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synced 2025-03-21 02:01:03 +00:00
Dhewm3SettingsMenu: Add Audio Options, make Video Options nicer
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 113 additions and 29 deletions
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "../libs/imgui/imgui_internal.h"
#include "renderer/tr_local.h" // render cvars
#include "sound/snd_local.h" // sound cvars
#include <algorithm> // std::sort - TODO: replace with something custom..
@ -1620,31 +1621,21 @@ static CVarOption videoOptionsImmediately[] = {
AddDescrTooltip( "Note: Not all GPUs/drivers support Adaptive VSync" );
} ),
CVarOption( "image_anisotropy", []( idCVar& cvar ) {
const char* descr = nullptr;
const char* descr = "Max Texture Anisotropy";
if ( glConfig.maxTextureAnisotropy > 1 )
int texAni = cvar.GetInteger();
bool enableTexAni = texAni > 1;
if ( ImGui::Checkbox("Enable Anisotropic Filtering", &enableTexAni) ) {
if ( !enableTexAni ) {
texAni = 1;
} else if ( texAni <= 1 ) {
texAni = 2;
if ( enableTexAni ) {
AddTooltip( "image_anisotropy" );
ImGui::SliderInt( "Max Texture Anisotropy", &texAni, 2,
glConfig.maxTextureAnisotropy, "%d",
ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp );
const char* fmtStr = (texAni > 1) ? "%d" : "No Anisotropic Filtering";
ImGui::SliderInt( "Anisotropic Filtering", &texAni, 1,
glConfig.maxTextureAnisotropy, fmtStr,
ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp );
if ( texAni != cvar.GetInteger() ) {
cvar.SetInteger( texAni );
} else {
bool b = false;
ImGui::Checkbox( "Enable Anisotropic Filtering##disabled", &b );
int texAni = 0;
ImGui::SliderInt( "Anisotropic Filtering", &texAni, 1, 8, "Not supported" );
descr = "Anisotropic filtering is not supported by this system!";
@ -1795,7 +1786,7 @@ static void DrawVideoOptionsMenu()
if ( ImGui::Button( "Load Quality Preset" ) ) {
com_machineSpec.SetInteger( qualityPreset ); // TODO: or always set this even if button is not pressed?
// execMachineSpec might change the MSAA value, so remember the old one (that's actually set)
// execMachineSpec might change the MSAA value, so remember the old one (that's currently used)
const int oldMSAA = r_multiSamples.GetInteger();
cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, "execMachineSpec nores\n" );
@ -1820,8 +1811,8 @@ static void DrawVideoOptionsMenu()
ImGui::TextDisabled( " (Resolution not configurable because for this mode\n the current desktop/screen resolution is used)" );
} else {
ImGui::Combo( "Resolution", &selModeIdx, [](void* data, int idx) -> const char* {
const idList<VidMode>* vms = static_cast< const idList<VidMode>* >(data);
return (*vms)[idx].label.c_str();
const idList<VidMode>& vms = *static_cast< const idList<VidMode>* >(data);
return vms[idx].label.c_str();
}, &vidModes, vidModes.Num() );
AddTooltip( "r_mode" );
if ( selModeIdx == 0 ) {
@ -1833,14 +1824,9 @@ static void DrawVideoOptionsMenu()
static const char* msaaLevels[] = {
"No Antialiasing (MSAA)###msaaLvl",
"2x Antialiasing (MSAA)###msaaLvl",
"4x Antialiasing (MSAA)###msaaLvl",
"8x Antialiasing (MSAA)###msaaLvl",
"16x Antialiasing (MSAA)###msaaLvl"
ImGui::SliderInt( msaaLevels[msaaModeIndex], &msaaModeIndex, 0, 4, "", ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput );
static const char* msaaLevels[] = { "No Antialiasing", "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x" };
const char* curLvl = msaaLevels[msaaModeIndex];
ImGui::SliderInt( "Antialiasing (MSAA)", &msaaModeIndex, 0, 4, curLvl, ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput );
AddCVarOptionTooltips( r_multiSamples, "Note: Not all GPUs/drivers support all modes, esp. not 16x!" );
if ( !VideoHasApplyableChanges() ) {
@ -1864,10 +1850,107 @@ static void DrawVideoOptionsMenu()
AddTooltip( "Click to restore the settings as the were when opening this menu" );
// options that take effect immediately, just by modifying their CVar:
DrawOptions( videoOptionsImmediately, IM_ARRAYSIZE(videoOptionsImmediately) );
static idStrList alDevices;
static int selAlDevice = 0;
static float audioMenuItemOffset = 0.0f;
static void InitAudioOptionsMenu()
alDevices.SetNum( 0, false );
const char* device = idSoundSystemLocal::s_device.GetString();
if ( *device == '\0' || idStr::Cmp( device, "default" ) == 0 ) {
device = nullptr;
alDevices.Append( idStr( "(System's default sound device)" ) );
if ( alcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT") ) {
const char *devs = alcGetString( NULL, ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER );
while (devs && *devs) {
if ( device && !idStr::Icmp(devs, device) ) {
selAlDevice = alDevices.Num();
alDevices.Append( idStr( devs ) );
devs += strlen(devs) + 1;
audioMenuItemOffset = ImGui::CalcTextSize( "Strength of EFX Reverb Effects (?)" ).x;
audioMenuItemOffset += ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x;
static void DrawAudioOptionsMenu()
float itemWidth = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - audioMenuItemOffset;
ImGui::PushItemWidth( itemWidth );
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Settings that require restarting dhewm3" );
if ( ImGui::Combo( "Sound Device", &selAlDevice, [](void* data, int idx) -> const char* {
const idStrList& devs = *static_cast< const idStrList* >(data);
return devs[idx].c_str();
}, &alDevices, alDevices.Num() ) )
if ( selAlDevice == 0 ) {
idSoundSystemLocal::s_device.SetString( "default" );
} else {
idSoundSystemLocal::s_device.SetString( alDevices[selAlDevice] );
D3::ImGuiHooks::ShowWarningOverlay( "Changing the sound device only takes effect after restarting dhewm3!" );
AddTooltip( "s_device" );
if ( !idSoundSystemLocal::EFXAvailable ) {
bool b = false;
ImGui::Checkbox( "Use EAX/EFX Reverb Effects", &b );
AddTooltip( "EFX effects are not available in your OpenAL implementation.\nConsider using OpenAL-Soft." );
} else {
bool useReverb = idSoundSystemLocal::s_useEAXReverb.GetBool();
if ( ImGui::Checkbox( "Use EAX/EFX Reverb Effects", &useReverb ) ) {
idSoundSystemLocal::s_useEAXReverb.SetBool( useReverb );
if ( useReverb != idSoundSystemLocal::useEFXReverb ) {
D3::ImGuiHooks::ShowWarningOverlay( "Enabling/disabling EFX only takes effect after restarting dhewm3!" );
AddTooltip( "s_useEAXReverb" );
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Settings that take effect immediately" );
float vol = idSoundSystemLocal::s_volume.GetFloat(); // cvar is called s_volume_dB
if ( ImGui::SliderFloat( "Volume", &vol, -40, 10, "%.1f" ) ) {
idSoundSystemLocal::s_volume.SetFloat( vol );
AddTooltip( "s_volume_dB" );
AddDescrTooltip( "The game's main volume in dB. 0 is the regular maximum volume" );
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::useEFXReverb ) {
float reverbGain = idSoundSystemLocal::s_alReverbGain.GetFloat();
if ( ImGui::SliderFloat( "Strength of EFX Reverb Effects", &reverbGain, 0, 1,
"%.2f", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp ) )
idSoundSystemLocal::s_alReverbGain.SetFloat( reverbGain );
AddTooltip( "s_alReverbGain" );
AddDescrTooltip( "the default value is 0.5" );
} else {
ImGui::TextDisabled( " (EFX reverb effects are currently disabled)" );
static bool showStyleEditor = false;
@ -1971,7 +2054,7 @@ void Com_DrawDhewm3SettingsMenu()
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Audio Options"))
ImGui::BeginChild( "audiochild" );
ImGui::Text("This is the Audio tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
@ -2011,6 +2094,7 @@ static void InitDhewm3SettingsMenu()
InitOptions( controlOptions, IM_ARRAYSIZE(controlOptions) );
// !! Don't call this function directly, always use !!
Reference in a new issue