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#ifndef _G_LUA_H
#define _G_LUA_H
#include "g_local.h"
#if (defined __linux__ || defined __WIN32__) // linux or mingw
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#define NUM_VMS 3
#if defined __linux__
#define EXTENSION "so"
#elif defined WIN32
#define HOSTARCH "WIN32"
#define EXTENSION "dll"
#elif defined __APPLE__
#define EXTENSION "dylib"
#define Lua_RegisterGlobal(L, n, v) (lua_pushstring(L, v), lua_setglobal(L, n))
#define Lua_RegConstInteger(L, n) (lua_pushstring(L, #n), lua_pushinteger(L, n), lua_settable(L, -3))
#define Lua_RegConstString(L, n) (lua_pushstring(L, #n), lua_pushstring(L, n), lua_settable(L, -3))
typedef struct {
int id;
char filename[MAX_QPATH];
char *code;
int code_size;
int error;
lua_State *L;
} lvm_t;
extern lvm_t *lVM[NUM_VMS];
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief A debug print function for Lua.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param fmt Describes the format to use.
void QDECL LUA_DEBUG(const char *fmt, ...);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Lua logger.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param fmt Describes the format to use.
void QDECL LUA_LOG(const char *fmt, ...);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Initialize Lua.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @return A qboolean indicating success of failure.
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
qboolean G_Lua_Init(void);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief A Lua function call.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] vm If non-null, the virtual mashine.
* @param [in] func If non-null, the function.
* @param nargs Number of arguments.
* @param nresults Number of results.
* @return A qboolean indicating success or failure.
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
qboolean G_Lua_Call(lvm_t *vm, char *func, int nargs, int nresults);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Resume execution of a Lua vm.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] vm If non-null, the virtual mashine.
* @param [in] T If non-null, the lua_State * to process.
* @param [in] func If non-null, the function.
* @param nargs The nargs.
* @return A qboolean indicating success of failure.
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
qboolean G_Lua_Resume(lvm_t *vm, lua_State *T, char *func, int nargs);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Get a Lua function.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] vm If non-null, the virtual mashine.
* @param [in] name If non-null, the name.
* @return A qboolean.
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
qboolean G_Lua_GetFunction(lvm_t *vm, char *name);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Start Lua VM.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] vm If non-null, the virtual mashine.
* @return A qboolean.
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
qboolean G_Lua_StartVM(lvm_t *vm);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Stop Lua VM.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] vm If non-null, the virtual mashine.
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
void G_Lua_StopVM(lvm_t *vm);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Shutdown Lua.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
void G_Lua_Shutdown(void);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Print the lua status to a client console.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] ent If non-null, the client.
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
void G_Lua_Status(gentity_t *ent);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Get the lua VM for a given Lua state.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] L If non-null, the lua_State * to process.
* @return null if it fails, else a lvm_t*.
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
lvm_t* G_Lua_GetVM(lua_State *L);
// lua_entity.c
typedef struct {
gentity_t *e;
} lent_t;
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Open lua entity library.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] L If non-null, the lua_State * to process.
* @return An int.
2013-10-15 18:03:10 +00:00
int Luaopen_Entity(lua_State *L);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Push an entity onto the lua stack.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] L If non-null, the lua_State * to process.
* @param [in] ent If non-null, the entity to push.
2013-10-15 18:03:10 +00:00
void Lua_PushEntity(lua_State *L, gentity_t *ent);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Get an entity from the lua stack.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] L If non-null, the lua_State * to process.
* @param argNum The argument which is the entity.
* @return null if it fails, else a lent_t*.
2013-10-15 18:03:10 +00:00
lent_t* Lua_GetEntity(lua_State *L, int argNum);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* @brief Open lua weapons library.
* @author GSIO01
* @date 14.10.2013
* @param [in] L If non-null, the lua_State * to process.
* @return An int.
int Luaopen_Weapons(lua_State *L);
// lua_trace.c
typedef struct {
trace_t *tr;
} ltrace_t;
2013-10-15 18:03:10 +00:00
void Lua_PushTrace(lua_State* L, trace_t* tr);
ltrace_t *Lua_GetTrace(lua_State* L, int argNum);
int Luaopen_Trace(lua_State* L);
// lua_game.c
int Luaopen_Game(lua_State *L);
// lua_qmath.c
int Luaopen_Qmath(lua_State *L);
// lua_vector.c
int Luaopen_Vector(lua_State *L);
void Lua_PushVector(lua_State *L, vec3_t v);
vec_t *Lua_GetVector(lua_State *L, int argNum);
int Lua_IsVector(lua_State *L, int index);
vec3_t *Lua_GetVectorMisc(lua_State *L, int *index);
// lua_mover.c
int Luaopen_Mover(lua_State *L);
// lua_cinematic.c
int Luaopen_Cinematic(lua_State *L);
// lua_sound.c
int Luaopen_Sound(lua_State *L);
* Lua hook for InitGame event.
* \param leveltime level time the event occured
* \param radomseed a random seed
* \param restart is this a map restart?
void LuaHook_G_InitGame(int leveltime, unsigned int randomseed, int restart);
* Lua hook for weapon firing.
* \param ent The player.
* \param muzzle The muzzle point.
* \param forwar The forward vector.
* \param alt_fire Indicator whether the shot is alternative fire mode.
* \param weapon Weapon number.
void LuaHook_G_FireWeapon(int ent, vec3_t muzzle, vec3_t forward, int alt_fire, int weapon);
* Lua hook for Shutdown event.
* \param restart is this a map restart?
void LuaHook_G_Shutdown(int restart);
* Lua hook for RunFrame event.
* \param leveltime the level time
void LuaHook_G_RunFrame(int leveltime);
* Lua hook for G_Print function.
* \param text text to be printed
void LuaHook_G_Print(char* text);
* Lua hook for G_ClientPrint function.
* \param text text to be printed
* \param entnum entity index for client the text gets send to
void LuaHook_G_ClientPrint(char* text, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity think function function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the think function was called on
* \return success or fail
void LuaHook_G_EntityThink(char* function, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity touch function function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the touch function was called on
* \param othernum entiy index of touching entity
* \return success or fail
void LuaHook_G_EntityTouch(char* function, int entnum, int othernum);
* Lua hook for entity use function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the use function was called on
* \param othernum entity index of other entity
* \param activatornum entity index of activating entity
void LuaHook_G_EntityUse(char* function, int entnum, int othernum, int activatornum);
* Lua hook for entity hurt function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the hurt function was called on
* \param inflictornum entity index of inflictor
* \param attackernum entity index of attacker
void LuaHook_G_EntityHurt(char* function, int entnum, int inflictornum, int attackernum);
* Lua hook for entity die function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the die function was called on
* \param inflictornum entity index of inflictor
* \param attackernum entity index of attacker
* \param dmg ammount of damage
* \param mod means of death
void LuaHook_G_EntityDie(char* function, int entnum, int inflictornum, int attackernum, int dmg, int mod);
* Lua hook for entity free function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the free function was called on
void LuaHook_G_EntityFree(char* function, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity trigger function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the trigger function was called on
* \param othernum entity index of triggering entity
void LuaHook_G_EntityTrigger(char* function, int entnum, int othernum);
* Lua hook for entity spawn function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the spawn function was called on
void LuaHook_G_EntitySpawn(char* function, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity reached function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the reached function was called on
void LuaHook_G_EntityReached(char* function, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity reached angular function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the reached angular function was called on
void LuaHook_G_EntityReachedAngular(char* function, int entnum);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* \fn unsigned G_Lua_NumThreads(void);
* \brief Get information about lua threads.
* Prints status information about lua threads and returns the number of active lua threads.
* \author GSIO01
* \date 14.10.2013
* \return An unsigned.
void LuaHook_G_CmdScriptCall(char* function);
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
unsigned G_Lua_NumThreads(void);
2013-10-14 20:52:15 +00:00
* \fn void G_Lua_CollectGarbage(void);
* \brief Garbage collection of inactive lua threads.
* \author GSIO01
* \date 14.10.2013
2013-10-13 20:06:17 +00:00
void G_Lua_CollectGarbage(void);