2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00

713 lines
14 KiB

#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\pel2_util;
// for infantry retreating
level thread tiger_retreat( "1" );
level thread tiger_retreat( "2" );
level thread truck_on_bridge();
// set up the friendly T34s
// chains that the friendly tanks move on
level thread basin_tank_chains();
// make tiger have hud damage indicator
tiger_tank = getent( "captured_tiger", "targetname" );
tiger_tank thread maps\see2::vehicle_damage();
// TEMP keep tank alive
tiger_tank thread keep_tank_alive();
// event 5
level thread basin_battle();
// Trucks that are escaping over the bridge
trig = getent( "trig_guys_on_bridge", "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
simple_spawn( "tiger_bridge_guy" );
// Beginning of the end tank battle
trig = getent( "trig_basin_begin", "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
//wait( 0.05 );
// turn off tank chain so friendlies dont advance too far
trig = getent( "trig_tank_path_basin_c", "targetname" );
trig trigger_off();
quick_text( "basin begin" );
level thread wave_1_panthers();
level thread wave_2_panthers();
level.panther_tanks_1_dead = 0;
level.panther_tanks_2_dead = 0;
// waittill both waves are killed
while( !level.panther_tanks_1_dead || !level.panther_tanks_2_dead )
wait( 0.7 );
quick_text( "all tanks dead!" );
level notify( "obj_basin_2_complete" );
wait( 3 );
// Get players into their appropriate tanks for the end battle
players = get_players();
entry_points = getstructarray( "orig_enter_basin_t34", "targetname" );
tiger_tank = getent( "captured_tiger", "targetname" );
tiger_owner = tiger_tank getvehicleowner();
// if a player is in the tiger
if( isdefined( tiger_owner ) )
// find which player is in the tiger
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( tiger_owner == players[i] )
players = array_remove( players, players[i] );
// put other players into t34s... currently if no player is in the tiger at the time that get_players_in_basin_tanks() runs,
// then he will NOT be placed into the tiger. this will need to be fixed. TODO
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
tank = getent( entry_points[i].target, "targetname" );
// Set the players' origin to the entry point because useby() is based on distance
players[i] setOrigin( entry_points[i].origin );
tank makevehicleunusable();
tank useby( players[i] );
// TEMP put in so players don't die in tanks
tank thread keep_tank_alive();
tank thread maps\see2::vehicle_damage();
// Removes magic bullet shield so we dont get an assert
allies = get_ai_group_ai( "town_friendly_ai" );
for( i = 0; i < allies.size; i++ )
allies[i] thread stop_magic_bullet_shield();
// Handles first wave of panthers
// wait till we're close enough to start the panthers
trig = getent( "trig_move_panthers_1", "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
quick_text( "moving panthers 1!" );
wait( 1 );
// keep track of how many panthers remain
level thread monitor_panther_1_tanks();
// get array of all friendlies so panthers know who to target
// (TODO this probably doesn't need to be called in both panther wave threads)
// enemy tank behavior
enemy_tanks = getentarray( "basin_panther_1", "targetname" );
for( i = 0; i < enemy_tanks.size; i++ )
enemy_tanks[i] thread panther_strat();
level.enemy_basin_tanks = enemy_tanks;
// friendlies fight back
for( i = 0; i < level.friendly_tanks.size; i++ )
level.friendly_tanks[i] thread basin_friendly_strat();
// Handles second wave of panthers
// wait till we're close enough to start the panthers
trig = getent( "trig_move_panthers_2", "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
quick_text( "moving panthers 2!" );
// spawn infantry around train
level thread setup_end_train_guys();
// keep track of how many enemy tanks remain
level thread monitor_panther_2_tanks();
// move up the panthers to engage the russians
enemy_tanks = getentarray( "basin_panther_2", "targetname" );
// get array of all friendlies so panthers know who to target
// panther attack strategy
array_thread( enemy_tanks, ::panther_strat );
// wave 3
// wait till we're near the train and then have the remainder of the panthers roll up
trig = getent( "trig_move_panthers_3", "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
enemy_tanks_extra = getentarray( "basin_panther_2a", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( enemy_tanks_extra, ::panther_strat );
// move up friendlies manually
trig = getent( "trig_tank_path_basin_d", "targetname" );
trig notify( "trigger" );
// Panther's pathing
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop_patrolling" );
self setspeed( 17, 12, 9 );
original_path = getent( self.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
alternate_path = getent(, "targetname" );
// make them path between two points repeatedly
while( 1 )
self setVehGoalPos( original_path.origin + ( 0, 0, 0 ) , 1 );
self setGoalYaw ( original_path.angles[1] );
self waittillmatch ( "goal" );
wait( randomintrange( 3, 6 ) );
// slow down their speed
self setspeed( 14, 6, 7 );
self setVehGoalPos( alternate_path.origin + ( 0, 0, 0 ) , 1 );
self setGoalYaw ( alternate_path.angles[1] );
self waittillmatch ( "goal" );
wait( randomintrange( 3, 5 ) );
// Figure out which tanks the panthers will target and fire at
// account for player tanks
tank = getent( "player_tank_basin_1", "targetname" );
level.friendly_basin_tanks = add_to_array( level.friendly_basin_tanks, tank );
tank = getent( "player_tank_basin_2", "targetname" );
level.friendly_basin_tanks = add_to_array( level.friendly_basin_tanks, tank );
tank = getent( "player_tank_basin_3", "targetname" );
level.friendly_basin_tanks = add_to_array( level.friendly_basin_tanks, tank );
// account for tiger tank
tiger_tank = getent( "captured_tiger", "targetname" );
level.friendly_basin_tanks = add_to_array( level.friendly_basin_tanks, tiger_tank );
// account for friendly tanks
tank = getent( "basin_ally_tank_1", "targetname" );
level.friendly_basin_tanks = add_to_array( level.friendly_basin_tanks, tank );
tank = getent( "basin_ally_tank_2", "targetname" );
level.friendly_basin_tanks = add_to_array( level.friendly_basin_tanks, tank );
tank = getent( "basin_ally_tank_3", "targetname" );
level.friendly_basin_tanks = add_to_array( level.friendly_basin_tanks, tank );
tank = getent( "basin_ally_tank_4", "targetname" );
level.friendly_basin_tanks = add_to_array( level.friendly_basin_tanks, tank );
// Keep track of first wave of panther tanks
while( 1 )
tanks = getentarray( "basin_panther_1", "targetname" );
tanks_left = 0;
for( i = 0; i < tanks.size; i++ )
if( tanks[i].health > 0 )
//quick_text( "tanks_left: " + tanks_left );
if( tanks_left == 0 )
break ;
wait( 1 );
quick_text( "wave_1_destroyed" );
// move up friendly tanks
trig = getent( "trig_tank_path_basin_c", "targetname" );
trig trigger_on();
trig notify( "trigger" );
level.panther_tanks_1_dead = 1;
level notify( "obj_basin_1_complete" );
level.enemy_basin_tanks = getentarray( "basin_panther_2", "targetname" );
quick_text( level.enemy_basin_tanks.size + " more tanks to kill!" );
// stop previous strat
level notify( "stop_basin_friendly_strat" );
// friendlies fight back
for( i = 0; i < level.friendly_tanks.size; i++ )
level.friendly_tanks[i] thread basin_friendly_strat();
// Keep track of second wave of panther tanks
while( 1 )
tanks = getentarray( "basin_panther_2", "targetname" );
tanks_left = 0;
for( i = 0; i < tanks.size; i++ )
if( tanks[i].health > 0 )
//quick_text( "tanks_left: " + tanks_left );
if( tanks_left == 0 )
break ;
wait( 1 );
quick_text( "wave_2_destroyed" );
level.panther_tanks_2_dead = 1;
// How the panthers behave in the basin
self endon( "death" );
current_target = undefined;
// TODO see TODO below about "death" notify
if( > 1 )
// tank's movement
self thread panther_patrol();
// Main loop which makes the vehicle fire on the nearest group it's been set to attack
while( 1 )
if ( level.friendly_basin_tanks.size != 0 )
current_target = self maps\_vehicle::get_nearest_target( level.friendly_basin_tanks );
//there are no friendly tanks to shoot... possibly do something here
// if it's a death vehicle, remove it from the list of valid targets
if ( <= 0 )
level.friendly_basin_tanks = array_remove( level.friendly_basin_tanks, current_target );
// TODO why arent these tanks getting "death" notifies when they're killed? shouldn't this be something in _vehicle?
if( < 1 )
self notify( "death" );
// set the target ent for the vehicle. offset a bit so it doesnt shoot into the ground
self setturrettargetent( current_target, ( RandomIntRange( -75, 75 ), RandomIntRange( -75, 75 ), 50 ) );
wait ( randomintrange( 4, 6 ) );
self fireweapon();
// To determine how friendly tanks act. right now this is identical to the enemy tanks behavior
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "stop_basin_friendly_strat" );
current_target = undefined;
// Main loop which makes the vehicle fire on the nearest group it's been set to attack
while( 1 )
if ( level.enemy_basin_tanks.size != 0 )
current_target = self maps\_vehicle::get_nearest_target( level.enemy_basin_tanks );
//there are no enemy tanks to shoot... possibly do something here
// if it's a death vehicle, remove it from the list of valid targets
if ( <= 0 )
level.enemy_basin_tanks = array_remove( level.enemy_basin_tanks, current_target );
// TODO why arent these tanks getting "death" notifies when they're killed? shouldn't this be something in _vehicle?
if( < 1 )
self notify( "death" );
// set the target ent for the vehicle. offset a bit so it doesnt shoot into the ground
self setturrettargetent( current_target, ( 0, 0, 50 ) );
wait ( randomintrange( 4, 6 ) );
self fireweapon();
// Friendly tank chains in basin area
tank_chain_basin( "aa" );
tank_chain_basin( "a" );
tank_chain_basin( "b" );
tank_chain_basin( "c" );
tank_chain_basin( "d" );
tank_chain_basin( "a" );
tank_chain_basin( "b" );
tank_chain_basin( "c" );
tank_chain_basin( "d" );
// Handles retreat behavior in event 4
tiger_retreat( trig_num )
// TODO check this
level endon( "obj_tiger_complete" );
trig = getent( "trig_tiger_retreat_" + trig_num, "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
quick_text( "tiger_retreat " + trig_num );
guys = get_ai_group_ai( "tiger_ai_" + trig_num );
if( guys.size )
goto_retreat_nodes( guys );
// Handles tank "friendly chains"
tank_chain_basin( chain_letter )
trig = getent( "trig_tank_path_basin_" + chain_letter, "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
level.event_info settext( "path " + chain_letter );
level notify( "end_current_tank_paths" );
pathstart = getent( "path_basin_t34_1_" + chain_letter,"targetname" );
level.friendly_tanks[0] thread tank_move( pathstart );
pathstart = getent( "path_basin_t34_2_" + chain_letter,"targetname" );
level.friendly_tanks[1] thread tank_move( pathstart );
pathstart = getent( "path_basin_t34_3_" + chain_letter,"targetname" );
level.friendly_tanks[2] thread tank_move( pathstart );
pathstart = getent( "path_basin_t34_4_" + chain_letter,"targetname" );
level.friendly_tanks[3] thread tank_move( pathstart );
simple_spawn( "end_train_spawner" );
simple_spawn( "basin_friendly_spawners" );
level thread maps\_camsys::playback_scene( "end" );
level waittill( "plackback_finished" );
missionsuccess( "see3", false );