2447 lines
52 KiB
2447 lines
52 KiB
// MikeD (3/20/2007): This script enables you to define camera movement within the game.
// * creation of special camera entity – Code
// * Insert/Delete camera nodes – Script
// * Spline paths – Code
// * Lerping of all camera attributes through node points – Script
// * Target objects, points, splines – Code
// * Being able to stop/interrupt a playback - Script
// * camera roll – Script
// * Clean cuts – Code/Script
// * Locking camera axis (independently) – Script
// * Shaky cam – Code
// * Camera Lens mappings – Script
// * Copy shots – Script
// * Full screen FX (blurs, fades, color shifts, shaders, depth of field, etc.) – Code
// * Editing of shots as independent elements. Creation of scene list from shots. - Script
// * cross fades
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_createmenu;
#include maps\_camsys;
// Set camsys level variables
if( GetDvar( "createcam" ) != "1" )
if( !IsDefined( level.xenon ) )
level.xenon = ( GetDvar( "xenonGame" ) == "true" );
if( !IsDefined( level.script ) )
level.script = Tolower( GetDvar( "Mapname" ) );
level thread main2();
// Used to be main(), but now that we wait for the player, we must thread it.
if( !IsDefined( level.player ) )
players = get_players();
level.player = players[0];
level thread remove_player_weapons();
level.cam_scenes = [];
level.cam_model_func = ::spawn_cam_model;
// Setup the default save path/files
level set_default_path();
// Display the cursor, copied from _createfx
level set_crosshair();
// Set level variables
level level_vars();
// Set the types of cameras (tracks/targets) we can have.
level setup_types();
// Setup and enable the menu system.
level setup_menus();
// Setup the buttons that will be used in the menu system.
level setup_menu_buttons();
// Capture button input.
level thread maps\_createmenu::menu_input();
PrecacheModel( "temp_camera" );
PrecacheShader( "white" );
wait( 0.05 );
// Player does not need any weapons.
level.player TakeallWeapons();
// setup "crosshair"
crossHair = NewHudElem();
crossHair.location = 0;
crossHair.alignX = "center";
crossHair.alignY = "middle";
crossHair.foreground = 1;
crossHair.fontScale = 2;
crossHair.sort = 20;
crossHair.alpha = 1;
crossHair.x = 320;
crossHair.y = 233;
crossHair SetText(".");
// Sets up level vars for reference
level.cam_shot_id = 0;
add_shot_type( "Timed Curve" );
// add_shot_type( "Rounded Curve" );
// add_shot_type( "Smoothed Curve" );
add_shot_type( "Point" );
add_shot_type( name )
if( !IsDefined( level.shottypes ) )
level.shottypes = [];
level.shottypes[level.shottypes.size] = name;
// Menu Section //
// Sets up the menus
// Main Menu
add_menu( "main_menu", "Main Menu:" );
add_menuoptions( "main_menu", "Shot Editor" );
add_menuoptions( "main_menu", "Scene Editor" );
add_menuoptions( "main_menu", "Save" );
// Main Menu->Shots
add_menu_child( "main_menu", "shots", "Shots:", undefined );
add_menuoptions( "shots", "Tracks/Targets" );
add_menuoptions( "shots", "Create Shot" );
add_menuoptions( "shots", "Select Shot", ::select_shot );
add_menuoptions( "shots", "Play Selected", ::play_selected_shot );
add_menuoptions( "shots", "Edit Shot" );
// Main Menu->Shots->Tracks/Targets
add_menu_child( "shots", "tracks_targets", "Tracks/Targets:", undefined );
add_menuoptions( "tracks_targets", "Create Track" );
add_menuoptions( "tracks_targets", "Create Target" );
add_menuoptions( "tracks_targets", "Edit Track" );
add_menuoptions( "tracks_targets", "Edit Target" );
// Main Menu->Shots->Tracks/Targets->Create Track
add_menu_child( "tracks_targets", "create_track", "Create Track:", undefined, ::create_track );
add_menuoptions( "create_track", "Type", ::shot_type );
add_menuoptions( "create_track", "Place CP", ::place_track_cp );
// Main Menu->Shots->Tracks/Targets->Create Target
add_menu_child( "tracks_targets", "create_target", "Create Target:", undefined, ::create_target );
add_menuoptions( "create_target", "Type", ::shot_type );
add_menuoptions( "create_target", "Place CP", ::place_target_cp );
// Main Menu->Shots->Tracks/Targets->Edit Track
add_menu_child( "tracks_targets", "edit_track", "Edit Track:", undefined, ::create_track );
add_menuoptions( "edit_track", "Select Track", ::edit_track_select_track );
add_menuoptions( "edit_track", "Move CP" );
// Main Menu->Shots->Create_Shot
add_menu_child( "shots", "create_shot", "Create Shot:", undefined );
add_menuoptions( "create_shot", "Select Track", ::select_track );
add_menuoptions( "create_shot", "Select Target", ::select_target );
add_menuoptions( "create_shot", "Play Track", ::play_selected_track );
add_menuoptions( "create_shot", "Name Shot", ::name_shot );
// Main Menu->Shots->Edit_Shot
add_menu_child( "shots", "edit_shot", "Edit Shot:", 4, ::edit_shot );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot", "Edit Track" );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot", "Edit Target" );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot", "Change Track", ::edit_shot_change_track );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot", "Change Target", ::edit_shot_change_target );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot", "Play Shot", ::play_selected_shot );
// Main Menu->Shots->Edit_Shot->Edit_Shot_Track
add_menu_child( "edit_shot", "edit_shot_track", "Edit Shot Track:", undefined, ::edit_shot_track );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot_track", "Play Shot", ::play_selected_shot );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot_track", "Add CP", ::edit_add_cpoint );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot_track", "Delete CP", ::edit_delete_cpoint );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot_track", "Set Time to Target", ::edit_sync_time_to_target );
// Main Menu->Shots->Edit_Shot->Edit_Shot_Target
add_menu_child( "edit_shot", "edit_shot_target", "Edit Shot Target:",undefined, ::edit_shot_target );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot_target", "Play Shot", ::play_selected_shot );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot_target", "Add CP", ::edit_add_target_cpoint );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot_target", "Delete CP", ::edit_delete_target_cpoint );
add_menuoptions( "edit_shot_target", "Set Time to Track", ::edit_sync_time_to_track );
// Main Menu->Create Scene Menu
add_menu_child( "main_menu", "scenes", "Create Scene:", undefined );
add_menuoptions( "scenes", "Compose Scene", ::compose_scene );
add_menuoptions( "scenes", "Name Scene", ::name_scene );
// Main Menu->Create Save Menu
add_menu_child( "main_menu", "save", "Save:", undefined );
add_menuoptions( "save", "Save All", ::save_all );
enable_menu( "main_menu" );
level thread menu_cursor();
// Sets up the buttons used to navigate the menus.
clear_universal_buttons( "menu" );
if( level.xenon )
add_universal_button( "menu", "dpad_up" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "dpad_down" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "dpad_left" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "dpad_right" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "button_a" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "button_b" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "button_y" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "button_x" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "button_lshldr" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "button_rshldr" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "1" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "2" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "3" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "4" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "5" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "6" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "7" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "8" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "9" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "0" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "downarrow" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "uparrow" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "leftarrow" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "rightarrow" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "=" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "-" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "enter" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "end" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "backspace" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "del" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "ins" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "kp_leftarrow" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "kp_rightarrow" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "kp_uparrow" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "kp_downarrow" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "kp_home" );
add_universal_button( "menu", "kp_pgup" );
level thread universal_input_loop( "menu", "never", undefined, undefined, "button_ltrig" );
// Shots //
level thread create_track_thread();
level waittill( "disable create_track" );
level.create_num = undefined;
level thread create_target_thread();
level waittill( "disable create_target" );
level.create_num = undefined;
// Choose the shop type
if( IsDefined( level.shottype ) )
level.shottype = undefined;
y = level.menu_sys["current_menu"].options[0].y;
arrow_hud = set_hudelem( "-------->", 125, y, 1.3 );
value = undefined;
value = list_menu( level.shottypes, 180, y, 1.3 );
if( IsDefined( value ) )
if( value < 0 )
level thread selection_error( "No ShotTypes in list!", 10, y );
level.shottype = level.shottypes[value];
arrow_hud Destroy();
if( !IsDefined( level.shottype ) )
return "Shot Type must be selected.";
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_tracks ) )
level.cam_tracks = [];
if( !IsDefined( level.create_num ) )
level.create_num = level.cam_tracks.size;
cp = create_cp( level.player GetEye() );
add_cp_to_track( level.create_num, level.shottype, cp );
draw_track( level.create_num );
if( !IsDefined( level.shottype ) )
return "Shot Type must be selected.";
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_targets ) )
level.cam_targets = [];
if( !IsDefined( level.create_num ) )
level.create_num = level.cam_targets.size;
cp = create_cp( level.player GetEye() );
add_cp_to_target( level.create_num, level.shottype, cp );
draw_target( level.create_num );
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_tracks ) || level.cam_tracks.size < 1 )
return "No Camera Tracks Exist";
// Stop drawing all
// Now, only draw the tracks
y = level.menu_sys["current_menu"].options[0].y;
arrow_hud = set_hudelem( "-------->", 125, y, 1.3 );
value = undefined;
strings = [];
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_tracks.size; i++ )
strings[strings.size] = "" + i;
value = list_menu( strings, 180, y, 1.3, ::select_track_highlight );
if( IsDefined( value ) )
if( value < 0 )
level thread selection_error( "No Camera Tracks in list!", 10, y );
create_shot( "new", int( strings[value] ) );
arrow_hud Destroy();
select_track_highlight( num )
draw_track( int( num ) );
create_shot( shot_name, track_name, target_name )
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_shots[shot_name] ) )
level.cam_shots[shot_name] = SpawnStruct();
if( IsDefined( track_name ) )
level.cam_shots[shot_name].cam_track = level.cam_tracks[track_name];
if( IsDefined( target_name ) )
level.cam_shots[shot_name].cam_target = level.cam_targets[target_name];
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_targets ) || level.cam_targets.size < 1 )
return "No Camera Targets Exist";
y = level.menu_sys["current_menu"].options[1].y;
arrow_hud = set_hudelem( "-------->", 120, y, 1.3 );
value = undefined;
strings = [];
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_targets.size; i++ )
strings[strings.size] = "" + i;
value = list_menu( strings, 180, y, 1.3, ::select_target_highlight );
if( IsDefined( value ) )
if( value < 0 )
level thread selection_error( "No Camera Targets in list!", 10, y );
create_shot( "new", undefined, int( strings[value] ) );
arrow_hud Destroy();
select_target_highlight( num )
draw_target( int( num ) );
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_shots["new"] ) || !IsDefined( level.cam_shots["new"].cam_track ) )
return "Track is not selected";
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_shots["new"].cam_target ) )
return "Target is not selected";
track = level.cam_shots["new"].cam_track;
target = level.cam_shots["new"].cam_target;
camera = create_camera();
link_players_to_camera( camera );
play_shot_internal( camera, track, target );
unlink_players_from_camera( camera );
if( !Isdefined( level.cam_shots["new"] ) )
return "Shot is not selected";
text = text_box( "Enter a name for your shot", "(Keep it short and no spaces, 8 characters)", 8 );
if( text != "-1" )
copy_shot( "new", text );
remove_shot( "new" );
y = level.menu_sys["current_menu"].options[2].y;
arrow_hud = set_hudelem( "-------->", 125, y, 1.3 );
value = undefined;
names = GetArrayKeys( level.cam_shots );
value = list_menu( names, 180, y, 1.3, ::draw_shot );
if( IsDefined( value ) )
if( value < 0 )
level thread selection_error( "No Shots Found", 10, y );
level.shot_selected = names[value];
arrow_hud Destroy();
if( !IsDefined( level.shot_selected ) )
return "Shot is not Selected";
camera = create_camera();
link_players_to_camera( camera );
play_shot( level.shot_selected, camera );
unlink_players_from_camera( camera );
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_tracks ) || level.cam_tracks.size < 1 )
return "No Camera Tracks Exist";
y = level.menu_sys["current_menu"].options[0].y;
arrow_hud = set_hudelem( "-------->", 125, y, 1.3 );
value = undefined;
strings = [];
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_tracks.size; i++ )
strings[strings.size] = "" + i;
value = list_menu( strings, 180, y, 1.3 );
if( IsDefined( value ) )
if( value < 0 )
level thread selection_error( "No Camera Tracks in list!", 10, y );
arrow_hud Destroy();
// Edit Shots //
if( !IsDefined( level.shot_selected ) )
return "Shot is not selected";
level.edit_current_cp = 0;
level thread edit_shot_track_input();
level thread edit_shot_track_buttons();
level thread edit_shot_track_thread();
level waittill( "disable edit_shot_track" );
remove_hud( "edit_shot_track" );
remove_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info" );
remove_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info2" );
level.edit_current_cp = 0;
edit_shot_track_hud( true );
edit_shot_track_cp_hud_info( true );
level thread edit_shot_track_input( true );
level thread edit_shot_track_buttons();
level thread edit_shot_target_thread();
level waittill( "disable edit_shot_target" );
remove_hud( "edit_shot_track" );
remove_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info" );
remove_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info2" );
edit_shot_track_hud( edit_target )
if( IsDefined( level.hud_array ) && IsDefined( level.hud_array["edit_shot_track"] ) )
shader_width = 150;
shader_height = 80;
x = 0;
y = 300;
hud = new_hud( "edit_shot_track", undefined, x, y, 1 );
hud SetShader( "white", shader_width, shader_height );
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.alignY = "top";
hud.sort = 10;
hud.alpha = 0.6;
hud.color = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 );
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "Edit Target Help:", x + 10, y + 10, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "Edit Track Help:", x + 10, y + 10, 1 );
y += 3;
if( level.xenon )
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "BUMPERS", x + 10, y + 20, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "X/Y", x + 10, y + 30, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "Brackets", x + 10, y + 20, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "Ins/Del", x + 10, y + 30, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "HOME/END", x + 10, y + 40, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "PGUP/PGDN", x + 10, y + 50, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "M", x + 10, y + 60, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "- Next/Prev CP", x + 60, y + 20, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "- Inc/Dec Time", x + 60, y + 30, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "- NOT WORKING YET Inc/Dec Accel", x + 60, y + 40, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "- NOT WORKING YET Inc/Dec Deccel", x + 60, y + 50, 1 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track", "- Re-Position", x + 60, y + 60, 1 );
edit_shot_track_cp_hud_info( edit_target )
if( IsDefined( level.hud_array ) && IsDefined( level.hud_array["edit_shot_track_cp_info"] ) )
shader_width = 75;
shader_height = 380;
x = 640 - shader_width;
y = 480 - shader_height;
hud = new_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info", undefined, x, y, 1 );
hud SetShader( "white", shader_width, shader_height );
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.alignY = "top";
hud.sort = 10;
hud.alpha = 0.6;
hud.color = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 );
new_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info", "CP:", x + 10, y + 10, 1 );
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
level.current_cp_hud = new_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info", "1 / " + level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints.size, x + 30, y + 20, 1 );
level.current_cp_hud = new_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info", "1 / " + level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints.size, x + 30, y + 20, 1 );
edit_track_cp_update_info( edit_target );
edit_track_cp_update_info( edit_target )
if( IsDefined( level.hud_array ) && IsDefined( level.hud_array["edit_shot_track_cp_info2"] ) )
remove_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info2" );
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
cpoint = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints[level.edit_current_cp];
keys = GetArrayKeys( cpoint.attrib );
cpoint = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints[level.edit_current_cp];
keys = GetArrayKeys( cpoint.attrib );
x = level.hud_array["edit_shot_track_cp_info"][1].x;
y = level.hud_array["edit_shot_track_cp_info"][1].y + 10;
for( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ )
y += 15;
new_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info2", keys[i] + ":", x, y, 1 );
x += 30;
y += 10;
new_hud( "edit_shot_track_cp_info2", "" + cpoint.attrib[keys[i]], x, y, 1 );
x -= 30;
edit_update_cpoint_attrib( attrib_name, value, edit_target )
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
cpoint = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints[level.edit_current_cp];
cpoint = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints[level.edit_current_cp];
cpoint.attrib[attrib_name] += value;
if( cpoint.attrib[attrib_name] < 0.05 )
cpoint.attrib[attrib_name] = 0.05;
if( attrib_name == "time" )
draw_shot( level.shot_selected );
edit_update_cpoint_origin( edit_target )
if( level.xenon )
level thread edit_help( "Press 'A' to set Origin (B to Cancel)" );
level thread edit_help( "Press 'M' to set Origin (END to Cancel)" );
while( 1 )
level waittill( "edit_shot_track_button_pressed", key );
if( key == "m" )
else if( key == "button_b" )
level.edit_help = false;
wait( 0.05 );
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
cpoint = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints[level.edit_current_cp];
cpoint = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints[level.edit_current_cp];
level.edit_help = false;
cpoint.origin = level.player GetEye();
draw_shot( level.shot_selected );
edit_add_cpoint( true );
edit_add_cpoint( edit_target )
if( level.xenon )
level thread edit_help( "Press 'A' to Add CP (B to Cancel)" );
level thread edit_help( "Press 'ENTER' to Add CP (END to Cancel)" );
while( 1 )
level waittill( "edit_shot_track_button_pressed", key );
if( key == "button_a" || key == "enter" )
else if( key == "button_b" || key == "end" )
level.edit_help = false;
wait( 0.05 );
level.edit_help = false;
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints;
cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints;
new_cpoint = create_cp( level.player GetEye() );
cpoints = array_insert( cpoints, new_cpoint, level.edit_current_cp + 1 );
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints = cpoints;
level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints = cpoints;
draw_shot( level.shot_selected );
wait( 0.5 );
edit_delete_cpoint( true );
edit_delete_cpoint( edit_target )
if( level.xenon )
level thread edit_help( "Press 'A' to Delete CP (B to Cancel)" );
level thread edit_help( "Press 'ENTER' to Delete CP (END to Cancel)" );
while( 1 )
level waittill( "edit_shot_track_button_pressed", key );
if( key == "button_a" || key == "enter" )
else if( key == "button_b" || key == "end" )
level.edit_help = false;
wait( 0.05 );
level.edit_help = false;
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints;
cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints;
cpoints = array_remove_index( cpoints, level.edit_current_cp );
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints = cpoints;
level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints = cpoints;
draw_shot( level.shot_selected );
wait( 0.5 );
target_cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints;
time = 0;
for( i = 1; i < target_cpoints.size; i++ )
time += target_cpoints[i].attrib["time"];
cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints;
div_time = time / ( cpoints.size - 1 );
for( i = 1; i < cpoints.size; i++ )
cpoints[i].attrib["time"] = div_time;
edit_track_cp_update_info( false );
draw_shot( level.shot_selected );
track_cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints;
time = 0;
for( i = 1; i < track_cpoints.size; i++ )
time += track_cpoints[i].attrib["time"];
cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints;
div_time = time / ( cpoints.size - 1 );
for( i = 1; i < cpoints.size; i++ )
cpoints[i].attrib["time"] = div_time;
edit_track_cp_update_info( true );
draw_shot( level.shot_selected );
clear_universal_buttons( "edit_shot_track" );
mod_button = undefined;
if( level.xenon )
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "button_lshldr" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "button_rshldr" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "button_a" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "button_b" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "button_x" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "button_y" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "button_ltrig" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "[" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "]" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "home" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "end" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "pgup" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "pgdn" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "ins" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "del" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "m" );
add_universal_button( "edit_shot_track", "enter" );
level thread universal_input_loop( "edit_shot_track", "disable edit_shot_track", undefined, mod_button );
edit_shot_track_input( edit_target )
level endon( "disable edit_shot_track" );
level endon( "disable edit_shot_target" );
while( 1 )
if( IsDefined( edit_target ) && edit_target )
cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target.cpoints;
cpoints = level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track.cpoints;
if( level.edit_current_cp > cpoints.size - 1 )
level.edit_current_cp = cpoints.size - 1;
level thread edit_cp_highlight( cpoints[level.edit_current_cp].origin, edit_target );
level.current_cp_hud SetText( ( level.edit_current_cp + 1 ) + " / " + cpoints.size );
edit_track_cp_update_info( edit_target );
level waittill( "edit_shot_track_button_pressed", key );
if( key == "button_lshldr" || key == "[" )
if( level.edit_current_cp == 0 )
level.edit_current_cp = cpoints.size - 1;
else if( key == "button_rshldr" || key == "]" )
if( level.edit_current_cp == cpoints.size - 1 )
level.edit_current_cp = 0;
else if( key == "button_y" || key == "ins" )
edit_update_cpoint_attrib( "time", 0.05, edit_target );
else if( key == "button_x" || key == "del" )
edit_update_cpoint_attrib( "time", -0.05, edit_target );
else if( key == "button_ltrig" || key == "m" )
edit_update_cpoint_origin( edit_target );
wait( 0.25 );
wait( 0.1 );
edit_cp_highlight( pos, edit_target )
level notify( "disable edit_cp_highlight" );
level endon( "disable edit_cp_highlight" );
level endon( "disable edit_shot_track" );
level endon( "disable edit_shot_target" );
points[0] = ( 0, 0, 10 );
points[1] = ( 0, 0, -10 );
pointsb[0] = ( 0, 10, 0 );
pointsb[1] = ( 0, -10, 0 );
pointsc[0] = ( 10, 0, 0 );
pointsc[1] = ( -10, 0, 0 );
color = ( 1, 1, 0 );
color1 = ( 1, 1, 0 );
color2 = ( 0, 0, 0.5 );
c1_red = color1[0];
c1_green = color1[1];
c1_blue = color1[2];
c2_red = color2[0];
c2_green = color2[1];
c2_blue = color2[2];
red = color[0];
green = color[1];
blue = color[2];
max_color_count = 7;
c1_red_diff = ( c2_red - c1_red ) / max_color_count;
c1_green_diff = ( c2_green - c1_green ) / max_color_count;
c1_blue_diff = ( c2_blue - c1_blue ) / max_color_count;
c2_red_diff = ( c1_red - c2_red ) / max_color_count;
c2_green_diff = ( c1_green - c2_green ) / max_color_count;
c2_blue_diff = ( c1_blue - c2_blue ) / max_color_count;
points_a = [];
points_b = [];
points_c = [];
radius = 10;
segments = 16;
add_angles = 360 / segments;
angles = ( 0, 0, 0 );
for( i = 0; i < segments; i++ )
angles = angles + ( add_angles, 0, 0 );
forward = AnglesToForward( angles );
points_a[i] = pos + VectorScale( forward, radius );
angles = ( 0, 90, 0 ); // Since we're using anglestoforward
for( i = 0; i < segments; i++ )
angles = angles + ( add_angles, 0, 0 );
forward = AnglesToForward( angles );
points_b[i] = pos + VectorScale( forward, radius );
angles = ( 0, 0, 0 );
for( i = 0; i < segments; i++ )
angles = angles + ( 0, add_angles, 0 );
forward = AnglesToForward( angles );
points_c[i] = pos + VectorScale( forward, radius );
color_count = 0;
while( 1 )
for( i = 0; i < points_a.size; i++ )
if( i == ( points_a.size - 1 ) )
Line( points_a[i], points_a[0], color, 1 );
Line( points_a[i], points_a[i + 1], color, 1 );
for( i = 0; i < points_b.size; i++ )
if( i == ( points_b.size - 1 ) )
Line( points_b[i], points_b[0], color, 1 );
Line( points_b[i], points_b[i + 1], color, 1 );
for( i = 0; i < points_c.size; i++ )
if( i == ( points_c.size - 1 ) )
Line( points_c[i], points_c[0], color, 1 );
Line( points_c[i], points_c[i + 1], color, 1 );
if( color_count < max_color_count ) // Switch to color2
red = c1_red_diff;
green = c1_green_diff;
blue = c1_blue_diff;
else if( color_count < max_color_count * 2 )
red = c2_red_diff;
green = c2_green_diff;
blue = c2_blue_diff;
color_count = -10;
if( color_count < 0 )
color = color1;
color = ( color[0] + red, color[1] + green, color[2] + blue );
wait( 0.05 );
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_tracks ) || level.cam_tracks.size < 1 )
return "No Camera Tracks Exist";
y = level.menu_sys["current_menu"].options[2].y;
arrow_hud = set_hudelem( "-------->", 125, y, 1.3 );
value = undefined;
strings = [];
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_tracks.size; i++ )
strings[strings.size] = "" + i;
value = list_menu( strings, 180, y, 1.3, ::select_track_highlight );
if( IsDefined( value ) )
if( value < 0 )
level thread selection_error( "No Camera Tracks in list!", 10, y );
level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_track = level.cam_tracks[int( strings[value] )];
arrow_hud Destroy();
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_targets ) || level.cam_targets.size < 1 )
return "No Camera Targets Exist";
y = level.menu_sys["current_menu"].options[1].y;
arrow_hud = set_hudelem( "-------->", 120, y, 1.3 );
value = undefined;
strings = [];
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_targets.size; i++ )
strings[strings.size] = "" + i;
value = list_menu( strings, 180, y, 1.3, ::select_target_highlight );
if( IsDefined( value ) )
if( value < 0 )
level thread selection_error( "No Camera Targets in list!", 10, y );
level.cam_shots[level.shot_selected].cam_target = level.cam_targets[int( strings[value] )];
arrow_hud Destroy();
// Compose Scenes //
y = level.menu_sys["current_menu"].options[0].y;
strings = GetArrayKeys( level.cam_shots );
if( !IsDefined( strings ) )
return "No Shots Found!";
values = scene_editor_menu( strings, maps\_camsys::create_scene_add_shot );
if( IsDefined( values ) )
remove_scene( "new" );
for( i = 0; i < values.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( values[i] ) )
create_scene_add_shot( "new", values[i] );
scene_editor_menu( strings, func )
x = 320;
y = 425;
scale = 1.3;
space_between = 75;
current_x_pos = 0;
blue_background = draw_fancy_hudline( "horizontal", 0, 410, 640, 0.2, ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 ), 0.7, 60 );
huds = [];
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
huds[i] = scene_editor_add_huds( x + ( i * space_between ), y, scale, i );
set_huds_alphas( huds, current_x_pos, 5, 0 );
while( true )
level waittill( "menu_button_pressed", key );
if( key == "leftarrow" || key == "dpad_left" )
if( current_x_pos == 0 )
move_huds( huds, 75, 0, current_x_pos, 5, 0 );
else if( key == "rightarrow" || key == "dpad_right" )
if( current_x_pos == huds.size - 1 )
if( huds[current_x_pos].value == "---" )
println( "^3Cannot move Right until you set the previous shot" );
wait( 0.1 );
if( current_x_pos == huds.size - 1 )
// Add a new empty shot
huds[huds.size] = scene_editor_add_huds( x + ( ( huds.size - current_x_pos + 1 ) * space_between ), y, scale, huds.size );
move_huds( huds, -75, 0, current_x_pos, 5, 0 );
else if( key == "enter" || key == "button_a" )
popup = popup_box( x, y - 70, 100, 100, 0.1 );
selected = scene_editor_select_shot( x + 20, y - 70, strings );
if( IsDefined( selected ) )
huds[current_x_pos].value = strings[selected];
huds[current_x_pos].hud SetText( strings[selected] );
popup destroy_popup();
else if( key == "ins" || key == "button_lshldr" )
temp = scene_editor_add_huds( x, y, scale, current_x_pos );
huds = array_insert( huds, temp, current_x_pos );
for( i = current_x_pos + 1; i < huds.size; i++ )
huds[i].hud.x = huds[i].hud.x + space_between;
huds[i].title SetText( "#" + ( i + 1 ) );
huds[i].title.x = huds[i].title.x + space_between;
set_huds_alphas( huds, current_x_pos, 5, 0 );
else if( key == "del" || key == "button_y" )
huds[current_x_pos].hud Destroy();
huds[current_x_pos].title Destroy();
huds = array_remove_index( huds, current_x_pos );
for( i = current_x_pos; i < huds.size; i++ )
huds[i].hud.x = huds[i].hud.x - space_between;
huds[i].title SetText( "#" + ( i + 1 ) );
huds[i].title.x = huds[i].title.x - space_between;
set_huds_alphas( huds, current_x_pos, 5, 0 );
else if( key == "end" || key == "button_b" )
else if( key == "p" || key == "button_x" )
remove_scene( "new" );
skip = 0;
for( i = 0; i < huds.size - 1; i++ )
if( huds[i].value == "---" )
println( "^3Shot # " + ( i + 1 ) + " is not set properly, Skipping!" );
[[func]]( "new", huds[i - skip].value, i - skip );
play_scene( "new" );
wait( 0.2 );
if( IsDefined( huds[current_x_pos].value ) && huds[current_x_pos].value != "---" )
draw_shot( huds[current_x_pos].value );
for( i = 0; i < huds.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( huds[i] ) )
huds[i].hud Destroy();
blue_background Destroy();
values = [];
for( i = 0; i < huds.size; i++ )
if( huds[i].value == "---" )
values[i] = undefined;
values[i] = huds[i].value;
return values;
scene_editor_add_huds( x, y, scale, num )
huds = SpawnStruct();
huds.value = "---";
huds.hud = set_hudelem( huds.value, x, y, scale, 1 );
huds.hud.alignX = "center";
huds.title = set_hudelem( "#" + ( num + 1 ), x, y - 30, scale, 0.75 );
huds.title.alignX = "center";
return huds;
scene_editor_select_shot( x, y, strings )
arrow_hud = set_hudelem( ">", x - 20, y, 1.3 );
arrow_hud.sort = 45;
value = undefined;
value = list_menu( strings, x, y, 1.3, ::draw_shot, 40 );
arrow_hud Destroy();
if( IsDefined( value ) )
return value;
return undefined;
draw_fancy_hudline( type, start_x, start_y, length, time, color, alpha, thickness )
if( !IsDefined( alpha ) )
alpha = 1;
if( !IsDefined( color ) )
color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
hud = NewHudElem();
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.alignY = "middle";
hud.foreground = 1;
hud.sort = 20;
hud.x = start_x;
hud.y = start_y;
hud.alpha = alpha;
hud.color = color;
if( !IsDefined( thickness ) )
thickness = 2;
if( type == "horizontal" )
hud.alignY = "middle";
if( length < 0 )
length = length * -1;
hud.alignX = "right";
hud SetShader( "white", 0, thickness );
hud ScaleOverTime( time, length, thickness );
else // vertical
hud.alignX = "center";
if( length < 0 )
length = length * -1;
hud.alignY = "bottom";
hud.alignY = "top";
hud SetShader( "white", thickness, 0 );
hud ScaleOverTime( time, thickness, length );
wait( time );
return hud;
move_huds( huds, x_shift, y_shift, current_pos, max_num_fading, min_alpha )
if( !IsDefined( min_alpha ) )
min_alpha = 0.1;
time = 0.1;
for( i = 0; i < huds.size; i++ )
huds[i].hud MoveOverTime( time );
huds[i].title MoveOverTime( time );
huds[i].hud.x += x_shift;
huds[i].hud.y += y_shift;
huds[i].title.x += x_shift;
huds[i].title.y += y_shift;
if( IsDefined( current_pos ) && IsDefined( max_num_fading ) && IsDefined( min_alpha ) )
set_huds_alphas( huds, current_pos, 5, 0 );
wait( time );
set_huds_alphas( huds, current_pos, max_num_fading, min_alpha )
if( !IsDefined( min_alpha ) )
min_alpha = 0.1;
if( !IsDefined( max_num_fading ) )
max_num_fading = 3;
for( i = 0; i < huds.size; i++ )
temp = i - current_pos;
if( temp < 0 )
temp = temp * -1;
alpha = 1 / ( temp + 1 );
if( alpha < ( 1 / max_num_fading ) )
alpha = min_alpha;
huds[i].hud.alpha = alpha;
huds[i].title.alpha = alpha;
// Name Scene //
if( !Isdefined( level.cam_scenes["new"] ) )
return "New Scene is not made";
text = text_box( "Enter a name for your scene", "(Keep it short and no spaces, 8 characters)", 8 );
if( text != "-1" )
copy_scene( "new", text );
remove_scene( "new" );
copy_scene( name, copy_name )
size = level.cam_scenes[name].shots.size;
for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
create_scene_add_shot( copy_name, level.cam_scenes[name].shots[i] );
remove_scene( name_of_scene )
if( IsDefined( level.cam_scenes[name_of_scene] ) )
level.cam_scenes[name_of_scene] = undefined;
// Save Section //
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_shots ) || level.cam_shots.size < 1 )
return "No Shots Exist";
fullpath_file = level.path + level.script + "_cam.gsc";
file = OpenFile( fullpath_file, "write" );
assertex( file != -1, "File not writeable (maybe you should check it out): " + fullpath_file );
fprintln( file, "// AUTO GENERATED -- DO NOT TOUCH" );
fprintln( file, "// Created by _createcam.gsc, if you need help talk to MikeD" );
// attrib = level.cam_scene_attributes;
tab = " ";
fprintln( file, "main()" );
fprintln( file, "{" );
fprintln( file, tab + "shots();" );
fprintln( file, tab + "scenes();" );
fprintln( file, "}" );
// Shots
save_shots( file );
// Scenes
save_scenes( file );
saved = CloseFile( file );
assertex( saved == 1, "File not saved (see above message?): " + fullpath_file );
if( !saved )
return "Save FAILED!";
level thread save_complete( "scriptdata/" + fullpath_file );
save_shots( file )
tab = " ";
cp_string = "maps\\_camsys::create_cp( ";
build_shot = "maps\\_camsys::build_shot( ";
fprintln( file, "" );
fprintln( file, "shots()" );
fprintln( file, "{" );
shot_names = GetArrayKeys( level.cam_shots );
for( i = 0; i < shot_names.size; i++ )
// Track
track = level.cam_shots[shot_names[i]].cam_track;
fprintln( file, tab + "// SHOT NAME: " + shot_names[i] );
fprintln( file, tab + "//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" );
fprintln( file, tab + "// Track:" );
fprintln( file, tab + "track_array = [];" );
for( j = 0; j < track.cpoints.size; j++ )
fprintln( file, tab + "num = track_array.size;" );
fprintln( file, tab + "track_array[num] = " + cp_string + track.cpoints[j].origin + " );" );
keys = GetArrayKeys( track.cpoints[j].attrib );
for( q = 0; q < keys.size; q++ )
fprintln( file, tab + "track_array[num].attrib[\"" + keys[q] + "\"] = " + track.cpoints[j].attrib[keys[q]] + ";" );
fprintln( file, "" );
fprintln( file, "" );
// Target
target = level.cam_shots[shot_names[i]].cam_target;
fprintln( file, tab + "// Target:" );
fprintln( file, tab + "target_array = [];" );
for( j = 0; j < target.cpoints.size; j++ )
fprintln( file, tab + "num = target_array.size;" );
fprintln( file, tab + "target_array[num] = " + cp_string + target.cpoints[j].origin + " );" );
keys = GetArrayKeys( target.cpoints[j].attrib );
for( q = 0; q < keys.size; q++ )
fprintln( file, tab + "target_array[num].attrib[\"" + keys[q] + "\"] = " + target.cpoints[j].attrib[keys[q]] + ";" );
fprintln( file, "" );
fprintln( file, tab + build_shot + "\"" + shot_names[i] + "\", " + "\"" + level.cam_shots[shot_names[i]].cam_track.type + "\", " + "\"" + level.cam_shots[shot_names[i]].cam_target.type + "\", track_array, target_array );" );
fprintln( file, "" );
fprintln( file, "}" );
save_scenes( file )
tab = " ";
create_scene = "maps\\_camsys::create_scene( ";
fprintln( file, "" );
fprintln( file, "scenes()" );
fprintln( file, "{" );
// size = level.cam_scenes[name].shots.size;
// for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
// {
// create_scene_add_shot( copy_name, level.cam_scenes[name].shots[i] );
// }
scene_names = GetArrayKeys( level.cam_scenes );
for( i = 0; i < scene_names.size; i++ )
fprintln( file, tab + "// SCENE NAME: " + scene_names[i] );
fprintln( file, tab + "//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" );
fprintln( file, tab + "shots = [];" );
shots = level.cam_scenes[scene_names[i]].shots;
for( j = 0; j < shots.size; j++ )
fprintln( file, tab + "shots[" + j + "] = " + "\"" + shots[j] + "\";" );
fprintln( file, "" );
fprintln( file, tab + create_scene + "\"" + scene_names[i] + "\"" + ", shots );" );
fprintln( file, "" );
fprintln( file, "}" );
save_complete( msg )
println( "Save Successful, " + msg );
hud = set_hudelem( "Save Successful", 320, 100, 1.5 );
hud.alignX = "center";
hud.color = ( 0, 1, 0 );
hud_msg = set_hudelem( msg, 320, 120, 1.3 );
hud_msg.alignX = "center";
hud_msg.color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
wait( 2 );
hud FadeOverTime( 3 );
hud.alpha = 0;
hud_msg FadeOverTime( 3 );
hud_msg.alpha = 0;
wait( 3 );
hud Destroy();
hud_msg Destroy();
text_box( msg1, msg2, chars )
level.player FreezeControls( true );
name = dialog_text_box( msg1, msg2, chars );
level.player FreezeControls( false );
return name;
add_cp_to_track( num, type, cp )
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_tracks ) )
level.cam_tracks = [];
// If num does not exist in level.cam_tracks, create it.
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_tracks[num] ) )
shot = SpawnStruct();
shot.type = type;
shot.cpoints = [];
level.cam_tracks[num] = shot;
if( type == "Point" )
level.cam_tracks[num].cpoints = [];
size = level.cam_tracks[num].cpoints.size;
level.cam_tracks[num].cpoints[size] = cp;
add_cp_to_target( num, type, cp )
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_targets ) )
level.cam_targets = [];
// If num does not exist in level.cam_targets, create it.
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_targets[num] ) )
shot = SpawnStruct();
shot.type = type;
shot.cpoints = [];
level.cam_targets[num] = shot;
if( type == "Point" )
level.cam_targets[num].cpoints = [];
size = level.cam_targets[num].cpoints.size;
level.cam_targets[num].cpoints[size] = cp;
copy_shot( name, copy_name )
level.cam_shots[copy_name] = SpawnStruct();
level.cam_shots[copy_name].cam_track = level.cam_shots[name].cam_track;
level.cam_shots[copy_name].cam_target = level.cam_shots[name].cam_target;
remove_shot( shot_name )
level.cam_shots[shot_name] = undefined;
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_shots ) || level.cam_shots.size < 1 )
keys = level.cam_shots;
for( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ )
draw_shot_track( level.cam_shots[keys[i]] );
draw_shot_target( level.cam_shots[keys[i]] );
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_track.size; i++ )
draw_track( i );
draw_track( num )
draw_track = false;
if( IsDefined( level.cam_tracks ) && IsDefined( level.cam_tracks[num] ) )
if( IsCurve( level.cam_tracks[num].type ) )
if( level.cam_tracks[num].cpoints.size < 2 )
println( "^3---Track needs 2 CPoints before it can draw..." );
draw_track = true;
else if( level.cam_tracks[num].type == "Point" )
draw_track = true;
if( !IsDefined( level.drawn_tracks ) )
level.drawn_tracks = [];
if( IsDefined( level.drawn_tracks[num] ) )
if( IsString( level.drawn_tracks[num] ) )
level notify( level.drawn_tracks[num] );
else // Assume curve id
FreeCurve( level.drawn_tracks[num] );
// Draw Track
if( draw_track && IsDefined( level.cam_tracks[num] ) )
if( IsCurve( level.cam_tracks[num].type ) )
level.drawn_tracks[num] = build_curve( level.cam_tracks[num].cpoints );
DrawCurve( level.drawn_tracks[num], ( 0, 1, 0 ) );
else if( level.cam_tracks[num].type == "Point" )
level.drawn_tracks[num] = draw_point( level.cam_tracks[num].cpoints[0].origin, "track", num, ( 0, 0, 1 ) );
draw_point( origin, point_type, num, color )
level thread draw_point_thread( origin, num, color );
return "stop_drawing_" + point_type + num;
draw_point_thread( origin, num, color )
level endon( "stop_drawing_" + num );
points = get_square_points( origin, 5 );
while( 1 )
// Top
line( points[0], points[1], color );
line( points[1], points[2], color );
line( points[2], points[3], color );
line( points[3], points[0], color );
// Bottom
line( points[4], points[5], color );
line( points[5], points[6], color );
line( points[6], points[7], color );
line( points[7], points[4], color );
// Sides
line( points[0], points[4], color );
line( points[1], points[5], color );
line( points[2], points[6], color );
line( points[3], points[7], color );
wait( 0.05 );
get_square_points( origin, square_width )
points = [];
square_width = square_width * 0.5;
points[0] = origin + ( square_width, square_width, square_width );
points[1] = origin + ( square_width, square_width * -1, square_width );
points[2] = origin + ( square_width * -1, square_width * -1, square_width );
points[3] = origin + ( square_width * -1, square_width, square_width );
points[4] = origin + ( square_width, square_width, square_width * -1 );
points[5] = origin + ( square_width, square_width * -1, square_width * -1 );
points[6] = origin + ( square_width * -1, square_width * -1, square_width * -1 );
points[7] = origin + ( square_width * -1, square_width, square_width * -1 );
return points;
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_targets.size; i++ )
draw_target( i );
draw_target( num )
draw_target = false;
if( IsDefined( level.cam_targets ) && IsDefined( level.cam_targets[num] ) )
if( level.cam_targets[num].type == "Timed Curve" )
if( level.cam_targets[num].cpoints.size < 2 )
println( "^3---Track needs 2 CPoints before it can draw..." );
draw_target = true;
else if( level.cam_targets[num].type == "Point" )
draw_target = true;
if( !IsDefined( level.drawn_targets ) )
level.drawn_targets = [];
if( IsDefined( level.drawn_targets[num] ) )
if( IsString( level.drawn_targets[num] ) )
level notify( level.drawn_targets[num] );
else // Assume curve id
FreeCurve( level.drawn_targets[num] );
// Draw Target
if( draw_target && IsDefined( level.cam_targets[num] ) )
if( IsCurve( level.cam_tracks[num].type ) )
level.drawn_targets[num] = build_curve( level.cam_targets[num].cpoints );
DrawCurve( level.drawn_targets[num], ( 1, 1, 0 ) );
else if( level.cam_targets[num].type == "Point" )
level.drawn_targets[num] = draw_point( level.cam_targets[num].cpoints[0].origin, "target", num, ( 1, 1, 0 ) );
// Scene Section //
edit_help( msg )
hud = set_hudelem( msg, 320, 100, 1.5 );
hud.alignX = "center";
hud.color = ( 1, 1, 0 );
level.edit_help = true;
while( level.edit_help )
wait( 0.05 );
hud Destroy();
// File Section //
if( !IsDefined( level.path ) )
level.path = "createcam/";
// Debug //
spawn_cam_model( scene_name, pos, angles )
model = Spawn( "script_model", pos );
model.angles = angles;
model SetModel( "temp_camera" );
return model;
draw_scene_lines( scene_name )
level notify( "stop_all_lines" );
level endon( "stop_" + scene_name + "_lines" );
level endon( "stop_all_lines" );
while( 1 )
if( IsDefined( level.cam_scenes[scene_name] ) && level.cam_scenes[scene_name].size > 1 )
for( i = 1; i < level.cam_scenes[scene_name].size; i++ )
line( level.cam_scenes[scene_name][i]["pos"], level.cam_scenes[scene_name][i-1]["pos"], ( 1, 1, 1 ) );
wait( 0.06 );
draw_scene_node_info( scene_name, end_on )
level notify( "stop_all_node_info" );
level endon( "stop_all_node_info" );
level endon( end_on );
color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
pos_array = [];
time_array = [];
time2_array = [];
players = get_players();
scale = 0.25;
alpha = 0.5;
max_dist = 500 * 500;
dot = 0.95;
while( 1 )
if( !IsDefined( level.cam_scenes[scene_name] ) )
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_scenes[scene_name].size; i++ )
if( i == 0 )
time_array[i] = 0;
time2_array[i] = 0;
time_array[i] = level.cam_scenes[scene_name][i]["time"] + time_array[i-1];
time2_array[i] = level.cam_scenes[scene_name][i]["time"];
forward = AnglesToForward( players[0] GetPlayerAngles() );
for( i = 0; i < level.cam_scenes[scene_name].size; i++ )
pos = level.cam_scenes[scene_name][i]["pos"];
time = time_array[i] * 0.001;
time2 = time2_array[i] * 0.001;
accel = level.cam_scenes[scene_name][i]["accel"];
deccel = level.cam_scenes[scene_name][i]["deccel"];
player_distsqrd = DistanceSquared( players[0].origin, pos );
alpha = ( max_dist - player_distsqrd ) / max_dist;
if( alpha < 0.3 )
alpha = 0.3;
difference = VectorNormalize( pos - players[0] GetEye() );
newdot = VectorDot( forward, difference );
if( newdot < dot )
scale = 0.25;
scale = 0.5;
alpha = 0.9;
print3d( pos + ( 0, 0, -10 ) , "Time: " + time + " (" + time2 + ")", color, alpha, scale );
print3d( pos + ( 0, 0, -15 ) , "Accel: " + accel, color, alpha, scale );
print3d( pos + ( 0, 0, -20 ) , "Deccel: " + deccel, color, alpha, scale );
wait( 0.06 );
} |