While the libraries are probably getting a little out of hand, the
separation into its own directory is probably a good thing as an ECS
should not be tied to scenes. This should make the ECS more generally
This fixes the segfault due to the world entity not actually existing,
without adding a world entity. It takes advantage of the ECS in that the
edge renderer needs only the world matrix, brush model pointer, and the
animation frame number (which is just 0/1 for brush models), thus the
inherent SOA of ECS helps out, though benchmarking is needed to see if
it made any real difference.
With this, all 4 renderers are working again.
Since entity_t has a pointer to the registry owning the entity, there's
no need to access a global to get at the registry. Also move component
getting closer to where it's used.
It no longer initializes the new component. For that, use
Ent_SetComponent which will copy in the provided data or call the
component's create function if the data pointer is null (in which case,
Ent_SetComponent acts as Ent_SetComponent used to).
This puts the hierarchy (transform) reference, animation, visibility,
renderer, active, and old_origin data in separate components. There are
a few bugs (crashes on grenade explosions in gl/glsl/vulkan, immediately
in sw, reasons known, missing brush models in vulkan).
While quake doesn't really need an ECS, the direction I want to take QF
does, and it does seem to have improved memory bandwidth a little
(uncertain). However, there's a lot more work to go (especially fixing
the above bugs), but this seems to be a good start.
Hierarchies are now much closer to being more general in that they are
not tied to 3d transforms. This is a major step to moving the whole
entity/transform system into an ECS.
It didn't really add anything of value as the glyph bitmap rects and the
bearings were never used together, and the rest of the fields were
entirely redundant. A small step towards using a component system for
That does feel a little redundant, but I think the System in ECS is
referring to the systems that run on the components, while the other
system is the support code for the ECS. Anyway...
This is based heavily on the information provided by @skipjack in his
github blog about EnTT. Currently, entity recycling and sparse arrays
for component pools have been implemented, and adding components to an
entity has been tested.
The inconsistencies in clang's handling of casts was bad enough, and its
silliness with certain extensions, but discovering that it doesn't
support raw strings was just too much. Yes, it gives a 3s boost to qfvis
on gmsp3v2.bsp, but it's not worth the hassle.
This is the beginning of adding ECS to QF. While the previous iteration
of hierarchies was a start in the direction towards ECS, this pulls most
of the 3d-specific transform stuff out of the hierarchy "objects",
making all the matrices and vectors/quaternions actual components (in
the ECS sense). There's more work to be done with respect to the
transform and entity members of hierarchy_t (entity should probably go
away entirely, and transform should become hierref_t (or whatever its
final name becomes), but I wanted to get things working sooner than
The motivation for the effort was to allow views to use hierarchy_t,
which should be possible once I get entity and transform sorted out.
I am really glad I already had automated tests for hierarchies, as
things proved to be a little tricky to get working due to forgetting why
certain things were there.
Its value on input is ignored. QFV_CreateResource writes the resource
object's offset relative to the beginning of the shared memory block.
Needed for the Draw overhaul.
I got tired of writing the same 13 or so lines of code over and over (it
actually put me off experimenting with Vulkan). Thus...
QFV_PacketCopyBuffer does the work of handling barriers and a (full
packet) copy from the staging buffer to a GPU buffer.
QFV_PacketCopyImage does a similar job, but for images. However, it
still needs a lot of work, but it does make getting a basic texture onto
the GPU much less of a hassle.
Both functions should make staging data much less error-prone.
This moves the qfv_resobj_t image initialization code from the IQM
loader into the resource management code. This will allow me to reuse
the code for setting up glyph data. As a bonus, it cleans up the IQM
code nicely.
A passage object has a list of all the text objects in the given string,
where the objects represent either white space or "words", as well as a
view_t object representing the entire passage, with paragraphs split
into child views of the passage view, and each paragraph has a child
view for every text/space object in the paragraph.
Paragraphs are split by '\n' (not included in any object).
White space is grouped into clumps such that multiple adjacent spaces
form a single object. The standard ASCII space (0x20) and all of the
Unicode characters marked "WS;<compat> 0020" are counted as white space.
Unless a white space object is the first in the paragraph, its view is
marked for suppression by the view flow code.
Contiguous non-white space characters are grouped into single objects,
and their views are not suppressed.
All text object views (both white space and "word") have their data
pointer set to the psg_text_t object representing the text for that
view. This should be suitable for simple text-mode unattributed display.
More advanced rendering would probably want to create suitable objects
and set the view data pointers to those objects.
No assumption is made about text direction.
Passage and paragraph views need to have their primary axis sizes set
appropriately, as well as their resize flags. Their xlen and ylen are
both set to 10, and xpos,ypos is 0,0. Paragraph views need their
setgeometry pointer set to the appropriate view_flow_* function.
However, they are set up to have their secondary axis set automatically
when flowed.
Text object views are set up for automatic flowing: grav_flow, 0,0 for
xpos,ypos. However, xlen and ylen are also both 0, so need to be set by
the renderer before attempting to flow the text.
Adjusting the size of the parent (container) view to the views it
contains will be useful for automatic layout and knowing how large the
view is for scrolling. New tests added so testing both with and without
the option is still possible.
This should be suitable for laying out text objects with word-wrap,
where each view is a "word" or break between "words". This should be
useful for any other objects that could benefit from similar layout
rules. All eight flows are supported left-right-top-down (English and
most European languages), right-left-top-down (Arabic and similar),
top-down-right-left (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), top-down-left-right,
as well as bottom-up variants of those four.
More work is needed for support of things like views being centered on
the flow line rather than on one edge (depends on flow direction),
offset views, and others. Suppression of "spaces" at the beginning of a
line is supported but not tested.
I had missed that vkCmdCopyImage requires the source and destination
images to have exactly the same size, and I guess assumed that the
swapchain images would always be the size they said they were, but this
is not the case for tiled-optimal images. However,
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer does the right thing regardless of the source
image size.
This fixes the skewed screenshots when the window size is not a multiple
of 8 (for me, might differ for others).
There's a problem with screenshot capture in that the image is sheared
after window resize, but the screen view looks good, and vulkan is happy
with the state changes.
I've found and mostly isolated the parts of the code that will be
affected by window resizing, minus pipelines but they use dynamic
viewport and scissor settings and thus shouldn't be affected so long as
the swapchain format doesn't change (how does that happen?)
This did involve changing some field names and a little bit of cleanup,
but I've got a better handle on what's going on (I think I was in one of
those coding trances where I quickly forget how things work).
Just head and tail are atomic, but it seems to work nicely (at least on
intel). I actually had more trouble with gcc (due to accidentally
testing lock-free with the wrong ring buffer... oops, but yup, gcc will
happily optimize your loop to spin really really fast). Also served as a
nice test for C11 threading.
This makes bsp traversal even more re-entrant (needed for shadows).
Everything needed for a "pass" is taken from bsp_pass_t (or indirectly
through bspctx_t (though that too might need some revising)).
There are some issues with the light renderers getting mangled, and only
the first light is even touched (just begin and end of render pass), but
this gets a lot of the framework into place.
Sounds odd, but it's part of the problem with calling two different
things with essentially the same name. The "high level" render pass in
question may be a compute pass, or a complex series of (Vulkan) render
passes and so won't create a Vulkan render pass for the "high level"
render pass (I do need to come up with a better name for it).
I really don't remember why I made it separate, though it may have been
to do with r_ent_queue. However, putting it together with the rest is
needed for the "render pass" rework.
It now lives in vulkan_renderpass.c and takes most of its parameters
from plist configs (just the name (which is used to find the config),
output spec, and draw function from C). Even the debug colors and names
are taken from the config.
QFV_CreateRenderPass is no longer used, and QFV_CreateFramebuffer hasn't
been used for a long time. The C file is still there for now but is
basically empty.
The software renderer uses Bresenham's line slice algorithm as presented
by Michael Abrash in his Graphics Programming Black Book Special Edition
with the serial numbers filed off (as such, more just so *I* can read
the code easily), along with the Chen-Sutherland line clipping
algorithm. The other renderers were more or less trivial in comparison.
Surfaces marked with SURF_DRAWALPHA but not SURF_DRAWTURB are put in a
separate queue for the water shader and run with a turb scale of 0.
Also, entities with colormod alpha < 1 are marked to go in the same
queue as SURF_DRAWALPHA surfaces (ie, no SURF_DRAWTURB unless the
model's texture indicated such).
Textures whose names start with a { are meant to be rendered with
transparency. Surfaces using those textures are marked with
Unfortunately, the mip levels of ad_tears' transparent textures use the
wrong color so only the highest LOD works properly, but those textures
are meant to be loaded from external files anyway, it seems.
A listener is used instead of (really, as well as) ie_app_window events
because systems that need to know about windows sizes may not have
anything to do with input and the event system.
This breaks console scaling for now (con_width and con_height are gone),
but is a major step towards window resize support as console stuff
should never have been in viddef_t in the first place.
The client screen init code now sets up a screen view (actually the
renderer's scr_view) that is passed to the client console so it can know
the size of the screen. The same view is used by the status bar code.
Also, the ram/cache/paused icon drawing is moved into the client screen
update code. A bit of duplication, but I do plan on merging that