
Updated documentation.
Visual mode: "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling" actions now work on surfaces with sector slopes.
Cosmetic: numeric textboxes, which support relative values, now have differently colored text and a tooltip.
Internal: renamed Sector.CeilingSlopeOffset to Sector.CeilSlopeOffset, Sector.CeilingSlope to Sector.CeilSlope to match their names with similar sector properties.
Map Analysis, internal: some ErrorCheckers and ErrorResult had inconsistent namespaces.
Thing Edit forms, internal: optimized missing flags check a bit.
Game Configurations: moved "thingflagscompare" from Game to Map format blocks. "Check stuck things" check now works properly in Doom/Boom game configurations.
Map Analysis: fixed a possible crash during "Check texture alignment" check.
Map Analysis: ResultStuckThingInLine now highlights both thing and line.
Map Analysis: ResultStuckThingInThing now highlights both things and allows to delete any of them.
Internal, Map Analysis: rewritten parts of "Check stuck things" class.
Internal, Map Analysis: changed the way processed stuff is stored in "Check texture alignment" class.
Internal: changed CurrentDomainOnUnhandledException, so ExceptionDialog with proper info shows up even if adding exception to the Event Log failed.
Internal: changed format, in which thingflagscompare info is stored.
Map Analysis form: error checks are now alphabetically sorted.
Map Analysis form: added "Toggle All" check box.
Internal: CheckboxArrayControl now has Sort() method.
More fixes in ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg
Fixed: Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" / "with the same height" modifiers (Shift/Ctrl + LMB) was not working properly when used on vavoom-type 3d floor sidedefs.
Fixed: Visual mode, UDMF, "Auto-align textures" actions: vertical texture offset was calculated incorrectly for vavoom-type 3d floors.
Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" modifier (Shift + LMB) now selects adjacent sidedefs only when their height intersects with the height of the current sidedef.
Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" modifier (Shift + LMB) was not selecting connected one-sided sidedefs when used on a sidedef without a texture.
Cosmetic: fixed a couple of action descriptions in BuilderModes' Actions.cfg.
Cosmetic: MainForm.UpdateToolStripSeparators was working incorrectly in some cases.
Cosmetic: ErrorChecksForm's title was not updated when no errors were found.
The editor will fail more gracefully when no D3D device is detected.
In some cases the editor was constantly checking D3D device availability when minimized.
Added more DX-related debug output (only in Debug builds).
Map Analysis mode: export to file command will now show "Save File" dialog instead of putting the file in the same folder as the map, also added some boilerplate.
Tag Explorer plugin: save to file command will now show "Save File" dialog instead of putting the file in the same folder as the map, also added some boilerplate.
Internal: reformatted GZCrash.log a bit.
Texture Browser Form: don't save current texture group when the form was canceled.
Keyboard Shortcut Reference export: generated html will now be saved to program configuration folder if working folder is write-protected.
Internal: added SupportedMapFormats property to EditModeAttribute. A mode with this property specified will be available only in specified map formats.
Interface: Ceiling Align Mode and Floor Align Mode are now enabled by default.
Interface: Ceiling Align Mode and Floor Align Mode are now only available in UDMF map format.
Interface: Visplane Explorer Mode is now available only in Doom map format.
Also, I would like to use this opportunity to thank Siberian Tiger from DTD Team for helping me with SVN builds for more than two years. You made my constant wrestling with the code a much less tedious process.
Game Configurations: changed default map name for Doom maps to "E1M1".
New Map Form: "E1M1" is now used as a default name for Doom maps.
Thing Browser Control: double-click event is now sent only if user clicked in the node's label area.
Interface: added info messages for several toolbar toggles.
Interface: made Brightness icon more readable when using dark windows themes.
Internal: UDMF sector slopes and offsets are no longer stored in sector.Fields. Use sector.FloorSlope, sector.FloorSlopeOffset, sector.CeilingSlope and sector.CeilingSlopeOffset.
Tag Range plugin: tags can be set in relative mode (when this mode is enabled, generated values are added to existing tags instead of replacing them).
Updated documentation.
Sectors mode: changed Alt-key handling. Now it only enables "snap to grid increment" mode.
Things mode: "snap to grid increment" mode now works in this mode.
Updated documentation.
Visual mode: real floor was colored by 3d floor's color even when it was below real floor.
Action Browser form: keyboard focus is now set to Filter text box by default.
Linedefs Mode: "Flip Linedefs" action now tries to align linedefs, so their front (or back) point towards the same sector.
Sectors Mode: "Flip Linedefs" action is now available form this mode, and it will also try to align linedefs, so their front (or back) point towards the same sector.
Preferences: added "Capitalize texture names" option (located in Preferences -> Appearance -> Additional options). When disabled, the casing of displayed texture names will match filenames for textures loaded form TEXTURES or pk3/pk7/folder resources.
Textures Browser: added support for displaying long texture names.
Errors list is now cleared when reloading resources.
Visual mode: added basic support for sector slopes (no UI for that feature yet).
Randomize mode: randomized pitch, roll and scale can now be applied to things.
Randomize mode: removed "Relative" option, because results with this option enabled were almost the same as without it.
Classic modes, model rendering: selected models are now rendered using highlight color, so they no longer blend with thing rectangle/circle.
Model rendering, UDMF: scale was applied incorrectly to models with pitch or roll.
Updated documentation.
Thing Edit Form, UDMF: added controls for setting pitch, roll, scale, render style, fill color, alpha, health and score.
Visual mode, UDMF: UDMF scale is now applied when rendering sprites.
Added Thing Statistics form (Edit -> View Thing Types...), which shows all loaded thing types with some additional info.
Visual mode: sprites with negative ScaleX and positive ScaleY were not rendered properly.
Classic modes: display was not updated after loading a sprite.
Current testing engine change was not saved on closing the program when no other game configuration settings were changed.
Moved "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise" actions to "Edit" category.
Tag Statistics form: help label was incorrectly aligned.
Some actions in Sectors and Linedefs modes were not used on highlighted map elements.
Some actions in Sectors and Linedefs modes created undo groups incorrectly when used on highlighted map elements.
"Preferences -> Editing -> When splitting a linedef" setting is now always used when splitting linedefs.
"Preferences -> Editing -> When splitting a linedef": added "Reset X and Y" option.
"Preferences -> Editing -> Auto-align textures of newly created linedefs" option now works in a more intelligent fashion.
GLDEFS parser: added a warning when the interval of animated dynamic light is 0.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when an angle of animated dynamic light was set to 0 and light animation was enabled.
Tag explorer: removed unnecessary mode switching when selecting map elements of the same type.
Make Door action: door and track textures are now stored while the editor is running.
Edit Selection Mode: pasted geometry was not merged with the rest of the map if the selection was not modified before applying the mode.
Make Door action: made Make Door form a bit smaller.
Make Door action: sector highlight was not updated after performing the action when a single sector was selected.
Error Checker mode: added "Check missing flats" check.
Error Checker mode: fixed several descriptions.
Sprite patches for sprites defined in TEXTURES are now loaded from Sprites namespace.
Some of my older texture alignment code didn't work properly when strict texture/flat handling ("mixtextureflats" game configuration flag set to false) was enabled.
Fixed some incorrect checks for missing texture ("-").
Moved settings for "Draw [stuff]" modes to the top toolbar.
Added hints for Draw Grid mode.
Fixed a status message update bug introduced in previous commit.
When you try to change floor/ceiling texture offsets in Doom/Hexen map formats, a warning is displayed in status bar (instead of spamming you with message windows).
Mode actions toolbar is now auto-hidden when there are no buttons to display.
Draw Curve Mode: added settings panel.
Sectors mode: added "Make Door" button to the toolbar.
Swapped Side panel and Info panel z-order.
Interface: split toolbar into 3 separate toolbars. All toolbar buttons are now viewable at 1024x768.
Interface: grouped stuff in "Modes" menu a bit better.
Interface: added "Draw [stuff]" buttons to modes toolbar.
Interface: reorganized main menu. Hope it makes more sense now.
API: added General.Interface.AddModesButton() and General.Interface.AddModesMenu(), which can be used to add buttons to specific group in "Modes" toolbar and menu items to specific group in "Modes" menu, so actions, which behave like an editing mode, but are not part of one can be added there.
Game Configurations: added "fixedrotation" property to "Polyobject Anchor" (9300), "Polyobject Start Spot" (9301), "Polyobject Start Spot (crush)" (9302) and "Polyobject Start Spot (hurts to touch)" (9303) actors.
Color Picker plugin: moved plugin button to "Modes" toolbar group.
API: added ToolbarSection.Modes property, which can be used in MainForm.AddButton() to add a button to Modes group.
Removed a bunch of unused variables.
Configurations: all 64 game configuration are now available by default.
Game Configurations window: game configurations can now be disabled. This setting is mostly cosmetic. When a game configuration is disabled, it won't be shown in "game configuration" dropdowns in New\Open Map Options and Map Options windows. If a map's .dbs file specifies a disabled configuration, it will be picked as a map configuration anyway.
Linedefs mode: vertex insert preview logic used Highlight range instead of Stitch range (which is used when draw mode engages).
Visual mode: double-sided middle textures were not selected when using "Select" action with "with same texture" modifier.
Textures: some optimizations in patch blending code.
ZDoom ACS script configuration: added definitions for StrLeft, StrMid and StrRight functions.
Map Analysis mode: "Check overlapping lines" now finds duplicate linedefs (e.g. when 2 lines have the same start and end positions).
Map Analysis mode: added "Check overlapping vertices" check. This will check if a vertex is on top of a linedef or another vertex.
Some cosmetic changes in Tools and BaseVisualMode.
Updated zspecial.acs
Visual mode: "Copy Texture", "Copy Texture Offsets" and "Copy Properties" actions now always copy properties from currently highlighted surface (previously they copied properties from the first selected surface when something was selected).
Draw Rectangle mode: nothing was drawn in some cases.
Drag Things mode: grid was not updated when grid size was changed in this mode.
Draw Settings panel: added "All" buttons to "Fill Selection with Textures" and "Remove Textures form Selection" groups
Export to .obj: fixed a crash when trying to export an unsaved map.
Texture preview are now created ~25% faster.
Linedefs mode: event arrows were not redrawn after updating vertex insert indicator.
Configurations: some titles were too long to be displayed properly in the interface.
Numeric textbox: in addition to '++NN' and '--NN', you can use '*NN' and '/NN' to multiply or divide the values.
Configurations, ZDoom_linedefs.cfg: some linedef action arguments were missing a proper type.
Rewritten parts of hints system. Hints are now loaded from "Hints.cfg" file.
When Draw Rectangle or Draw Ellipse mode is enabled, it's settings are now shown in side panel.
Draw Ellipse mode: increased maximum number of sides to 512.
Changed the way tags are shown in Tag Selector controls. Tags without labels are now shown as a number (not "Tag N"), and tags with label are now shown as "N (label)", not "label (N)".
Tag labels are now shown in Thing, Sector and Linedef info panels.
Once again changed the way things are rendered while dragged.
Rearranged the label in PairedIntControl and PairedFieldControl (it is now behind numeric controls).
Optimized MapSet.GetSectorByCoordinates().
Sectors mode, rectangular selection: you can now hold Alt to select things inside of selected sectors.
Sector highlight is now shown when selecting sectors in Tag Explorer.
Error checks: added "Check unused textures" option.
Replaced MissingTexture3D and UnknownTexture3D.
Sectors mode: restored "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling by 8 mp" actions.
Visual mode: in some cases sidedefs were rendered as selected when they were not.
Existing linedefs were not split while drawing new lines in some cases.
Texture and height overrides were not applied correctly in some cases.
Preferences form: "Ctrl+Alt+ScrollUp" and "Ctrl+Alt+ScrollDown" dropdown items were setting the shortcut to "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollUp" and "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollDown".
Reverted "Delete Item" action to the way it worked in DB2.
Added "Dissolve Item" action, which works the way "Delete Item" worked in previous revisions of GZDB.
Added "Auto Clear Sidedef Textures" action, "Edit" menu and toolbar button, which toggle automatic removal of sidedef textures when floor or ceiling height is changed or when geometry is drawn, copied or pasted.
Draw Settings panel: upper/lower texture overrides can now be used.
Draw Settings panel: added 2 sets of buttons, which allow to quickly set or clear textures in current selection.
Things are now rendered behind AND on top of the grid/linedefs/vertices when they are dragged.
Redesigned hints system. They are now shown in a side panel.
Edit area auto-focusing is now disabled when script editor is open.
Texture Browser form: no texture group was selected when opening the form in some cases.
Fixed several strange/misleading text messages.
Visual mode: added "Match Brightness" action.
DECORATE parser: actor names, which contain "+" and "-" symbols, are now parsed correctly.
Fixed an error in lump ranges creation logic.
Cosmetic fixes in various warning/error messages.
Updated documentation.
Classic modes: "Paint Selection" and "Toggle Full Brightness" actions can now be used from any plugin.
Fixed possible crash in DECORATE actor color override logic.
UDMF map parser should work ~35% faster now.
Texture browser form: keyboard focus was not updated when switching between textures using Tab key.
"Graphics" folder is now checked when searching for texture patches.
Various cosmetic changes here and there.
Info panel was not updated after leaving Visual mode.
Moved hints logic to ClassicMode, so hints can be displayed by any plugin.
Visual mode: dynamic light animation was not working.
Minor performance improvements in Actor, Configuration, UDMF and TEXTURES parsers.
Sector and Thing Info panels: fixed possible crash when trying to show unknown thing/sector flag.
Hints were not shown properly when multiselection was started while highlighting a map element.
Copy/Paste actions work much faster now.
Classic modes: rendered grid size in now adjusted to current zoom level.
Increased performance when canceling Edit mode after pasting.
"Export to Wavefront .obj" function: current selection is now converted to sectors before running the function (previously it would export selected sectors when there were sectors selected, or the whole map when no sectors were selected).
Sectors mode: optimized sector highlight rendering logic.
Sectors mode: optimized sector effect/tag labels update logic.
Geometry tools: optimized several core functions.
Hints for current editing mode can now be displayed when nothing is highlighted (currently the hints are shown only in Draw Geometry mode).
GZDB is now build with LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag, which increases amount of RAM GZDB can use from 1.4 to 2.8 GB.
Visual mode: changed "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by 8" actions to "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by cur. grid size"
Visual mode: holding Ctrl-Shift while dragging texture with the mouse will snap texture offsets to current grid size.
Classic modes: interiors of highlighted sectors are now highlighted when the action target of currently highlighted map element is sector.
Unhandeled exceptions infos are now written to the event log.
Sectors mode: event lines were not rendered for things targeting highlighted sector.
Added "DropItem" and "CheckFlag" definitions to ACS and DECORATE script configurations.
Location and active tab of all Edit Forms are now stored while GZDB is running.
Focus management between editing window and the rest of the interface should work better now.
Tag Explorer plugin: editing window was not updated properly when Edit forms were opened from Tag Explorer.
Tag Explorer plugin, UDMF: comment editing was incorrectly initialized in some cases.
Classic modes: event lines are drawn once again while panning the view (I've disabled this a while ago trying to fix performance problems in Classic modes).
Visual mode: added "Reset Local Texture Offsets (UDMF)" action (default key is Ctrl-Shift-R). It will reset upper/middle/lower texture offsets in UDMF and will act exactly as "Reset Texture Offsets" action in other map formats.
Default sector ceiling height can now be set in Preferences.
Default sector floor height can now be set in Preferences.
Maximum number of recent files can now be changed in Preferences.
UDMF, Custom fields: a warning is now shown when a user tries to manually add a managed filed.
UDMF: "Translucent" linedef flag is now marked as obsolete.
Sectors mode: effect and tag overlay can now be toggled separately from selection numbers.
Sectors mode: "View Tags and Effects" and "View Selection Numbering" settings are now saved to program configuration.
Sectors mode: removed "Lower Floor by 8 mp", "Raise Floor by 8 mp", "Lower Ceiling by 8 mp" and "Raise Ceiling by 8 mp" actions.
"Increase Brightness by 8" and "Decrease Brightness by 8" actions now work in Sectors mode.
Moved "Increase Brightness by 8" and "Decrease Brightness by 8" actions to "Edit" category.
"Toggle Highlight" action now works in Sectors mode.
Moved "Toggle Highlight" action to "Tools" category.
Removed Brightness mode.
Updated documentation.
Visual mode: added support for "fogdensity" and "outsidefogdensity" MAPINFO properties.
Sector Info panel now shows the number of sector's sidedefs as well as light and fade colors (UDMF only).
UDMF: Sector and sidedef flags are now copied/pasted when using "Copy Properties" and "Paste Properties" actions.
Fixed: in some cases default texture overrides were used even when corresponding option was disabled.
Sector Edit form: light and fade values were not saved when a value was pasted/entered into text box.
Sector Edit form: "reset value" button was not shown for light and fade values when selected sectors had different light/fade colors.
Reverted Open Map form changes from previous commit (my assumption that map marker is always empty was not correct...)
Updated documentation.
Snap Map Elements to Grid mode now works much faster and shows a message when completed.
Forced default textures are now only used in drawing modes.
Exception Dialog: long error descriptions were breaking window layout.
Map will no longer be shown in Open Map form if unrelated data is encountered inside of map namespace.
"Snap Map Elements to Grid" mode now tries to fix invalid geometry after vertex snapping.
Vertices mode: in some cases not all vertices were removed when deleting vertices.
Removed "Load GZDoom light definitions" from preferences. If you want to use GZDoom's GLDEFS definitions, add "lights.pk3" as a resource.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when toggling GZDoom Geometry Effects (Tab)
Fixed sector bounding box calculation error.
Renamed "Edit -> Grid Setup..." to "Edit -> Grid and Backdrop Setup..."
Updated documentation
Increased maximum zoom level in Classic modes to 3000%.
Added "1 mp" option in grid size menu.
Added "400%" option in zoom menu.
Renamed "Toggle GZDoom rendering effects" action to "Toggle Geometry Effects".
Sync camera position: Visual Camera height is now changed only if camera is above or below current sector.
Classic modes: view was not redrawn after "Test map from current position" action.
"Test map from current position" action: incorrect player start was used when a map had several Player 1 Start things.
Script editor: pressing "F1" now opens keyword help instead of program manual.
Linedef edit form, Thing edit form: rewritten script support logic. It should now work in the same manner as the rest of controls.
Thing info panel: thing arguments now have proper labels.
Edit forms, UDMF: fields, which are handled by UI, are no longer shown in "Custom" tab.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when loading a model on a video card without Shader model 2.0 support.
Fixed incorrect argument number and changed most of labels in "Cameras and interpolation" section of zdoom_things.cfg.
Visual mode: texture offsets are now clamped to texture size when dragging textures with mouse.
Visual mode, UDMF: when gravity is enabled, sector gravity now affects camera movement.
Textures were not loaded properly from PK3/PK7 archives.
Visual mode: restored ability to remove textures using Delete action.
Visual mode: fixed several bugs in Cut/Copy/Paste things actions.
Visual mode: vavoom style 3d floors were not displayed properly.
Visual mode, 3d floors: added support for "RestrictLighting" (2) flag.
Visual mode, 3d floors: inner sides of 3d floors with "swimmable"/"render inside" flags used incorrect brightness value.
Visual mode: Info/Warning/Error status messages were not displayed properly when nothing was selected.
Sector Edit form, UDMF: Reset and Link buttons were overlapped in Floor/Ceiling scale controls.
Textures now load up to 2x faster when "mix textures and flats" flag is set in game configuration.
TEXTUREx/TEXTURES: texture will now be created if at least one of it's patches is loaded.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when "Slope floor to here" (9500) or "Slope ceiling to here" (9501) things were not inside sector.
Fixed: flats were not loaded form wads inside Directory and PK3/PK7 resources.
Sector Info Panel, Linedef Info Panel: texture size was shown for unknown textures.
Texture scale controls now have "Link" button.
Thing, Sector (UDMF) and Linedef edit forms now work in realtime mode.
Some more fixes in Edit form realtime update stuff.
Removed some unused variables and functions.
Status text now displays info about current selection.
Removed StairSectorBuilder plugin. The version form works fine with current version of GZDB.
Tag Statistics form: you can now double click on Sectors, Linedefs or Things cell to select them, and right click to open their properties.
Texture size labels were displayed incorrectly in some cases.
Rewritten VerticesMode.DeleteItem() once again...
Vertex Edit form now works in realtime mode.
Vertex Edit form: ceiling and floor vertex offsets can now be cleared.
Added StairSectorBuilder plugin (I suppose some external plugins will stop working in GZDB because I've changed ButtonStep to float in ButtonsNumericTextbox a couple revisions ago...).
Preferences form: action description is now scrollable.
Changed background color of Sector Edit form.
Vertex' ZCeiling and ZFloor properties are now managed internally.
Visual mode, UDMF: OffsetX and OffsetY were not properly taken into account in "Fit Texture Width/Height" actions.
UDMF: different Sector Edit Form is now used in UDMF map format.
Some fixes in Linedef edit form.
Added missing icons.
Visual mode, UDMF: renamed "Rotate Thing Clockwise" and "Rotate Thing Counterclockwise" actions to "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise". These actions can now be used to change rotation of floor/ceiling textures.
Visual mode, UDMF: "Reset Texture Offsets" action now also resets sidedef's scale and floor/ceiling's scale and rotation.
Visual mode, UDMF: control line's OffsetX and OffsetY were not taken into account when calculating texture offsets of 3d floors' sides.
Visual mode, UDMF: fixed a ton of bugs in Auto align functions.
Visual mode, UDMF: when using "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by 1" actions texture offsets were not updated properly when texture's scale was < 1.0.
Visual mode, UDMF: OffsetX and OffsetY were not taken into account in "Fit Texture Width/Height" actions.
Dockers Panel: added Pin/Unpin button, which acts the same as "Preferences -> Interface -> Side panels -> Auto hide" checkbox.
Texture size labels can now be disabled by unchecking "Preferences -> Interface -> Show texture and flat sizes in browsers" checkbox.
Texture size labels now are not shown for unknown textures.
Most of texture size labels had incorrect bg color.
ZDoom_linedefs.cfg: action specials 223 and 224 had incorrect Arg0.
Visual mode: fixed a crash after disabling GZDoom rendering effects (Tab key) when visual sector was not created for sector with 3d floor's control linedef.
Linedef colors were not updated properly when a map format was changed and were causing an exception in some cases.
Vertices mode: linedef in split linedefs range was redreawn incorrectly in some cases.
Updated "Sector 3D Floor" (160) action: set default Type to Solid (1), added "Use Arg5 as Line ID" flag to Types, changed arg5 name to "Line ID / Hi-Tag".
Added "GetUserCVar", "SetCVar" and "SetUserCVar" functions to ACS configuration.
Set width and height of several actors to 0 in game configutrations (non-zero sizes were added as a workaround when GZDB was not displaying actors with 0 width and height in Visual mode).
Added several sprites to game configurations.
Visual Mode, UDMF, Visual Vertices: you can now press "Delete" key to clear z-offsets of selected vertices.
Visual Mode, UDMF, Visual Vertices: the logic, which decides whether z-offset should be kept or removed, was not working properly.
Visual Mode, UDMF: Auto-align Textures (Y) action was not working properly when targeted texture was lower wall without "Lower Unpegged" flag.
Visual Mode, UDMF: "Auto Align Textures" actions now work on slopes.
Visual Mode, UDMF: Floor/ceiling texture rotation is now taken into account when moving texture offsets with arrow keys.
Visual Mode, UDMF: Fixed a bug in floor/ceiling texture dragging by mouse.
UDMF: Reset texture offsets action now works on floors and ceilings.
Vertices mode: when a linedef is within Split Linedefs range, it's now highlighted using Info line color.
Point Thing at Cursor action: action now works when used from menu, changed default shortcut to Shift-L. You can now hold Ctrl to point Things away from cursor.
Visual Mode, UDMF: "Auto-align Textures Y" action now applies vertical scale of first (highlighted) surface to the rest of aligned surfaces.
Linedef Edit Form, UDMF: lower sidedef texture offsets were never displayed.
Some more changes in auto texture alignment of newly drawn lines.
BuilderEffects plugin should compile now.
Added Selection Groups options to Edit menu.
Selection Groups can now be cleared using either Edit -> Clear Group or Ctrl-Shift-[group number] shortcut.
Toolbar button groups can now be toggled using context menu. Hold "Shift" to toggle several button groups at once.
Fixed incorrect behavior when 2 linedefs are merged into one after deleting a vertex, when a newly created linedef overlaps existing geometry.
Visual Vertex handles were not updated when sector's floor or ceiling height was changed.
Rendering of (G)ZDoom rendering effects (slopes, 3D-floors etc.) can now be toggled in GZDoom Visual mode (default key is "Tab", action is Visual modes -> Toggle GZDoom rendering effects)
UDMF: UDMF texture offsets can now be edited in Sector and Linedef edit forms.
Floor and ceiling textures are now dragged properly in GZDoom Visual mode.
Floor and ceiling textures are now moved more predictably by arrow keys in GZDoom Visual mode.
Walls texture coordinates are always rounded when moved by arrow keys in Visual modes.
Linedef info panel: relative UDMF light values are now shown like this: 16 (128), which means "UDMF light value" ("total surface brightness (UDMF light value + sector brightness)")
Player is now spawned at camera height when testing from current location in Visual modes.
Focus is now properly restored after testing from current location in Visual modes.
Updated Heretic_sectors.cfg and Heretic_things.cfg as described here:
Changed sprites of artifacts in Hexen_things.cfg to proper ones.
Renamed Skulltag configs to Zandronum
Error Checks Mode: added linedef index to message text of all linedef-related errors.
UDMF: wall texture offsets are now rounded when user edits them via cursor keys or mouse dragging (because they are stored as integers anyway).
UDMF Controls: increased precision of position and scale controls numeric inputs to 2 decimal places.
Sector/Linedef info panels: in some cases incorrect default values were shown for scale.
Sector/Linedef info panels: numbers are formatted more properly.
UDMF: changing brightness of a wall or ceiling in GZDoom Visual mode will change brightness of selected surface, not sector brightness.
Sector and Sidedef info panels show additional info if a map is in UDMF format.
Fixed: GZDoom menu panel wasn't updated when a map was opened via "recent files" item click.
Event lines for "event activators" (ActorMover, Camera and things with Thing_SetGoal special) are now drawn with different color.
Fixed a crash when a Thing with arguments is pasted in Visual modes.
Several other small fixes.
Fixed config error in ZDoom_things.cfg.
Fixed config error in ZDoom_ACS.cfg
Relative mode is set to false by default.
Limits of Brightness slider were set after setting it's value, so values greater than 100 were set to 100.
Fixed a bug when a plugin tried to access 3d-floor-specific stuff of walls, which weren't part of 3d-floor.
Color Picker plugin: added float representation of current color (like 1.0 0.54 0.29). Should make editing of GLDEFS light definitions easier.
Fixed: inability to change 3d-floor height when control sector is too far away (further than current View distance).
Fixed: "Frame" property wasn't red by MODELDEF parser.
Fixed: PK3 archives are no longer locked when GZDB is running, so you can change their contents without closing the editor.
Things can now be rotated in visual mode.
Added JPG and TGA image format support.
Fixed: TEXTURES files with names other than "textures.ext" will now be loaded (as an example, files named like "textures.something.txt" or "textures_walls.ccp" will be loaded by (G)ZDoom, but not by Doom Builder 2 or previous versions of GZDB).
Fixed: textures defined in TEXTURES have higher priority in (G)ZDoom than images with the same name in "textures" folder.
Fixed another possible crash when MODELDEF is reloaded.
AngleOffset, PitchOffset and RollOffset MODELDEF properties are now supported.
Fixed a crash when editor tries to display a model for an actor without a valid sprite in Visual mode.
Fixed a possible crash when MODELDEF is reloaded from 2d-mode.
Fixed several things in Doom2_things.cfg.
UDMF Controls plugin:
Fixed several bugs in plugin's sliders logic.
GZDoom Builder now uses SharpCompress.dll instead of SharpZip.dll.
Added PK7 archive support.
PK3 archives now load aprox. 40% faster.
Textures browser now shows Folder/PK3/PK7 folder structure.
TextureBrowserForm is now used to display both Textures and Flats.
ACS scripts from #include and #import directives are now shown in Script name/number dropdowns.
Fixed several cases when ACS scripts lists used in Edit Thing and Edit Linedef forms wasn't updated when they should've (i.e. after compiling a script).
Things can now be cut, copied and pasted in Visual modes.
Sector geometry was not updated properly after Undo/Redo in GZDoom Visual mode.
Fixed an error when user selects multiple things and attempts to view their properties in Doom map format.
Added Decorate and Modeldef syntax hilighting, autocompletion and item recognition to Script editor.
Script Editor can now autodetect several script types when you open them (currently ACS, Decorate and Modeldef scripts are recognized).
Tag Explorer: fixed a bug when Tag Explorer update can block keyboard keys release detection logic.
Replaced all doubles with floats.
Script Editor:
Navigator drop-down now updates automatically.
Navigator drop-down now also works for external files.
Added Navigator drop-down support for Decorate and Modeldef.
Enhanced scripting workflow.
Thing and linedef arguments can now have default value in configuration files.
Fixed laggy visual camera movement on systems with big uptime.
Fixed incorrect alignment of Things with "hangs" flag in GZDoom Visual mode.
Fixed Editor crash when nodebuilder fails to build map. A window with error description will be shown instead.
Doom light levels were used even in maps in non-doom map format.
Tag Explorer plugin:
Elements list wasn't updated when map element was deleted.
Pugin wasn't disposed properly, which may led to Doom Builder 2 crash on map close.
Fixed plugin crash after opening another map.
Fixed unresponsive text entry in Filter text box.
Fixed plugin crash when Doom Builder can't determmine thing category ("UNKNOWN" category will be used instead).
Things with "hangs" flag are now aligned to ceiling properly in GZDoom Visual mode.
Things can now be added and deleted in GZDoom Visual mode.
Several fixes in Doom, Doom 2, Heretic and Hexen configs (based on Doom Builder 2 SVN 1553 and 1560)
Added "countsecret" thing UDMF flag to configs.
UDMF Controls plugin:
Scale of 3d-floor's sidedefs textures is now applied properly.
Translation of 3d-floor's sidedefs textures is now applied properly.
Added "hidden" UDMF flag.
Tag Explorer plugin:
TreeView is now updated when thing is deleted.
Tag Explorer plugin is now compatible with Doom Builder 2.
Finished Tag Explorer plugin.
Added "ZDBSP - UDMF Normal (no reject)", "ZDBSP - UDMF Normal (zero reject)" and "ZDBSP - Compress nodes (UDMF)" nodebuilder configurations.
Added drawing modes to Mode menu, so they are much easier to spot now.
Warnings notify panel blinks much more noticeable when there are warnings.
UDMF Controls plugin:
3D-floor surfaces can be edited now.
Relative mode is now enabled by default.
Scale control now works properly in relative mode.
Angle control's angle indicator in now drawn properly when value is changed using numeric control.
Fixed a crash when GZDoom Builder tried to load game-specific GLDEFS lump for unknown game.
Fixed a typo in "Hexen_things.sfg".
Updated to Doom Builder 2 SVN rev. 1564:
- Improved stuck thing error checker: now takes vertical position of things into account (where applicable).
Added "Test Map from current position" action (default shortcut is Ctrl-F9), which lets you play the game from cursor position, if you are in 2D-Mode, and from camera location if you are in Visual Mode.
Added "Sync camera position between 2D and 3D modes" (found in Preferences -> Interface -> Options), which automatically centers 2D-mode on camera position when you leave Visual Mode, and places camera at cursor position when you toggle from 2D-mode to Visual Mode (unless you have Visual Mode camera thing in your map).
Several improvements in Draw Rectangle and Draw Ellipse modes: added info label with current bevel amount and subdivision level; bevel amount now applied properly when shape size is smaller than it.
Visplane Explorer plugin will show warning message instead of chashing if current map is not in Doom map format.
Fixed a crash when trying to undo sector creation in Visual Modes.
Fixed incorrect colors in Script Editor.
Dynamic lights defined in GLDEFS are now rendered in Visual modes (currently only one light per Thing is supported).
Several values from (Z)MAPINFO are now used in Visual modes.
Added "Reload GLDEFS", "Reload (Z)MAPINFO" and "Reload MODELDEF" menu options (in "Tools" section).
MODELDEF parser now checks which model(s) is/are used in first frame.
Dynamic lights are now created with more meaningful default parameters.
Added errors and warnings indicator to main window.
MODELDEFs and models can now be loaded from PK3 resources (does anybody know if models or MODELDEFs can be stored in WADs?).
Negative scale and zOffset are now correctly parsed from MODELDEFs (model surfaces may be inverted though).
Fixed a crash while reading MODELDEFs when Operation System's decimal separator was set to comma.
Fixed a crash when user changed Thing type in Visual mode to a new one with model override, which wasn't previously used in a map.
Fixed a bug introduced in 1.06 when models weren't rendered in Visual mode when Fullbright mode was on.
Non-breaking space is now correctly handled by all Doom Builder's data parsers.
ColorPicker plugin:
Fixed a crash when user attempted to open ColorPicker window to edit sector properties in Visual mode, using hilighted surface as selection source, without selecting anything before doing so.
Fog rendering (including colored fog in maps in UDMF format).
Fixed lots of bugs in model loading and rendering.
Added "Toggle GZDoom Effects" button, which currently toggles dynamic lights, models and fog rendering.
Model loading process is more verbose now, so if something goes wrong, check Errors and Warnings window (F11) for details.
ColorPicker plugin:
You can now select surfaces in 3D-mode and then open Color Picker window to edit sector colors of sectors, to which these surfaces belong.
If nothing is selected, you can hilight a surface and then open Color Picker window to edit sector colors of sector, to which hilighted surface belongs.
If nothing is selected, you can hilight a Light Thing and then open Color Picker window to edit it's properties.
Fixed incorrect rendering of 3D-floors, masked and transparent surfaces introduced in 1.05...
Additive transparent surfaces aren't affected by dynamic lights now (because they aren't affected in GZDoom).
Added Color Picker plugin
Point, Flicker and Pulse light animation should now look almost exactly as seen in GZDoom.
Fixed a bug when editing thing properties in Visual mode didn't update visual thing.
Fixed incorrect doom-style walls shading when sector has "lightcolor" property set.
Fixed "Index was outside the bounds of the array in CalculateNormalsAndShading()" error.
GZDoomBuilder will now show error message prior to failing.
Added two new type handlers that can be used in UDMF ('Thing Type' and 'Thing Class')
Polished the browse icons and browse buttons.
Added more events for plugins to intercept.
- Fixed a problem where dragging geometry and things onto the window title bar locked up DB2
- Fixed a problem with wrong texture offsets of hi-res textures
- Camera offsets in Visual Modes now changeable in Game Configurations (default is Doom's camera position)
@ Some other stuff dealing with the new dockers I forgot what it's for.
- Added HighlightedObject property to the EditMode class, the object returned depends on the editing mode and the current highlight
- Exposed several properties in the ClassicMode class
- Fixed highlight and selection in visual mode when shader model 2.0 is not available
- Added option to turn off glow animation of highlight and selection in visual mode
- added option to move floor/ceiling when aiming at sidedef in Visual Mode
- added option to edit sector/thing properties immediately after creating a new one
- fixed a bug in the ImageBrowserControl
- Tools.DrawLines now keeps created sectors marked (this is still to be changed so it does not include already existing sectors)
- fixed resize and alignment problem with all windows when used with high screen DPI (large fonts)
- General.Exit() method for plugins to close Doom Builder
- command-line parameter -delaywindow to keep the main window hidden until nothing more to process. This gives plugins the ability to perform an operation without showing the main window at all if the plugin calls General.Exit() before the window is shown. Usefull for batch processes in which no interface window is desired.
- some new plugin events that occur before and after making a new map and opening a map.
- implemented Join Sectors and Merge Sectors
- added an ordered selection list to SectorsMode
- removed selection on undo/redo
- Interface AddMenu now completes short action names on menu items Tag property to fully qualified action names depending on calling plugin
- volatile mode may not be started from a volatile mode by shortcut key!
- added ability to cancel an editing mode change
- added mipmap levels setting to images (this fixes blurred fonts in low-quality display)