623 lines
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623 lines
15 KiB
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
// Teleport players to positions of specified scrip_origins
teleport_players( origin_name )
starts = getentarray( origin_name,"targetname" );
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] setOrigin( starts[i].origin );
players[i] setPlayerAngles( starts[i].angles );
// teleport AIs to specified struct positions
// This will move the player temporarily out of the way
// ONLY use it during starts
heroes_force_teleport( struct_name )
ai_starts = getstructarray( struct_name, "targetname");
assertex( ai_starts.size >= level.initial_friendlies.size, "Need more start positions for ai!" );
// teleport player out of the way first. AI won't teleport unless player can't see them
level thread teleport_player_temp_into_enclosure();
for (i = 0; i < level.initial_friendlies.size; i++)
level.initial_friendlies[i] teleport( ai_starts[i].origin );
wait( 0.1 );
level notify( "restore_player_positions" );
wait( 0.1 );
// teleport player to a temporary and fully enclosed position
// as to allow AI teleporting (currently they can't while player can see them)
// move players back once teleporting is complete
players = get_players();
old_origins = [];
origs = getstructarray( "temp_teleport_position", "targetname" );
if( origs.size >= 4 )
// store original positions
for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
old_origins = add_to_array( old_origins, players[i].origin );
players[i] setOrigin( origs[i].origin );
level waittill( "restore_player_positions" );
// restore positions
for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
players[i] setOrigin( old_origins[i] );
// Setup friendly chains.
// Example: init_friendlychain( "fc_node01" );
init_friendlychain( node_name )
node = getnode( node_name, "targetname" );
if( isdefined( node ) )
get_players()[0] setfriendlychain( node );
for( i = 0; i < level.heroes.size; i++ )
level.heroes[i] setgoalentity ( get_players()[0] );
for( i = 0; i < level.heroes.size; i++ )
level.heroes[i] thread magic_bullet_shield();
// set off a trigger
script_trigger( trigger_name )
trigger = getent( trigger_name, "targetname" );
trigger notify( "trigger" );
// add an objective, using given script_struct for positioning
objective_add_new( num, obj_string, struct_name )
obj_position = getstruct( struct_name, "targetname" );
if( isdefined( obj_position ) )
objective_add( num, "current", obj_string, obj_position.origin );
// add an objective and set it as done
objective_add_done( num, obj_string )
objective_add( num, "current", obj_string );
objective_state( num, "done" );
// wait until a trigger goes off, then complete the objective
objective_triggered_complete( num, trigger_name )
trigger_wait( trigger_name, "targetname" );
objective_state( num, "done" );
// wait until a trigger goes off, then update the objective star to the
// position of the new struct. Mainly used to guide the player through a
// series of objective star updates
objective_triggered_update_position( num, trigger_name, struct_name )
trigger_wait( trigger_name, "targetname" );
obj_position = getstruct( struct_name, "targetname" );
if( isdefined( obj_position ) )
objective_position( num, obj_position.origin );
// call this during load (or any time before the spawning occurs)
// Example: initialize_spawn_function( "charging_guys", "targetname", ::charge_up_hill );
initialize_spawn_function( name, key, spawn_func )
spawners = getEntArray( name, key );
if( isdefined( spawn_func ) )
for( i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++ )
if( !isdefined( spawners[i].spawn_functions ) )
spawners[i].spawn_functions = [];
spawners[i] add_spawn_function( spawn_func );
delete_noteworthy_group( noteworthy_name )
guys = getentarray( noteworthy_name, "script_noteworthy" );
if( isdefined( guys ) )
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
guys[i] delete();
// Stop set of drones
// - Drone trigger must have script_ender set to msg
// - Drones stop when a trigger with targetname:msg is hit
drones_wait_stop( msg )
stop_trigger = getent( msg, "targetname" );
stop_trigger waittill( "trigger" );
level notify( msg );
guys = getaiarray("axis");
if( isdefined( guys ) )
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
if( issentient( guys[i] ) )
guys[i] doDamage( guys[i].health + 1, ( 0,0,72 ) );
wait randomInt( 2 );
// After spawning, the AI will run to his goal before engaging in combat
self endon( "death" );
self.pacifist = 1;
self.goalradius = 30;
self.ignoreall = 1;
self waittill( "goal" );
self.pacifist = 0;
self.goalradius = 256;
self.ignoreall = 0;
go_to_goal( node )
self endon( "death" );
self.pacifist = 1;
self.goalradius = 30;
self.ignoreall = 1;
self setgoalnode( node );
self waittill( "goal" );
self.pacifist = 0;
self.goalradius = 256;
self.ignoreall = 0;
// Send AI to a designated goal. WIll not engage in combat till arrival
set_force_goal( node )
self.pacifist = 1;
self.goalradius = 30;
self setgoalnode( node );
self waittill( "goal" );
self.pacifist = 0;
self.goalradius = 256;
// kill the AI after a random time interval
timed_death( min_time, max_time )
self endon( "death" );
timer = randomfloat( max_time - min_time );
wait( timer + min_time);
self dodamage( self.health + 1, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
// Spawn a t34, move it along the rail, then blow it up
// 1. Player hits specified trigger
// 2. T34 is spawned. The node that trigger targets is the starting node
// 3. T34 moves
// 4. When a node with script_noteworthy of kill_node is hit, the tank blows up and dies
// (For now, the kill node has to be the 2nd to the last node on the chain)
// TODO: Add more elaborate effects to blowing up
vehicle_move_and_blow_up( trigger )
start_node = getvehiclenode( trigger.target, "targetname" );
if( isdefined( start_node ) )
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
// spawn and move
tank = spawnvehicle( "vehicle_rus_tracked_t34",
start_node.angles );
tank attachPath( start_node );
tank startpath();
// find the kill node
kill_node = get_2nd_last_vehicle_node_on_chain( start_node );
tank setwaitnode( kill_node );
tank waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
// play fx and kill
playfx( level.fx_vehicle_explosion, tank.origin );
tank setspeed( 0, 10, 10 );
tank DoDamage( tank.health + 1, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
// wait till trigger is hit, then:
// 1. spawn a t34 at the node this trigger is targeting, using the given targetname
// 2. start moving the tank, wait till it hits the end node, with script_noteworthy "end_node"
// 3. tank then fires forward repeatedly
// (Used in multiple events)
t34_trigger_spawn_move_stop_fire( trigger_name, targetname )
level endon( "event1_ends" );
level endon( "event2_ends" );
level endon( "event3_ends" );
level endon( "event4_ends" );
trigger = getent( trigger_name, "targetname" );
if( !isdefined( trigger ) )
iprintlnbold( "cannot find trigger " + trigger_name );
start_node_name = trigger.target;
if( !isdefined( start_node_name ) )
iprintlnbold( "trigger has no target: " + trigger_name );
start_node = getvehiclenode( start_node_name, "targetname" );
if( !isdefined( start_node ) )
iprintlnbold( "vehicle node not found " + start_node_name );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
// spawn the tank and move
tank = spawnvehicle( "vehicle_rus_tracked_t34",
start_node.angles );
tank.script_noteworthy = "tank";
tank.health = 3000;
tank attachPath( start_node );
tank startpath();
// wait until end node
stop_node = get_last_vehicle_node_on_chain( start_node );
tank setwaitnode( stop_node );
tank waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
// now the tank fires
while( 1 )
wait( randomint( 2 ) + 3 );
tank FireWeapon();
t34_trigger_spawn_move_stop( trigger_name, targetname )
trigger = getent( trigger_name, "targetname" );
if( !isdefined( trigger ) )
iprintlnbold( "cannot find trigger " + trigger_name );
start_node_name = trigger.target;
if( !isdefined( start_node_name ) )
iprintlnbold( "trigger has no target: " + trigger_name );
start_node = getvehiclenode( start_node_name, "targetname" );
if( !isdefined( start_node ) )
iprintlnbold( "vehicle node not found " + start_node_name );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
// spawn the tank and move
tank = spawnvehicle( "vehicle_rus_tracked_t34",
start_node.angles );
tank.script_noteworthy = "tank";
tank.health = 10000;
tank attachPath( start_node );
tank startpath();
t34_trigger_spawn_move( start_node_name, targetname )
start_node = getvehiclenode( start_node_name, "targetname" );
if( !isdefined( start_node ) )
start_node = getvehiclenode( start_node_name, "script_noteworthy" );
if( !isdefined( start_node ) )
iprintlnbold( "vehicle node not found " + start_node_name );
// spawn the tank and move
tank = spawnvehicle( "vehicle_rus_tracked_t34",
start_node.angles );
tank.script_noteworthy = "tank";
tank.health = 10000;
tank attachPath( start_node );
tank startpath();
return tank;
vehicle_wait_till_node( tank, node_script_noteworthy )
tank endon( "death" );
node = getvehiclenode( node_script_noteworthy, "script_noteworthy" );
tank setwaitnode( node );
tank waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop_firing" );
while( 1 )
self fireweapon();
wait( 3 + randomint( 3 ) );
kill_tank( tank )
playfx( level.fx_vehicle_explosion, tank.origin );
tank dodamage( tank.health + 100, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
tank notify( "death" );
earthquake( 0.3, 1.5, tank.origin, 512 );
rocket_fake_fire( start_origin, target_entity, model, time )
start_point = start_origin + ( 0, 0, 60 );
end_point = target_entity.origin + ( 0, 0, 60 );
rocket = Spawn( "script_model", start_point );
rocket SetModel( model );
rocket.angles = vectortoangles( end_point - start_point );
level thread rocket_move( rocket, end_point, time );
wait( 1 );
kill_tank( target_entity );
// actually moves the rocket when it is "fired"
rocket_move( rocket, end_point, moveTime )
rocket moveto( end_point, moveTime, 0, 0 );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["rocket_trail"], rocket, "tag_origin" ); // not visual enough
//Audio Kevin changed the rocket_launch string to the 3rd person panzershreck fire.
thread play_sound_in_space( "weap_pnzr_fire", rocket.origin );
// wait until the rocket is done moving, then delete it
wait( moveTime );
rocket Delete();
// Returns the last node on a vehicle node chain
get_last_vehicle_node_on_chain( start_node )
while( 1 )
// reached last node
if( !isdefined( start_node.target ) )
return start_node;
// this is not the last node, move up one
start_node = getvehiclenode( start_node.target, "targetname" );
// Returns the 2nd to the last node on a vehicle node chain
// (If no node is targeting this node, the current node is returned)
get_2nd_last_vehicle_node_on_chain( start_node )
previous_node = start_node;
while( 1 )
// reached last node
if( !isdefined( start_node.target ) )
return previous_node;
// this is not the last node, move up one
previous_node = start_node;
start_node = getvehiclenode( start_node.target, "targetname" );
// Returns the first node on the chain that has the specified script_noteworthy
find_vehicle_node_on_chain_by_script_noteworthy( start_node, value )
while( 1 )
if( isdefined( start_node.script_noteworthy ) )
if( start_node.script_noteworthy == value )
return start_node;
if( !isdefined( start_node.target ) )
return undefined;
next_node = getvehiclenode( start_node.target, "targetname" );
if( !isdefined( next_node ) )
return undefined;
start_node = next_node;
// freeze AIs in place
heroes_lock_in_place( msg )
for( i = 0; i < level.heroes.size; i++ )
org = spawn( "script_origin", level.heroes[i].origin );
level.heroes[i] linkto( org );
level waittill ( msg );
for( i = 0; i < level.heroes.size; i++ )
level.heroes[i] unlink();
show_brush_model( model_name )
model = getent( model_name, "targetname" );
if( isdefined( model ) )
model show();
model solid();
model disconnectpaths();
hide_brush_model( model_name )
model = getent( model_name, "targetname" );
if( isdefined( model ) )
model hide();
model notsolid();
model connectpaths();
// shamelessly stole from pel1.gsc
throw_object_with_gravity( object, target_pos )
object endon ("remove thrown object");
start_pos = object.origin; // Get the start position
///////// Math Section
// Reverse the gravity so it's negative, you could change the gravity
// by just putting a number in there, but if you keep the dvar, then the
// user will see it change.
gravity = GetDvarInt( "g_gravity" ) * -1;
// Get the distance
dist = Distance( start_pos, target_pos );
// Figure out the time depending on how fast we are going to
// throw the object... 300 changes the "strength" of the velocity.
// 300 seems to be pretty good. To make it more lofty, lower the number.
// To make it more of a b-line throw, increase the number.
time = dist / 2000;
// Get the delta between the 2 points.
delta = target_pos - start_pos;
// Here's the math I stole from the grenade code. :) First figure out
// the drop we're going to need using gravity and time squared.
drop = 0.5 * gravity * ( time * time );
// Now figure out the trajectory to throw the object at in order to
// hit our map, taking drop and time into account.
velocity = ( ( delta[0] / time ), ( delta[1] / time ), ( delta[2] - drop ) / time );
///////// End Math Section
object MoveGravity( velocity, time );
} |