ImGui uses UTF-8 for strings, Doom3 uses ISO8859-1, so the playername
must be translated.
Also it seems like the playername should have at least 40 chars,
at least that's the limit imposed by the original Doom3 menu
- convert to/from ISO8859-1 (Doom3's "High ASCII" encoding)
- count Unicode codepoints in UTF-8 string
- cut UTF-8 string off after N codepoints
- use the conversion function to replace iconv in sys/events.cpp
in_allowAlwaysRunInSP allows using in_alwaysRun and in_toggleRun
in Single Player (it'll still drain your stamina!)
m_invertLook allows inverting mouse look, both for up/down and
left/right, if you're into that kind of thing
- s_scaleDownAndClamp CVar so the clamping and scaling down of all
sounds (that is done to prevent clipping) can be disabled
(enabled by default)
- s_alOutputLimiter CVar to allow configuring ALC_SOFT_output_limiter
which (if enabled) reduces the overall volume if it gets too loud,
to avoid clipping (defaults to -1 = "let OpenAL decide")
- s_alHRTF to allow enabling or disabling HRTF, requires ALC_SOFT_HRTF
(defaults to -1 = "let OpenAL decide")
Those CVars can be changed at runtime and are applied immediately
(in case of s_alHRTF and s_alOutputLimiter by resetting the OpenAL
device, just like we do when a disconnect is detected)
In the main menu the ImGui/SDL/System cursor was only drawn when it was
over an ImGui window, so only the Doom3 cursor is shown when outside
of ImGui windows.
The only problem with this is that the Doom3 cursor is only shown in
the parst of the window actually covered by the main menu, not the black
bars that are drawn on the left/right for widescreen-resolutions when
scaling the menu to 4:3 is enabled (which it is by default).
So now the ImGui cursor is also drawn when the cursor is on those
black bars (if any).
Also tweaked the windowtitle background colors a bit.
* Binding menu makes sure that the AllBindingsMenu always gets focus
when opened
* Give binding-related popups slightly rounder edges
* Move Game Options tab behind Video and Audio Options
* Make warning overlays a bit less translucent
Pause the game (with g_stopTime) when the settings menu is opened
while ingame, unpause it when it's closed.
If the menu is open while ingame and an ImGui window has focus,
the mouse cursor is shown. If the player clicks outside an ImGui window,
it gets unfocused and the cursor is hidden and the player can look
around. Pressing F10 (or whatever key is bound to "dhewm3Settings")
will give focus back to an open ImGui window, pressing it again then
will close the settings window, pressing it once again afterwards will
open the settings window again.
handleMouseGrab() (in sys/events.cpp) now checks if sys_imgui thinks
that a cursor should be shown (via D3::ImGuiHooks::ShouldShowCursor())
and if so, shows it and ungrabs the mouse. This, together with
D3::ImGuiHooks::NewFrame() checking ShouldShowCursor() to (unset)
ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange, should prevent flickering cursor
problems that sometimes occurred when ImGui's SDL2 backend and dhewm3
disagreed on whether the cursor should be visible.
Also fix MSVC build: For some reason Microsoft's sad excuse of a compiler
only sets __cplusplus to a value from this millenium if the
/Zc:__cplusplus compiler option is set, but that's only supported from
VS2017 15.7 on. The alternative is to use _MSVC_LANG, which always holds
the version that __cplusplus *should* have...
I actually did this before the prototyping of a keybindings menu
in the imgui example code, so the prototype is actually based on this.
I'll merge the code from the prototype back once it's done.
idStr::(V)Format() is a static (v)printf-like function that returns
and idStr. Can be used like a better va(), or for
idStr mystr = idStr::Format( "number of items: %d", myarr.Num() );
turns out that __builtin_alloca_with_align() might releases the
allocated memory at the end of the block it was allocated in, instead
of the end of the function (which is the behavior of regular alloca()
and __builtin_alloca()): "The lifetime of the allocated object ends at
the end of the block in which the function was called. The allocated
storage is released no later than just before the calling function
returns to its caller, but may be released at the end of the block in
which the function was called."
Clang also supports __builtin_alloca_with_align(), but always releases
the memory at the end of the function.
And it seems that newer GCC versions also tend to release it at the
end of the function, but GCC 4.7.2 (that I use for the official Linux
release binaries) didn't, and that caused weird graphical glitches.
But as I don't want to rely on newer GCC versions behaving like this
(and the documentation explicitly says that it *may* be released at
the end of the block, but will definitely be released at the end of
the function), I removed all usage of __builtin_alloca_with_align().
(Side-Note: GCC only started documenting the behavior of
__builtin_alloca and __builtin_alloca_with_align at all with GCC 6.1.0)
added a simple helper print method to know what key/button is being pressed,
controlled via a bool cvar "in_namePressed" 1 or 0.
I tested it and it works with keyboard, mouse and gamepad.
it could happen that UIs are added to the internal list twice,
and also that the last UI wasn't removed from the list when a new one
was focused fast enough.
That should work better now, I hope I didn't break anything..
commit f56ad0aafa868303ce324ae8d45675570c66b050 from 2024-01-23
"Note termination of returned strings in contrib/minizip/unzip.h."
this is the code as it is upstream, the next commit will add some
doom3-specific changes
apparently this happens sometimes, but not often enough to reproduce
also some small changes (mostly formatting) to
refs #540
- the gamepad button (or trigger) bound to attack (fire) now always
acts like the left mouse button in menus
- Display correct button name for "Back" button on Playstation-like
gamepads, even depending on whether it's PS3-like ("Select") or
PS4/5-like ("Share")
- Log some more information about detected gamepads
turns out SDL 2.0.12 added SDL_GameControllerGetType() which tells you
what kind of controller it is (xbox, playstation, nintendo, ..).
Using this to implement an auto-mode for joy_gamepadLayout, when it's
set to -1 (the new default).
This should still build with older versions of SDL2 (but won't have
that autodetection then).
The button names shown in the controls menu now depend on this CVar.
So if you set it to 1 (Nintendo), the "A" button (which, based on its
position, would be "B" on XBox/XInput gamepads) is actually shown as
"Pad A", and if it's set to 2 (Playstation), it's shown as "Pad Cross".
The "real" names, used in the config, remain the same and are based on
- make moving the cursor more precise by using an exponential curve
for axis value => cursor speed
- emulate cursor keys with DPad and Enter with left trigger
- also use right trigger for leftclick, as it's usually used for firing
a weapon and thus used for "clicking" ingame UIs
- fix hovering/highlighting menu elements when moving cursor
with gamepad
- treat DPad as 4 regular buttons (was already the case mostly, but now
the code is simpler)
- rename in_invertLook to joy_invertLook and in_useJoystick to
in_useGamepad and remove unused CVars
- make controller Start button generate K_ESCAPE events, so it can
always be used to open/close the menu (similar to D3BFG)
- move mousecursor with sticks, A button (south) for left-click,
B button (east) for right-click (doesn't work in PDA yet)
- removed special handling of K_JOY_BTN_* in idWindow::HandleEvent()
by generating fake mouse button events for gamepad A/B
in idUserInterfaceLocal::HandleEvent()
- renamed gamepad/joystick actions and keys to have some meaning
for buttons (instead of just JOY1, JOY2 etc)
- compiles with SDL1.2 again (there gamepads aren't supported though)
- shorter names for gamepad keys/axis in the key bindings menu
Doom3 and RoE can't be bought alone anymore, only as part of D3 BFG,
so link that instead.
Has the advantage of being cheaper, also giving you the BFG edition,
and (presumably?) making RoE available to German users.
(also added a comment in CMakeLists.txt, for mingw32, copy of the
equivalent comment in MSVC section)
Added the ability to change the screenshot format with a new CVar:
r_screenshotFormat. This has four options: 0 (TGA), 1 (BMP), 2 (PNG),
and 3 (JPG). JPG quality can be selected with a new CVar:
r_screenshotJpgQuality. TGA is the default to preserve original behavior
from DOOM 3.
A new dependency on stb_image_write has been added. It has been
included. No additional configuration with CMake is required.
According to
there's at least "Clang" (plain LLVM clang), "AppleClang", "ARMClang",
"FujitsuClang", "XLClang" and "IBMClang" (both of which are variations
of the clang/llvm-based IBM XL compiler).
This should detect all of them (I hope they all behave close enough
to normal clang to work..)
There's also "IntelLLVM", but I have no idea if that's based on Clang
or does its own thing based on LLVM.. I also doubt dhewm3 will ever
be built with any other clang-derivate than "Clang" and "AppleClang" :-p
in the "Work around false positive GCC -W(maybe-)uninitialized warnings"
commit I changed that code.. but my change made it nonsensical,
of course we must get oldBounds before calling the callback which
changes the bounds, otherwise comparing the "oldbounds" with the
current bounds just compares them with themselves..
afxv_w32.h (apparently included indirectly viw edit_gui_common.h)
complained that windows.h (included indirectly via DebuggerServer.h
-> platform.h) was included first, apparently that's not allowed..
this was broken by the recent "fix mingw build" commit; now hopefully
both work (MinGW doesn't support building the tools, because they need MFC
which only works with MSVC)
The HD version of the "Birdman" Hellknight model crashed the game,
because on Linux it triggered the 600KB _alloca() assertion and on
Windows (that didn't have such an assertion up to this commit) it
overflowed the stack.
Thde default stacksize on Windows is 1MB, increasing that to 8MB fixes the
problem (in Doom3 1.3.1 it was 4MB).
I also implemented the _alloca() size check assertion for Windows, and
increased the allowed size to 2MB (so it can be safely called multiple
times per function)
<intrin.h>, included by SDL_cpuinfo.h via SDL.h, defines strcmp.
If the idlib/Str.h `#define strcmp idStr::Cmp` hack is visible when
that file is parsed, there's a compiler error (because strcmp in
intrin.h is replaced with idStr::Cmp then).
So I reorderedd includes a bit until it compiled again..
this was so broken, I think if anyone ever tried to use __DATE__ or
__TIME__ it must've crashed, either from free(curtime) (which was the
return value of ctime()) or from things like token[7] = NULL when token
was a pointer (to a single element!).
I think it could work now.
Also fixed potential memory leaks in cases that don't "return" anything
or, in the case of AF.cpp, at least comment on them
I think this fixes most of the remaining "interesting" GCC 12 on Linux
warnings, except for some in idParser::ExpandBuiltinDefine() that I'll
fix in the next commit