592 lines
14 KiB
592 lines
14 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
// MikeD (12/14/07): This is where we put specical fx or something for the grenades/projectiles which would be part of the spawned weapon.
//level._effect[ "c4_light_blink" ] = loadfx( "misc/light_c4_blink" );
//level._effect[ "claymore_laser" ] = loadfx( "misc/claymore_laser" );
level.satchelexplodethisframe = false;
self endon( "death" );
self.satchelarray = [];
self.bouncing_betty_array = [];
self.throwingGrenade = false;
thread watchSatchel();
thread watchSatchelDetonation();
thread watchBouncingBetty();
thread watchClaymores();
for ( ;; )
self waittill ( "grenade_pullback", weaponName );
self.throwingGrenade = true;
// SRS 11/28/07: updated to satchel_charge
if ( weaponName == "satchel_charge" )
self beginSatchelTracking();
if ( weaponName == "satchel_charge_new" )
self beginSatchelTracking();
else if( weaponName == "smoke_grenade_american" )
self beginsmokegrenadetracking();
// CPierro - 07.25.08: updated for throwable mortars
else if( weaponName == "mortar_round")
self beginMortarTracking();
self beginGrenadeTracking();
self waittill ( "grenade_fire", grenade, weaponName );
if(!isdefined( level.smokegrenades ) )
level.smokegrenades = 0;
if( level.smokegrenades > 2 && getdvar("player_sustainAmmo") != "0" )
grenade delete();
grenade thread smoke_grenade_death();
self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");
self waittill ( "grenade_fire", mortar, weaponName );
if(weaponName == "mortar_round")
mortar thread mortar_death();
self waitTillNotMoving();
earthquake(.55 ,3,self.origin,1500);
//add rumble
PlayRumbleOnPosition( "explosion_generic",self.origin );
level.smokegrenades ++;
wait 50;
level.smokegrenades --;
self endon ( "death" );
self waittill ( "grenade_fire", grenade, weaponName );
// if ( weaponName == "frag_grenade_mp" )
// grenade thread maps\mp\gametypes\_shellshock::grenade_earthQuake();
self.throwingGrenade = false;
self endon ( "death" );
self waittill_any ( "grenade_fire", "weapon_change" );
self.throwingGrenade = false;
//maxSatchels = 2;
self waittill( "grenade_fire", satchel, weapname );
if ( weapname == "satchel_charge" || weapname == "satchel_charge_new" )
/*if ( self.satchelarray.size >= maxSatchels )
newarray = [];
for ( i = 0; i < self.satchelarray.size; i++ )
if ( isdefined(self.satchelarray[i]) )
newarray[newarray.size] = self.satchelarray[i];
self.satchelarray = newarray;
for ( i = 0; i < self.satchelarray.size - maxSatchels + 1; i++ )
self.satchelarray[i] delete();
newarray = [];
for ( i = 0; i < maxSatchels - 1; i++ )
newarray[i] = self.satchelarray[self.satchelarray.size - maxSatchels + 1 + i];
self.satchelarray = newarray;
self.satchelarray[self.satchelarray.size] = satchel;
satchel.owner = self;
// satchel thread maps\mp\gametypes\_shellshock::satchel_earthQuake();
satchel thread satchelDamage();
// dpg 1/15/08 - TODO consolidate this later into something like watchItem()?
// monitor bouncing betties
self waittill( "grenade_fire", bouncing_betty, weapname );
if ( weapname == "bouncing_betty" )
self.bouncing_betty_array[self.bouncing_betty_array.size] = bouncing_betty;
bouncing_betty.owner = self;
bouncing_betty thread betty_setup_trigger();
// should these be triggered by damage?
//bouncing_betty thread bouncingBettyDamage();
c4death( c4 )
// this allows me to delete the first one thrown and reconstruct the array for cheats that enable all the ammo. - Nate
c4 waittill ("death");
self.c4array = array_remove_nokeys( self.c4array, c4 );
self endon( "spawned_player" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self waittill( "grenade_fire", claymore, weapname );
if ( weapname == "claymore" || weapname == "claymore_mp" )
claymore.owner = self;
claymore thread satchelDamage();
claymore thread claymoreDetonation();
claymore thread playClaymoreEffects();
prevorigin = self.origin;
wait .1;
if ( self.origin == prevorigin )
prevorigin = self.origin;
self endon("death");
// wait until we settle
self waitTillNotMoving();
detonateRadius = 192;//matches MP
damagearea = spawn("trigger_radius", self.origin + (0,0,0-detonateRadius), 9, detonateRadius, detonateRadius*2);
self thread deleteOnDeath( damagearea );
level.claymores = [];
level.claymores = array_add( level.claymores, self );
if( level.claymores.size > 15 && getdvar("player_sustainAmmo") != "0" )
level.claymores[0] delete();
damagearea waittill( "trigger", ent );
if ( isdefined( self.owner ) && ent == self.owner )
if ( ent == level.player )
continue; // no enemy claymores in SP.
if ( ent damageConeTrace(self.origin, self) > 0 )
self playsound ("claymore_activated_SP");
wait 0.4;
if ( isdefined( self.owner ) )
self detonate( self.owner );
self detonate( undefined );
self waittill("death");
// stupid getarraykeys in array_remove reversing the order - nate
level.claymores = array_remove_nokeys( level.claymores, self );
wait .05;
if ( isdefined( ent ) )
ent delete();
self endon("death");
self waittill( "detonate" );
weap = self getCurrentWeapon();
if ( weap == "satchel_charge" || weap == "satchel_charge_new" )
for ( i = 0; i < self.satchelarray.size; i++ )
if ( isdefined(self.satchelarray[i]) )
self.satchelarray[i] thread waitAndDetonate( 0.1 );
self.satchelarray = [];
waitAndDetonate( delay )
self endon("death");
wait delay;
earthquake(.35 ,3,self.origin,1500);
self detonate();
// self endon( "death" );
self.health = 100;
self setcandamage(true);
self.maxhealth = 100000;
self.health = self.maxhealth;
attacker = undefined;
self waittill("damage", amount, attacker);
if ( !isplayer(attacker) )
// don't allow people to destroy satchels on their team if FF is off
// if ( !friendlyFireCheck(self.owner, attacker) )
// continue;
if ( level.satchelexplodethisframe )
wait .1 + randomfloat(.4);
wait .05;
if (!isdefined(self))
level.satchelexplodethisframe = true;
thread resetSatchelExplodeThisFrame();
self detonate( attacker );
// won't get here; got death notify.
// dpg 1/15/08 added for betties
self.health = 100;
self setcandamage(true);
self.maxhealth = 100000;
self.health = self.maxhealth;
attacker = undefined;
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker );
if ( !isplayer( attacker ) )
// is this needed for betties?
// if ( level.satchelexplodethisframe )
// wait .1 + randomfloat(.4);
// else
// wait .05;
if (!isdefined(self))
// is this needed for betties?
//level.satchelexplodethisframe = true;
//thread resetSatchelExplodeThisFrame();
self detonate( attacker );
// won't get here; got death notify.
// dpg 1/15/08 added for betties
betty_trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", self.origin, 9, 80, 300 );
self thread maps\_bouncing_betties::betty_think_no_wires( betty_trig );
wait .05;
level.satchelexplodethisframe = false;
saydamaged(orig, amount)
for (i = 0; i < 60; i++)
print3d(orig, "damaged! " + amount);
wait .05;
self endon("death");
self waitTillNotMoving();
// MikeD (1/11/2008): Removed cod4 fx, we don't have claymores yet either.
// PlayFXOnTag( getfx( "c4_light_blink" ), self, "tag_fx" );
self endon("death");
self waitTillNotMoving();
// MikeD (1/11/2008): Removed cod4 fx, we don't have claymores yet either.
// PlayFXOnTag( getfx( "claymore_laser" ), self, "tag_fx" );
clearFXOnDeath( fx )
self waittill("death");
fx delete();
// these functions are used with scripted weapons (like satchels, claymores, artillery)
// returns an array of objects representing damageable entities (including players) within a given sphere.
// each object has the property damageCenter, which represents its center (the location from which it can be damaged).
// each object also has the property entity, which contains the entity that it represents.
// to damage it, call damageEnt() on it.
getDamageableEnts(pos, radius, doLOS, startRadius)
ents = [];
if (!isdefined(doLOS))
doLOS = false;
if ( !isdefined( startRadius ) )
startRadius = 0;
// players
players = get_players();
for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
if (!isalive(players[i]) || players[i].sessionstate != "playing")
playerpos = players[i].origin + (0,0,32);
dist = distance(pos, playerpos);
if (dist < radius && (!doLOS || weaponDamageTracePassed(pos, playerpos, startRadius, undefined)))
newent = spawnstruct();
newent.isPlayer = true;
newent.isADestructable = false;
newent.entity = players[i];
newent.damageCenter = playerpos;
ents[ents.size] = newent;
// grenades
grenades = getentarray("grenade", "classname");
for (i = 0; i < grenades.size; i++)
entpos = grenades[i].origin;
dist = distance(pos, entpos);
if (dist < radius && (!doLOS || weaponDamageTracePassed(pos, entpos, startRadius, grenades[i])))
newent = spawnstruct();
newent.isPlayer = false;
newent.isADestructable = false;
newent.entity = grenades[i];
newent.damageCenter = entpos;
ents[ents.size] = newent;
destructables = getentarray("destructable", "targetname");
for (i = 0; i < destructables.size; i++)
entpos = destructables[i].origin;
dist = distance(pos, entpos);
if (dist < radius && (!doLOS || weaponDamageTracePassed(pos, entpos, startRadius, destructables[i])))
newent = spawnstruct();
newent.isPlayer = false;
newent.isADestructable = true;
newent.entity = destructables[i];
newent.damageCenter = entpos;
ents[ents.size] = newent;
return ents;
weaponDamageTracePassed(from, to, startRadius, ignore)
midpos = undefined;
diff = to - from;
if ( lengthsquared( diff ) < startRadius*startRadius )
midpos = to;
dir = vectornormalize( diff );
midpos = from + (dir[0]*startRadius, dir[1]*startRadius, dir[2]*startRadius);
trace = bullettrace(midpos, to, false, ignore);
if ( getdvarint("scr_damage_debug") != 0 )
if (trace["fraction"] == 1)
thread debugline(midpos, to, (1,1,1));
thread debugline(midpos, trace["position"], (1,.9,.8));
thread debugline(trace["position"], to, (1,.4,.3));
return (trace["fraction"] == 1);
// eInflictor = the entity that causes the damage (e.g. a claymore)
// eAttacker = the player that is attacking
// iDamage = the amount of damage to do
// sMeansOfDeath = string specifying the method of death (e.g. "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH")
// sWeapon = string specifying the weapon used (e.g. "claymore_mp")
// damagepos = the position damage is coming from
// damagedir = the direction damage is moving in
damageEnt(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, damagepos, damagedir)
if (self.isPlayer)
self.damageOrigin = damagepos;
self.entity thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](
eInflictor, // eInflictor The entity that causes the damage.(e.g. a turret)
eAttacker, // eAttacker The entity that is attacking.
iDamage, // iDamage Integer specifying the amount of damage done
0, // iDFlags Integer specifying flags that are to be applied to the damage
sMeansOfDeath, // sMeansOfDeath Integer specifying the method of death
sWeapon, // sWeapon The weapon number of the weapon used to inflict the damage
damagepos, // vPoint The point the damage is from?
damagedir, // vDir The direction of the damage
"none", // sHitLoc The location of the hit
0 // psOffsetTime The time offset for the damage
// destructable walls and such can only be damaged in certain ways.
if (self.isADestructable && (sWeapon == "artillery_mp" || sWeapon == "claymore_mp"))
self.entity notify("damage", iDamage, eAttacker);
debugline(a, b, color)
for (i = 0; i < 30*20; i++)
line(a,b, color);
wait .05;
onWeaponDamage( eInflictor, sWeapon, meansOfDeath, damage )
self endon ( "death" );
switch( sWeapon )
case "concussion_grenade_mp":
// should match weapon settings in gdt
radius = 512;
scale = 1 - (distance( self.origin, eInflictor.origin ) / radius);
time = 1 + (4 * scale);
wait ( 0.05 );
self shellShock( "concussion_grenade_mp", time );
// shellshock will only be done if meansofdeath is an appropriate type and if there is enough damage.
// maps\mp\gametypes\_shellshock::shellshockOnDamage( meansOfDeath, damage );