- Uses the same code as Thing_ProjectileIntercept to aim and move the projectile.
- targ: The actor the caller will aim at.
- speed: Used for calculating the new angle/pitch and adjusts the speed accordingly. Default is -1 (current speed).
- aimpitch: If true, aims the pitch in the travelling direction. Default is true.
- oldvel: If true, does not replace the velocity with the specified speed. Default is false.
- Split the code from Thing_ProjectileIntercept and have that function call VelIntercept.
These were caused by some bogus comment in the original compatibility.txt which erroneously added a "SPAC_PCross" remark to a line which actually set "SPAC_Cross".
RIndexOf returns the index where the substring starts, instead of the index where the substring ends - 1.
Deprecate the LastIndexOf method of StringStruct
These methods do not examine or change playsim state. They only perform math or look at class metadata.
Methods changed are:
• deltaangle
• absangle
• AngleToVector
• RotateVector
• Normalize180
• BobSin
• GetDefaultSpeed
• FindState
• GetDropItems (which changes the scope of the returned struct, but the returned struct is all-readonly anyway)
This reverts commit 8c7d3b6ab8.
With DTA_LegacyRenderStyle being added there is no pressing need for this. Aside from that there's an utterly unhealthy amount of information duplication here and it is missing some more recent additions.
The problem here is that this affects the public scripting interface so it cannot be committed to master without further adjustments.
# Conflicts:
# src/p_interaction.cpp
- new ccmd: vid_setscale <x> <y> [linear] [fake-mcga-4:3] - sets vid_scalemode to 5 with the absolute scaling parameters. example: vid_scalemode 800 600 allows you to see the screen (stretched) as if it were 800x600. Linear specifies whether to force the scaling to be linear in this mode, and "fake-mcga-4:3" is meant for 320x200-like modes that mimic mode13h scaling.
This was done because the backdrop as implemented was the only texture in the entire game that had to be deleted and recreated each frame.
However, with Vulkan this would have necessitated quite a bit of synchronization with the render pipeline which wasn't really feasible just for this one single texture.
Now the texture manager can assume that once a texture was created it will be immutable and never has to change.
MAP07 - Dropping onto the outdoor lava will now raise triangle sectors.
Should be impossible to get stuck in them now.
MAP08 - Fix (what I presume to be an unintentional) missing texture.
With this, one can use its self-replacement code (which copies a bunch of its state into the replacement actor, and monitors for boss death if appropriate), but select the replacement class based on some other criteria (map number, the player's RPG stats, the player's class, etc).
Previously, a RandomSpawner with infinite recursion would hang the game, because the recursion check was happening before the recursion counter (bouncecount) was set.