
373 lines
9.5 KiB

//// file: ber3_event_atgun.gsc
//// description: atgun event script for berlin3
//// scripter: slayback
//#include common_scripts\utility;
//#include maps\_utility;
//#include maps\_anim;
//#include maps\ber3;
//#include maps\ber3_util;
//#using_animtree ("generic_human");
//// -- STARTS --
//// start at the start of the atgun event
// objectives_skip( 2 );
// GetEnt( "trig_atgun_tankSpawner", "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
// warp_players_underworld();
// warp_friendlies( "struct_atgun_start_friends", "targetname" );
// warp_players( "struct_atgun_start", "targetname" );
// //set_friendlychain( "node_intro_fc13" );
// level thread event_atgun_setup();
// GetEnt( "trig_spawner_e1_axisflood_1", "script_noteworthy" ) Delete(); // delete spawn trigger
// objectives_skip( 3 );
// GetEnt( "trig_atgun_tankSpawner", "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
// warp_players_underworld();
// warp_friendlies( "struct_atgun_start_friends", "targetname" );
// warp_players( "struct_atgun_start", "targetname" );
// maps\_status::show_task( "atgun" );
// level thread event_atgun_tank();
//// -- END STARTS --
// set_objective( 3 );
// maps\_status::show_task( "atgun" );
// thread event_atgun_action();
// flag_clear( "atgun_barricade_left_destroyed" );
// flag_clear( "atgun_barricade_right_destroyed" );
// thread barricade_think( "sbmodel_atgun_barricade_left", "atgun_barricade_left_destroyed" );
// thread barricade_think( "sbmodel_atgun_barricade_right", "atgun_barricade_right_destroyed" );
// while( !flag( "atgun_barricade_right_destroyed" ) || !flag( "atgun_barricade_left_destroyed" ) )
// {
// wait( 1 );
// }
// */
// trigger_wait( "trig_spawner_e1_specialAIs", "script_noteworthy" );
// wait( 0.25 );
// // grab guys
// commanders = get_ai_group_ai( "e1_commander" );
// ASSERTEX( IsDefined( commanders ) && commanders.size > 0, "couldn't find any commanders!" );
// numCommanders = commanders.size;
// level.commandersDead = 0;
// for( i = 0; i < commanders.size; i++ )
// {
// level thread commander_think( commanders[i] );
// }
// while( level.commandersDead < numCommanders )
// {
// wait( 0.1 );
// }
// thread event_atgun_tank();
//commander_think( commander )
// commander waittill( "goal" );
// = 10;
// commander.suppressionwait = 0;
// commander.allowDeath = true;
// commander.animname = "officer";
// animSpot = GetNode(, "targetname" );
// // TODO replace with a binocular loop or something
// animSpot thread anim_loop_solo( commander, "signal_loop", undefined, "stopanim", undefined );
// while( is_active_ai( commander ) )
// {
// wait( 0.1 );
// }
// animSpot notify( "stopanim" );
// level.commandersDead++;
//barricade_think( barricadeTN, flagString )
// barricade = GetEnt( barricadeTN, "targetname" );
// ASSERTEX( IsDefined( barricade ), "Can't find barricade with targetname " + barricadeTN );
// ASSERTEX( IsDefined( ), "Barricade " + barricadeTN + " doesn't have a damage trigger targeted." );
// dmgtrig = GetEnt(, "targetname" );
// ASSERTEX( IsDefined( dmgtrig ), "Can't find damage trigger with targetname " + );
// // wait for damage to accumulate
// // TEMP it has to take damage 3 times, change later when trigger_damages work properly?
// for( i = 0; i < 3; i ++ )
// {
// dmgtrig waittill( "trigger" );
// wait( 1 );
// }
// wait( 0.5 );
// // remove the barricade
// iprintlnbold( "barricade destroyed, good job!" );
// // TODO play particles etc.
// barricade ConnectPaths();
// barricade Delete();
// dmgtrig Delete();
// flag_set( flagString );
// guysTN = undefined;
// endNodesTN = undefined;
// // send Russian troops through the barricade
// if( barricadeTN == "sbmodel_atgun_barricade_left" )
// {
// guysTN = "spawner_atgun_left";
// endNodesTN = "node_atgun_barricadeEndNodes_left";
// }
// else if( barricadeTN == "sbmodel_atgun_barricade_right" )
// {
// guysTN = "spawner_atgun_right";
// endNodesTN = "node_atgun_barricadeEndNodes_right";
// }
// if( IsDefined( guysTN ) && IsDefined( endNodesTN ) )
// {
// thread barricade_send_troops( guysTN, endNodesTN );
// }
// else
// {
// ASSERTMSG( "either guysTN or endNodesTN is not specified for barricade named " + barricadeTN );
// }
//barricade_send_troops( guysTN, endNodesTN )
// /*
// // spawn some more guys for fun
// spawners = GetEntArray( guysTN, "targetname" );
// for( i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++ )
// {
// guy = spawners[i] spawn_ai();
// wait( RandomFloat( 2 ) );
// }
// */
// ents = GetEntArray( guysTN, "script_noteworthy" );
// guys = [];
// endnodes = [];
// // get the guys
// for( i = 0; i < ents.size; i++ )
// {
// ent = ents[i];
// if( is_active_ai( ent ) )
// {
// guys[guys.size] = ent;
// }
// }
// // collect all the nodes beyond the barricade
// endnodes = GetNodeArray( endNodesTN, "targetname" );
// /#
// println( "guys array is size " + guys.size );
// println( "endnodes array is size " + endnodes.size );
// #/
// // send them to nodes
// for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
// {
// guy = guys[i];
// if( IsDefined( endnodes[i] ) )
// {
// guy SetGoalNode( endnodes[i] );
// }
// // in case we run out of nodes
// else
// {
// guy SetGoalPos( endnodes[RandomInt( endnodes.size - 1 )] );
// }
// guy thread barricade_troop_delete();
// }
// if( is_active_ai( self ) )
// {
// self waittill( "goal" );
// self bloody_death( true, 10 );
// }
// set_objective( 4 );
// //set_friendlychain( "node_intro_fc15" );
// trigger_wait( "trig_atgun_regroupSpot", "targetname" );
// set_objective( 5 );
// level thread event_atgun_waveleadertrig();
// // TODO set up friendlies at barricade (in ber3_event_wave, probably)
// // roll out tank
// tank = GetEnt( "vehicle_atgun_housetank", "targetname" );
// tank thread atgun_tank_think();
// blocker = GetEnt( "sbmodel_atgun_exitblocker", "targetname" );
// blocker Delete();
// wait( 0.1 ); // let the vehicle connect the paths around it
// // send level control to ber3_event_wave
// level thread maps\ber3_event_wave::event_wave_setup();
// trig = GetEnt( "trig_wave_playerAtBarricade", "targetname" );
// trig trigger_off();
// while( !flag( "barricade_doors_connected" ) )
// {
// wait( 0.1 );
// }
// trig trigger_on();
//// self = the tank
// thread maps\_vehicle::gopath( self );
// // TODO do this when hitting pathnodes
// wait( 3 );
// barricade_right_array = GetEntArray( "sbmodel_atgun_center_barricade_1", "targetname" );
// barricade_center = GetEnt( "sbmodel_wave1_tankThruWall_left", "targetname" );
// self thread atgun_tank_turret( barricade_right_array );
// level thread atgun_blow_wall();
// wait( 8 );
// level thread atgun_move_barricade();
// self waittill( "reached_end_node" );
// self DisconnectPaths();
// RadiusDamage( self.origin, 128,, );
//// self = the tank
//atgun_tank_turret( barricade_right_array )
// self SetTurretTargetEnt( barricade_right_array[0] );
// self waittill ("turret_on_target");
// wait( RandomFloatRange( 1, 3 ) );
// level notify( "right_wall_destroy" );
// self FireWeapon();
// wait( RandomFloatRange( 1, 3 ) );
// self ClearTurretTarget();
//atgun_blow_wall( justDelete )
// if( !IsDefined( justDelete ) )
// {
// justDelete = false;
// }
// wall_array = GetEntArray( "sbmodel_atgun_center_barricade_1", "targetname" );
// if( !justDelete )
// {
// level waittill( "right_wall_destroy" );
// }
// // TODO make destruction fancier
// for( i = 0; i < wall_array.size; i++ )
// {
// piece = wall_array[i];
// if( piece.classname == "script_brushmodel" )
// {
// piece ConnectPaths();
// }
// piece Delete();
// }
// wall_left = GetEnt( "sbmodel_wave1_tankThruWall_left", "targetname" );
// wall_right = GetEnt( "sbmodel_wave1_tankThruWall_right", "targetname" );
// wall_left ConnectPaths();
// wall_right ConnectPaths();
// flag_set( "barricade_doors_connected" );
// wall_left RotateTo( ( 0, 120, 0 ), 2 );
// wall_right RotateTo( ( 0, -120, 0 ), 2 );
// wall_right waittill( "rotatedone" );
// wall_left DisconnectPaths();
// wall_right DisconnectPaths();
//// for level starts - simulates that the tank has run its course
// trig = GetEnt( "trig_atgun_regroupSpot", "targetname" );
// trig Delete();
// thread atgun_blow_wall( true );
// thread atgun_move_barricade();
// GetEnt( "trig_atgun_tankSpawner", "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
// wait( 0.1 );
// tank = GetEnt( "vehicle_atgun_housetank", "targetname" );
// thread maps\_vehicle::gopath( tank );
// tank SetSpeed( 1000, 1000 );
// tank waittill( "reached_end_node" );
// tank DisconnectPaths();
// RadiusDamage( tank.origin, 256,, );