2008-08-10 14:19:47 +00:00
ACTOR Actor native //: Thinker
Scale 1
Health 1000
Reactiontime 8
Radius 20
Height 16
Mass 100
RenderStyle Normal
Alpha 1
MinMissileChance 200
MeleeRange 44
MaxDropoffHeight 24
MaxStepHeight 24
BounceFactor 0.7
WallBounceFactor 0.75
BounceCount -1
FloatSpeed 4
2013-05-30 08:52:29 +00:00
FloatBobPhase -1 // randomly initialize by default
2008-08-10 14:19:47 +00:00
Gravity 1
2014-07-29 04:15:50 +00:00
Friction 1
2009-10-15 21:12:31 +00:00
DamageFactor 1.0
2009-06-05 21:44:34 +00:00
PushFactor 0.25
2009-12-25 00:19:28 +00:00
WeaveIndexXY 0
WeaveIndexZ 16
2011-01-22 03:35:33 +00:00
DesignatedTeam 255
2011-06-13 17:15:09 +00:00
PainType Normal
DeathType Normal
2014-12-18 15:46:19 +00:00
TeleFogSourceType "TeleportFog"
TeleFogDestType "TeleportFog"
2014-12-31 01:59:31 +00:00
RipperLevel 0
RipLevelMin 0
RipLevelMax 0
2008-08-10 14:19:47 +00:00
2015-03-15 03:07:52 +00:00
// Functions
2014-12-31 05:31:21 +00:00
native bool CheckClass(class<Actor> checkclass, int ptr_select = AAPTR_DEFAULT, bool match_superclass = false);
native bool IsPointerEqual(int ptr_select1, int ptr_select2);
2015-03-15 03:07:52 +00:00
// Action functions
2009-09-14 22:12:31 +00:00
// Meh, MBF redundant functions. Only for DeHackEd support.
action native A_Turn(float angle = 0);
action native A_LineEffect(int boomspecial = 0, int tag = 0);
// End of MBF redundant functions.
2008-10-19 21:43:36 +00:00
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_MonsterRail();
2014-12-22 02:43:24 +00:00
action native A_BFGSpray(class<Actor> spraytype = "BFGExtra", int numrays = 40, int damagecount = 15, float/*angle*/ angle = 90, float distance = 16*64, float/*angle*/ vrange = 32, int damage = 0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_Pain();
action native A_NoBlocking();
action native A_XScream();
action native A_Look();
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_Chase(state melee = "*", state missile = "none", int flags = 0);
2015-01-30 22:48:24 +00:00
action native A_FaceTarget(float max_turn = 0, float max_pitch = 270, float ang_offset = 0, float pitch_offset = 0, int flags = 0);
action native A_FaceTracer(float max_turn = 0, float max_pitch = 270, float ang_offset = 0, float pitch_offset = 0, int flags = 0);
action native A_FaceMaster(float max_turn = 0, float max_pitch = 270, float ang_offset = 0, float pitch_offset = 0, int flags = 0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_PosAttack();
action native A_Scream();
action native A_SPosAttack();
action native A_SPosAttackUseAtkSound();
action native A_VileChase();
action native A_VileStart();
2008-12-06 10:22:37 +00:00
action native A_VileTarget(class<Actor> fire = "ArchvileFire");
2013-08-09 10:18:58 +00:00
action native A_VileAttack(sound snd = "vile/stop", int initialdmg = 20, int blastdmg = 70, int blastradius = 70, float thrustfac = 1.0, name damagetype = "Fire", int flags = 0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_StartFire();
2008-12-06 10:22:37 +00:00
action native A_Fire(float spawnheight = 0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_FireCrackle();
action native A_Tracer();
action native A_SkelWhoosh();
action native A_SkelFist();
action native A_SkelMissile();
action native A_FatRaise();
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_FatAttack1(class<Actor> spawntype = "FatShot");
action native A_FatAttack2(class<Actor> spawntype = "FatShot");
action native A_FatAttack3(class<Actor> spawntype = "FatShot");
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_BossDeath();
action native A_CPosAttack();
action native A_CPosRefire();
action native A_TroopAttack();
action native A_SargAttack();
action native A_HeadAttack();
action native A_BruisAttack();
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_SkullAttack(float speed = 20);
2009-09-14 09:41:09 +00:00
action native A_BetaSkullAttack();
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_Metal();
action native A_SpidRefire();
action native A_BabyMetal();
action native A_BspiAttack();
action native A_Hoof();
action native A_CyberAttack();
2011-06-06 13:23:28 +00:00
action native A_PainAttack(class<Actor> spawntype = "LostSoul", float angle = 0, int flags = 0, int limit = -1);
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_DualPainAttack(class<Actor> spawntype = "LostSoul");
action native A_PainDie(class<Actor> spawntype = "LostSoul");
2008-12-06 10:22:37 +00:00
action native A_KeenDie(int doortag = 666);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_BrainPain();
action native A_BrainScream();
action native A_BrainDie();
action native A_BrainAwake();
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_BrainSpit(class<Actor> spawntype = "none"); // needs special treatment for default
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_SpawnSound();
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_SpawnFly(class<Actor> spawntype = "none"); // needs special treatment for default
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_BrainExplode();
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_Die(name damagetype = "none");
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_Detonate();
2009-09-14 09:41:09 +00:00
action native A_Mushroom(class<Actor> spawntype = "FatShot", int numspawns = 0, int flags = 0, float vrange = 4.0, float hrange = 0.5);
2008-08-13 14:51:28 +00:00
action native A_CallSpecial(int special, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0, int arg4=0, int arg5=0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_SetFloorClip();
action native A_UnSetFloorClip();
action native A_HideThing();
action native A_UnHideThing();
action native A_SetInvulnerable();
action native A_UnSetInvulnerable();
action native A_SetReflective();
action native A_UnSetReflective();
action native A_SetReflectiveInvulnerable();
action native A_UnSetReflectiveInvulnerable();
action native A_SetShootable();
action native A_UnSetShootable();
action native A_NoGravity();
action native A_Gravity();
action native A_LowGravity();
2008-08-11 22:28:14 +00:00
action native A_SetGravity(float gravity);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_Fall();
action native A_SetSolid();
action native A_UnsetSolid();
action native A_SetFloat();
action native A_UnsetFloat();
2009-06-27 19:37:53 +00:00
action native A_M_Saw(sound fullsound = "weapons/sawfull", sound hitsound = "weapons/sawhit", int damage = 2, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff");
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_ScreamAndUnblock();
action native A_ActiveAndUnblock();
action native A_ActiveSound();
action native A_FastChase();
action native A_FreezeDeath();
action native A_FreezeDeathChunks();
action native A_GenericFreezeDeath();
action native A_IceGuyDie();
action native A_CentaurDefend();
action native A_BishopMissileWeave();
action native A_CStaffMissileSlither();
action native A_PlayerScream();
2010-02-12 06:04:57 +00:00
action native A_SkullPop(class<PlayerChunk> skulltype = "BloodySkull");
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_CheckPlayerDone();
action native A_Wander();
action native A_Look2();
action native A_TossGib();
action native A_SentinelBob();
action native A_SentinelRefire();
action native A_Tracer2();
action native A_SetShadow();
action native A_ClearShadow();
action native A_GetHurt();
action native A_TurretLook();
action native A_KlaxonBlare();
action native A_Countdown();
2013-08-20 18:33:03 +00:00
action native A_AlertMonsters(float maxdist = 0, int flags = 0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_ClearSoundTarget();
action native A_FireAssaultGun();
action native A_CheckTerrain();
2014-11-08 16:59:45 +00:00
action native A_FaceConsolePlayer(float MaxTurnAngle = 0); // [TP]
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
2007-05-28 22:18:51 +00:00
action native A_MissileAttack();
action native A_MeleeAttack();
action native A_ComboAttack();
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_BulletAttack();
2011-05-09 22:10:20 +00:00
action native A_WolfAttack(int flags = 0, sound whattoplay = "weapons/pistol", float snipe = 1.0, int maxdamage = 64, int blocksize = 128, int pointblank = 2, int longrange = 4, float runspeed = 160.0, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff");
2009-09-14 22:12:31 +00:00
action native A_PlaySound(sound whattoplay = "weapons/pistol", int slot = CHAN_BODY, float volume = 1.0, bool looping = false, float attenuation = ATTN_NORM);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_PlayWeaponSound(sound whattoplay);
action native A_FLoopActiveSound();
action native A_LoopActiveSound();
2009-04-14 09:06:03 +00:00
action native A_StopSound(int slot = CHAN_VOICE); // Bad default but that's what is originally was...
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_PlaySoundEx(sound whattoplay, coerce name slot, bool looping = false, int attenuation = 0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_StopSoundEx(coerce name slot);
2009-10-09 20:54:28 +00:00
action native A_SeekerMissile(int threshold, int turnmax, int flags = 0, int chance = 50, int distance = 10);
2009-09-14 22:12:31 +00:00
action native A_Jump(int chance = 256, state label, ...);
2014-12-21 18:29:19 +00:00
action native A_CustomMissile(class<Actor> missiletype, float spawnheight = 32, int spawnofs_xy = 0, float angle = 0, int flags = 0, float pitch = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_TARGET);
2015-01-30 02:53:08 +00:00
action native A_CustomBulletAttack(float/*angle*/ spread_xy, float/*angle*/ spread_z, int numbullets, int damageperbullet, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff", float range = 0, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_TARGET);
2015-04-28 12:45:13 +00:00
action native A_CustomRailgun(int damage, int spawnofs_xy = 0, color color1 = "", color color2 = "", int flags = 0, int aim = 0, float maxdiff = 0, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff", float/*angle*/ spread_xy = 0, float/*angle*/ spread_z = 0, float range = 0, int duration = 0, float sparsity = 1.0, float driftspeed = 1.0, class<Actor> spawnclass = "none", float spawnofs_z = 0, int spiraloffset = 270);
2014-09-26 16:48:20 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfHealthLower(int health, state label, int ptr_selector = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2008-08-11 22:28:14 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfCloser(float distance, state label);
2010-05-14 02:34:25 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfTracerCloser(float distance, state label);
action native A_JumpIfMasterCloser(float distance, state label);
2012-09-06 03:36:25 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfTargetOutsideMeleeRange(state label);
action native A_JumpIfTargetInsideMeleeRange(state label);
2011-06-07 23:05:24 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int itemamount, state label, int owner = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2009-10-17 01:38:54 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfArmorType(name Type, state label, int amount = 1);
2011-03-18 08:02:23 +00:00
action native A_GiveInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0, int giveto = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
action native A_TakeInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0, int flags = 0, int giveto = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2009-09-14 22:12:31 +00:00
action native A_SpawnItem(class<Actor> itemtype = "Unknown", float distance = 0, float zheight = 0, bool useammo = true, bool transfer_translation = false);
2013-03-20 03:07:45 +00:00
action native A_SpawnItemEx(class<Actor> itemtype, float xofs = 0, float yofs = 0, float zofs = 0, float xvel = 0, float yvel = 0, float zvel = 0, float angle = 0, int flags = 0, int failchance = 0, int tid=0);
2010-02-12 06:04:57 +00:00
action native A_Print(string whattoprint, float time = 0, name fontname = "");
action native A_PrintBold(string whattoprint, float time = 0, name fontname = "");
2009-09-14 19:44:14 +00:00
action native A_Log(string whattoprint);
2009-10-25 02:19:51 +00:00
action native A_LogInt(int whattoprint);
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_SetTranslucent(float alpha, int style = 0);
2014-11-25 19:24:35 +00:00
action native A_FadeIn(float reduce = 0.1, int flags = 0);
action native A_FadeOut(float reduce = 0.1, int flags = 1); //bool remove == true
action native A_FadeTo(float target, float amount = 0.1, int flags = 0);
2015-01-23 15:26:34 +00:00
action native A_SetScale(float scalex, float scaley = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2011-01-14 22:59:20 +00:00
action native A_SetMass(int mass);
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_SpawnDebris(class<Actor> spawntype, bool transfer_translation = false, float mult_h = 1, float mult_v = 1);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_CheckSight(state label);
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_ExtChase(bool usemelee, bool usemissile, bool playactive = true, bool nightmarefast = false);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_DropInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype);
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_SetBlend(color color1, float alpha, int tics, color color2 = "");
2008-08-11 22:28:14 +00:00
action native A_ChangeFlag(string flagname, bool value);
2011-06-07 23:05:24 +00:00
action native A_CheckFlag(string flagname, state label, int check_pointer = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2008-08-11 22:28:14 +00:00
action native A_JumpIf(bool expression, state label);
2014-11-27 21:12:33 +00:00
action native A_RaiseMaster(bool copy = 0);
action native A_RaiseChildren(bool copy = 0);
action native A_RaiseSiblings(bool copy = 0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_CheckFloor(state label);
2009-04-23 23:20:21 +00:00
action native A_CheckCeiling(state label);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_PlayerSkinCheck(state label);
action native A_BasicAttack(int meleedamage, sound meleesound, class<actor> missiletype, float missileheight);
2015-04-07 16:14:02 +00:00
action native A_Teleport(state teleportstate = "", class<SpecialSpot> targettype = "BossSpot", class<Actor> fogtype = "TeleportFog", int flags = 0, float mindist = 0, float maxdist = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2011-06-14 22:45:42 +00:00
action native A_Warp(int ptr_destination, float xofs = 0, float yofs = 0, float zofs = 0, float angle = 0, int flags = 0, state success_state = "");
2009-06-30 20:57:51 +00:00
action native A_ThrowGrenade(class<Actor> itemtype, float zheight = 0, float xyvel = 0, float zvel = 0, bool useammo = true);
2009-12-25 12:03:51 +00:00
action native A_Weave(int xspeed, int yspeed, float xdist, float ydist);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
2009-06-30 20:57:51 +00:00
action native A_Recoil(float xyvel);
2011-06-07 23:05:24 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfInTargetInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount, state label, int forward_ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
action native A_GiveToTarget(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0, int forward_ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
action native A_TakeFromTarget(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0, int flags = 0, int forward_ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2012-03-30 04:28:10 +00:00
action native A_RadiusGive(class<Inventory> itemtype, int distance, int flags, int amount = 0);
2009-10-16 16:04:19 +00:00
action native A_CountdownArg(int argnum, state targstate = "");
2009-09-14 22:12:31 +00:00
action native A_CustomMeleeAttack(int damage = 0, sound meleesound = "", sound misssound = "", name damagetype = "none", bool bleed = true);
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_CustomComboAttack(class<Actor> missiletype, float spawnheight, int damage, sound meleesound = "", name damagetype = "none", bool bleed = true);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_Burst(class<Actor> chunktype);
2009-09-28 15:55:57 +00:00
action native A_Blast(int flags = 0, int strength = 255, int radius = 255, float speed = 20, class<Actor> blasteffect = "BlastEffect", sound blastsound = "BlastRadius");
2012-08-30 04:01:50 +00:00
action native A_RadiusThrust(int force = 128, int distance = -1, int flags = RTF_AFFECTSOURCE, int fullthrustdistance = 0);
action native A_Explode(int damage = -1, int distance = -1, int flags = XF_HURTSOURCE, bool alert = false, int fulldamagedistance = 0, int nails = 0, int naildamage = 10, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff");
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_Stop();
2009-09-15 21:57:51 +00:00
action native A_Respawn(int flags = 1);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_BarrelDestroy();
action native A_QueueCorpse();
2007-09-02 09:57:08 +00:00
action native A_DeQueueCorpse();
2008-08-12 20:19:47 +00:00
action native A_LookEx(int flags = 0, float minseedist = 0, float maxseedist = 0, float maxheardist = 0, float fov = 0, state label = "");
2012-03-22 21:40:26 +00:00
action native A_ClearLastHeard();
2007-12-23 21:56:46 +00:00
action native A_ClearTarget();
2013-03-23 02:55:59 +00:00
action native A_CheckLOF(state jump, int flags = 0, float range = 0, float minrange = 0, float angle = 0, float pitch = 0, float offsetheight = 0, float offsetwidth = 0, int ptr_target = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2010-09-16 03:14:32 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfTargetInLOS (state label, float/*angle*/ fov = 0, int flags = 0, float dist_max = 0, float dist_close = 0);
action native A_JumpIfInTargetLOS (state label, float/*angle*/ fov = 0, int flags = 0, float dist_max = 0, float dist_close = 0);
2006-12-04 23:25:59 +00:00
action native A_SelectWeapon(class<Weapon> whichweapon);
2008-01-13 15:47:55 +00:00
action native A_Punch();
2008-07-21 17:03:30 +00:00
action native A_Feathers();
2008-08-03 16:13:23 +00:00
action native A_ClassBossHealth();
2008-08-05 17:58:38 +00:00
action native A_ShootGun();
2008-08-05 22:51:51 +00:00
action native A_RocketInFlight();
2008-08-06 22:59:24 +00:00
action native A_Bang4Cloud();
2008-08-07 17:45:35 +00:00
action native A_DropFire();
2008-08-11 22:28:14 +00:00
action native A_GiveQuestItem(int itemno);
2008-08-07 20:16:07 +00:00
action native A_RemoveForcefield();
2008-08-08 10:24:08 +00:00
action native A_DropWeaponPieces(class<Actor> p1, class<Actor> p2, class<Actor> p3);
2008-08-09 11:35:42 +00:00
action native A_PigPain ();
2009-06-06 12:46:35 +00:00
action native A_MonsterRefire(int chance, state label);
2015-01-23 15:26:34 +00:00
action native A_SetAngle(float angle = 0, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
action native A_SetPitch(float pitch, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2015-01-30 02:53:08 +00:00
action native A_SetRoll(float/*angle*/ roll, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2015-01-23 15:26:34 +00:00
action native A_ScaleVelocity(float scale, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2015-01-19 20:54:20 +00:00
action native A_ChangeVelocity(float x = 0, float y = 0, float z = 0, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2009-07-16 22:50:58 +00:00
action native A_SetArg(int pos, int value);
2009-10-25 02:19:51 +00:00
action native A_SetUserVar(name varname, int value);
action native A_SetUserArray(name varname, int index, int value);
2009-09-17 20:54:07 +00:00
action native A_SetSpecial(int spec, int arg0 = 0, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0, int arg4 = 0);
2009-10-15 08:25:07 +00:00
action native A_Quake(int intensity, int duration, int damrad, int tremrad, sound sfx = "world/quake");
- Squashed commit of the following:
commit bc45fe3263d34ef5f746f524687999c19bf7b779
Author: Randy Heit <rheit@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Sun Mar 1 18:51:05 2015 -0600
wave scale -> wave speed
commit ff96388b128c724c1198757bfa52f1935a263356
Author: Randy Heit <rheit@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Sun Mar 1 18:45:32 2015 -0600
More sine quake fixes
commit 2a89749a6fe6d271b9fbdc218779f680afcf4cb6
Merge: 719dfbe 5456074
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Feb 28 20:37:22 2015 -0600
Added QF_WAVE to A_QuakeEx.
- Changes the random quakes into a sine wave (see Shadow Warrior/Rise of the Triad reboots, Hard Reset, etc.)
- Added 3 properties to control waves per second along each individual axis. Only works with QF_WAVE.
- Intensity X/Y/Z property becomes the amplitude of the wave.
- Stacks with regular quakes, allowing shaking along the camera which must be called using A_QuakeEx WITHOUT the flag, or the other quaking functions.
- Uses the youngest quake's time for positioning.
commit 54560741581e8d15cc7060e8e068cf85e9a4b432
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Feb 28 20:21:19 2015 -0600
Recommitted recommended changes by Randi, with some modifications. Now, we should be finished!
commit 6f4473013411686d88fc185bdc1cc58b1035b0f1
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Feb 28 12:52:57 2015 -0600
Finish this revert.
commit 467e53f9400f588a2ada9b32e7634cb1f4ad5066
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Feb 28 12:46:02 2015 -0600
Reverted back to what was working.
commit da9de56a67efda08036e481fd5fccd5392ce6810
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Feb 26 18:53:20 2015 -0600
Forgot this bit, for testing.
commit c5093d9bb97caf8478cefc32abc56a036feeea58
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Feb 26 18:52:46 2015 -0600
Some more progress, but...
- This did not solve anything. In fact, it did the opposite -- completely broke wave quakes. Now they only happen whenever a random quake is in progress.
- Left in the commented code on purpose so Randi can test it.
commit 7e526405d2127cbb279f66008c8f8e55a5d497f3
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Wed Feb 25 17:50:42 2015 -0600
- Use newest waveform timer, not oldest.
commit 1356443609dbc6c7f46e081d0846816dc0836124
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Wed Feb 25 17:32:09 2015 -0600
- Got regular quakes to multiply onto sine quakes, but the vice versa needs fixing too.
commit d95796c94c70cd0229d4a6d30f69e3a7568b9588
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Wed Feb 25 16:46:21 2015 -0600
- Last hurdle. Now just need to figure out how to properly scale up and down.
commit 4bc3458e689155ce72c09776604d9eb4fa73d8be
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Feb 24 23:18:03 2015 -0600
- Fixed the quakes being unstackable.
commit b51012d6d4ea065bf7f6fc9c1a0472966491f7af
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Feb 23 23:48:34 2015 -0600
QF_WAVE renamed from SINE.
- Lots of ground covered, but still more to go.
- Still need to figure out how to make the camera properly shudder.
commit 427e4893193470bbf45415ffec70a0b69b8cccfd
Author: MajorCooke <paul.growney22@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Feb 22 16:52:30 2015 -0600
- Begin the groundworks for QF_SINE.
- Need to figure out how to rework and manipulate the sine wave to move faster, and to allow going below 0 without breaking it too much.
2015-03-02 00:53:34 +00:00
action native A_QuakeEx(int intensityX, int intensityY, int intensityZ, int duration, int damrad, int tremrad, sound sfx = "world/quake", int flags = 0, float mulWaveX = 1, float mulWaveY = 1, float mulWaveZ = 1);
2012-08-24 21:02:49 +00:00
action native A_SetTics(int tics);
2013-03-13 04:04:48 +00:00
action native A_SetDamageType(name damagetype);
2013-08-11 23:54:45 +00:00
action native A_DropItem(class<Actor> item, int dropamount = -1, int chance = 256);
2015-01-23 15:26:34 +00:00
action native A_SetSpeed(float speed, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2014-12-25 15:23:59 +00:00
action native A_DamageSelf(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_DamageTarget(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_DamageMaster(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_DamageTracer(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_DamageChildren(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_DamageSiblings(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_KillTarget(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_KillMaster(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_KillTracer(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_KillChildren(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_KillSiblings(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_RemoveTarget(int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_RemoveMaster(int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_RemoveTracer(int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_RemoveChildren(bool removeall = false, int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_RemoveSiblings(bool removeall = false, int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
action native A_Remove(int removee, int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = "None", name species = "None");
2014-10-29 19:01:31 +00:00
action native A_GiveToChildren(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0);
action native A_GiveToSiblings(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0);
action native A_TakeFromChildren(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0);
action native A_TakeFromSiblings(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0);
2015-03-31 20:11:16 +00:00
action native A_SetTeleFog(class<Actor> oldpos, class<Actor> newpos);
2014-12-18 03:58:30 +00:00
action native A_SwapTeleFog();
2015-01-06 17:55:41 +00:00
action native A_SetFloatBobPhase(int bob);
2015-01-21 04:54:30 +00:00
action native A_SetHealth(int health, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2015-01-23 15:26:34 +00:00
action native A_ResetHealth(int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
2015-04-30 13:28:41 +00:00
action native A_JumpIfHigherOrLower(state high, state low, float offsethigh = 0, float offsetlow = 0, bool includeHeight = true, int ptr = AAPTR_TARGET);
2014-12-31 01:59:31 +00:00
action native A_SetRipperLevel(int level);
action native A_SetRipMin(int min);
action native A_SetRipMax(int max);
2007-04-28 09:06:32 +00:00
2015-01-01 19:16:51 +00:00
action native A_CheckSightOrRange(float distance, state label, bool two_dimension = false);
action native A_CheckRange(float distance, state label, bool two_dimension = false);
2010-02-26 00:08:25 +00:00
2011-03-18 08:02:23 +00:00
action native A_RearrangePointers(int newtarget, int newmaster = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int newtracer = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int flags=0);
action native A_TransferPointer(int ptr_source, int ptr_recepient, int sourcefield, int recepientfield=AAPTR_DEFAULT, int flags=0);
action native A_CopyFriendliness(int ptr_source = AAPTR_MASTER);
2012-10-18 03:19:27 +00:00
action native ACS_NamedExecute(name script, int mapnum=0, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0);
action native ACS_NamedSuspend(name script, int mapnum=0);
action native ACS_NamedTerminate(name script, int mapnum=0);
action native ACS_NamedLockedExecute(name script, int mapnum=0, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int lock=0);
action native ACS_NamedLockedExecuteDoor(name script, int mapnum=0, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int lock=0);
action native ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult(name script, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0, int arg4=0);
action native ACS_NamedExecuteAlways(name script, int mapnum=0, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0);
2012-02-16 21:49:09 +00:00
2008-08-09 11:35:42 +00:00
2008-08-10 14:19:47 +00:00
2008-08-09 11:35:42 +00:00
TNT1 A -1
2008-08-10 14:19:47 +00:00
2008-08-09 11:35:42 +00:00
TNT1 A 1
2008-08-10 14:19:47 +00:00
// Generic freeze death frames. Woo!
2010-04-19 02:46:50 +00:00
"####" "#" 5 A_GenericFreezeDeath
2008-08-10 14:19:47 +00:00
"----" A 1 A_FreezeDeathChunks
2009-09-14 20:47:53 +00:00
POL5 A -1
2008-08-09 11:35:42 +00:00