mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 02:01:03 +00:00
Allow saving ImGui Userstyles
You can pry X macros from my cold dead hands
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 502 additions and 18 deletions
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
extern const char* D3_GetGamepadStartButtonName();
extern idCVar imgui_style;
namespace {
const char* GetLocalizedString( const char* id, const char* fallback )
@ -1563,6 +1565,29 @@ static CVarOption controlOptions[] = {
// TODO: r_scaleMenusTo43
static void DrawOtherOptionsMenu()
int style_idx = imgui_style.GetInteger();
if ( ImGui::Combo( "ImGui Style", &style_idx, "Dhewm3\0ImGui Default\0Userstyle\0") )
switch (style_idx)
case 0: D3::ImGuiHooks::SetImGuiStyle( D3::ImGuiHooks::Style::Dhewm3 ); break;
case 1: D3::ImGuiHooks::SetImGuiStyle( D3::ImGuiHooks::Style::ImGui_Default ); break;
case 2: D3::ImGuiHooks::SetImGuiStyle( D3::ImGuiHooks::Style::User ); break;
imgui_style.SetInteger( style_idx );
if ( ImGui::Button( "Write Userstyle" ) ) {
imgui_style.SetInteger( 2 );
AddTooltip( "Writes the current style settings (incl. colors) as userstyle" );
} //anon namespace
// called from D3::ImGuiHooks::NewFrame() (if this window is enabled)
@ -1615,6 +1640,11 @@ void Com_DrawDhewm3SettingsMenu()
ImGui::Text("This is the Audio tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Other Options"))
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ extern void Com_DrawDhewm3SettingsMenu(); // in framework/dhewm3SettingsMenu.cpp
static idCVar imgui_scale( "imgui_scale", "-1.0", CVAR_SYSTEM|CVAR_FLOAT|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "factor to scale ImGUI menus by (-1: auto)" ); // TODO: limit values?
idCVar imgui_style( "imgui_style", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM|CVAR_INTEGER|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Which ImGui style to use. 0: Dhewm3 theme, 1: Default ImGui theme, 2: User theme", 0.0f, 2.0f );
namespace D3 {
namespace ImGuiHooks {
@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ ImGuiContext* imguiCtx = NULL;
static bool haveNewFrame = false;
static int openImguiWindows = 0; // or-ed enum D3ImGuiWindow values
static ImGuiStyle userStyle;
// was there a key down or button (mouse/gamepad) down event this frame?
// used to make the warning overlay disappear
static bool hadKeyDownEvent = false;
@ -42,6 +46,15 @@ static idStr warningOverlayText;
static double warningOverlayStartTime = -100.0;
static ImVec2 warningOverlayStartPos;
bool WriteStyle( const ImGuiStyle& s, const char* filename );
bool ReadStyle( ImGuiStyle& s, const char* filename );
idStr GetUserStyleFilename()
// TODO: put this into the config dir
return idStr( "user.imstyle" );
static void UpdateWarningOverlay()
double timeNow = ImGui::GetTime();
@ -196,24 +209,14 @@ bool Init(void* _sdlWindow, void* sdlGlContext)
io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard; // Enable Keyboard Controls
io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad; // Enable Gamepad Controls
// Setup Dear ImGui style
// make it a bit prettier with rounded edges
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
style.WindowRounding = 2.0f;
style.FrameRounding = 3.0f;
//style.ChildRounding = 6.0f;
style.ScrollbarRounding = 8.0f;
style.GrabRounding = 1.0f;
style.PopupRounding = 2.0f;
ImVec4* colors = style.Colors;
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4(0.28f, 0.36f, 0.48f, 0.88f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TabHovered] = ImVec4(0.42f, 0.69f, 1.00f, 0.80f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TabActive] = ImVec4(0.24f, 0.51f, 0.83f, 1.00f);
SetImGuiStyle( Style::Dhewm3 );
userStyle = ImGui::GetStyle(); // set dhewm3 style as default, in case the user style is missing values
if ( ReadStyle( userStyle, GetUserStyleFilename() ) && imgui_style.GetInteger() == 2 ) {
ImGui::GetStyle() = userStyle;
} else if ( imgui_style.GetInteger() == 1 ) {
ImGui::GetStyle() = ImGuiStyle();
ImFontConfig fontCfg;
strcpy(fontCfg.Name, "ProggyVector");
@ -271,6 +274,7 @@ void Shutdown()
if ( imgui_initialized ) {
common->Printf( "Shutting down ImGui\n" );
// TODO: only if init was successful!
@ -456,4 +460,436 @@ int GetOpenWindowsMask()
return openImguiWindows;
void SetImGuiStyle( Style d3style )
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
if ( d3style == Style::Dhewm3 ) {
style = ImGuiStyle(); // start with default style
// make it look a bit nicer with rounded edges
style.WindowRounding = 2.0f;
style.FrameRounding = 3.0f;
//style.ChildRounding = 6.0f;
style.ScrollbarRounding = 8.0f;
style.GrabRounding = 1.0f;
style.PopupRounding = 2.0f;
} else if ( d3style == Style::User ) {
style = userStyle;
} else {
assert( d3style == Style::ImGui_Default && "invalid/unknown style" );
style = ImGuiStyle();
void SetDhewm3StyleColors()
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
ImVec4* colors = style.Colors;
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4(0.28f, 0.36f, 0.48f, 0.88f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TabHovered] = ImVec4(0.42f, 0.69f, 1.00f, 0.80f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TabActive] = ImVec4(0.24f, 0.51f, 0.83f, 1.00f);
void SetUserStyleColors()
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
for ( int i=0; i < ImGuiCol_COUNT; ++i ) {
style.Colors[i] = userStyle.Colors[i];
bool WriteUserStyle()
userStyle = ImGui::GetStyle();
if( !WriteStyle( ImGui::GetStyle(), GetUserStyleFilename() ) ) {
common->Warning( "Couldn't write ImGui userstyle!\n" );
return false;
return true;
// Note: The trick I'm using with these #defines below is called "X Macro"
// see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_macro (except I'm not calling the "entries" X)
#define D3_IMSTYLE_ATTRS \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( Alpha ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( DisabledAlpha ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( WindowPadding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( WindowRounding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( WindowBorderSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( WindowMinSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( WindowTitleAlign ) \
D3_IMATTR_INT( WindowMenuButtonPosition ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( ChildRounding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( ChildBorderSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( PopupRounding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( PopupBorderSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( FramePadding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( FrameRounding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( FrameBorderSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( ItemSpacing ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( ItemInnerSpacing ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( CellPadding ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( TouchExtraPadding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( IndentSpacing ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( ColumnsMinSpacing ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( ScrollbarSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( ScrollbarRounding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( GrabMinSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( GrabRounding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( LogSliderDeadzone ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( TabRounding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( TabBorderSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( TabMinWidthForCloseButton ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( TabBarBorderSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( TableAngledHeadersAngle ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( TableAngledHeadersTextAlign ) \
D3_IMATTR_INT( ColorButtonPosition ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( ButtonTextAlign ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( SelectableTextAlign ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( SeparatorTextBorderSize ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( SeparatorTextAlign ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( SeparatorTextPadding ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( DisplayWindowPadding ) \
D3_IMATTR_VEC2( DisplaySafeAreaPadding ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( MouseCursorScale ) \
D3_IMATTR_BOOL( AntiAliasedLines ) \
D3_IMATTR_BOOL( AntiAliasedLinesUseTex ) \
D3_IMATTR_BOOL( AntiAliasedFill ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( CurveTessellationTol ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( CircleTessellationMaxError )
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( HoverStationaryDelay ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( HoverDelayShort ) \
D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( HoverDelayNormal ) \
D3_IMATTR_INT( HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse ) \
D3_IMATTR_INT( HoverFlagsForTooltipNav )
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TextDisabled ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( WindowBg ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( Border ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( BorderShadow ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( FrameBgHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( FrameBgActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TitleBgActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TitleBgCollapsed ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ScrollbarBg ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ScrollbarGrab ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ScrollbarGrabHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ScrollbarGrabActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( CheckMark ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( SliderGrab ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( SliderGrabActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( Button ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ButtonHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ButtonActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( Header ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( HeaderHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( HeaderActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( Separator ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( SeparatorHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( SeparatorActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ResizeGrip ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ResizeGripHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ResizeGripActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TabHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TabActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TabUnfocused ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TabUnfocusedActive ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( PlotLines ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( PlotLinesHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( PlotHistogram ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( PlotHistogramHovered ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TableHeaderBg ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TableBorderStrong ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TableBorderLight ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TableRowBg ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TableRowBgAlt ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( TextSelectedBg ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( DragDropTarget ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( NavHighlight ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( NavWindowingHighlight ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( NavWindowingDimBg ) \
D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( ModalWindowDimBg )
bool WriteStyle( const ImGuiStyle& s, const char* filename ) {
FILE* f = fopen( filename, "w" ); // TODO: "wt" on Windows?
if ( f == nullptr ) {
return false;
fprintf( f, "[style]\n" );
#define D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( NAME ) \
fprintf( f, #NAME " = %g\n", s . NAME );
#define D3_IMATTR_VEC2( NAME ) \
fprintf( f, #NAME " = %g, %g\n", s . NAME . x, s . NAME . y );
#define D3_IMATTR_INT( NAME ) \
fprintf( f, #NAME " = %d\n", s . NAME );
#define D3_IMATTR_BOOL( NAME ) \
fprintf( f, #NAME " = %d\n", (int) ( s . NAME ) );
// this (together with the D3_IMATTR_* defines in the previous lines)
// extends the D3_IMSTYLE_ATTRS table to
// fprintf( f, "Alpha = %f\n", s . Alpha );
// fprintf( f, "DisabledAlpha = %f\n", s . DisabledAlpha );
// fprintf( f, "WindowPadding = %f %f\n", s . WindowPadding . x, s . WindowPadding . y );
// etc
fprintf( f, "\n[behaviors]\n" );
// same for behaviors
#undef D3_IMATTR_VEC2
#undef D3_IMATTR_INT
fprintf( f, "\n[colors]\n" );
#define D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( NAME ) { \
const ImVec4& c = s.Colors[ ImGuiCol_ ## NAME ]; \
fprintf( f, #NAME " = %g, %g, %g, %g\n", c.x, c.y, c.z, c.w ); \
// this turns into
// { const ImVec4& c = s.Colors[ ImGuiCol_Text ]; fprintf( f, "Text = %f %f %f %f\n", c.x, c.y, c.z, c.w ); }
// { const ImVec4& c = s.Colors[ ImGuiCol_TextDisabled ]; fprintf( f, "TextDisabled = %f %f %f %f\n", c.x, c.y, c.z, c.w ); }
// etc
fprintf( f, "\n" );
fflush( f );
fclose( f );
return true;
static inline char* skipWhitespace( const char* s ) {
while( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' )
return (char*)s;
#define D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( NAME ) \
if ( sscanf( line, #NAME " = %f", &f1 ) == 1 ) { \
s . NAME = f1; \
return; \
#define D3_IMATTR_VEC2( NAME ) \
if ( sscanf( line, #NAME " = %f , %f", &f1, &f2 ) == 2 ) { \
s . NAME .x = f1; s . NAME .y = f2; \
return; \
#define D3_IMATTR_INT( NAME ) \
if ( sscanf( line, #NAME " = %d", &i ) == 1 ) { \
s . NAME = i; \
return; \
#define D3_IMATTR_BOOL( NAME ) \
if ( sscanf( line, #NAME " = %d", &i ) == 1 ) { \
s . NAME = ( i != 0 ); \
return; \
static void parseStyleLine( ImGuiStyle& s, const char* line )
float f1=0, f2=0;
int i=0;
common->Warning( "Invalid line in ImGui style under [style] section: '%s'\n", line );
static void parseBehaviorLine( ImGuiStyle& s, const char* line )
float f1=0, f2=0;
(void)f2; // currently unused in behavior section
int i=0;
common->Warning( "Invalid line in ImGui style under [behaviors] section: '%s'\n", line );
#undef D3_IMATTR_VEC2
#undef D3_IMATTR_INT
static void parseColorLine( ImGuiStyle& s, const char* line )
ImVec4 c;
#define D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR( NAME ) \
if ( sscanf( line, #NAME " = %f , %f , %f , %f", &c.x, &c.y, &c.z, &c.w) == 4 ) { \
s.Colors[ ImGuiCol_ ## NAME ] = c; \
return; \
common->Warning( "Invalid line in ImGui style under [colors] section: '%s'\n", line );
bool ReadStyle( ImGuiStyle& s, const char* filename )
FILE* f = fopen( filename, "r" ); // TODO: "rt" on Windows?
if ( f == nullptr ) {
return false;
char lineBuf[256];
int section = -1; // 0: style, 1: behaviors, 2: colors
for ( char* line = fgets( lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), f );
line != nullptr;
line = fgets( lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), f ) )
// skip whitespace, if any
line = skipWhitespace(line);
if ( *line == '#' ) // skip comment lines
if ( *line == '[' ) { // start of a section
const char* secStr = line+1; // skip '['
secStr = skipWhitespace(secStr);
// "[style]" "[behaviors]" "[colors]"
if ( idStr::Icmpn(secStr, "style", 5) == 0 ) {
section = 0;
} else if ( idStr::Icmpn(secStr, "behaviors", 9) == 0 ) {
section = 1;
} else if ( idStr::Icmpn(secStr, "colors", 6) == 0 ) {
section = 2;
} else {
common->Warning( "Invalid line that looks like a section in ImGui style: '%s'\n", line );
if ( *line == '\r' || *line == '\n' ) {
continue; // empty line
if ( section == 0 ) {
parseStyleLine( s, line );
} else if ( section == 1 ) {
parseBehaviorLine( s, line );
} else if ( section == 2 ) {
parseColorLine( s, line );
} else {
common->Warning( "Invalid line in ImGui before start of any section: '%s'\n", line );
return true;
// check correctness of the X macros above (detect when something is added to ImGuiStyle)
namespace {
#define D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR(C) + 1
// "0 D3_IMSTYLE_COLORS" is expanded to 0 + 1 + 1 ... for each D3_IMSTYLE_COLOR entry
// => it should have the same value as the ImGuiCol_COUNT constant
static_assert( ImGuiCol_COUNT == 0 D3_IMSTYLE_COLORS,
"something was added or removed in enum ImGuiCol_ => adjust D3_IMSTYLE_COLORS table above" );
// recreate struct ImGuiStyle from the tables above and see if they're identical
// (this struct is only used for the static assertions below)
struct D3_ImGuiStyle_Check {
#define D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( NAME ) float NAME ;
#define D3_IMATTR_VEC2( NAME ) ImVec2 NAME ;
#define D3_IMATTR_INT( NAME ) int NAME ;
#define D3_IMATTR_BOOL( NAME ) bool NAME ;
// this expands to all the ImGuiStyle members, up to (excluding) Colors
// exactly like in ImGuiStyle (except the pseudo-enums like ImGuiDir are plain ints here)
ImVec4 Colors[ImGuiCol_COUNT];
// just like the other members/attributes, expand the behaviors
#undef D3_IMATTR_VEC2
#undef D3_IMATTR_INT
template<class T, class U>
struct is_same {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class T>
struct is_same<T, T> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
#define D3_IMATTR_FLOAT( NAME ) \
static_assert( offsetof( ImGuiStyle, NAME ) == offsetof( D3_ImGuiStyle_Check, NAME ), \
"member " #NAME " not at expected offset - is the member before it missing from the list, or moved to another position?" ); \
static_assert( is_same< decltype( ImGuiStyle :: NAME ), float >::value, "expected member " #NAME "to be a float - adjust the list!" );
#define D3_IMATTR_VEC2( NAME ) \
static_assert( offsetof( ImGuiStyle, NAME ) == offsetof( D3_ImGuiStyle_Check, NAME ), \
"member " #NAME " not at expected offset - is the member before it missing from the list, or moved to another position?" ); \
static_assert( is_same< decltype( ImGuiStyle :: NAME ), ImVec2 >::value, "expected member " #NAME " to be an ImVec2 - adjust the list!" );
#define D3_IMATTR_INT( NAME ) \
static_assert( offsetof( ImGuiStyle, NAME ) == offsetof( D3_ImGuiStyle_Check, NAME ), \
"member " #NAME " not at expected offset - is the member before it missing from the list, or moved to another position?" ); \
static_assert( is_same< decltype( ImGuiStyle :: NAME ), int >::value, "expected member " #NAME " to be an int - adjust the list!" );
#define D3_IMATTR_BOOL( NAME ) \
static_assert( offsetof( ImGuiStyle, NAME ) == offsetof( D3_ImGuiStyle_Check, NAME ), \
"member " #NAME " not at expected offset - is the member before it missing from the list, or moved to another position?" ); \
static_assert( is_same< decltype( ImGuiStyle :: NAME ), bool >::value, "expected member " #NAME " to be a bool - adjust the list!" );
// expanding those static assertions for offset and type for all attributes and behaviors
#undef D3_IMATTR_VEC2
#undef D3_IMATTR_INT
static_assert( offsetof( ImGuiStyle, Colors ) == offsetof( D3_ImGuiStyle_Check, Colors ), "member Colors not at expected offset" );
// if all other static assertions passed and the following failed, probably a member was added at the end of the ImGuiStyle struct
static_assert( sizeof(D3_ImGuiStyle_Check) == sizeof(ImGuiStyle),
"something seems to be missing or wrong type in D3_IMSTYLE_ATTRS or D3_IMSTYLE_BEHAVIORS" );
} //anon namespace
}} //namespace D3::ImGuiHooks
@ -61,6 +61,22 @@ extern void SetScale( float scale );
// disappears after a few seconds or when a key is pressed or the mouse is moved
extern void ShowWarningOverlay( const char* text );
enum Style {
// set the overall style for ImGui: Both shape (sizes, roundings, etc) and colors
extern void SetImGuiStyle( Style style );
// set the default dhewm3 imgui style colors
extern void SetDhewm3StyleColors();
extern void SetUserStyleColors();
// write current style settings (incl. colors) as userStyle
extern bool WriteUserStyle();
#else // IMGUI_DISABLE - just stub out everything
inline bool IsImguiEnabled()
@ -95,6 +111,8 @@ inline void SetScale( float scale ) {}
inline void ShowWarningOverlay( const char* text ) {}
inline bool WriteUserStyle() { return false; }
}} //namespace D3::ImGuiHooks
Reference in a new issue