
136 lines
4.9 KiB

#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_vehicle_aianim;
#using_animtree ("vehicles");
build_template( "seaknight", model, type );
build_localinit( ::init_local );
build_deathmodel( "vehicle_ch46e");
build_deathfx( "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion",undefined,"explo_metal_rand");
build_life ( 999, 500, 1500 );
build_team( "allies");
build_aianims( ::setanims , ::set_vehicle_anims );
build_drive( %sniper_escape_ch46_rotors, undefined, 0 );
build_unload_groups( ::Unload_Groups );
build_light ( model, "cockpit_red_cargo02", "tag_light_cargo02", "misc/aircraft_light_cockpit_red", "interior", 0.0 );
build_light ( model, "cockpit_blue_cockpit01", "tag_light_cockpit01", "misc/aircraft_light_cockpit_blue", "interior", 0.1 );
build_light ( model, "white_blink", "tag_light_belly", "misc/aircraft_light_red_blink", "running", 0.0 );
build_light ( model, "white_blink_tail", "tag_light_tail", "misc/aircraft_light_red_blink", "running", 0.3 );
build_light ( model, "wingtip_green1", "tag_light_L_wing1", "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_green", "running", 0.0 );
build_light ( model, "wingtip_green2", "tag_light_L_wing2", "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_green", "running", 0.0 );
build_light ( model, "wingtip_red1", "tag_light_R_wing1", "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_red", "running", 0.2 );
build_light ( model, "wingtip_red2", "tag_light_R_wing2", "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_red", "running", 0.0 );
self.originheightoffset = distance( self gettagorigin( "tag_origin" ), self gettagorigin( "tag_ground" ) );
self.fastropeoffset = 652; //TODO-FIXME: this is ugly.
self.script_badplace = false; //All helicopters dont need to create bad places
positions[ 1 ].vehicle_getoutanim = %ch46_doors_open;
positions[ 1 ].vehicle_getoutanim_clear = false;
positions[ 1 ].vehicle_getinanim = %ch46_doors_close;
positions[ 1 ].vehicle_getinanim_clear = false;
positions[ 1 ].vehicle_getoutsound = "seaknight_door_open";
positions[ 1 ].vehicle_getinsound = "seaknight_door_close";
//positions[ 1 ].delay = getanimlength( %ch46_doors_open )-1.7;
//positions[ 2 ].delay = getanimlength( %ch46_doors_open )-1.7;
//positions[ 3 ].delay = getanimlength( %ch46_doors_open )-1.7;
//positions[ 4 ].delay = getanimlength( %ch46_doors_open )-1.7;
return positions;
#using_animtree ("generic_human");
setanims ()
positions = [];
positions[i] = spawnstruct();
positions[ 0 ].idle[0] = %SeaKnight_Pilot_idle;
positions[ 0 ].idle[1] = %SeaKnight_Pilot_switches;
positions[ 0 ].idle[2] = %SeaKnight_Pilot_twitch;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[0] = 1000;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[1] = 400;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[2] = 200;
positions[ 0 ].bHasGunWhileRiding = false;
positions[ 5 ].bHasGunWhileRiding = false;
positions[ 1 ].idle = %ch46_unload_1_idle; //these guys don't have an idle animation so I'm using copilot.
positions[ 2 ].idle = %ch46_unload_2_idle; //these guys don't have an idle animation so I'm using copilot.
positions[ 3 ].idle = %ch46_unload_3_idle; //these guys don't have an idle animation so I'm using copilot.
positions[ 4 ].idle = %ch46_unload_4_idle; //these guys don't have an idle animation so I'm using copilot.
positions[ 5 ].idle[0] = %SeaKnight_coPilot_idle;
positions[ 5 ].idle[1] = %SeaKnight_coPilot_switches;
positions[ 5 ].idle[2] = %SeaKnight_coPilot_twitch;
positions[ 5 ].idleoccurrence[0] = 1000;
positions[ 5 ].idleoccurrence[1] = 400;
positions[ 5 ].idleoccurrence[2] = 200;
positions[ 0 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 1 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 2 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 3 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 4 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 5 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
// positions[ 1 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
// positions[ 2 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
// positions[ 3 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
// positions[ 4 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
positions[ 1 ].getout = %ch46_unload_1;
positions[ 2 ].getout = %ch46_unload_2;
positions[ 3 ].getout = %ch46_unload_3;
positions[ 4 ].getout = %ch46_unload_4;
positions[ 1 ].getin = %ch46_load_1;
positions[ 2 ].getin = %ch46_load_2;
positions[ 3 ].getin = %ch46_load_3;
positions[ 4 ].getin = %ch46_load_4;
return positions;
unload_groups = [];
unload_groups[ "passengers" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 1;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 2;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 3;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 4;
unload_groups[ "default" ] = unload_groups[ "passengers" ];
return unload_groups;