Commit graph

94 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
3da932f697 Added Ethan Lee's fix for vsync on Unix builds.
Misc Unux compiling fixes.
Added VS2015 project files.
Added 32-bit static libs for VS2015.
2021-12-02 15:17:38 -05:00
befa8db495 Added GL_PrintError() for more detailed OpenGL error output.
Added R_EndFrame() to remove direct calls to GLimp_EndFrame() from client and UI.
Removed GL_LockArrays()/GL_UnlockArrays() calls in shadow volume rendering.
Changed parameters to UI_DrawMenuString(), UI_DrawString(), and variants.
Added UI_DrawPopupMessage() to simplify popup text drawing.
2021-11-19 07:25:37 -05:00
0dc88d405d Merged Ethan Lee's finishing Linux and MacOS X porting changes.
Added support for MacOS-specific keys to cl_keys.c.
2021-11-17 18:58:12 -05:00
95295401a4 Added support for custom client railgun colors in 3ZB2, Awakening2, and Zaero DLLs.
Added weapon balancing and tech control cvars to 3ZB2 DLL.
Added Vampire and Ammogen techs to 3ZB2 game DLL.
Fixed func_door_secret movement bug (when built with origin brush) in Zaero DLL.
Fixed armor stacking bug in default Lazarus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Removed unused tech cvars in default Lazarus DLL.
Changed parsing of TE_BLASTER_COLORED tempent.
2021-10-31 03:53:09 -04:00
97a87dbe6e Added color1 userinfo cvar for player railgun effect color to client.
Added red/green/blue component sliders to player setup menu to change player railgun effect color.
Added parsing test code for color1 cvar in client code of default Lazarus DLL.
Will integrate custom color into railgun weapon code for next savegame version increment.
2021-10-21 02:03:19 -04:00
4eea7036b8 Added Ethan Lee's Linux porting changes.
Moved loadingMessage, loadingMessages, and loadingPercent variables in client into client_static_t struct.
2021-10-11 15:38:20 -04:00
e8680f266e Added automatic re-initialization of UI data and execution of config files (via CL_ChangeGameRefresh() and FS_ExecConfigs()) when changing "game" cvar and gamedir.
Added CL_ChangeGameRefresh() in cl_main.c.
Added UI_RefreshData() in ui_main.c.
Added FS_ExecConfigs() in filesystem.c to handle execution of default.cfg and kmq2config.cfg.
Fixed crash due to uncleared pointers when reinitializing mapshotvalid state arrays.
2021-09-27 21:47:12 -04:00
3fcff505a8 Renamed internally generated textures.
Changed blendmode for envmap entity shells.
2021-09-27 12:59:00 -04:00
2744534829 Added flag to reload player models in menu when new player models/skins have been downloaded. 2021-09-21 03:02:44 -04:00
26bf1a14ad Added support for downloading sounds with player models. 2021-09-12 02:03:24 -04:00
d0d781761d Added keybind menu control type.
Refactored key binding menu with new control type.
Minor cleanup of menu implementations.
2021-09-05 00:05:38 -04:00
3ce18b138c Refactored spincontrol menu control with value lists, simplifying menu implementations.
Simplified loading and saving of cvars in slider menu control.
Enlarged text in Game, Multiplayer, and Options menus.
Fixed repeat of failed file causing HTTP downloads to restart.
Added cl_zoommode cvar to simplify Lazarus zoom command.
Changed zoom command to use new cl_zoommode cvar in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Removed unused "crossh" cvar in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Fixed Makron not having a classname when spawned from Jorg in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Made Tactician Gunner ignore small amounts of damage in missionpack DLL.
2021-09-04 02:18:06 -04:00
69bbad2b9a Added video menu resolution list generation from vid_modes table via VID_GetModeInfo().
Added video menu anisotropic mode list generation from cvar.
Cleanup of menus and UI utils code from last refactoring.
Added player obituary for Makron in Zaaero game DLL.
2021-08-29 22:52:34 -04:00
308e1b13c4 Zero-initialize drawStruct_t in cinematic, console background, HUD field, and subimage string drawing.
Fix crash vulnerabilities in hint_test, entid, and entlist developer commands in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
2021-08-22 22:12:39 -04:00
094bf36ce4 Zero-initialize drawStruct_t in client pic drawing funcs using = { 0 };
Zero-initialize vector in ED_ParseField() using = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
2021-08-22 04:18:03 -04:00
1e5348cbe0 Refactoring and rearrangment of menu code.
Added new graphic for text box.
Made edict_t pointer arrays static in 3ZB2, Awakening2, and Zaero DLLs due to stack size concerns.
2021-08-12 15:30:51 -04:00
add4c7cc46 Reworked 2D pic drawing using a new, merged R_DrawPic() function. Moved old pic drawing functions to r_draw_removed.c.
Added new SCR_DrawPic() variants in cl_screen.c.
Added new graphics for text fields and sliders in menus.
Improved mouse interaction for menu sliders.
Added resettargets developer command to default Lazarus and  missionpack DLLs.
Added hint_test developer command to missionpack DLL.
Fixed freeze developer command in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs so it can be used more than once.
More tweaks to Tactician Gunner prox mine safety checks in misssionpack DLL.
2021-08-07 00:43:46 -04:00
c531db636d Changed protocol version to 57.
Fixed an old protocol bug in how extended HUD stats were sent to the client.
Changed protocol for svc_sound servercommand to separate channel and entity values from a merged short to a byte and a short.
More improvements to Tactician Gunner prox aiming safety in missionpack DLL.
Fixed SV_CheckVelocity() sv_velocity cap in missionpack, 3ZB2, and Zaero game DLLs.
2021-08-04 02:15:24 -04:00
9912c694d0 Added borderless window support.
Added UI changes for renaming cl_screen.c->SCR_AdjustFrom640() to SCR_ScaleCoords().
Syntax cleanup in some client particle code.
Simplified Zaero visor HUD scaling hack with strncmp().
2021-07-20 00:21:05 -04:00
263161d9fc Fixed Zaero visor HUD scaling hack triggering on Lazarus text popups containing "\"Tracking ".
Added yellow coloring to sscanf() failure warnings.
2021-07-14 22:21:01 -04:00
4806e6cbc5 Added handling for sscanf() exceptions. 2021-07-14 05:27:46 -04:00
94e238a893 Renamed cl_screen.c->SCR_AdjustFrom640() to SCR_ScaleCoords().
Added support for laser model with multiple skins to client entity code.
Enabled old blaster/flechette puff model when particles are disabled.
Added player muzzleflashes for LMCTF plasma rifle in cl_ents.c->CL_ParseMuzzleFlash().
Added support for extended w/ short index monster muzzleflashes using short enumerator to cl_lights.c->CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2().
Added contact parameter to g_monster.c->monster_fire_grenade() in missionpack DLL.
Added changeable blaster flash colors to cl_lights.c->CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2().
Added muzzleflashes for ionripper and plasma rifle soldier in cl_lights.c->CL_ParseMuzzleFlash2().
Removed unused removed weapons/hyprbu1a.wav from plasma rifle precache in default Lazarus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Added support for extended monster muzzleflashes to monster weapon code in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Changed fire_blaster() to use different skins in the same model instead of separate models for blaster bolts.
Tweaked default gib_health values in default Lazarus DLL.
Removed Lazarus grenade avoidance code from missionpack DLL.
Renamed monster_gunner_commander to monster_gunner_tactician in Lazarus DLL.
Adjusted damage for Tactician Gunner prox mines.
Changed order of glow pass in shared model rendering to be after envmap and celshading.
2021-07-09 19:54:05 -04:00
0a54aa8423 Added new monster muzzleflashes in client and missionpack DLL: MZ2_SOLDIER_HYPERBLASTER_x, MZ2_GLADBETA_PHALANX_1, MZ2_TURRET_RAILGUN_1, MZ2_GUNNER_ETF_RIFLE_x.
Removed unused muzzleflash MZ2_SUPERTANK_GRENADE_x in q_shared.h for both default Lazarus DLL and missionpack DLL.
Added check for filename length before swapping extension to .ent in qcommon/cmodel.c->CMod_LoadEntityString().
Added check for filename length before swapping extension to .pcx in renderer/r_image.c->R_LoadPic().
Added check for filename length before swapping extension to .md3 in renderer/r_model.c->R_RegisterModel().
2021-04-22 21:41:49 -04:00
9753f5f98c Added default generated tone for missing sounds when cvar s_defaultsound is enabled.
Const-ified functions in cl_download.c.
2021-04-19 19:30:26 -04:00
c18c245fe2 Renamed qcommon/files.c to qcommon/filesystem.c.
Added qcommon/filesystem.h for filesystem structs/prototypes.
Added update version to console (e.g. KMQuake2 v0.20u8).
2021-04-11 21:07:08 -04:00
8a2739c555 Added client detection of server protocol from challenge message.
Tweaked client handling of "Server is version x.xx" server rejection messages.
Client now sends info requests to servers with both KMQ2 and stock Q2 protocol versions.
Client now ignores server "wrong version" status messages.
Added server sending protocol version in challenge message.
2021-03-19 00:57:26 -04:00
20baf8e390 Added handling for "print" command in cl_main.c->CL_ConnectionlessPacket() that changes cl_servertrick and reconnects when a known "wrong version" rejection message is received.
Changed wrong protocol rejection messaged in sv_main.c->SVC_DirectConnect() to send KMQuake2 version instead of just version number.
2021-03-18 05:35:26 -04:00
5a1a138095 Refactored Netchan_OutOfBandPrint() calls in cl_main.c. 2021-03-18 03:30:06 -04:00
01b5c9bb8c Updated libcurl to 7.75.0. 2021-03-13 03:03:29 -05:00
1b4eb2b6d7 Refactored server, qcommon, and Win32 code to use cvar integer field where applicable.
Commented out removal of "sethud" command in cl_screen.c.
2021-03-05 16:46:22 -05:00
8083f057cf Added V_Shutdown() function.
Added better error message for clientnum underflow in HUD layout string.
Changed cvar ion_ripper_extra_sounds to default to 0 in missionpack DLL.
2021-03-01 21:49:38 -05:00
bcf678286b Added CL_ShutdownLocal() in cl_main.c.
Changed func_door_secret in missionpack DLL to have the correct die function (door_secret_die) if health is set.
Moved misc, model_*, and target entity code to new source files g_misc_laz.c, g_misc_nm.c, g_model.c, and g_target_laz.c in missionpack DLL.
2021-02-21 21:01:45 -05:00
15d8479c9b Refactored menu utility funcs for fonts, crosshairs, savegames, serverlist, start server maplist, and player models and moved them to ui_utils.c.
Renamed "cursor" cursor_t struct to "ui_menucursor".
Renamed "currentweaponmodel" char pointer to "ui_currentweaponmodel".
Added shutdown functions for console, screen, and UI.
2021-02-17 04:11:49 -05:00
8aab001fb9 Fixed func_door_secret spawn function setting wrong die function if it has a health value in 3ZB2 and Awakening DLLs.
Overhauled slider menu control to show cvar value and simplify implementation.
Changed RGB color increment for railtrail in effects options menu from 16 to 4.
Changed default values for cl_railgreen and cl_railblue to be multiples of 4 to match increment of menu sliders.
Moved misc utility functions in ui_subsystem.c to ui_utils.c.
2021-02-16 13:22:45 -05:00
1abde37ba0 Changed parameter order for Q_strncpyz() and Q_strncatz() to match Com_strcpy() and Com_strcat() from missionpack DLL. 2021-01-25 02:47:07 -05:00
a07cf5c962 Added ui_font and scr_font cvars to separately change menu and HUD font.
Added R_DrawString() to allow drawing of text strings directly in the renderer.
Refactored r_speeds drawing to use new R_DrawString() function.
2021-01-11 01:17:13 -05:00
6f4f02f5bf Added implementation of TE_RAILTRAIL_COLORED.
Refactored railgun trail effect and decal code to handle color as red, green, blue parameters.
Moved CL_TextColor() from cl_string.c to cl_utils.c.
AddedCL_EffectColor() to cl_utils.c.
2020-10-08 17:32:37 -04:00
6a59000846 Changed chat filtering to also work for private messages.
Renamed "sp2" sprite structs for SP2 to have sp2 in their name.
2020-09-20 18:16:28 -04:00
cc63f643ac Renamed md2 "alias" structs and defines for MD2 to have MD2 in their names. 2020-09-06 04:17:32 -04:00
90274a87dd Added integer and description fields to cvar_t struct in game DLLs.
Fixed trailing ' in precache entry for weapon_chaingun.
Added sk_plasma_rifle_life_bounce and sk_plasma_rifle_life_spread cvars to
  missionpack DLL to control time-to-remove of plasma rifle projectiles.
Added SAVEGAME_DLLNAME specific to Citadel builds of missionpack DLL.
Added support for building a version of missionpack DLL specific to Quake2Evolved v0.40b.
2020-08-23 18:04:50 -04:00
87e25e6e21 Fixed writes to CS_GENERAL configstrings overwriting all following configstrings. 2020-08-19 03:52:02 -04:00
f4a9eff8d3 Renamed cl_inv.c to cl_hud.c and moved HUD parsing/drawing code there from cl_screen.c.
Added dumping of  configstrings to DumpStatusLayout command.
Added temp debuging output of CS_GENERAL configstrings to CL_ParseConfigString().
2020-08-19 02:42:15 -04:00
d9848657dc Const-ified string parms for filesystem funcs, function exports, and related func in game DLLs. 2020-08-11 02:08:18 -04:00
74e4a4f1cc Renamed cvars hud_scale, hud_alpha, and hud_squeezedigits to scr_hudsize, scr_hudalpha, and scr_hudsqueezedigits.
Added cl_hud and cl_hud_variant placeholder cvars.
Fixed some VS2019 compiler warnings pointed out by Paril.
2020-08-09 17:03:47 -04:00
37eb683714 Added cvar r_maxfps_autoset to allow disabling of automatic framerate capping.
Moved call to CL_SetFramerateCap() to UpdateVideoRef().
Future-proofed CL_SetFramerateCap() for higher refresh rates.
2020-08-06 18:47:26 -04:00
70759acf65 Added automatic setting of r_maxfps based on r_displayrefresh. 2020-08-06 00:33:53 -04:00
b281dd23ca Increased net_maxfps max clamp to 100. 2020-08-05 22:46:42 -04:00
d49cde7712 Fix "MWHEELUP/MWHEELDOWN is unbound" being spammed to console when scrolling.
Fixed overlapped "customize controls" and "reset defaults" in controls option menu
2020-08-05 17:15:30 -04:00
988347e7d2 Yet more 64-bit porting fixes. 2020-08-02 02:00:01 -04:00
8f43c6bf9f More 64-bit portability fixes. 2020-08-01 22:54:35 -04:00