2616 lines
64 KiB
2616 lines
64 KiB
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
level.zombie_move_speed = 1;
level.zombie_health = 150;
zombies = getEntArray( "zombie_spawner", "script_noteworthy" );
later_rounds = getentarray("later_round_spawners", "script_noteworthy" );
zombies = array_combine( zombies, later_rounds );
for( i = 0; i < zombies.size; i++ )
if( is_spawner_targeted_by_blocker( zombies[i] ) )
zombies[i].locked_spawner = true;
array_thread(zombies, ::add_spawn_function, ::zombie_spawn_init);
array_thread(zombies, ::add_spawn_function, ::zombie_rise);
dogs = getEntArray( "zombie_dog_spawner", "script_noteworthy" );
later_dogs = getentarray("later_round_dog_spawners", "script_noteworthy" );
dogs = array_combine( dogs, later_dogs );
for( i = 0; i < dogs.size; i++ )
if( is_spawner_targeted_by_blocker( dogs[i] ) )
dogs[i].locked_spawner = true;
array_thread( dogs, ::add_spawn_function, ::zombie_spawn_init_dog );
#using_animtree ("dog");
self.melee_attack_anim = %ai_zombie_dog_attack_v1;
self endon("death");
players = get_players();
if(isAlive(players[i]) && !isDefined(players[i].revivetrigger))
if (distance2d(self.origin,players[i].origin) <=48)
self.melee_attack_anim = %ai_zombie_dog_attack_v1;
self.melee_attack_anim = %german_shepherd_run_attack;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
is_spawner_targeted_by_blocker( ent )
if( IsDefined( ent.targetname ) )
targeters = GetEntArray( ent.targetname, "target" );
for( i = 0; i < targeters.size; i++ )
if( targeters[i].targetname == "zombie_door" || targeters[i].targetname == "zombie_debris" )
return true;
result = is_spawner_targeted_by_blocker( targeters[i] );
if( result )
return true;
return false;
// set up zombie walk cycles
self.targetname = "zombie";
self.script_noteworthy = undefined;
self.animname = "zombie";
self.ignoreall = true;
self.allowdeath = true; // allows death during animscripted calls
self.gib_override = true; // needed to make sure this guy does gibs
self.is_zombie = true; // needed for melee.gsc in the animscripts
self.has_legs = true; // Sumeet - This tells the zombie that he is allowed to stand anymore or not, gibbing can take
// out both legs and then the only allowed stance should be prone.
self.gibbed = false;
self.head_gibbed = false;
// might need this so co-op zombie players cant block zombie pathing
self PushPlayer( true );
// self.meleeRange = 128;
// self.meleeRangeSq = anim.meleeRange * anim.meleeRange;
animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.primaryweapon, "none" );
// This isn't working, might need an "empty" weapon
//self animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.weapon, "none" );
self allowedStances( "stand" );
self.disableArrivals = true;
self.disableExits = true;
self.grenadeawareness = 0;
self.badplaceawareness = 0;
self.ignoreSuppression = true;
self.suppressionThreshold = 1;
self.noDodgeMove = true;
self.dontShootWhileMoving = true;
self.pathenemylookahead = 0;
self.badplaceawareness = 0;
self.chatInitialized = false;
self disable_pain();
self.maxhealth = level.zombie_health;
self.health = level.zombie_health;
self.dropweapon = false;
level thread zombie_death_event( self );
// We need more script/code to get this to work properly
// self add_to_spectate_list();
self random_tan();
self set_zombie_run_cycle();
self thread zombie_think();
self thread zombie_gib_on_damage();
self thread zombie_damage_failsafe();
// self thread zombie_head_gib();
self thread delayed_zombie_eye_glow(); // delayed eye glow for ground crawlers (the eyes floated above the ground before the anim started)
self.deathFunction = ::zombie_death_animscript;
self.flame_damage_time = 0;
self zombie_history( "zombie_spawn_init -> Spawned = " + self.origin );
self thread zombie_testing();
self notify( "zombie_init_done" );
Fixes problem where zombies that climb out of the ground are warped to their start positions
and their eyes glowed above the ground for a split second before their animation started even
though the zombie model is hidden. and applying this delay to all the zombies doesn't really matter.
wait .5;
self zombie_eye_glow();
self.targetname = "zombie_dog";
self.script_noteworthy = undefined;
self.animname = "zombie_dog";
self.ignoreall = true;
self.allowdeath = true; // allows death during animscripted calls
self.gib_override = true; // needed to make sure this guy does gibs
self.is_zombie = true; // needed for melee.gsc in the animscripts
self.has_legs = true; // Sumeet - This tells the zombie that he is allowed to stand anymore or not, gibbing can take
// out both legs and then the only allowed stance should be prone.
self.gibbed = false;
self.head_gibbed = false;
self PushPlayer( true );
// self.disableArrivals = true;
// self.disableExits = true;
self.grenadeawareness = 0;
self.badplaceawareness = 0;
self.ignoreSuppression = true;
self.suppressionThreshold = 1;
self.noDodgeMove = true;
self.dontShootWhileMoving = true;
self.pathenemylookahead = 0;
self.badplaceawareness = 0;
self.chatInitialized = false;
//chrisp - 60% chance that dogs will explode during death
self.a.nodeath = true;
//self.deathfunction = ::zombie_dog_death;
self thread zombie_dog_eye_glow();
self disable_pain();
self.maxhealth = int(level.zombie_health / 4);
self.health = int(level.zombie_health / 4);
self thread zombie_think();
//self thread zombie_damage_failsafe(); // if pounced on, might cause problems
self.flame_damage_time = 0;
self zombie_history( "zombie_dog_spawn_init -> Spawned = " + self.origin );
self thread zombie_testing();
self notify( "zombie_dog_init_done" );
//chris_p - zombie dogs change their melee anims depending on distance from enemy
self thread zombie_spawn_dog_tracker();
//chris_p - zombie dogs should give points when damaged/killed
self thread zombie_dog_spawn_dmg_watch();
self thread zombie_dog_spawn_death_watch();
zombie dogs give points when damaged
self endon("death");
self waittill("damage", amount ,attacker, dir, point, mod);
self thread zombie_damage( self.damagemod, self.damagelocation, self.origin, self.attacker,true );
self waittill("death");
//remove the glowing eyes
if( IsDefined( self.fx_eye_glow ) )
self.fx_eye_glow Delete();
self.attacker maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "death", self.damagemod, self.damagelocation,true );
self delete();
self endon ("death");
continue_failsafe_damage = false;
while (1)
//should only be for zombie exploits
wait 0.5;
if (!isdefined(self.enemy))
if (self istouching(self.enemy))
old_org = self.origin;
if (!continue_failsafe_damage)
wait 5;
if (!isdefined(self.enemy))
if (self istouching(self.enemy)
&& !self.enemy maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand()
&& isalive(self.enemy))
if (distancesquared(old_org, self.origin) < (35 * 35) )
setsaveddvar("player_deathInvulnerableTime", 0);
self.enemy DoDamage( self.enemy.health + 1000, self.enemy.origin, undefined, undefined, "riflebullet" );
setsaveddvar("player_deathInvulnerableTime", level.startInvulnerableTime);
continue_failsafe_damage = true;
continue_failsafe_damage = false;
self set_run_speed();
death_anims = [];
death_anims[death_anims.size] = %ch_dazed_a_death;
death_anims[death_anims.size] = %ch_dazed_b_death;
death_anims[death_anims.size] = %ch_dazed_c_death;
death_anims[death_anims.size] = %ch_dazed_d_death;
self.deathanim = random(death_anims);
case "walk":
var = randomintrange(1, 8);
self set_run_anim( "walk" + var );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["walk" + var];
case "run":
var = randomintrange(1, 6);
self set_run_anim( "run" + var );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["run" + var];
case "sprint":
var = randomintrange(1, 4);
self set_run_anim( "sprint" + var );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["sprint" + var];
rand = randomintrange( level.zombie_move_speed, level.zombie_move_speed + 35 );
// self thread print_run_speed( rand );
if( rand <= 35 )
self.zombie_move_speed = "walk";
else if( rand <= 70 )
self.zombie_move_speed = "run";
self.zombie_move_speed = "sprint";
// this is the main zombie think thread that starts when they spawn in
self endon( "death" );
//node = level.exterior_goals[randomint( level.exterior_goals.size )];
//CHRIS_P - test dudes rising from ground
if (GetDVarInt("zombie_rise_test") || (isDefined(self.script_string) && self.script_string == "riser" && randomint(100) > 25))
self.do_rise = 1;
//self notify("do_rise");
self waittill("risen");
self notify("no_rise");
node = undefined;
desired_nodes = [];
self.entrance_nodes = [];
if( IsDefined( self.script_forcegoal ) && self.script_forcegoal )
desired_origin = get_desired_origin();
AssertEx( IsDefined( desired_origin ), "Spawner @ " + self.origin + " has a script_forcegoal but did not find a target" );
origin = desired_origin;
node = getclosest( origin, level.exterior_goals );
self.entrance_nodes[0] = node;
self zombie_history( "zombie_think -> #1 entrance (script_forcegoal) origin = " + self.entrance_nodes[0].origin );
origin = self.origin;
desired_origin = get_desired_origin();
if( IsDefined( desired_origin ) )
origin = desired_origin;
// Get the 3 closest nodes
nodes = get_array_of_closest( origin, level.exterior_goals, undefined, 3 );
// Figure out the distances between them, if any of them are greater than 256 units compared to the previous, drop it
max_dist = 500;
desired_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
prev_dist = Distance( self.origin, nodes[0].origin );
for( i = 1; i < nodes.size; i++ )
dist = Distance( self.origin, nodes[i].origin );
if( ( dist - prev_dist ) > max_dist )
prev_dist = dist;
desired_nodes[i] = nodes[i];
node = desired_nodes[0];
if( desired_nodes.size > 1 )
node = desired_nodes[RandomInt(desired_nodes.size)];
self.entrance_nodes = desired_nodes;
self zombie_history( "zombie_think -> #1 entrance origin = " + node.origin );
// Incase the guy does not move from spawn, then go to the closest one instead
self thread zombie_assure_node();
AssertEx( IsDefined( node ), "Did not find a node!!! [Should not see this!]" );
level thread draw_line_ent_to_pos( self, node.origin, "goal" );
self.first_node = node;
self thread zombie_goto_entrance( node );
if( IsDefined( self.target ) )
ent = GetEnt( self.target, "targetname" );
if( !IsDefined( ent ) )
ent = getstruct( self.target, "targetname" );
if( !IsDefined( ent ) )
ent = GetNode( self.target, "targetname" );
AssertEx( IsDefined( ent ), "Cannot find the targeted ent/node/struct, \"" + self.target + "\" at " + self.origin );
return ent.origin;
return undefined;
zombie_goto_entrance( node, endon_bad_path )
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "intermission" );
if( IsDefined( endon_bad_path ) && endon_bad_path )
// If we cannot go to the goal, then end...
// Used from find_flesh
self endon( "bad_path" );
self zombie_history( "zombie_goto_entrance -> start goto entrance " + node.origin );
self.got_to_entrance = false;
self.goalradius = 128;
self SetGoalPos( node.origin );
self waittill( "goal" );
self.got_to_entrance = true;
self zombie_history( "zombie_goto_entrance -> reached goto entrance " + node.origin );
if ( self.type != "dog" )
// Guy should get to goal and tear into building until all barrier chunks are gone
self tear_into_building();
//if(!isDefined(self.first_node.clip.disabled) || !self.first_node.clip.disabled)
// self.first_node.clip disable_trigger();
self.first_node.clip connectpaths();
// here is where they zombie would play the traversal into the building( if it's a window )
// and begin the player seek logic
self zombie_setup_attack_properties();
self thread find_flesh();
// Dogs should get to goal and tear into building until all barrier chunks are gone
self crash_into_building();
// here is where they zombie would play the traversal into the building( if it's a window )
// and begin the player seek logic
self zombie_setup_attack_properties_dog();
self thread find_flesh_dog();
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "goal" );
level endon( "intermission" );
start_pos = self.origin;
for( i = 0; i < self.entrance_nodes.size; i++ )
if( self zombie_bad_path() )
self zombie_history( "zombie_assure_node -> assigned assured node = " + self.entrance_nodes[i].origin );
println( "^1Zombie @ " + self.origin + " did not move for 1 second. Going to next closest node @ " + self.entrance_nodes[i].origin );
level thread draw_line_ent_to_pos( self, self.entrance_nodes[i].origin, "goal" );
self.first_node = self.entrance_nodes[i];
self SetGoalPos( self.entrance_nodes[i].origin );
// CHRISP - must add an additional check, since the 'self.entrance_nodes' array is not dynamically updated to accomodate for entrance points that can be turned on and off
// only do this if it's the asylum map
if(level.script == "nazi_zombie_asylum")
// Get more nodes and try again
nodes = get_array_of_closest( self.origin, level.exterior_goals, undefined, 20 );
self.entrance_nodes = nodes;
for( i = 0; i < self.entrance_nodes.size; i++ )
if( self zombie_bad_path() )
self zombie_history( "zombie_assure_node -> assigned assured node = " + self.entrance_nodes[i].origin );
println( "^1Zombie @ " + self.origin + " did not move for 1 second. Going to next closest node @ " + self.entrance_nodes[i].origin );
level thread draw_line_ent_to_pos( self, self.entrance_nodes[i].origin, "goal" );
self.first_node = self.entrance_nodes[i];
self SetGoalPos( self.entrance_nodes[i].origin );
self zombie_history( "zombie_assure_node -> failed to find a good entrance point" );
//assertmsg( "^1Zombie @ " + self.origin + " did not find a good entrance point... Please fix pathing or Entity setup" );
//iprintln( "^1Zombie @ " + self.origin + " did not find a good entrance point... Please fix pathing or Entity setup" );
self DoDamage( self.health + 10, self.origin );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "goal" );
self thread zombie_bad_path_notify();
self thread zombie_bad_path_timeout();
self.zombie_bad_path = undefined;
while( !IsDefined( self.zombie_bad_path ) )
wait( 0.05 );
self notify( "stop_zombie_bad_path" );
return self.zombie_bad_path;
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop_zombie_bad_path" );
self waittill( "bad_path" );
self.zombie_bad_path = true;
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop_zombie_bad_path" );
wait( 2 );
self.zombie_bad_path = false;
// zombies are trying to get at player contained behind barriers, so the barriers
// need to come down
//chrisp - added this
//checkpass = false;
self endon( "death" );
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> start" );
while( 1 )
if( IsDefined( self.first_node.script_noteworthy ) )
if( self.first_node.script_noteworthy == "no_blocker" )
if( !IsDefined( self.first_node.target ) )
if( all_chunks_destroyed( self.first_node.barrier_chunks ) )
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> all chunks destroyed" );
// Pick a spot to tear down
if( !get_attack_spot( self.first_node ) )
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> Could not find an attack spot" );
wait( 0.5 );
self.goalradius = 4;
self SetGoalPos( self.attacking_spot, self.first_node.angles );
self waittill( "orientdone" );
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> Reach position and orientated" );
// chrisp - do one final check to make sure that the boards are still torn down
// this *mostly* prevents the zombies from coming through the windows as you are boarding them up.
if( all_chunks_destroyed( self.first_node.barrier_chunks ) )
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> all chunks destroyed" );
// Now tear down boards
while( 1 )
chunk = get_closest_non_destroyed_chunk( self.origin, self.first_node.barrier_chunks );
if( !IsDefined( chunk ) )
for( i = 0; i < self.first_node.attack_spots_taken.size; i++ )
self.first_node.attack_spots_taken[i] = false;
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> animating" );
tear_anim = get_tear_anim( chunk );
self AnimScripted( "tear_anim", self.origin, self.first_node.angles, tear_anim );
self zombie_tear_notetracks( "tear_anim", chunk, self.first_node );
//chris - adding new window attack & gesture animations ;)
if(level.script != "nazi_zombie_prototype")
attack = self should_attack_player_thru_boards();
if(isDefined(attack) && !attack)
self do_a_taunt();
//chrisp - fix the extra tear anim bug
if( all_chunks_destroyed( self.first_node.barrier_chunks ) )
for( i = 0; i < self.first_node.attack_spots_taken.size; i++ )
self.first_node.attack_spots_taken[i] = false;
self reset_attack_spot();
checks to see if the zombie should
do a taunt when tearing thru the boards
if(getdvar("zombie_taunt_freq") == "")
freq = getdvarint("zombie_taunt_freq");
if( freq >= randomint(100) )
anime = random(level._zombie_board_taunt);
self animscripted("zombie_taunt",self.origin,self.angles,anime);
checks to see if the players are near
the entrance and tries to attack them
thru the boards. 50% chance
//no board attacks if they are crawlers
if( !self.has_legs)
return false;
if(getdvar("zombie_reachin_freq") == "")
freq = getdvarint("zombie_reachin_freq");
players = get_players();
attack = false;
if(distance2d(self.origin,players[i].origin) <= 72)
attack = true;
if(attack && freq >= randomint(100) )
//iprintln("checking attack");
//check to see if the guy is left, right, or center
if(self.attacking_spot_index == 0) //he's in the center
if(randomint(100) > 50)
self animscripted("window_melee",self.origin,self.angles,%ai_zombie_window_attack_arm_l_out);
self animscripted("window_melee",self.origin,self.angles,%ai_zombie_window_attack_arm_r_out);
self window_notetracks( "window_melee" );
else if(self.attacking_spot_index == 2) //<-- he's to the left
self animscripted("window_melee",self.origin,self.angles,%ai_zombie_window_attack_arm_r_out);
self window_notetracks( "window_melee" );
else if(self.attacking_spot_index == 1) //<-- he's to the right
self animscripted("window_melee",self.origin,self.angles,%ai_zombie_window_attack_arm_l_out);
self window_notetracks( "window_melee" );
return false;
self waittill( msg, notetrack );
if( notetrack == "end" )
if( notetrack == "fire" )
self.ignoreall = false;
self melee();
self endon( "death" );
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> start" );
while( 1 )
if( IsDefined( self.first_node.script_noteworthy ) )
if( self.first_node.script_noteworthy == "no_blocker" )
if( !IsDefined( self.first_node.target ) )
if( all_chunks_destroyed( self.first_node.barrier_chunks ) )
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> all chunks destroyed" );
// Pick a spot to tear down
if( !get_attack_spot( self.first_node ) )
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> Could not find an attack spot" );
wait( 0.5 );
self.goalradius = 4;
self SetGoalPos( self.attacking_spot, self.first_node.angles );
self waittill( "goal" );
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> Reach position and orientated" );
// Now tear down boards
while( 1 )
chunk = get_closest_non_destroyed_chunk( self.origin, self.first_node.barrier_chunks );
if( !IsDefined( chunk ) )
for( i = 0; i < self.first_node.attack_spots_taken.size; i++ )
self.first_node.attack_spots_taken[i] = false;
self zombie_history( "tear_into_building -> crash" );
//tear_anim = get_tear_anim( chunk );
//self AnimScripted( "tear_anim", self.origin, self.first_node.angles, tear_anim );
//self zombie_tear_notetracks( "tear_anim", chunk, self.first_node );
PlayFx( level._effect["wood_chunk_destory"], chunk.origin );
PlayFx( level._effect["wood_chunk_destory"], chunk.origin + ( randomint( 20 ), randomint( 20 ), randomint( 10 ) ) );
PlayFx( level._effect["wood_chunk_destory"], chunk.origin + ( randomint( 40 ), randomint( 40 ), randomint( 20 ) ) );
level thread maps\_zombiemode_blockers::remove_chunk( chunk, self.first_node, true );
if( all_chunks_destroyed( self.first_node.barrier_chunks ) )
EarthQuake( randomfloatrange( 0.5, 0.8 ), 0.5, chunk.origin, 300 );
if( IsDefined( self.first_node.clip ) )
self.first_node.clip ConnectPaths();
wait( 0.05 );
self.first_node.clip disable_trigger();
for( i = 0; i < self.first_node.barrier_chunks.size; i++ )
self.first_node.barrier_chunks[i] ConnectPaths();
EarthQuake( RandomFloatRange( 0.1, 0.15 ), 0.2, chunk.origin, 200 );
self reset_attack_spot();
if( IsDefined( self.attacking_node ) )
node = self.attacking_node;
index = self.attacking_spot_index;
node.attack_spots_taken[index] = false;
self.attacking_node = undefined;
self.attacking_spot_index = undefined;
get_attack_spot( node )
index = get_attack_spot_index( node );
if( !IsDefined( index ) )
return false;
self.attacking_node = node;
self.attacking_spot_index = index;
node.attack_spots_taken[index] = true;
self.attacking_spot = node.attack_spots[index];
return true;
get_attack_spot_index( node )
indexes = [];
for( i = 0; i < node.attack_spots.size; i++ )
if( !node.attack_spots_taken[i] )
indexes[indexes.size] = i;
if( indexes.size == 0 )
return undefined;
return indexes[RandomInt( indexes.size )];
zombie_tear_notetracks( msg, chunk, node )
while( 1 )
self waittill( msg, notetrack );
if( notetrack == "end" )
if( notetrack == "board" )
if( !chunk.destroyed )
self.lastchunk_destroy_time = getTime();
PlayFx( level._effect["wood_chunk_destory"], chunk.origin );
PlayFx( level._effect["wood_chunk_destory"], chunk.origin + ( randomint( 20 ), randomint( 20 ), randomint( 10 ) ) );
PlayFx( level._effect["wood_chunk_destory"], chunk.origin + ( randomint( 40 ), randomint( 40 ), randomint( 20 ) ) );
level thread maps\_zombiemode_blockers::remove_chunk( chunk, node,true );
get_tear_anim( chunk )
if( self.has_legs )
z_dist = chunk.origin[2] - self.origin[2];
if( z_dist > 70 )
tear_anim = %ai_zombie_door_tear_high;
else if( z_dist < 40 )
tear_anim = %ai_zombie_door_tear_low;
anims = [];
anims[anims.size] = %ai_zombie_door_tear_left;
anims[anims.size] = %ai_zombie_door_tear_right;
tear_anim = anims[RandomInt( anims.size )];
anims = [];
anims[anims.size] = %ai_zombie_attack_crawl;
anims[anims.size] = %ai_zombie_attack_crawl_lunge;
tear_anim = anims[RandomInt( anims.size )];
return tear_anim;
zombie_head_gib( attacker )
if ( is_german_build() )
if( IsDefined( self.head_gibbed ) && self.head_gibbed )
self.head_gibbed = true;
self zombie_eye_glow_stop();
size = self GetAttachSize();
for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
model = self GetAttachModelName( i );
if( IsSubStr( model, "head" ) )
// SRS 9/2/2008: wet em up
self thread headshot_blood_fx();
self play_sound_on_ent( "zombie_head_gib" );
self Detach( model, "", true );
self Attach( "char_ger_honorgd_zomb_behead", "", true );
self thread damage_over_time( self.health * 0.2, 1, attacker );
damage_over_time( dmg, delay, attacker )
self endon( "death" );
if( !IsAlive( self ) )
if( !IsPlayer( attacker ) )
attacker = undefined;
while( 1 )
wait( delay );
if( IsDefined( attacker ) )
self DoDamage( dmg, self.origin, attacker );
self DoDamage( dmg, self.origin );
// SRS 9/2/2008: reordered checks, added ability to gib heads with airburst grenades
head_should_gib( attacker, type, point )
if ( is_german_build() )
return false;
if( self.head_gibbed )
return false;
// check if the attacker was a player
if( !IsDefined( attacker ) || !IsPlayer( attacker ) )
return false;
// check the enemy's health
low_health_percent = ( self.health / self.maxhealth ) * 100;
if( low_health_percent > 10 )
return false;
weapon = attacker GetCurrentWeapon();
// SRS 9/2/2008: check for damage type
// - most SMGs use pistol bullets
// - projectiles = rockets, raygun
if( type != "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" && type != "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" )
// maybe it's ok, let's see if it's a grenade
if( type == "MOD_GRENADE" || type == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" )
if( Distance( point, self GetTagOrigin( "j_head" ) ) > 55 )
return false;
// the grenade airburst close to the head so return true
return true;
else if( type == "MOD_PROJECTILE" )
if( Distance( point, self GetTagOrigin( "j_head" ) ) > 10 )
return false;
return true;
// shottys don't give a testable damage type but should still gib heads
else if( WeaponClass( weapon ) != "spread" )
return false;
// check location now that we've checked for grenade damage (which reports "none" as a location)
if( !self animscripts\utility::damageLocationIsAny( "head", "helmet", "neck" ) )
return false;
// check weapon - don't want "none", pistol, or flamethrower
if( weapon == "none" || WeaponClass( weapon ) == "pistol" || WeaponIsGasWeapon( self.weapon ) )
return false;
return true;
// does blood fx for fun and to mask head gib swaps
if( !IsDefined( self ) )
if( !is_mature() )
fxTag = "j_neck";
fxOrigin = self GetTagOrigin( fxTag );
upVec = AnglesToUp( self GetTagAngles( fxTag ) );
forwardVec = AnglesToForward( self GetTagAngles( fxTag ) );
// main head pop fx
PlayFX( level._effect["headshot"], fxOrigin, forwardVec, upVec );
PlayFX( level._effect["headshot_nochunks"], fxOrigin, forwardVec, upVec );
wait( 0.3 );
if( IsDefined( self ) )
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["bloodspurt"], self, fxTag );
// gib limbs if enough firepower occurs
// self endon( "death" );
while( 1 )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, direction_vec, point, type );
if( !IsDefined( self ) )
if( !self zombie_should_gib( amount, attacker, type ) )
if( self head_should_gib( attacker, type, point ) && type != "MOD_BURNED" )
self zombie_head_gib( attacker );
if( !self.gibbed )
// The head_should_gib() above checks for this, so we should not randomly gib if shot in the head
if( self animscripts\utility::damageLocationIsAny( "head", "helmet", "neck" ) )
refs = [];
switch( self.damageLocation )
case "torso_upper":
case "torso_lower":
// HACK the torso that gets swapped for guts also removes the left arm
// so we need to sometimes do another ref
refs[refs.size] = "guts";
refs[refs.size] = "right_arm";
case "right_arm_upper":
case "right_arm_lower":
case "right_hand":
//if( IsDefined( self.left_arm_gibbed ) )
// refs[refs.size] = "no_arms";
refs[refs.size] = "right_arm";
//self.right_arm_gibbed = true;
case "left_arm_upper":
case "left_arm_lower":
case "left_hand":
//if( IsDefined( self.right_arm_gibbed ) )
// refs[refs.size] = "no_arms";
refs[refs.size] = "left_arm";
//self.left_arm_gibbed = true;
case "right_leg_upper":
case "right_leg_lower":
case "right_foot":
if( self.health <= 0 )
// Addition "right_leg" refs so that the no_legs happens less and is more rare
refs[refs.size] = "right_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "right_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "right_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "no_legs";
case "left_leg_upper":
case "left_leg_lower":
case "left_foot":
if( self.health <= 0 )
// Addition "left_leg" refs so that the no_legs happens less and is more rare
refs[refs.size] = "left_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "left_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "left_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "no_legs";
if( self.damageLocation == "none" )
// SRS 9/7/2008: might be a nade or a projectile
if( type == "MOD_GRENADE" || type == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" || type == "MOD_PROJECTILE" )
// ... in which case we have to derive the ref ourselves
refs = self derive_damage_refs( point );
refs[refs.size] = "guts";
refs[refs.size] = "right_arm";
refs[refs.size] = "left_arm";
refs[refs.size] = "right_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "left_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "no_legs";
if( refs.size )
self.a.gib_ref = animscripts\death::get_random( refs );
// Don't stand if a leg is gone
if( ( self.a.gib_ref == "no_legs" || self.a.gib_ref == "right_leg" || self.a.gib_ref == "left_leg" ) && self.health > 0 )
self.has_legs = false;
self AllowedStances( "crouch" );
which_anim = RandomInt( 5 );
if( which_anim == 0 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v1;
self set_run_anim( "death3" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl1"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl1"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl1"];
else if( which_anim == 1 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v2;
self set_run_anim( "death4" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl2"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl2"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl2"];
else if( which_anim == 2 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v1;
self set_run_anim( "death3" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl3"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl3"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl3"];
else if( which_anim == 3 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v2;
self set_run_anim( "death4" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl4"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl4"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl4"];
else if( which_anim == 4 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v1;
self set_run_anim( "death3" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl5"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl5"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl5"];
if( self.health > 0 )
// force gibbing if the zombie is still alive
self thread animscripts\death::do_gib();
zombie_should_gib( amount, attacker, type )
if ( is_german_build() )
return false;
if( !IsDefined( type ) )
return false;
switch( type )
case "MOD_CRUSH":
case "MOD_BURNED":
case "MOD_MELEE":
return false;
if( type == "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" || type == "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" )
if( !IsDefined( attacker ) || !IsPlayer( attacker ) )
return false;
weapon = attacker GetCurrentWeapon();
if( weapon == "none" )
return false;
if( WeaponClass( weapon ) == "pistol" )
return false;
if( WeaponIsGasWeapon( self.weapon ) )
return false;
// println( "**DEBUG amount = ", amount );
// println( "**DEBUG self.head_gibbed = ", self.head_gibbed );
// println( "**DEBUG self.health = ", self.health );
prev_health = amount + self.health;
if( prev_health <= 0 )
prev_health = 1;
damage_percent = ( amount / prev_health ) * 100;
if( damage_percent < 10 /*|| damage_percent >= 100*/ )
return false;
return true;
// SRS 9/7/2008: need to derive damage location for types that return location of "none"
derive_damage_refs( point )
if( !IsDefined( level.gib_tags ) )
closestTag = undefined;
for( i = 0; i < level.gib_tags.size; i++ )
if( !IsDefined( closestTag ) )
closestTag = level.gib_tags[i];
if( DistanceSquared( point, self GetTagOrigin( level.gib_tags[i] ) ) < DistanceSquared( point, self GetTagOrigin( closestTag ) ) )
closestTag = level.gib_tags[i];
refs = [];
// figure out the refs based on the tag returned
if( closestTag == "J_SpineLower" || closestTag == "J_SpineUpper" || closestTag == "J_Spine4" )
// HACK the torso that gets swapped for guts also removes the left arm
// so we need to sometimes do another ref
refs[refs.size] = "guts";
refs[refs.size] = "right_arm";
else if( closestTag == "J_Shoulder_LE" || closestTag == "J_Elbow_LE" || closestTag == "J_Wrist_LE" )
refs[refs.size] = "left_arm";
else if( closestTag == "J_Shoulder_RI" || closestTag == "J_Elbow_RI" || closestTag == "J_Wrist_RI" )
refs[refs.size] = "right_arm";
else if( closestTag == "J_Hip_LE" || closestTag == "J_Knee_LE" || closestTag == "J_Ankle_LE" )
refs[refs.size] = "left_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "no_legs";
else if( closestTag == "J_Hip_RI" || closestTag == "J_Knee_RI" || closestTag == "J_Ankle_RI" )
refs[refs.size] = "right_leg";
refs[refs.size] = "no_legs";
ASSERTEX( array_validate( refs ), "get_closest_damage_refs(): couldn't derive refs from closestTag " + closestTag );
return refs;
tags = [];
// "guts", "right_arm", "left_arm", "right_leg", "left_leg", "no_legs"
// "guts"
tags[tags.size] = "J_SpineLower";
tags[tags.size] = "J_SpineUpper";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Spine4";
// "left_arm"
tags[tags.size] = "J_Shoulder_LE";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Elbow_LE";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Wrist_LE";
// "right_arm"
tags[tags.size] = "J_Shoulder_RI";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Elbow_RI";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Wrist_RI";
// "left_leg"/"no_legs"
tags[tags.size] = "J_Hip_LE";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Knee_LE";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Ankle_LE";
// "right_leg"/"no_legs"
tags[tags.size] = "J_Hip_RI";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Knee_RI";
tags[tags.size] = "J_Ankle_RI";
level.gib_tags = tags;
zombie_death_points( origin, mod, hit_location, player,zombie )
//TUEY Play VO if you get a Head Shot
//add this check ( 3/24/09 - Chrisp)
if(level.script != "nazi_zombie_prototype")
level thread play_death_vo(hit_location, player,mod,zombie);
//ChrisP - no points or powerups for killing zombies
level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::powerup_drop( origin );
if( !IsDefined( player ) || !IsPlayer( player ) )
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "death", mod, hit_location );
play_death_vo(hit_location, player,mod,zombie)
// CHRISP - adding some modifiers here so that it doens't play 100% of the time
// and takes into account the damage type.
// default is 10% chance of saying something
if( getdvar("zombie_death_vo_freq") == "" )
setdvar("zombie_death_vo_freq","100"); //TUEY moved to 50---We can take this out\tweak this later.
chance = getdvarint("zombie_death_vo_freq");
sound = undefined;
//just return and don't play a sound if the chance is not there
if(chance < randomint(100) )
//TUEY - this funciton allows you to play a voice over when you kill a zombie and its last hit spot was something specific (like Headshot).
//players = getplayers();
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(player);
if(!isdefined (level.player_is_speaking))
level.player_is_speaking = 0;
if(!isdefined(level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] ))
level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] = 0;
if(hit_location == "head" && level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] != 1 )
//no VO for non bullet headshot kills
if( mod != "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" && mod != "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" )
//chrisp - far headshot sounds
if(distance(player.origin,zombie.origin) > 400)
sound = "plr_" + index + "_vox_kill_headdist" + "_" + randomintrange(0, 11);
//remove headshot sounds for instakill
if (level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] != 0)
sound = undefined;
//check for close range kills, and play a special sound, unless instakill is on
if(distance(player.origin,zombie.origin) < 64 && level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] == 0)
sound = "plr_" + index + "_vox_close" + "_" + randomintrange(0, 7);
//special case for close range melee attacks while insta-kill is on
if (level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] != 0)
if( mod == "MOD_MELEE" || mod == "MOD_BAYONET" || mod == "MOD_UNKNOWN" && distance(player.origin,zombie.origin) < 64)
sound = "plr_" + index + "_vox_melee_insta" + "_" + randomintrange(0, 5);
//This keeps multiple voice overs from playing on the same player (both killstreaks and headshots).
if (level.player_is_speaking != 1 && isDefined(sound) && level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] != 0)
level.player_is_speaking = 1;
player playsound(sound, "sound_done");
player waittill("sound_done");
//This ensures that there is at least 2 seconds waittime before playing another VO.
level.player_is_speaking = 0;
//This allows us to play VO's faster if the player is in Instakill and killing at a short distance.
else if (level.player_is_speaking != 1 && isDefined(sound) && level.zombie_vars["zombie_insta_kill"] == 0)
level.player_is_speaking = 1;
player playsound(sound, "sound_done");
player waittill("sound_done");
//This ensures that there is at least 3 seconds waittime before playing another VO.
level.player_is_speaking = 0;
// Called from animscripts\death.gsc
self reset_attack_spot();
// If no_legs, then use the AI no-legs death
if( self.has_legs && IsDefined( self.a.gib_ref ) && self.a.gib_ref == "no_legs" )
self.deathanim = %ai_gib_bothlegs_gib;
self.grenadeAmmo = 0;
// Give attacker points
//ChrisP - 12/8/08 - added additional 'self' argument
level zombie_death_points( self.origin, self.damagemod, self.damagelocation, self.attacker,self );
if( self.damagemod == "MOD_BURNED" )
self thread animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();
return false;
damage_on_fire( player )
self endon ("death");
self endon ("stop_flame_damage");
wait( 2 );
while( isdefined( self.is_on_fire) && self.is_on_fire )
if( level.round_number < 6 )
dmg = level.zombie_health * RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 0.3 ); // 20% - 30%
else if( level.round_number < 9 )
dmg = level.zombie_health * RandomFloatRange( 0.15, 0.25 );
else if( level.round_number < 11 )
dmg = level.zombie_health * RandomFloatRange( 0.1, 0.2 );
dmg = level.zombie_health * RandomFloatRange( 0.1, 0.15 );
if ( Isdefined( player ) && Isalive( player ) )
self DoDamage( dmg, self.origin, player );
self DoDamage( dmg, self.origin, level );
wait( randomfloatrange( 1.0, 3.0 ) );
zombie_damage( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player, is_dog )
//ChrisP - 12/8 - no points for killing gassed zombies!
if( !IsDefined( player ) )
if( self zombie_flame_damage( mod, player ) )
if( self zombie_give_flame_damage_points() )
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "damage", mod, hit_location,is_dog );
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "damage", mod, hit_location,is_dog );
if ( mod == "MOD_GRENADE" || mod == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" )
if ( isdefined( player ) && isalive( player ) )
self DoDamage( level.round_number + randomint( 100, 500 ), self.origin, player);
self DoDamage( level.round_number + randomint( 100, 500 ), self.origin, undefined );
else if( mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE" || mod == "MOD_EXPLOSIVE" || mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" || mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH")
if ( isdefined( player ) && isalive( player ) )
self DoDamage( level.round_number * randomint( 100, 500 ), self.origin, player);
self DoDamage( level.round_number * randomint( 100, 500 ), self.origin, undefined );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::check_for_instakill( player );
zombie_damage_ads( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
if( !IsDefined( player ) )
if( self zombie_flame_damage( mod, player ) )
if( self zombie_give_flame_damage_points() )
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "damage_ads", mod, hit_location );
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "damage_ads", mod, hit_location );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::check_for_instakill( player );
if( GetTime() > self.flame_damage_time )
self.flame_damage_time = GetTime() + level.zombie_vars["zombie_flame_dmg_point_delay"];
return true;
return false;
zombie_flame_damage( mod, player )
if( mod == "MOD_BURNED" )
self.moveplaybackrate = 0.8;
if( !IsDefined( self.is_on_fire ) || ( Isdefined( self.is_on_fire ) && !self.is_on_fire ) )
self thread damage_on_fire( player );
do_flame_death = true;
dist = 100 * 100;
ai = GetAiArray( "axis" );
for( i = 0; i < ai.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( ai[i].is_on_fire ) && ai[i].is_on_fire )
if( DistanceSquared( ai[i].origin, self.origin ) < dist )
do_flame_death = false;
if( do_flame_death )
self thread animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();
return true;
return false;
zombie_death_event( zombie )
zombie waittill( "death" );
zombie thread zombie_eye_glow_stop();
playsoundatposition ("death_vocals", zombie.origin);
// this is controlling killstreak voice over in the asylum.gsc
if(isdefined (zombie.attacker) && isplayer(zombie.attacker) && level.script != "nazi_zombie_prototype")
if(!isdefined ( zombie.attacker.killcounter))
zombie.attacker.killcounter = 1;
zombie.attacker.killcounter ++;
zombie.attacker notify("zom_kill");
// this is where zombies go into attack mode, and need different attributes set up
self zombie_history( "zombie_setup_attack_properties()" );
// allows zombie to attack again
self.ignoreall = false;
// push the player out of the way so they use traversals in the house.
self PushPlayer( true );
self.pathEnemyFightDist = 64;
self.meleeAttackDist = 64;
//try to prevent always turning towards the enemy
self.maxsightdistsqrd = 128 * 128;
// turn off transition anims
self.disableArrivals = true;
self.disableExits = true;
// this is where zombies go into attack mode, and need different attributes set up
self zombie_history( "zombie_setup_attack_properties()" );
// allows zombie to attack again
self.ignoreall = false;
// push the player out of the way so they use traversals in the house.
self PushPlayer( true );
self.pathEnemyFightDist = 64;
self.meleeAttackDist = 64;
// turn off transition anims
self.disableArrivals = true;
self.disableExits = true;
// the seeker logic for zombies
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "intermission" );
if( level.intermission )
self.ignore_player = undefined;
self zombie_history( "find flesh -> start" );
self.goalradius = 32;
while( 1 )
// try to split the zombies up when the bunch up
// see if a bunch zombies are already near my current target; if there's a bunch
// and I'm still far enough away, ignore my current target and go after another one
// near_zombies = getaiarray("axis");
// same_enemy_count = 0;
// for (i = 0; i < near_zombies.size; i++)
// {
// if ( isdefined( near_zombies[i] ) && isalive( near_zombies[i] ) )
// {
// if ( isdefined( near_zombies[i].favoriteenemy ) && isdefined( self.favoriteenemy )
// && near_zombies[i].favoriteenemy == self.favoriteenemy )
// {
// if ( distancesquared( near_zombies[i].origin, self.favoriteenemy.origin ) < 225 * 225
// && distancesquared( near_zombies[i].origin, self.origin ) > 525 * 525)
// {
// same_enemy_count++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (same_enemy_count > 12)
// {
// self.ignore_player = self.favoriteenemy;
// }
players = get_players();
// If playing single player, never ignore the player
if( players.size == 1 )
self.ignore_player = undefined;
player = get_closest_valid_player( self.origin, self.ignore_player );
if( !IsDefined( player ) )
self zombie_history( "find flesh -> can't find player, continue" );
if( IsDefined( self.ignore_player ) )
self.ignore_player = undefined;
wait( 1 );
self.ignore_player = undefined;
self.favoriteenemy = player;
self thread zombie_pathing();
self.zombie_path_timer = GetTime() + ( RandomFloatRange( 1, 3 ) * 1000 );
while( GetTime() < self.zombie_path_timer )
wait( 0.1 );
self zombie_history( "find flesh -> bottom of loop" );
self notify( "zombie_acquire_enemy" );
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "intermission" );
if( level.intermission )
self.ignore_player = undefined;
self zombie_history( "find flesh -> start" );
self.goalradius = 32;
while( 1 )
// try to split the zombies up when the bunch up
// see if a bunch zombies are already near my current target; if there's a bunch
// and I'm still far enough away, ignore my current target and go after another one
// near_zombies = getaiarray("axis");
// same_enemy_count = 0;
// for (i = 0; i < near_zombies.size; i++)
// {
// if ( isdefined( near_zombies[i] ) && isalive( near_zombies[i] ) )
// {
// if ( isdefined( near_zombies[i].favoriteenemy ) && isdefined( self.favoriteenemy )
// && near_zombies[i].favoriteenemy == self.favoriteenemy )
// {
// if ( distancesquared( near_zombies[i].origin, self.favoriteenemy.origin ) < 225 * 225
// && distancesquared( near_zombies[i].origin, self.origin ) > 525 * 525)
// {
// same_enemy_count++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (same_enemy_count > 12)
// {
// self.ignore_player = self.favoriteenemy;
// }
players = get_players();
// If playing single player, never ignore the player
if( players.size == 1 )
self.ignore_player = undefined;
player = get_closest_valid_player( self.origin, self.ignore_player );
if( !IsDefined( player ) )
self zombie_history( "find flesh -> can't find player, continue" );
if( IsDefined( self.ignore_player ) )
self.ignore_player = undefined;
wait( 1 );
self.ignore_player = undefined;
self.favoriteenemy = player;
self thread zombie_pathing();
self.zombie_path_timer = GetTime() + ( RandomFloatRange( 1, 3 ) * 1000 );
while( GetTime() < self.zombie_path_timer )
wait( 0.1 );
self zombie_history( "find flesh -> bottom of loop" );
self notify( "zombie_acquire_enemy" );
self endon( "death" );
while( 1 )
if( GetDvarInt( "zombie_soak_test" ) < 1 )
wait( 1 );
if( !IsDefined( self.favoriteenemy ) )
wait( 0.5 );
if( DistanceSquared( self.origin, self.favoriteenemy.origin ) < 64 * 64 )
self zombie_head_gib();
self DoDamage( self.health + 10, self.origin );
wait( 0.05 );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "zombie_acquire_enemy" );
level endon( "intermission" );
assert( IsDefined( self.favoriteenemy ) );
self.favoriteenemy endon( "disconnect" );
self thread zombie_follow_enemy();
self waittill( "bad_path" );
debug_print( "Zombie couldn't path to player at origin: " + self.favoriteenemy.origin + " Falling back to breadcrumb system" );
crumb_list = self.favoriteenemy.zombie_breadcrumbs;
bad_crumbs = [];
while( 1 )
if( !is_player_valid( self.favoriteenemy ) )
self.zombie_path_timer = 0;
goal = zombie_pathing_get_breadcrumb( self.favoriteenemy.origin, crumb_list, bad_crumbs, ( RandomInt( 100 ) < 20 ) );
if ( !IsDefined( goal ) )
debug_print( "Zombie exhausted breadcrumb search" );
goal = self.favoriteenemy.spectator_respawn.origin;
debug_print( "Setting current breadcrumb to " + goal );
self.zombie_path_timer += 1000;
self SetGoalPos( goal );
self waittill( "bad_path" );
debug_print( "Zombie couldn't path to breadcrumb at " + goal + " Finding next breadcrumb" );
for( i = 0; i < crumb_list.size; i++ )
if( goal == crumb_list[i] )
bad_crumbs[bad_crumbs.size] = i;
zombie_pathing_get_breadcrumb( origin, breadcrumbs, bad_crumbs, pick_random )
assert( IsDefined( origin ) );
assert( IsDefined( breadcrumbs ) );
assert( IsArray( breadcrumbs ) );
if ( pick_random )
debug_print( "Finding random breadcrumb" );
for( i = 0; i < breadcrumbs.size; i++ )
if ( pick_random )
crumb_index = RandomInt( breadcrumbs.size );
crumb_index = i;
if( crumb_is_bad( crumb_index, bad_crumbs ) )
return breadcrumbs[crumb_index];
return undefined;
crumb_is_bad( crumb, bad_crumbs )
for ( i = 0; i < bad_crumbs.size; i++ )
if ( bad_crumbs[i] == crumb )
return true;
return false;
jitter_enemies_bad_breadcrumbs( start_crumb )
trace_distance = 35;
jitter_distance = 2;
index = start_crumb;
while (isdefined(self.favoriteenemy.zombie_breadcrumbs[ index + 1 ]))
current_crumb = self.favoriteenemy.zombie_breadcrumbs[ index ];
next_crumb = self.favoriteenemy.zombie_breadcrumbs[ index + 1 ];
angles = vectortoangles(current_crumb - next_crumb);
right = anglestoright(angles);
left = anglestoright(angles + (0,180,0));
dist_pos = current_crumb + vectorScale( right, trace_distance );
trace = bulletTrace( current_crumb, dist_pos, true, undefined );
vector = trace["position"];
if (distance(vector, current_crumb) < 17 )
self.favoriteenemy.zombie_breadcrumbs[ index ] = current_crumb + vectorScale( left, jitter_distance );
// try the other side
dist_pos = current_crumb + vectorScale( left, trace_distance );
trace = bulletTrace( current_crumb, dist_pos, true, undefined );
vector = trace["position"];
if (distance(vector, current_crumb) < 17 )
self.favoriteenemy.zombie_breadcrumbs[ index ] = current_crumb + vectorScale( right, jitter_distance );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "zombie_acquire_enemy" );
self endon( "bad_path" );
level endon( "intermission" );
while( 1 )
if( IsDefined( self.favoriteenemy ) )
self SetGoalPos( self.favoriteenemy.origin );
wait( 0.1 );
// When a Zombie spawns, set his eyes to glowing.
if( IsDefined( level.zombie_eye_glow ) && !level.zombie_eye_glow )
if( !IsDefined( self ) )
linkTag = "J_Eyeball_LE";
fxModel = "tag_origin";
fxTag = "tag_origin";
// SRS 9/2/2008: only using one particle now per Barry's request;
// modified to be able to turn particle off
self.fx_eye_glow = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( linkTag ) );
self.fx_eye_glow.angles = self GetTagAngles( linkTag );
self.fx_eye_glow SetModel( fxModel );
self.fx_eye_glow LinkTo( self, linkTag );
// TEMP for testing
//self.fx_eye_glow thread maps\_debug::drawTagForever( fxTag );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["eye_glow"], self.fx_eye_glow, fxTag );
// Called when either the Zombie dies or if his head gets blown off
if( IsDefined( self.fx_eye_glow ) )
self.fx_eye_glow Delete();
// When a Zombie spawns, set his eyes to glowing.
if( IsDefined( level.zombie_eye_glow ) && !level.zombie_eye_glow )
if( !IsDefined( self ) )
if(isDefined(level._effect["dog_eye_glow"] ))
self.fx_eye_glow = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( "TAG_EYE" ) );
self.fx_eye_glow.angles = self GetTagAngles( "TAG_EYE" );
self.fx_eye_glow SetModel( "tag_origin" );
self.fx_eye_glow LinkTo( self, "TAG_EYE" );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["eye_glow"], self.fx_eye_glow, "tag_origin" );
zombie_history( msg )
if( !IsDefined( self.zombie_history ) )
self.zombie_history = [];
self.zombie_history[self.zombie_history.size] = msg;
Zombie Rise Stuff
self endon("death");
self endon("no_rise");
self do_zombie_rise();
Zombies rise from the ground
self endon("death");
self.zombie_rise_version = (RandomInt(99999) % 2) + 1; // equally choose between version 1 and verson 2 of the animations
if (self.zombie_move_speed != "walk")
// only do version 1 anims for "run" and "sprint"
self.zombie_rise_version = 1;
self.in_the_ground = true;
//self.zombie_rise_version = 1; // TESTING: override version
self.anchor = spawn("script_origin", self.origin);
self.anchor.angles = self.angles;
self linkto(self.anchor);
spots = GetStructArray("zombie_rise", "targetname");
spot = random(spots);
if (GetDVarInt("zombie_rise_test"))
spot = SpawnStruct(); // I know this never gets deleted, but it's just for testing
spot.origin = (472, 240, 56); // TEST LOCATION
spot.angles = (0, 0, 0);
anim_org = spot.origin;
anim_ang = spot.angles;
//TODO: bbarnes: do a bullet trace to the ground so the structs don't have to be exactly on the ground.
if (self.zombie_rise_version == 2)
anim_org = anim_org + (0, 0, -14); // version 2 animation starts 14 units below the ground
anim_org = anim_org + (0, 0, -45); // start the animation 45 units below the ground
//self Teleport(anim_org, anim_ang); // we should get this working for MP
self Hide();
self.anchor moveto(anim_org, .05);
self.anchor waittill("movedone");
// face goal
target_org = maps\_zombiemode_spawner_asylum::get_desired_origin();
if (IsDefined(target_org))
anim_ang = VectorToAngles(target_org - self.origin);
self.anchor RotateTo((0, anim_ang[1], 0), .05);
self.anchor waittill("rotatedone");
self unlink();
self.anchor delete();
self thread hide_pop(); // hack to hide the pop when the zombie gets to the start position before the anim starts
level thread zombie_rise_death(self, spot);
spot thread zombie_rise_fx(self);
//self animMode("nogravity");
//self setFlaggedAnimKnoballRestart("rise", level.scr_anim["zombie"]["rise_walk"], %body, 1, .1, 1); // no "noclip" mode for these anim functions
self AnimScripted("rise", self.origin, self.angles, self get_rise_anim());
self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks("rise", ::handle_rise_notetracks, undefined, spot);
self notify("rise_anim_finished");
spot notify("stop_zombie_rise_fx");
self.in_the_ground = false;
self notify("risen");
wait .5;
self Show();
handle_rise_notetracks(note, spot)
// the anim notetracks control which death anim to play
// default to "deathin" (still in the ground)
if (note == "deathout" || note == "deathhigh")
self.zombie_rise_death_out = true;
self notify("zombie_rise_death_out");
wait 2;
spot notify("stop_zombie_rise_fx");
Track when the zombie should die, set the death anim, and stop the animscripted so he can die
zombie_rise_death(zombie, spot)
//self.nodeathragdoll = true;
zombie.zombie_rise_death_out = false;
zombie endon("rise_anim_finished");
while (zombie.health > 1) // health will only go down to 1 when playing animation with AnimScripted()
zombie waittill("damage", amount);
spot notify("stop_zombie_rise_fx");
zombie.deathanim = zombie get_rise_death_anim();
zombie StopAnimScripted(); // stop the anim so the zombie can die. death anim is handled by the anim scripts.
zombie_rise_fx: self is the script struct at the rise location
Play the fx as the zombie crawls out of the ground and thread another function to handle the dust falling
off when the zombie is out of the ground.
self thread zombie_rise_dust_fx(zombie);
self thread zombie_rise_burst_fx();
playsoundatposition ("zombie_spawn", self.origin);
zombie endon("death");
self endon("stop_zombie_rise_fx");
wait 1;
if (zombie.zombie_move_speed != "sprint")
// wait longer before starting billowing fx if it's not a really fast animation
wait 1;
self endon("stop_zombie_rise_fx");
self endon("rise_anim_finished");
playfx(level._effect["rise_burst"],self.origin + ( 0,0,randomintrange(5,10) ) );
playfx(level._effect["rise_billow"],self.origin + ( randomintrange(-10,10),randomintrange(-10,10),randomintrange(5,10) ) );
//burst_time = 10; // play dust fx for a max time
//interval = randomfloatrange(.15,.45); // wait this time in between playing the effect
//for (t = 0; t < burst_time; t += interval)
// wait interval;
dust_tag = "J_SpineUpper";
self endon("stop_zombie_rise_dust_fx");
self thread stop_zombie_rise_dust_fx(zombie);
dust_time = 7.5; // play dust fx for a max time
dust_interval = .1; //randomfloatrange(.1,.25); // wait this time in between playing the effect
//TODO - add rising dust stuff ere
for (t = 0; t < dust_time; t += dust_interval)
PlayfxOnTag(level._effect["rise_dust"], zombie, dust_tag);
wait dust_interval;
zombie waittill("death");
self notify("stop_zombie_rise_dust_fx");
Return a random rise animation based on a possible set of animations
///* TESTING: put this block back in
speed = self.zombie_move_speed;
return random(level._zombie_rise_anims[self.zombie_rise_version][speed]);
//return %ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v1_crawlfast;
//return %ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk;
//return %ai_zombie_traverse_ground_v2_walk_altB;
Return a random death animation based on a possible set of animations
possible_anims = [];
if (self.zombie_rise_death_out)
possible_anims = level._zombie_rise_death_anims[self.zombie_rise_version]["out"];
possible_anims = level._zombie_rise_death_anims[self.zombie_rise_version]["in"];
return random(possible_anims);
} |