2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00

281 lines
7.6 KiB

// *** USING the new and improved OKI3 SQUAD MANAGER! ***
// 1 - place some spawners and give them a script_squadname kvp
// 2 - place some goal nodes, give them a targetname that is the same as the script_squadname above
// 3 - call the function below
// --> manage_spawners(strSquadName,mincount,maxcount,ender,spawntime, spawnfunction,wave_min,wave_max,waiter)
// strSquadName -- is the script_squadname on the spawners
// MinCount -- Once the number of AI alive is reduced to this number, more will be spawned
// MaxCount -- The maximum number of AI this spawner will allow at any one time
// Ender -- the notify that stops this spawner
// spawntime -- the time between each spawn
// SpawnFunction -- Any function you desire the AI in this squad to run once they spawn
// wave_min -- minimum time to wait before spawning a new wave of reinforcements
// wave_max -- maximum time to wait before spawning a new wave of reinforcements
// waiter -- wait until this level notification before spawning in the next wave of guys
// find all the guys in this squad and add them to an array
// damn usefull
// now with more value added fat . basically it now will work for both axis and allied
aSquad = [];
aRoster = getaiarray();
for (i=0;i<aRoster.size;i++)
if (isdefined(aRoster[i].script_squadname))
if (aRoster[i].script_squadname == strSquadName)
aSquad[aSquad.size] = aRoster[i];
// get all the spawn points , usefull maybe ?
squad_spawn = []; // the spawn array , never updates
aSpawner = getspawnerarray();
for(i=0; i<aSpawner.size; i++)
// find a spawner for my squad
if (isdefined (aSpawner[i].script_squadname))
if (aSpawner[i].script_squadname == strSquadName)
squad_spawn[squad_spawn.size] = aSpawner[i];
for (i=0;i<squad_array.size;i++)
rr = randomint(targets.size);
squad_array[i] setgoalpos(targets[rr].origin);
//CP - 5/23/08
// added support for a delay between waves of spawns
manage_spawners(strSquadName,mincount,maxcount,ender,spawntime, spawnfunction,wave_min,wave_max,waiter)
println("SQUAD ",strSquadName);
println("must have ",mincount," alive until we hit we get this \"",ender,"\" message");
println("spawning every ",spawntime," seconds");
self endon (ender);
// set up
// squad_spawn will be just the spawn points for this squad
spawn_index = 0; // an index into the spawn array
goal_index = 0;
// grab the target nodes for this squad
squad_targets = getnodearray (strSquadName,"targetname");
squad_spawn = spawn_array(strSquadName);
if ( squad_spawn.size == 0 )
maps\_utility::error("SQUAD MANAGER: Could not find spawners for squad " + strSquadName);
if ( squad_targets.size == 0 )
maps\_utility::error("SQUAD MANAGER: Could not find target nodes for squad " + strSquadName);
// main loop
if (!isdefined(spawntime))
spawntime = 0.05;
aSquad = alive_array(strSquadName); // alive squad ai's
// we don't have enough guys in the squad
// spawn a new one
if (aSquad.size < mincount)
level notify (strSquadName + "_threshold");
level waittill(waiter);
//CP - reget the spawner array each time, so that the spawners can be modified in script while this is running
squad_spawn = spawn_array(strSquadName);
//println (strSquadName + " min threshold reached");
while ( aSquad.size < maxcount )
// if the variable is set use the stalingradspawn function which
// forces the spawn even if the player can see the spawn point
if( isdefined(squad_spawn[spawn_index].script_forcespawn)
&& squad_spawn[spawn_index].script_forcespawn )
spawned = squad_spawn[spawn_index] stalingradSpawn();
spawned = squad_spawn[spawn_index] doSpawn();
// if we spawned ok then we can set the goal
if (isdefined(spawned))
// rr = randomint(squad_targets.size);
spawned setgoalnode(squad_targets[goal_index]);
spawned.sm_goalnode = squad_targets[goal_index];
goal_index = goal_index + 1;
if (goal_index >= squad_targets.size)
goal_index = 0;
// store the goal node that this guy is being sent to
//spawned.goalradius = 256;
aSquad[aSquad.size] = spawned;
// call the given spawn function on the spawned guy
if ( isDefined(spawnfunction) )
spawned thread [[spawnfunction]]();
spawned thread advance();
// move to next spawn point , bounds checking it
spawn_index = spawn_index + 1;
if (spawn_index>=squad_spawn.size)
spawn_index = 0;
//wait to spawn the next wave of guys
wave_delay = .05;
min = wave_min;
max = wave_min + .05;
max = wave_max;
wave_delay = randomfloatrange(min,max);
self endon("death");
if ( !isDefined(self.sm_goalnode) )
println("AI does not have sm_goalnode set. Can not advance.");
// if there is no target in the goal node dump out
if ( !isDefined( )
if ( !isDefined(self.sm_advance_wait_min) )
self.sm_advance_wait_min = 5;
if ( !isDefined(self.sm_advance_wait_max) )
self.sm_advance_wait_max = 15;
// wait until guy gets to goal
self waittill("goal");
wait( randomint(self.sm_advance_wait_min, self.sm_advance_wait_max) );
self pick_random_goal_node();
self thread advance();
advance_on_notify( advancenotifystring )
self endon("death");
if ( !isDefined(self.sm_goalnode) )
println("AI does not have sm_goalnode set. Can not advance.");
// if there is no target in the goal node dump out
if ( !isDefined( )
// wait until guy gets go string
self waittill(advancenotifystring);
self pick_random_goal_node();
if ( isDefined( self.sm_goalnode ) )
self thread advance_on_notify(advancenotifystring);
targets = getnodearray (,"targetname");
// if there are no chained nodes then just dump out
if ( targets.size == 0 )
self.sm_goalnode = undefined;
index = randomint(targets.size);
self setgoalnode(targets[index]);
self.sm_goalnode = targets[index];