Fixed: Randomize Sectors, UDMF: vertex height changes were not undone properly after using the mode (I broke it in r2101).
Fixed: Randomize Sectors: floor/ceiling textures can not be used as lower/upper textures when "MixTexturesAndFlats" is disabled. In this case the corresponding option is now changed to "Use default texture".
Changed, Thing Edit form: multi-select mode is now disabled when only one thing is edited.
Internal: different implementation of MultiSelectTreeview ( is now used.
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: floor and ceiling textures were not exported when using "classic" game configurations (ones with disabled "MixTexturesAndFlats" option). This should also fix incorrect flats on exported model when there are flats and textures with the same name.
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: 3d floors geometry and wall geometry around them was created incorrectly.
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: floor and ceiling textures of non-Vavoom 3d floors were swapped on exported geometry.
Fixed, DECORATE parser: error status was not cleared when switching to different resource.
Fixed, DECORATE parser: fixed a parse error when DB2-specific actor properties (like "//$category") were located outside of actor's scope.
Added icons for "Save Screenshot" menu items.
Development: "Save Screenshot (active window)" action will work on a child Form only if it is inherited from DelayedForm.
Renamed "Toggle dynamic lights rendering" action to "Show dynamic lights".
Changed: "Show dynamic lights" action now toggles between available dynamic light rendering modes.
Renamed "Toggle models rendering" action to "Show models".
Changed: "Show models" action now toggles between available model rendering modes.
Removed "Toggle dynamic lights animation" and "Render selected/all models" actions.
Fixed, Randomize Sectors form: selection highlight was not updated after applying the changes when the form was shown in Sectors mode.
Consistency: selection is now cleared after applying changes done in Randomize Things and Randomize Vertices forms.
Fixed, Classic modes: sprites of things with attached models were not rendered when model rendering was disabled.
Updated documentation.
Visual mode: "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling" actions now work on surfaces with sector slopes.
Cosmetic: numeric textboxes, which support relative values, now have differently colored text and a tooltip.
Internal: renamed Sector.CeilingSlopeOffset to Sector.CeilSlopeOffset, Sector.CeilingSlope to Sector.CeilSlope to match their names with similar sector properties.
Textures Browser form: PK3/Directory TEXTURES images are now shown in a separate folder in the resources tree.
Fixed, Textures Browser form: fixed a logic error when trying to select initial flat when mix textures & flats was disabled in the current game configuration (this resulted in the blank textures list after opening the form).
Fixed, Textures Browser form: resources tree showed textures count even when browsing flats.
Fixed, Textures Browser form: PK3/Directory textures took precedence even when browsing flats (this means when there were a flat and a texture with the same name, a texture was displayed when browsing flats).
Fixed, Classic modes: actor's scale set in DECORATE was ignored when rendering models.
Fixed, MODELDEF parser: in some cases, several model definitions were skipped when trying to skip the current one.
Fixed, resource management: flat and sprite TEXTURES definitions were loaded only from TEXTURES files named "TEXTURES".
Fixed/added, PK3/folder resource management: patch locations for sprites defined in TEXTURES are now checked the same way as in ZDoom (previously only the "sprites" folder was checked).
Fixed/added, PK3/folder resource management: patch locations for textures defined in TEXTURES are now checked the same way as in ZDoom (previously only the "textures" folder was checked).
Fixed, PK3/folder resource management: flats defined in TEXTURES were not added to the global Flats image list.
Fixed, PK3/folder resource management: in some cases, the image search algorithm could find flats, textures, patches or sprites in incorrect folders (for example, it could find a flat in "flats_backup" folder).
Map Analysis, internal: some ErrorCheckers and ErrorResult had inconsistent namespaces.
Thing Edit forms, internal: optimized missing flags check a bit.
Game Configurations: moved "thingflagscompare" from Game to Map format blocks. "Check stuck things" check now works properly in Doom/Boom game configurations.
Map Analysis: fixed a possible crash during "Check texture alignment" check.
Map Analysis: ResultStuckThingInLine now highlights both thing and line.
Map Analysis: ResultStuckThingInThing now highlights both things and allows to delete any of them.
Internal, Map Analysis: rewritten parts of "Check stuck things" class.
Internal, Map Analysis: changed the way processed stuff is stored in "Check texture alignment" class.
Internal: changed CurrentDomainOnUnhandledException, so ExceptionDialog with proper info shows up even if adding exception to the Event Log failed.
Internal: changed format, in which thingflagscompare info is stored.
Map Analysis form: error checks are now alphabetically sorted.
Map Analysis form: added "Toggle All" check box.
Internal: CheckboxArrayControl now has Sort() method.
More fixes in ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg
Fixed: Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" / "with the same height" modifiers (Shift/Ctrl + LMB) was not working properly when used on vavoom-type 3d floor sidedefs.
Fixed: Visual mode, UDMF, "Auto-align textures" actions: vertical texture offset was calculated incorrectly for vavoom-type 3d floors.