store the yaw at which the menu is invoked to calculate correct X
slightly increased the cursor movement scale as it was a little too much wrist turning required to reach outer edges of screen
- Use FOV from the SDK to calculate the culling frustrum (so r_nocull can be turned off now, hopefully increasing framerate)
- I think I fixed thumbstick movement in second spectator follow mode
- Remove Gauntlet from weapon wheel because it is shit
- Some code refactoring
- Hopefully made the Chaingun accessible on the weapon wheel now
- 6DoF movement in follow mode seems right now
- Prevent surfaces being culled in follow modes (annoyingly I've not figured out what is culling models yet, so other players still vanish)
- Additional credits screen for Quake3Quest
- Fix for world moving when weapon is moved on a multiplayer server
- Make player setup model move within a 90 degree arc so it always visible
This was causing horrible audio, as multiple item pickup events were all playing at the same time. This was because the predict player state was being called once per eye, and by the time it came to the right eye it had cleared the buffer and it would just allow server events to get played again. The actual fix is in cg_view.c, line 994, where we only predict if the eye being rendered is the left.
- Make HMD weapon wheel use angles for weapon selection, allows selection immediately before show animation is complete
- Proper model scaling in the Player Setup menu
- draw selection beam on weapon selector
- Change direction weapons, weakest start at the bottom (with gauntlet) and then increase clockwise
- small change to menu footer text
- Increased size of Quake III Arena logo on main screen
- Build batch file will create vr_version.h to include in the menu
- Make the weapons selector fixed in place, doesn't move with the head yaw now which is more comfortable
- Removed a lot of the stuff being copied on start-up into a single pakQ3Q.pk3 file for ease
- Switch between Follow modes (1st and 3rd person) using the X button
- Switch back to the "Spectate" mode using the A button when in follow mode
- 1st Person follow mode is on a virtual screen (to avoid nausea)
- Slider for haptic intensity: affects both controller and bhaptics level
- Move 3rd person Spectator and Death Cam closer to player's viewpoint
- Spectator / Follow mode will now be 3rd person, with the person you are following marked with an icon
- Optional Laser Sight for aiming (in VR Menu)
- Toggle to send Roll angles to the server
- Removed very janky first person body option
- Proper button remapping
- Can be configured in autoeec.cfg
- Ability to remap all button functions (including forward/back on R stick)
- Ability to define an alt-key so that all buttons can have two seperate functions
- Slight reduction to SS value to boost perf by maybe a frame or two per secone
- set Master 1 to be called "Quake3Quest Master"
- QoL tweaks to the VR Options menu
- Removed password from commandline as no longer required
- Render usable / carryable objects in off-hand
- Moved the "Use Item" to the off-hand thumbstick
- Move the show scoreboard to the Y button
- First Person Body (bit janky) can be scaled in menu, set to 0 to hide altogether
- bHaptics Support!!
- In CTF you now carry the flag in your off-hand when you pick it up
- Hopefully aligned the railgun scope a little better
- Toggle for weapon autoswitch in the VR menu
- Improved realign logic to delay a few frames (which hopefully means fewer misalignment issues)
- Set Ceon's new master server in the autoexec.cfg
Some other things in there too:
- Incomplete implementation of scoped zoom for rail gun (needs more work)
- VR Options Menu
- Incomplete / Failed attempt at accessing the Android keyboard, leaving in case some revelation occurs
- Removed 3DoF mode from multiplayer (it would never be used)
- Prevent player clipping though solid objects/walls in Multiplayer
- vr_weaponPitch - Allows adjustment of weapon pitch - default: -20
- vr_heightAdjust - Additional height adjustment in metres: default: 0.0
- vr_twoHandedWeapons - Allows disabling of two handed weapon mode, set to 0 to disable
- Y button for 3rd person camera mode
- X button for "Gesture" (not quite a taunt..)
- Weapon will auto-realign in multiplayer now, so B button is crouch
- When weapon auto-realigns, playspace will auto recenter too
- Attempt to prevent footstep sound if player hmd movement is small
- Hopefully prevent CD key request from being shown
- Don't allow camera to orbit when winning on Team Arena
- Include demo pk3 in apk
- copy autoexec and demo pk3 on startup
- support running demo out of the box
- some cvars from VR_Bummser for smoother multiplayer client experience
- Ceno's multiplayer server IPs as favourites
- Multiplayer 6DoF can be disabled setting vr_mp6DoF to 0 (will use a 3DoF scheme instead)
- Cross hair now correctly aligned with weapon aiming when playing on a swerver
- "Use Item" is not a right thumbstick click
- B button will perform crouch in single player or skirmish
- B button will realign the weapon with the controller when playing on a server
- Only use dark crimson background in death cam
- vr_directionMode - 0 = HMD, 1 = off-hand
- use a faked positional tracking approach for multiplayer.. in game player location won't change tho, as it is only view translation
- Use the interpolated position for the weapon in a remote server situation, mades weapon movement MUCH smoother
- Multiplayer support
- Updated weapon offsets with SkillFur's latest values
- APK contains and copies the glsl shader files now (no need to copy them separately)