This paves the way for clean initialization of the Vulkan renderer, and
very much cleans up the older renderer initialization code as gl and sw
are no longer intertwined.
This fixes the segfault and pushes things very much in the desired
direction of proper system independence for rendering and presentation
separation (though things were headed in the right direction before).
Also fix a bug where despite supporting 32 buttons, only 18 were actually
supported, and a similar issue for the number of axes.
My saitek x52 has 34 buttons and 10 axes. Whee.
Once and for all: remove the default and move the Sys_Error outside the
switch (changing appropriate breaks to returns). Now gcc will let me know
when I forget to update the switch statements.
Johnny's number->J_AXISn mapping is preserved, but I had intended for any
key to be supported (J_AXISn was just to ensure free keys were available).
This gives both methods (and some range checking on the axis button
Thanks to leilei being a diehard sw quake fan, and MH being the hacker he
is, engoo's vid_win.c drops Scitech's MGL :) (I really did not want to
resurrect that). However, I've modified it so it /compiles/ in QF: ripped
out the menu code, ripped out the input handling (that's in in_win.c) and
started trying to get it to work for vid_render. The clients at least link,
but I'm certain they'll segfault (GPF?).
The win clients are the native windows (NOT sdl!! *twitch*). Things are
already looking on the up: only three errors in in_win.c. I'm not looking
forward to vid_win.c (ex vid_wgl.c), though.
First, this completely smashes joystick input: it will not work (though it
doesn't crash). This is because there is, as of yet, no means to configure
the system.
Each joystick axis has:
- per-axis amplification (both pre and post).
- per-axis offset (offset applied after pre-amp but before post amp)
- selectable destination:
- linear delta: position and angles (as before)
- axis button: if the value crosses the threshold, the given key is
pressed or released as appropriate.
The axis amplification still uses joy_amp and joy_pre_amp (and
in_amp/in_pre_amp), but now also has the per-axis settings.
The per-axis offset is most useful for axis buttons. For example, the xbox
360 controller triggers are analong but go "all the way to negative on 0
state". Offsetting the input keeps axis button thresholds simple.
Amplification and offset is applied before anything is done with the axis
value. The formula is:
joy_amp * in_amp * axis-amp *
(offset + value * joy_pre_amp * in_pre_amp * axis-pre_amp)
Axis button thresholds are very simple: if the sign of the value is the
same as the sign of the threshold and abs(value) >= abs(threshold), the
button is pressed. While multiple thresholds and keys can be placed on an
axis, only one can be pressed at a time. The threshold furthest from 0
Now the user can create and destroy IMTs at will, though currently
destroying IMTs is currently all or nothing (imt_drop_all).
An IMT is created via imt_create which takes the keydest name (key_game
etc), the name of the IMT (must be unique for all IMTs) and optionally the
name of the IMT to which the key binding search will fall back if there is
no binding in the current IMT, but must be already defined and on the same
keydest. This means that IMTs now have user determined fallback paths. The
requirements for the fallback IMT prevent loops and other weird behaviour.
Actual key binding via in_bind is unaffected. This is why the IMT name must
be unique across all IMTs.
The "imt" command works with the key_game keydest, but imt_keydest is
provided for specifying the active IMT for a specific keydest.
At startup, default IMTs are setup to emulate the previous static IMTs so
old configs will continue to work (mostly). New config files will be
written with commands to drop all of the current IMTs and build new ones,
with the bindings and active IMT set as well.
This fixes the status bar refresh issues in sw. The problem was that with
two viddef's hanging around, things got a little confused and recalc_refdef
wasn't getting into the renderer.
in_clear <imt>... where each argument to in_clear is an imt identifier. If
any identifiers are incorrect, the incorrect ones will be displayed and no
tables will be cleared. All or nothing.
It seems that SDL_SetColors causes a page flip, so VID_SetPalette only
queue a palette change (by checking for the need to change and storing the
requested palete) and VID_Update now checks for a queued palette change and
updates SDL's palette if required. This fixes the flickering console in sw
-sdl introduced by the cshift/centerprint change.
vidmode is starting to show its age. Modern X doesn't need a config file,
and when one is not available, the list of available resolutions is quite
strange. Time to look into randr support.
The attached patch (against quakeforge git) changes the [con]width,
[con]height, and most importantly the rowbytes members of viddef_t
from unsigned to signed int, like in q2. This allows for a properly
negative vid.rowbytes which may be needed in, e.g. a DIB sections
windows driver if needed. Along with it, I changed a few places
where unsigned int is used along with comparisons against the relevant
vid.* members.
One thing I am not 100% sure is the signedness requirements of
d_zrowbytes and d_zwidth: q2 has them as unsigned but I am not sure
whether that is because they are needed as unsigned or it was just an
oversight of the id developers. They do look like they should be OK
as signed int to me, though: comments?
Note from Bill Currie: I had to do some extra changes as many
signed/unsigned comparisons were somehow missed.
Nothing in the main program currently uses Key_Progs_Init, so the object
file wasn't getting pulled into the link. However, it's quite necessary for
the client console plugin :/
This allows the vid module to load the render module and access render
specific functions before the renderer initializes, which happens to need
an initialized vid module...
Still, nothing will work: no plugins are loaded and they're all broken
glx, sgl, glslx etc are going away, just the basics will be built: fbdev
(probably go away eventually), sdl, x11 and hopefully someday win. That's
actually the only reason anything links.
Where possible, symbols have been made static, prefixed with glsl_/GLSL_ or
moved into the code shared by all renderers. This will make doing plugins
easier but done now for link testing. The moving was done via the gl
Where possible, symbols have been made static, prefixed with gl_/GL_ or
moved into the code shared by all renderers. This will make doing plugins
easier but done now for link testing.
Just about to do a release, and I realized windows users wouldn't have any
way of checking out the new renderer. I'll add wglsl when I get a chance to
do some testing.
o All instances of LIBADD/LDADD have a corresponding DEPENDENCIES
o libraries now use a lib_ldflags macro to keep things consistent
o duplication of source/lib names has been minimized (particularly in
the libraries; more work needs to be done for the executables)
o automake spec blocks have been organized (again, more work needs to be
done for the executables)
Most subsystems that depend on other subsystems now call the init functions
themselves. This makes for much cleaner client initialization (more work
needs to be done for the server).
GL Quake was weird, culling front faces. Partly understandable, since
Quake's front order is clockwise and GL's default order is
counter-clockwise. However, since the order can be specified, that should
be done instead. Thus, specify the winding order as clockwise (for quake's
data), set culling for back-face removal, and then mess with the winding
direction in the mirror and fish-eye code.
Calling programs shaders was a little confusing when I use shader to refer
to the sub-programs (vertex and fragment shaders). Also, print the program
number as well.
Add GLSL directory to QF and use it for all gsls based code (instead of
GL). defines.h, types.h and funcs.h are derived from gl2.h from khronos.
Text drawing now uses triangles instead of quads.
The error was quite valid: setting GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT to 0 is
incorrect. The problem was caused by the call to glTexParameterf being
before the gl_anisotropy cvar was initialized. Thus, move all of the setup
code in GL_Init_Common() to after all the checks and, more importantly,
after the call to GL_Common_Init_Cvars().
in_bind_imt is now gone. I guess mercury was right in that it was a poor
design. However, it was (and still is necessary) to support "bind" and
"unbind". Now, instead, they work only with the IMT_MOD table. IMT_MOD sits
below IMT_0 in the imt hierarchy. If the key is not bound in IMT_0+, then
IMT_MOD will be checked. This way, "bind" and "unbind" can never mess with
a user's more sophisticated binding setup.
The backquote is not always usable for toggling the console, and the new
bind system doesn't automatically bind a key to both game and console imts
(by design). Thus create a cvar that allows the "always works" console
toggle to be specified in eg $fs_globalcfg. While I'm at it, do one for the
menus, too.
The software renderers force the console size to be the same as the window
size (no scaling), but they weren't telling the console of the resize.
oops. Fixes the crash when running the software renderers with default
in_dga -> 0 (until X is fixed)
gl_multitexture -> 1 (why was this 0? not enough support back then?)
cl_usleep -> 1 (seems to be ok)
host_mem_size -> 40 (even 32 isn't enough these days)
rate -> 10000 (we're not in the modem era any more)
cl_mem_size -> 32 (16 is not enough, 32 sounds better than 24)