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synced 2025-03-22 10:41:08 +00:00
Dhewm3SettingsMenu: Start implementing video options
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 198 additions and 8 deletions
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
#include "Common.h"
#include "CVarSystem.h"
#include "idlib/LangDict.h"
@ -14,12 +15,19 @@
#include "sys/sys_imgui.h"
#include "../libs/imgui/imgui_internal.h"
#include "renderer/tr_local.h" // render cvars
#include <algorithm> // std::sort - TODO: replace with something custom..
extern const char* D3_GetGamepadStartButtonName();
extern idCVar imgui_style;
extern idCVar r_customWidth;
extern idCVar r_customHeight;
extern bool R_GetModeInfo( int *width, int *height, int mode );
namespace {
const char* GetLocalizedString( const char* id, const char* fallback )
@ -106,7 +114,7 @@ static const char* GetGamepadStartName() {
static const char* GetGamepadCancelButtonNames() {
static char ret[64];
// on xbox: "B or Start"
// on xbox: "Pad B or Pad Start"
D3_snprintfC99( ret, sizeof(ret), "%s or %s", Sys_GetLocalizedJoyKeyName( K_JOY_BTN_EAST ), GetGamepadStartName() );
return ret;
@ -1235,7 +1243,7 @@ static void UpdateKeyBindingsInEntries() {
static void DrawBindingsMenu()
if ( !bindingsMenuAlreadyOpen ) {
if ( !bindingsMenuAlreadyOpen ) { // TODO: could go into some init function
bindingsMenuAlreadyOpen = true;
@ -1465,7 +1473,7 @@ struct CVarOption {
if (type == OT_HEADING) {
if (label != NULL) {
ImGui::SeparatorText( label );
} else if (cvar != nullptr) {
switch(type) {
@ -1566,7 +1574,188 @@ static CVarOption controlOptions[] = {
// TODO: joy_dampenlook and joy_deltaPerMSLook ? comment in code says they were "bad idea"
// TODO: r_scaleMenusTo43
struct VidMode {
idStr label;
int width;
int height;
int mode;
VidMode() : width(0), height(0), mode(0) {}
VidMode( int w, int h, int m ) : width(w), height(h), mode(m) {}
void Init() {
if ( mode == -1 ) {
label = "Custom";
} else {
label = idStr::Format( "%4d x %d", width, height );
static CVarOption videoOptionsApply[] = {
//CVarOption( "r_fullsc" )
static int maxAnisotropyIndex = 0;
static CVarOption videoOptionsImmediately[] = {
CVarOption( "Options that take effect in realtime" ),
CVarOption( "image_anisotropy", []( idCVar& cvar ) {
static const char* aniLevels[] = {
"No Anisotropic Filtering###texAniFil",
"2x Anisotropic Filtering###texAniFil",
"4x Anisotropic Filtering###texAniFil",
"8x Anisotropic Filtering###texAniFil",
"16x Anisotropic Filtering###texAniFil",
"32x Anisotropic Filtering###texAniFil", // future-proofing :-p
"64x Anisotropic Filtering###texAniFil",
int aniIdx = idMath::ClampInt( 0, maxAnisotropyIndex, idMath::ILog2( cvar.GetFloat() ) );
if ( ImGui::SliderInt( aniLevels[aniIdx], &aniIdx, 0, maxAnisotropyIndex, "", ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput ) ) {
cvar.SetInteger( 1 << aniIdx );
const char* descr = (maxAnisotropyIndex == 0) ? "anisotropic filtering is not supported by this system!" : nullptr;
AddCVarOptionTooltips( cvar, descr );
} ),
CVarOption( "r_brightness", "Brightness", OT_FLOAT, 0.5f, 2.0f ),
CVarOption( "r_gamma", "Gamma", OT_FLOAT, 0.5f, 3.0f ),
CVarOption( "r_scaleMenusTo43", "Scale fullscreen menus to 4:3", OT_BOOL ),
idList<VidMode> vidModes;
static int selModeIdx = 0;
static int customVidRes[2];
static int fullscreenChoice = 0;
static void SetVideoStuffFromCVars()
const int curMode = r_mode.GetInteger();
for ( int i=0, n=vidModes.Num(); i < n; ++i ) {
if ( vidModes[i].mode == curMode ) {
selModeIdx = i;
customVidRes[0] = r_customWidth.GetInteger();
customVidRes[1] = r_customHeight.GetInteger();
fullscreenChoice = r_fullscreen.GetBool() ? ( r_fullscreenDesktop.GetBool() ? 2 : 1 ) : 0;
maxAnisotropyIndex = Min( 6, idMath::ILog2( glConfig.maxTextureAnisotropy ) );
static bool VideoHasApplyableChanges()
const int curMode = r_mode.GetInteger();
if ( curMode != vidModes[selModeIdx].mode
|| ( curMode == -1 && ( customVidRes[0] != r_customWidth.GetInteger()
|| customVidRes[1] != r_customHeight.GetInteger() ) ) )
return true;
int oldFullscreenChoice = r_fullscreen.GetBool() ? ( r_fullscreenDesktop.GetBool() ? 2 : 1 ) : 0;
if ( oldFullscreenChoice != fullscreenChoice )
return true;
// TODO: other options that need apply?
return false;
static void ApplyVideoSettings()
if ( selModeIdx == 0 ) {
r_customWidth.SetInteger( customVidRes[0] );
r_customHeight.SetInteger( customVidRes[1] );
r_mode.SetInteger( -1 );
} else {
r_mode.SetInteger( vidModes[selModeIdx].mode );
switch ( fullscreenChoice ) {
case 0: r_fullscreen.SetBool( false ); break;
case 2: r_fullscreenDesktop.SetBool( true ); // fall-through
case 1: r_fullscreen.SetBool( true );
cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, "vid_restart\n" );
// TODO: if only fullscreen is changed, the following would suffice
//cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, "vid_restart partial windowed\n" );
static void InitVideoOptionsMenu()
InitOptions( videoOptionsApply, IM_ARRAYSIZE(videoOptionsApply) );
InitOptions( videoOptionsImmediately, IM_ARRAYSIZE(videoOptionsImmediately) );
vidModes.SetNum(0, false);
// modes 0-2 are not shown in the menu, probably too small
for( int m=3; ; ++m ) {
int w=0, h=0;
if( ! R_GetModeInfo(&w, &h, m) )
vidModes.Append( VidMode(w, h, m) );
std::sort( vidModes.begin(), vidModes.end(), [](const VidMode& v1, const VidMode& v2) -> bool {
return v1.width < v2.width || (v1.width == v2.width && v1.height < v2.height);
} );
vidModes.Insert( VidMode(0, 0, -1), 0 );
for ( VidMode& vm : vidModes ) {
static void DrawVideoOptionsMenu()
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Options that must be applied" );
ImGui::Combo( "Resolution", &selModeIdx, [](void* data, int idx) -> const char* {
const idList<VidMode>* vms = static_cast< const idList<VidMode>* >(data);
return (*vms)[idx].label.c_str();
}, &vidModes, vidModes.Num() );
if ( selModeIdx == 0 ) {
if ( ImGui::InputInt2( "Custom Resolution (width x height)", customVidRes ) ) {
customVidRes[0] = idMath::ClampInt(1, 128000, customVidRes[0]);
customVidRes[1] = idMath::ClampInt(1, 128000, customVidRes[1]);
// TODO: showing any configurable resolution doesn't really make sense for Desktop fullscreen,
// because then the desktop resolution is used..
ImGui::Combo( "Fullscreen", &fullscreenChoice, "Windowed Mode\0\"Real\" Fullscreen\0\"Desktop\" Fullscreen\0" );
// TODO: MSAA, what else?
// r_multiSamples
// TODO: replicate quality settings from orig menu
// TODO: vsync (does that need vid_restart?) r_swapInterval
ImGui::BeginDisabled( ! VideoHasApplyableChanges() );
if ( ImGui::Button("Apply") ) {
if ( ImGui::Button("Reset") ) {
DrawOptions( videoOptionsImmediately, IM_ARRAYSIZE(videoOptionsImmediately) );
static bool showStyleEditor = false;
@ -1659,7 +1848,7 @@ void Com_DrawDhewm3SettingsMenu()
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Video Options"))
BeginTabChild( "vidchild" );
ImGui::Text("This is the Video tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
@ -1705,6 +1894,7 @@ static void InitDhewm3SettingsMenu()
InitOptions( controlOptions, IM_ARRAYSIZE(controlOptions) );
// !! Don't call this function directly, always use !!
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ vidmode_t r_vidModes[] = {
// DG: made this an enum so even stupid compilers accept it as array length below
enum { s_numVidModes = sizeof( r_vidModes ) / sizeof( r_vidModes[0] ) };
static bool R_GetModeInfo( int *width, int *height, int mode ) {
bool R_GetModeInfo( int *width, int *height, int mode ) {
vidmode_t *vm;
if ( mode < -1 ) {
Reference in a new issue