Added weapon dropping ( and cmd 'drop', fixes#8 )
Tweaked the buy and team menus layout wise
Implemented Auto-Assign function in the GUI menu
Fixed a logic bug with Weapon_GiveAmmo
Fixed the EscapeZone ent I never commited properly
C4 Bombs now trigger the c4 target spots
Some more messages for equipment/weapon buying
Some more Rule tweaks that could cause issues with dead people buying guns via future binds
Hit locational damage now applied properly, derp
Added nightvision
Added zoom modes for weapons that are supposed to have them
Fixed a bug in which spectators could interact with the game-world
Overhauled the way the rule system works
Switched to autocvars for most cvar-related variables
Added a dynamic crosshair
Updated weapon selection system
Updated the view to do our own bobbing
Fixed a few logic issues with the round/timer loop
Added some new sound events and some overall polish
Added progressbar on bomb defusing
Added seperators on the timer and the ammo display
Fixed some USE bugs related to doors and other ents
+use (+button6) is now something that can be toggled, whereas before it was a one-time thing
Added various sounds when buying things
Added various messages when trying to buy things you already have
Added proper radio sounds to the bombing mission type
More work done on the equipment
Added fixes to the VIP selection algorithm
Particle fixes and tweaks
Change how ModelGib calls are broadcast due to PVS issues on maps like cs_militia
Fixed scoreboard coloring
Fixed the random-number generation in some occasions
Added gibmodels being able to have a random selection of submodels
Added monetary rewards
Added penalties for injuring/killing hostages
Misc fixes to func_door and func_button in terms of triggering events
Added orbituaries
Added monetary rewards for objectives
Fixed weapons not switching/drawing after buying new ones
Added $16.000 salary cap
Fixed func_breakables always starting with 100HP
Fixed something about the doors
Fixed the Buymenu Exit button trying to buy ammunition
Fixed spawning behaviour between switching teams and modes
Fixed VIPs being able to switch teams midsession
Changed gamedir loading behaviour (attempts to read cstrike, then opencs)