Re-worded error messages which were unprecise or unfitting before (model index below 0 was not acknowledged at all, or grouped together with a "too many models" message).
modelIDs are given a default value of -1.
Important: A MODELDEF's FrameIndex lines can no longer refer to model indices that are beyond the number of models of that MODELDEF entry. There is in fact a check to avoid going beyond the number of an actor's models which would abort program operation at startup, but it never caught any such occurances.
surfaceSkinIDs was two-dimensional and is now a one-dimensional TArray as well, elements are accessed via [Row + Column * NumRows], in this case surfaceIndex + modelIndex * MD3_MAX_SURFACES]
Used TArray.Alloc to make TArrays have the correct size depending on the number of models.
Edited skinSurfaceIDs access for one-dimensional TArray
To ensure compatibility with mods, all model-related TArrays (four in total) have a minimum size of 4, defined by MD3_MODELS_MIN.
The problem I discovered is that these backends do not respect the GUI-side system setting for swapping the buttons, so this needs to be done in-application so that swapped buttons can behave the same in the menu and the game.
* Changed model-related arrays to TArrays.
* Update models.cpp
Used TArray.Alloc to make TArrays have the correct size depending on the number of models.
surfaceSkinIDs was two-dimensional and is now a one-dimensional TArray as well, it's size is now (models * MD3_MAX_SURFACES)
surfaceSkinIDs was two-dimensional and is now a one-dimensional TArray as well, elements are accessed via [Row + Column * NumRows], in this case sSurfaceIndex + modelIndex * MD3_MAX_SURFACES]
* Edited skinSurfaceIDs access for one-dimensional TArray
* Edited skinSurfaceIDs access for one-dimensional TArray
* Edited skinSurfaceIDs access for one-dimensional TArray
* Changed model-related arrays to TArrays.
* Used TArray.Alloc to make TArrays have the correct size depending on the number of models.
surfaceSkinIDs was two-dimensional and is now a one-dimensional TArray as well, elements are accessed via [Row + Column * NumRows], in this case surfaceIndex + modelIndex * MD3_MAX_SURFACES]
* Used TArray.Alloc to make TArrays have the correct size depending on the number of models.
surfaceSkinIDs was two-dimensional and is now a one-dimensional TArray as well, elements are accessed via [Row + Column * NumRows], in this case surfaceIndex + modelIndex * MD3_MAX_SURFACES]
* Update models.h
* Update models_obj.cpp
The ConversationNPC and ConversationPC fields were not cleared if the conversation was closed by selecting the goodbye option, or if the conversation was closed from the item checks.
This was the result of an issue which stumped the entire Discord, which led to me having to debug from source to find why some relatively standard publicly available PBR materials work. GZDoom is the ONLY program in the typical development stack (GIMP, Slade, UDB) with this narrow of support for the PNG format. As such, the average developer will have no other way to figure out what's going wrong without these: these CANNOT be allowed to fail silently. As things like PNG-compression and 64-bit color become more common in royalty-free PBR materials, support should be an eventual target. Even then, these warnings should remain to prevent this from being an issue the next time things change.
Prototype of overridden function with optional argument(s) missing could extend unrelated prototype of previously defined function when their arguments and return value(s) match
this helps to avoid build issues when virtual environments are different between forks of the same repository
e.g., ubuntu-latest means 20.04 in upstream while it still points to 18.04 in a fork