Adds CanReceive() to Actor, called by items from CallTryPickup(). This will let actors themselves determine if they can receive the item before any other checks.
Co-authored-by: Rachael Alexanderson <>
Guarantees a collision happened unlike CanCollideWith. Called in TryMove so it only calls when an actual movement was attempted and not just a potential positional check.
This is needed for implementing reliable serialization of custom translations. As long as they are merely ints they cannot be restored on loading a savegame because the serialization code does not know that these variables are special.
Localized reflection code to a single function. Fixed an error where NOSHIELDREFLECT was being checked on the wrong Actor. Fixed an oversight where MIRRORREFLECT was checking for valid target despite not needing one.
These properties allow to specify how much an actors' aim is degraded when shooting at a shadow actor. And how much the shadow actor itself affects the shooters' aim, respectively.
* deleting some unused code
* turned several class methods into static local functions in cases where they never were used outside this file.
* inlined the dangerous assignment operator in the only place where it was used.
There was one special case allowing to let an actor die on spawn, but this could call script code on an incompletely set up map which resulted in crashes.
- Removed bone manipulation code
- Implemented an index in calculateBones to optimize multi-armature actors
- Moved the bone storage object's creation to RenderModels so that the armature array can be sized there
- Implemented Animation parameters for A_ChangeModel
- Made a modeldef flag to treat additional model indices as just attachments, meaning they will use armature data from index 0
- Fixed an issue with A_ChangeModel where generated indices lower than smf frame amounts could not actually generate anything
- To really take advantage of this function, I thought it would be useful to be able to add additional models if the user wants to. Let's say you got a player model at index 0. Your gun model has the same frames, but you don't want to duplicate the modeldef data. With generator index, you don't need to duplicate the data, just tell generator index to clone frame data from index 0.
- Implemented a little something to check if a negative skin or model index were passed, and prevent modders from pulling that off.
- Made it so when rendering a model, it clones an smf to use so that data isn't overwritten
- Reimplemented the skin index property. This changes the behavior of this index if CMDL_USESURFACESKIN is activated
- Made the 2 TArrays into a class called DActorModelData.
- Removed the skinindex and now just uses one index
- Replaced a bunch of nullptr for modelDef checking with NAME_None
- Added some garbage cleanup to A_ChangeModel itself, as well as removing memory of modelData that is no longer needed
- Attempted serialize code, putting up for review
-Added A_ChangeModelDef
A_ChangeModel(modeldef, modelpath, model, modelindex, skinpath, skin, skinid, flags)
This can change the modeldef, model and skins of an actor.
Currently, modelindex and skinindex accept indices from 0-15.
An actor MUST have a modeldef in order to use this function, either defined from modeldef, or given one through the modeldef parameter. You can pass "" to use the same modeldef. Likewise, passing "" for model or skin will just revert to the default model.
Available flags:
CMDL_WEAPONTOPLAYER - If used on a weapon, this instead change's the model on the player instead.
One issue I am aware of right now is that clearing a model by "" sort of works but is buggy. For now you can just manually set the model back using the names explicitly. However, I am stumped and I think getting more eyes on it would help.
Adjusts the thing's 3D position on render side. This allows for adjusting a thing's visual position without impacting their hitbox.
# Conflicts:
# src/playsim/p_mobj.cpp