- Make the weapons selector fixed in place, doesn't move with the head yaw now which is more comfortable
- Removed a lot of the stuff being copied on start-up into a single pakQ3Q.pk3 file for ease
- Switch between Follow modes (1st and 3rd person) using the X button
- Switch back to the "Spectate" mode using the A button when in follow mode
- 1st Person follow mode is on a virtual screen (to avoid nausea)
- Slider for haptic intensity: affects both controller and bhaptics level
- Move 3rd person Spectator and Death Cam closer to player's viewpoint
- Spectator / Follow mode will now be 3rd person, with the person you are following marked with an icon
- Optional Laser Sight for aiming (in VR Menu)
- Toggle to send Roll angles to the server
- Removed very janky first person body option
- Proper button remapping
- Can be configured in autoeec.cfg
- Ability to remap all button functions (including forward/back on R stick)
- Ability to define an alt-key so that all buttons can have two seperate functions
- Slight reduction to SS value to boost perf by maybe a frame or two per secone
- set Master 1 to be called "Quake3Quest Master"
- QoL tweaks to the VR Options menu
- Removed password from commandline as no longer required
- Render usable / carryable objects in off-hand
- Moved the "Use Item" to the off-hand thumbstick
- Move the show scoreboard to the Y button
- First Person Body (bit janky) can be scaled in menu, set to 0 to hide altogether
- bHaptics Support!!
- In CTF you now carry the flag in your off-hand when you pick it up
- Hopefully aligned the railgun scope a little better
- Toggle for weapon autoswitch in the VR menu
- Improved realign logic to delay a few frames (which hopefully means fewer misalignment issues)
- Set Ceon's new master server in the autoexec.cfg
Some other things in there too:
- Incomplete implementation of scoped zoom for rail gun (needs more work)
- VR Options Menu
- Incomplete / Failed attempt at accessing the Android keyboard, leaving in case some revelation occurs