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synced 2025-03-23 11:11:01 +00:00
Better descriptions for screenshot CVars; document new CVars
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 55 additions and 6 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,33 @@ and a short description of what it does.
Starting dhewm3 with the commandline argument `-h` (for example `dhewm3.exe -h`) will show some
useful commandline arguments, for example how to tell dhewm3 where the game data can be found on your system.
## dhewm3 Settings Menu
When built with [Dear ImGui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) integration (which is the default
when using SDL2), dhewm3 has an advanced settings menu with many settings that the main menu doesn't
offer, including a *Control BIndings* menu that supports as many keys per command as you want and is
fully navigable with keyboard or gamepad (or mouse, of course).
Unless you have already bound your `F10` key to something else, it will open this menu.
If you `F10` key is already in use, you can either unbind it (in the old Options -> Controls menu),
or open the dhewm3 settings menu by entering `dhewm3Settings` in the console - within that menu,
you can also bind opening it to any other key.
*By the way:* An especially nice feature of the dhewm3 Settings Menu is that you can **open it while
your're in the game**. The game is be paused (if you're playing Single Player) but is still on the
screen, so you **when you modify *Video Options* like *brightness* you can see the effect in realtime**!
Is this cool or what? B-)
Even though *using ImGui menus with a **gamepad*** is quite intuitive (basically use the DPad to navigate
and `A` to select and `B` to cancel; in the *Control Bindings* menu read the *Usage Help* section
for for things specific to that menu), the sheets on https://www.dearimgui.com/controls_sheets/
might be useful for advanced tricks (note however that not all features are available on PC, it seems like
there's no on-screen keyboard and I'm not sure whether controlling the mouse cursor with the PS4/5
touchpad works).
More information for *using ImGui menus with **keyboard and/or mouse*** can be found
## The Console
Like most id Software games from Quake 1 on, Doom3 has a console that allows entering commands
@ -145,14 +172,22 @@ This can be configured with the following CVars:
- `r_screenshotFormat` What format screenshots should be in:
`0` = TGA (default), `1` = BMP, `2` = PNG, `3` = JPG
- `r_screenshotJpgQuality` Quality when using JPG screenshots (`0` - `100`)
- `r_screenshotPngCompression` Compression level when using PNG screenshots (`0` - `9`)
- `r_screenshotJpgQuality` Quality when using JPG screenshots (`1` - `100`). Lower value means smaller
image file but worse quality (default is `75`)
- `r_screenshotPngCompression` Compression level when using PNG screenshots (`0` - `9`). Higher levels
generate smaller files, but take noticeably longer; `3` (the default) seems to be a good compromise.
## Other CVars added in dhewm3
- `g_hitEffect` if set to `1` (the default), mess up player camera when taking damage.
Set to `0` if you don't like that effect.
- `m_invertLook` allows inverting mouse look: `0`: don't invert (this is the default),
`1`: invert up/down (flight controls), `2`: invert left/right, `3`: invert both directions
- `in_allowAlwaysRunInSP` Allow always run (`in_alwaysRun`) and toggle run (`in_toggleRun`) in
Single Player as well - keep in mind you may run out of stamina!
- `in_nograb` if set to `1`, the mouse isn't grabbed when ingame. Not overly useful for normal playing
(unless maybe you play with a gamepad), but very useful for debugging. Default is `0`.
- `in_grabKeyboard` if enabled (`1`), grabs all keyboard input if mouse is grabbed, so keyboard shortcuts
@ -176,3 +211,17 @@ This can be configured with the following CVars:
- `r_scaleMenusTo43` Render full-screen menus in 4:3 by adding black bars on the left/right if necessary (default `1`)
- `s_alReverbGain` reduce strength of OpenAL (EAX-like) EFX reverb effects, `0.0` - `1.0` (default `0.5`)
- `s_alHRTF` Enable [HRTF](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Head-related_transfer_function)
for better surround sound with stereo **headphones**. `0`: Disable, `1`: Enable, `-1`: Let OpenAL decide (default).
*Note* that OpenAL may automatically enable HRTF when it detects headphones, and it can happen that
it detects regular stereo speakers as headphones (when they're plugged into a jack that's somehow
labeled as headphone jack) - in that case you'll want to explicitly disable it.
The *Audio Options* tab of the [dhewm3 Settings Menu](#dhewm3-settings-menu) shows OpenAL Info,
including the current HRTF state (if supported by your OpenAL version).
- `s_alOutputLimiter` Configure OpenAL's output-limiter which temporarily reduces the overall volume
when too many too loud sounds play at once, to avoid issues like clipping. `0`: Disable, `1`: Enable, `-1`: Let OpenAL decide (default)
- `s_scaleDownAndClamp` Clamp and reduce volume of all sounds to prevent clipping or temporary downscaling by OpenAL's output limiter (default `1`)
- `imgui_scale` Factor to scale ImGui menus by (especially relevant for HighDPI displays).
Should be a positive factor like `1.5` or `2`; or `-1` (the default) to let dhewm3 automatically
detect an appropriate factor.
@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ idCVar r_scaleMenusTo43( "r_scaleMenusTo43", "1", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE |
idCVar r_useCarmacksReverse( "r_useCarmacksReverse", "1", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "Use Z-Fail (Carmack's Reverse) when rendering shadows" );
idCVar r_useStencilOpSeparate( "r_useStencilOpSeparate", "1", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "Use glStencilOpSeparate() (if available) when rendering shadows" );
idCVar r_screenshotFormat("r_screenshotFormat", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "Screenshot format. 0 = TGA (default), 1 = BMP, 2 = PNG, 3 = JPG");
idCVar r_screenshotJpgQuality("r_screenshotJpgQuality", "75", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "Screenshot quality for JPG images (0-100)");
idCVar r_screenshotPngCompression("r_screenshotPngCompression", "3", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "Compression level when using PNG screenshots (0-9)");
idCVar r_screenshotJpgQuality("r_screenshotJpgQuality", "75", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "Screenshot quality for JPG images (1-100). Lower value means smaller file but worse quality");
idCVar r_screenshotPngCompression("r_screenshotPngCompression", "3", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "Compression level when using PNG screenshots (0-9). Higher levels generate smaller files, but take noticeably longer");
// define qgl functions
#define QGLPROC(name, rettype, args) rettype (APIENTRYP q##name) args;
@ -1386,11 +1386,11 @@ void idRenderSystemLocal::TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char *fil
stbi_write_bmp_to_func( WriteScreenshotForSTBIW, f, width, height, 3, buffer);
case 2:
stbi_write_png_compression_level = idMath::ClampInt(0, 9, cvarSystem->GetCVarInteger("r_screenshotPngCompression"));
stbi_write_png_compression_level = idMath::ClampInt( 0, 9, r_screenshotPngCompression.GetInteger() );
stbi_write_png_to_func( WriteScreenshotForSTBIW, f, width, height, 3, buffer, 3 * width );
case 3:
stbi_write_jpg_to_func( WriteScreenshotForSTBIW, f, width, height, 3, buffer, idMath::ClampInt(1, 100, cvarSystem->GetCVarInteger("r_screenshotJpgQuality")) );
stbi_write_jpg_to_func( WriteScreenshotForSTBIW, f, width, height, 3, buffer, idMath::ClampInt( 1, 100, r_screenshotJpgQuality.GetInteger() ) );
Reference in a new issue