Force everyone beyond a certain point to spectate -- spectators get to queue up. In response to me doing a 1v1 match, tons of people wanting to join to watch, and just relying on honor system to prevent mid-joiners. Spectators are prioritized by how long they've been waiting. I'm thinking of hijacking base SRB2's team scramble for a scramble option later.
This broke MKSC in a minor way if you skip a specific item set and then take the big cut... I'll let it go anyway since its an improvement everywhere else.
- Colorize items, Combi-Catcher style, while the roulette is still going. Nice Chaotix reference, and tells you when the game's just lagged.
- Items blink when you first get them! They blink white when you wait out the whole roulette, red when you mash, or rainbow for enhanced items! Blinking prevents items from being stolen too, so items can't be literally stolen before you even have a chance to see what it was.
- New item roulette sound for mashing
- Fix TC_ limits in Lua
New respawn boost behavior, where you just hold for long enough instead of timing it with hitting the ground. Also much weaker, just gives you enough boost to get going instead of being a free sneaker.
Start boosts have been severely changed. The perfect one has an extra tic on its timing window and gets Sneaker boosting special effects, but every other possible boost has been severely nerfed.
- New player flag, PF_WANTSTOJOIN, added for setting up a spectator queue. You are allowed to join as long as no one has started lap 2.
- Map resets when two people have entered the game, so matches can start naturally without the need of an admin.
- You can bump other people during spinout.
- Bumping during spinout activates a "slow down" timer, which increases your friction after a few tics.
- You have a Smash-style dust effect after a spinout bump, indicating clearly if you'll slow down or not.
* Have the entire thing slide the fuck away a short while into the intermission.
* The tab screen is modified to work off similar behaviour and presentation.
* To go with it, a revamp of how Battle's scoring is handled.
* It's now considered "hits", and is stored in a reuse in one of the vanilla NiGHTS variables, allowing it to use exactly the same ranking mechanisms as race.
* No more resetting of score between battle rounds.
* Minor, unrelated general code cleanup in places.
* Disable the YEEEAH in splitscreen, otherwise you'll hear it *all the time*.
- SPB multiplier depending on 1st-2nd distance
- Removed the Battle-only k_poweritemtimer (hold over from when you could easily get invuln items all of the time), replaced it with a 2 invincibility item cap in ALL modes.
- Spinout is affected by boosters, *properly*
- Can no longer strafe while spinning out on speed bumps
- Messed with how other items interact with speed bumps, again.
- Old bounce code has been ported for non-players
- Fixed Karma players being able to do anything after the round has ended.
- Fixed sneaker and spinout timer weirdness
- Fixed Mines still being hold-use
- Fixed rubber-burn turn not working
- Removed redundant k_spinout and unused k_boosting variables
- Filled out the Color_Opposite table with Kart's new colors. Not really relevant right now (besides some extra Lua functionality) since nothing uses it, but will be nice for if we do the signpost from the sky idea.
- More Jawz states for later
- Jawz orbit their user in the right direction now.
- Banana trails made closer to each other
- wheels.lua hardcoded
- All held items take a double press, for consistency.
- Fixed Karma Items not being able to be collected by invincibility or hyudoro users