The old version was checking every single actor in every single sector for being affected by a carry scroller if there was so much as a single such scroller in the map.
Changed it so that the scroll thinker flags all actors in the affected sectors so that these expensive calculations can be skipped for everything else.
This change and reduce think time by 1/3 on maps like ZDCMP2 (on the test machine it went down from 6 ms to 4 ms on this map.)
For some files that had the Doom Source license attached but saw heavy external contributions over the years I added a special note to license all original ZDoom code under BSD.
This is to ensure that the Class pointer can be set right on creation. ZDoom had always depended on handling this lazily which poses some problems for the VM.
So now there is a variadic Create<classtype> function taking care of that, but to ensure that it gets used, direct access to the new operator has been blocked.
This also neccessitated making DArgs a regular object because they get created before the type system is up. Since the few uses of DArgs are easily controllable this wasn't a big issue.
- did a bit of optimization on the bots' decision making whether to pick up a health item or not.
This reinstates the old FActorInfo as part of the meta data a class can have so that the class descriptor itself can be freed from any data not directly relevant for managing the class's type information.
- consolidated the code to calculate a sprite's display angle for all 3 renderers.
As it turned out, they all differed in their feature support because they had always been updated independently by different people.
Since the true color software renderer also handles them there is no point keeping them on the GL side.
This also optimized how they are stored, because we no longer need to be aware of a base engine which doesn't have them.
This addresses the main issue with TObjPtr, namely that using it required pulling in the entire class hierarchy in basic headers like r_defs which polluted nearly every single source file in the project.
- made CameraHeight a modifiable actor property - it was readonly before.
- allow accessing the type constants from ZScript, this required quite a bit of explicit coding because the type system has no capabilities to search for basic types by name.
This could cause problems if 3D floors with different properties for slashing and waterlevel were occupied at the same time. By keeping the slash code separate both parts can be handled without having to look out for the other.
Making this an object had little to no advantage, except being able to remove the deleter code. Now, with some of the class data already being allocated in a memory arena so that freeing it is easier, this can also be used for the drop item lists which makes it unnecessary to subject them to the GC. This also merges the memory arenas for VM functions and flat pointers because both get deleted at the same time so they can share the same one.