482 lines
13 KiB
482 lines
13 KiB
// Cleaned Up By: JS (3/30/07)
// 200 participation points are given to the player for killing an enemy
// 800 participation points are taken from the player for killing a friendly
// friendly damage removes points based on amount of damage done and distance
// a max of 1000 points is allowed
// the player will fail the mission when level.friendlyfire["min_participation"] is reached
#include maps\_utility;
// main, called from _load
// self - level
// CODER_MOD: Bryce (05/08/08): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println("File: _friendlyfire.gsc. Function: main()\n");
level.friendlyfire[ "min_participation" ] = -1600; // when the player hit this number of participation points the mission is failed
level.friendlyfire[ "max_participation" ] = 1000; // the player will stop gaining participation points once this amount is earned
level.friendlyfire[ "enemy_kill_points" ] = 250; // this many participation points are earned for killing an enemy
level.friendlyfire[ "friend_kill_points" ] = -600; // participation point penalty for killing a friendly
level.friendlyfire[ "point_loss_interval" ] = .75; // amount of time a point lasts
SetDvar( "friendlyfire_enabled", "1" );
// CODER_MOD: Austin (8/8/08): Disable friendly fire for co-op
if ( coopGame() )
SetDvar( "friendlyfire_enabled", "0" );
level.friendlyFireDisabled = 0;
// MikeD: No more level.player, moved to player_init()
// thread debug_friendlyfire();
// thread participation_point_flattenovertime();
// CODER_MOD: Bryce (05/08/08): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println("File: _friendlyfire.gsc. Function: main() - COMPLETE\n");
// Setup for each player that spawns in, called from _load
// self - player
// MikeD: No more level.player
self.participation = 0;
self thread debug_friendlyfire();
self thread participation_point_flattenovertime();
// Shows debug output for friendly fire
// self - player
// CODER_MOD: Bryce (05/08/08): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println("File: _friendlyfire.gsc. Function: debug_friendlyfire()\n");
self endon( "disconnect" );
if( GetDvar( "debug_friendlyfire" ) == "" )
SetDvar( "debug_friendlyfire", "0" );
friendly_fire = NewHudElem();
friendly_fire.alignX = "right";
friendly_fire.alignY = "middle";
friendly_fire.x = 620;
friendly_fire.y = 100;
friendly_fire.fontScale = 2;
friendly_fire.alpha = 0;
for (;;)
// CODER_MOD: Bryce (05/08/08): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println("File: _friendlyfire.gsc. Function: debug_friendlyfire() - INNER LOOP START\n");
if( GetDvar( "debug_friendlyfire" ) == "1" )
friendly_fire.alpha = 1;
friendly_fire.alpha = 0;
friendly_fire Setvalue( self.participation );
// CODER_MOD: Bryce (05/08/08): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println("File: _friendlyfire.gsc. Function: debug_friendlyfire() - INNER LOOP WAIT\n");
wait( 0.25 );
// CODER_MOD: Bryce (05/08/08): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println("File: _friendlyfire.gsc. Function: debug_friendlyfire() - INNER LOOP STOP\n");
// CODER_MOD: Bryce (05/08/08): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println("File: _friendlyfire.gsc. Function: debug_friendlyfire() - COMPLLETE\n");
// Every entity that influences friedly fire should run this thread( ai of both teams, vehicles of both teams )
// self - level
// entity - entity to register friendly fire
friendly_fire_think( entity )
if( !IsDefined( entity ) )
if( !IsDefined( entity.team ) )
entity.team = "allies";
// if the mission is failed from another entity running this function then end this one
level endon( "mission failed" );
// wait( until this entity dies
level thread notifyDamage( entity );
level thread notifyDamageNotDone( entity );
level thread notifyDeath( entity );
for (;;)
if( !IsDefined( entity ) )
if ( entity.health <= 0 )
entity waittill ( "friendlyfire_notify", damage, attacker, direction, point, method );
//Glocke: 9/9/08 - after talking with MikeD, because the player was doing MOD_UNKNOWN of damage == -1
if( damage < 1 )
if ( !isdefined( entity ) )
if ( ( isdefined( entity.NoFriendlyfire ) ) && ( entity.NoFriendlyfire == true ) )
// if we dont know who the attacker is we can't do much, so ignore it. This is seldom to happen, but not impossible
if( !IsDefined( attacker ) )
// check to see if the death was caused by the player or the players turret
bPlayersDamage = false;
if( IsPlayer( attacker ) )
bPlayersDamage = true;
else if( ( IsDefined( attacker.classname ) ) &&( attacker.classname == "script_vehicle" ) )
owner = attacker GetVehicleowner();
if( IsDefined( owner ) && IsPlayer( owner ) )
bPlayersDamage = true;
// DPG 6/4/07 - set the player as the attacker
attacker = owner;
// if the player didn't cause the damage then disregard
if ( !bPlayersDamage )
same_team = entity.team == attacker.team;
killed = damage == -1;
// MikeD( 02/04/07 ): Added this for the _stats.
// Note: We should put this in the if statement below after we get the last drop from IW.
if( !same_team )
if( killed )
// The player killed an enemy.
// attacker maps\_stats::set_enemy_kill( method, entity.damagelocation, entity.origin );
// MikeD( 3/19/2007 ): No more level.player
// level.player.participation += level.friendlyfire["enemy_kill_points"];
attacker.participation += level.friendlyfire["enemy_kill_points"];
attacker participation_point_cap();
// The player damaged an enemy.
// attacker maps\_stats::set_enemy_damage( method, entity.damagelocation );
//CODER MOD: TKeegan, friendly fire now gives negative points
arcademode_assignpoints( "arcademode_friendies_damage", attacker );
if( killed ) {} //player killed friendly AI
else {} //player damaged friendly AI
//player killed/damaged a friendly
if ( isdefined( entity.no_friendly_fire_penalty ) )
// MikeD( 3/19/2007 ): Removed and put it above, so it's in 1 if statement.
// if an enemy was killed then incriment the players participation score
// if( ( entity.team != level.player.team ) &&( damage == -1 ) )
// {
// level.player.participation += level.friendlyfire["enemy_kill_points"];
// participation_point_cap();
// return;
// }
// MikeD( 3/19/2007 ): No more level.player
//player killed/damaged a friendly
// if( entity.team == level.player.team )
if ( killed )
attacker.participation += level.friendlyfire["friend_kill_points"];
// friendly was damaged - figure out how many participation points to remove
attacker.participation -= damage;
attacker participation_point_cap();
// dont fail the mission if death was caused by a grenade that was cooking durring an autosave
if ( check_grenade( entity, method ) && savecommit_afterGrenade() )
if ( killed )
// MikeD( 3/19/2007 ): No more level.player
// fail the mission if the players participation has reached the minimum
// friendly_fire_checkpoints();
attacker friendly_fire_checkpoints();
// fail the mission if the players participation has reached the minimum
// self - player
if( self.participation <= level.friendlyfire["min_participation"] )
// JesseS( 3/30/07 ): level.player is now self
self thread missionfail();
// check if the entity was killed by a grenade
// self - level
// entity - the damaged entity
// method - the damage type
// returns true oe false
check_grenade( entity, method )
if( !IsDefined( entity ) )
return false;
// check if the entity was killed by a grenade
wasGrenade = false;
if( ( IsDefined( entity.damageweapon ) ) &&( entity.damageweapon == "none" ) )
wasGrenade = true;
if( ( IsDefined( method ) ) &&( method == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" ) )
wasGrenade = true;
// if the entity was not killed by a grenade then exit
return wasGrenade;
// Fixes any problems caused by saving after throwing a grenade
// self - level
// returns true or false
currentTime = GetTime();
if ( currentTime < 4500 )
println( "^3aborting friendly fire because the level just loaded and saved and could cause a autosave grenade loop" );
return true;
else if( ( currentTime - level.lastAutoSaveTime ) < 4500 )
println( "^3aborting friendly fire because it could be caused by an autosave grenade loop" );
return true;
return false;
// Caps participation points to either the max or min
// self - player
// MikeD( 3/19/2007 ): No more level.player
// if( level.player.participation > level.friendlyfire["max_participation"] )
// {
// level.player.participation = level.friendlyfire["max_participation"];
// }
// if( level.player.participation < level.friendlyfire["min_participation"] )
// {
// level.player.participation = level.friendlyfire["min_participation"];
// }
// DPG 6/4/07 self.participation will not be defined if in a tank. need to fix this up...
if( !isdefined( self.participation ) )
assertmsg( "self.participation is not defined!" );
if( self.participation > level.friendlyfire["max_participation"] )
self.participation = level.friendlyfire["max_participation"];
if( self.participation < level.friendlyfire["min_participation"] )
self.participation = level.friendlyfire["min_participation"];
// Evens out FF participation points over time
// self - player
level endon( "mission failed" );
self endon( "disconnect");
for (;;)
if( self.participation > 0 )
else if( self.participation < 0 )
wait( level.friendlyfire["point_loss_interval"] );
level.friendlyFireDisabled = 0;
level.friendlyFireDisabled = 1;
if( GetDvar( "friendlyfire_enabled" ) != "1" )
if ( !maps\_collectibles::has_collectible( "collectible_hardcore" ) )
// JesseS( 3/30/07 ): removed level.player ref
// TODO: Update these notifies to support co-op better
self endon( "death" );
level endon ( "mine death" );
level notify ( "mission failed" );
if ( level.campaign == "british" )
else if ( level.campaign == "russian" )
// shader if specified
if ( isdefined( level.custom_friendly_fire_shader ) )
thread maps\_load::special_death_indicator_hudelement( level.custom_friendly_fire_shader, 64, 64, 0 );
logString( "failed mission: Friendly fire" );
// Sends outs "friendlyfire_notify" upon FF damage
// self - level
// entity - entity to send / recieve notify
notifyDamage( entity )
level endon( "mission failed" );
entity endon( "death" );
for (;;)
entity waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, direction, point, method );
entity notify( "friendlyfire_notify", damage, attacker, direction, point, method );
notifyDamageNotDone( entity )
level endon( "mission failed" );
entity waittill( "damage_notdone", damage, attacker, direction, point, method );
entity notify( "friendlyfire_notify", -1, attacker, undefined, undefined, method );
// Sends outs "friendlyfire_notify" upon FF death
// self - level
// entity - entity to send / recieve notify
notifyDeath( entity )
level endon( "mission failed" );
entity waittill( "death" , attacker, method );
entity notify( "friendlyfire_notify", -1, attacker, undefined, undefined, method );
} |