- disable GL_ARB_buffer_storage when a -glversion parameter less than 4.0 is given. According to the spec this extension requires 4.0 so if emulating something lower it should not be used.
- Also fixed some very strange thing in the shader's desaturate function. For unknown reasons using the 'mix' function there did not work.
- fixed: The fog boundary special shader could not be used.
Turns out that the name doesn't accurately describe what it does.
It is correct for images that come with their own palette or are true color.
But for images using the game palette it doesn't use the red channel to determine translucency but the palette index! Ugh...
This means it cannot be done with a simple operation in the shader because it won't get a proper source image. The only solution is to create a separate texture.
- remove thing color from lighting calculations.
- implement alpha textures and inverse sprites for infrared as texture modes. This still requires some handling for the alpha texture mode for non-shader rendering because there is no way in the fixed pipeline to do it. The inverted texture effect can be done with a texture combiner.
- fixed: ThingColor for sprites was set in the wrong place. It must be in the Process function, not in the lighting calculation.
- added functions for isolated calculation of sprites' dynlight color.
On GL 3.x+ this isn't needed at all and on older hardware it causes performance issues, in particular with hires textures due to impossibility of precaching.
In addition it forces some really awkward handling of lighting for things that have their own color, like stenciled sprites or particles.
With this special case gone it will be possible to handle this case in a saner manner than it is right now.
As compensation for older hardware a fullscreen blend will be drawn over the entire screen. This won't be 100% accurate but it's preferable to keeping the current method.
This means it won't work anymore on anything that doesn't support OpenGL 4.0, but I don't think this is a problem. On older NVidia cards performance gains could not be seen and on older AMDs using the vertex buffer was even worse as long as it got mixed with immediate mode rendering.
- replaced GLUs texture scaling with our own function. This is only used to scale down textures larger than what the hardware can handle so we do not need a dependency to an essentially deprecated library for it.