- "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
- Some of the changes were downright wrong and some were pointless, so undo
everything that doesn't look like an actual improvement.
This reverts commit a4c07a9ee3.
- This commit touched every line of thingdef_codeptr.cpp, which would make
merging it into the scripting branch a pain in the ass.
- The error "You cannot pass parameters to..." used the most recent token,
which was always ( and not the function name. (Note that this was
already fixed in the scripting branch, so this is probably going to be a
conflict. Meh.)
- Added A_Warp flags:
- WARPF_BOB: Gets the bob offset of actor pointer with the FLOATBOB flag.
- WARPF_MOVEPTR: The function is inversed to move the pointed actor with applied flags, but only the original caller will make the success/jump.
- Rippers will rip through anything with an equivalent ripper level, or if their level is between or on the min and max ranges.
- If no min or max is defined, it simply checks if the monster's ripper level is lower than the missiles.
- Functions: A_SetRipperLevel(int level), A_SetRipMin(int min), A_SetRipMax(int max)
- Properties: RipperLevel, RipLevelMin, and RipLevelMax.
- RipperLevel: Applicable to monsters and projectiles.
- RipLevelMin and RipLevelMax are only useful on monsters.
- By default, all are 0.
- Do a filter and species check first to save time.
- Added DMSS/KILS/RMVF_EITHER, which means if the actor is of type or species, it counts.
- A_DamageTarget(20,"Normal",DMSS_EITHER,"DoomImp","CyberdemonSpecies")
- This affects actor DoomImp, and anything that's of species CyberdemonSpecies.
- Added a little more documentation via comments.
- Added two more flags for each of the functions, EXFILTER and EXSPECIES.
- Stands for "exclude filter/species" and makes the function not take them into account.
- Cleaned up the code and placed all the checking in their own subfunctions.
- The wiki said the minimum distance to teleport defaults to 0, actor.txt on the other hand said otherwise. I was wondering why it was still broken somewhat...
- Prevent stickiness from happening, a.k.a. getting stuck in ceiling or floor and letting the engine unstick the actor. This caused velocity loss.
- TF_KEEPVELOCITY: Keep the velocity after teleporting.
- TF_KEEPANGLE: Don't use the special spot's angle.
- TF_USESPOTZ: Normally, this function
- TF_NOSRCFOG: Don't leave fog at the previous location.
- TF_NODESTFOG: Don't leave fog at the arriving location.
- TF_USEACTORFOG: Use the actor's TeleFogSourceType and TeleFogDestType properties.
- TF_NOJUMP: Don't require or cause a jump. In this case, put 0 (or "") in for the jump destination when using CustomInventory items to teleport actors around.
- Instead of reverting the teleport fog back to defaults, if there wasn't a class or if the class failed to be found, set it to NULL.
- P_SpawnTeleportFog will not spawn anything if it's NULL.
- Added "" so it can be used to mean 'don't change anything' for A_SetTeleFog.
- New properties include TeleFogSourceType and TeleFogDestType.
- TeleFogSourceType is the fog left behind where the actor teleported away from.
- TeleFogDestType is the fog the actor sees when it arrives at its destination.
- Added A_SetTeleFog(<oldpos>,<newpos>) -- oldpos sets TeleFogSourceType, newpos sets TeleFogDestType.
- An actor that causes A_CheckLOF (and only an actor) to succeed will set the intercepting actor as its target, master, and/or tracer, respectively.
- A missile that dies hitting an actor will set this impacted actor as the new target/master/tracer, depending on specifications.
- THRUREFLECT prevents missiles from changing course if reflected, and takes precedence over all reflective flags.
- MIRRORREFLECT causes missiles to perform a direct 180 turn-around.
- AIMREFLECT turns the missile back to the original shooter, and does not slow the missile down.
- FTF_REMOVE: Removes the actor when the alpha hits a certain level.
- - A_FadeIn - 1.0
- - A_FadeOut - 0.0
- - A_FadeTo - Alpha target level reached
- FTF_CLAMP: Automatically fixes the alpha so it won't leave the range [0.0, 1.0].
-Fixed: ALLOWPAIN should not trigger pain states if the damage is 0, but still allow for infighting to occur.
-Fixed: an unneeded logic call was processing damage modification when it was 0 to begin with.
Monsters with this flag can enter pain states, regardless of
invulnerability or damage absorption.
- Fixed: god2 cheat wasn't being considered for drowning and thrusting.
- Added: A_TakeFromChildren
- Added: A_GiveToSiblings
- Added: A_TakeFromSiblings
- Added the following flags for A_RadiusGive:
- RGF_NOSIGHT: Exclude sight check from distance.
- RGF_MISSILES: Missiles can take inventory items.
Actors will be excluded from damage/radius thrusting of all sorts by
explosions or damage of any kind. They will also never deal impact
damage to other enemies, nor will they damage themselves from being too
close to a wall.
- RMVF_MISSILES removes missiles.
- RMVF_NOMONSTERS ignores monsters.
- RMVF_MISC includes non-monsters and missiles.
- RMVF_EVERYTHING disregards all checks and remove it.
These flags now apply to the following in addition to the new function:
Decorate: IsPointerEqual(int aaptr_selector1, int aaptr_selector2)
ACS: IsPointerEqual(int aaptr_selector1, int aaptr_selector2, int tid1 = 0, int tid2 = 0)
Compare the pointers values returned by two pointer select operations. Returns true if they both resolve to the same value. Null values can be explicitly tested using IsPointerEqual(AAPTR_NULL, ...)
ACS: IsPointerEqual(int aaptr1, int aaptr2, int tid1 = 0, int tid2 = 0)
This function lets you compare pointers from other actors than the activator, using tids. Tid1 determines the actor used to resolve aaptr1, Tid2 does the same for aaptr2. If tid1 and tid2 are equal, the same actor will be used for resolving both pointers (that could always happen randomly; this way you know it will happen).
- Added A_KillTarget(damagetype, int flags).
- Added A_KillTracer(damagetype, int flags).
- Added A_RemoveTarget.
- Added A_RemoveTracer.
A_Kill (Master/Target/Tracer/Children/Siblings):
- KILS_FOILINVUL: foils invulnerability.
- KILS_KILLMISSILES: destroys projectiles. Does not work on invulnerable
projectiles without KILS_FOILINVUL, and doesn't work at all on missiles
with NODAMAGE flag.
- KILS_NOMONSTERS: actors that are monsters will not be killed.
A_Damage (Self/Target/Master/Tracer/Children/Siblings):
- DMSS_FOILINVUL: foils invulnerability.
- DMSS_AFFECTARMOR: damages the actor's armor instead of bypassing it
- DMSS_KILL: damages the actor by its remaining health (useful for
modular DECORATE programming).
- Added A_SpawnItemEx flags:
- SXF_SETTARGET: sets the calling actor as the target.
- SXF_SETTRACER: sets the calling actor as the tracer.
Both of these functions take priority similar to SXF_SETMASTER over