2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00

445 lines
12 KiB

// _triple25.gsc
// Sets up the behavior for the Japanese AAA the Triple 25.
#include maps\_vehicle_aianim;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_utility;
main( model, type )
build_template( "triple25", model, type );
build_localinit( ::init_local );
build_deathmodel( "artillery_jap_triple25mm", "artillery_jap_triple25mm_d" );
//build_shoot_shock( "tankblast" );
build_deathfx( "explosions/fx_exp_aagun", undefined, "explo_metal_rand" );
build_deathquake( 0.7, 1.0, 500 );
build_treadfx( type );
build_life( 999, 500, 1500 );
build_team( "axis" );
//load anims, this is kind of a special case since it's not a tradiational vehicle
// Anything specific to this vehicle, used globally.
self endon ("death");
self endon ("crew dismount");
self endon ("crew dead");
self.crewsize = 0;
self.triple25_gunner = [];
triple25_targets = 0;
if( isdefined( ) )
triple25_targets = getentarray(, "targetname" );
triple25_triggers = [];
triple25_gunner_spawner = [];
triple25_dismount_trig = undefined;
self.triple25_aim = undefined;
// CODER_MOD - DSL - 03/25/08
// Move off some of the load to the client.
self.client_side_fire = false;
// guzzo 6-5-08, now that the player can use these, they shouldn't be required to have a target
if( isdefined( ) )
// some crazy IW stuff here, parses the targets of the vehicle and checks for anything with "actor" in the
// target. defines those as the spawners. Also checks for dismount trigger
for( j = 0; j < triple25_targets.size; j++ )
triple25_target = triple25_targets[ j ];
if( issubstr( triple25_target.classname, "actor" ) )
triple25_gunner_spawner[triple25_gunner_spawner.size] = triple25_target;
else if( issubstr( triple25_target.classname, "script_origin" ) )
self.triple25_aim = triple25_target;
else if( isdefined( triple25_target.script_noteworthy ) && triple25_target.script_noteworthy == "dismount" )
triple25_dismount_trig = triple25_target;
triple25_triggers[ triple25_triggers.size ] = triple25_target;
loopPacket = [];
// spawn the crew, link them up
for (i = 0; i < triple25_gunner_spawner.size; i++)
// spawn the guy in
self.triple25_gunner[self.triple25_gunner.size] = triple25_gunner_spawner[i] spawn_gunner();
self.triple25_gunner[i] linkto( self, "tag_driver"+(i+1), (0,0,0), (0,0,0) );
self.triple25_gunner[i].position = i;
//call animation
self.triple25_gunner[i] thread monitor_gunner( self, triple25_dismount_trig );
self.triple25_gunner[i] thread triple25gunner_animation_think( self );
//loopPacket[ loopPacket.size ] = self.triple25_gunner[i] anim_at_entity( self, link_tag );
self notify ( "crew ready" );
//loopPacket[ loopPacket.size ] = self anim_at_self();
//self thread anim_loop_packet( loopPacket, "fire_loop", "stop_looping" );
// start the firing loop for the gun
if (isdefined (self.triple25_aim))
self thread triple25_shoot(self.triple25_aim);
//either dismount of AI or death of AI will unlink everyone
if( isdefined( triple25_dismount_trig ) )
for (i = 0; i < self.crewsize; i++)
thread dismount_think(triple25_dismount_trig, self.triple25_gunner[i], self);
thread death_think(self.triple25_gunner[i], self);
dismount_think(trig, guy, gun)
guy endon( "death" );
waittill_death_or_dismount( trig, guy, gun );
if (isdefined(guy))
guy unlink();
death_think(guy, gun)
guy waittill( "death" );
if (isdefined(guy))
guy unlink();
// Animtion set up for vehicle anims
#using_animtree( "tank" );
set_vehicle_anims( positions )
return positions;
#using_animtree ("generic_human");
max_positions = 2;
positions = [];
for(i = 0 ; i < max_positions ;i++)
positions[i] = spawnstruct();
positions[0].sittag = "tag_driver1";
positions[1].sittag = "tag_driver2";
positions[0].idle = %crew_flak1_tag1_idle_1;
positions[1].idle = %crew_flak1_tag2_idle_1;
positions[0].getout = %crew_flak1_tag1_dismount;
positions[1].getout = %crew_flak1_tag2_dismount;
positions[0].getout_combat = %crew_flak1_tag1_alert;
positions[1].getout_combat = %crew_flak1_tag2_alert;
return positions;
#using_animtree( "triple25" );
level.scr_animtree[ "triple25_gun" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gun" ][ "fire_loop" ][ 0 ] = %v_triple25_fire;
thread notetrack_setup();
wait 1;
//addNotetrack_sound("triple25_gun", "fire_1", "fire_loop", "triple25_fire1");
//addNotetrack_customFunction( "triple25_gun", "fire_1", ::triple25_shoot1 );
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "deathin" ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_death_stay_in;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "deathout" ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_death_fall_out;
//level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "dismount" ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_dismount;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "dismount" ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_alert;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "mount" ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_mount;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "fire_loop" ][ 0 ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_fire_1;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "idle_loop" ][ 0 ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_idle_1;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "rotateccw_loop" ][ 0 ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_rotate_ccw;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "rotatecw_loop" ][ 0 ] = %crew_flak1_tag1_rotate_cw;
//level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "deathslouchidle" ] = %triple25_gunner_deathslouchidle;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "deathin" ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_death_stay_in;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "deathout" ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_death_fall_out;
//level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "dismount" ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_dismount;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "dismount" ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_alert;
//level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "mount" ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_mount;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "fire_loop" ][ 0 ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_fire_1;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "idle_loop" ][ 0 ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_idle_1;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "rotateccw_loop" ][ 0 ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_rotate_ccw;
level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "rotatecw_loop" ][ 0 ] = %crew_flak1_tag2_rotate_cw;
//level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner2" ][ "deathslouchidle" ] = %triple25_gunner_deathslouchidle;
// guzzo 8-6-08, to help network traffic
while( !OkTospawn() )
wait( 0.05 );
spawn = self spawn_ai();
if ( spawn_failed( spawn ) )
assertex( 0, "spawn failed from triple25" );
spawn endon( "death" );
spawn.olddeathAnim = spawn.deathAnim;
spawn.deathAnim = level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "deathout" ];
spawn.allowDeath = true;
spawn.oldhealth =; = 1;
// guzzo - 4/1/08 trying to get pistol pull-out to work seamlessly
//spawn animscripts\init::initWeapon( spawn.sidearm, "primary" );
//spawn animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( spawn.sidearm, "right" );
//spawn animscripts\utility::setAICurrentWeapon( "nambu" );
return spawn;
// //initially shooting
//// self endon ( "death" ); //idle when dead
//// self endon ( "dismount gunner" ); //gunner left
//// triple25 endon ( "dismount gunner" ); //gunner left
//// triple25 endon ( "new gunner" ); //new gunner
// triple25.animName = "triple25_gun";
// // SCRIPTER_MOD: JesseS (7/21/200): took out for now
// triple25 assign_animtree();
// link_tag = undefined;
// loopPacket = [];
// if (self.position == 0)
// {
// self.animName = "triple25_gunner1";
// link_tag = "tag_driver1";
// }
// else
// {
// self.animName = "triple25_gunner2";
// link_tag = "tag_driver2";
// }
// return link_tag;
self endon ( "death" );
linktag = undefined;
if (self.position == 0)
self.animName = "triple25_gunner1";
link_tag = "tag_driver1";
self.animName = "triple25_gunner2";
link_tag = "tag_driver2";
triple25.animName = "triple25_gun";
triple25 assign_animtree();
self thread anim_loop_solo( self, "fire_loop", link_tag, "stop_looping", triple25 );
monitor_gunner(triple25, trig)
self waittill( "death" );
self notify ("stop_looping");
if (isdefined(trig))
wait (0.5);
trig notify ("trigger");
//triple25 setanim( level.scr_anim[ triple25.animName ][ "fire_loop" ][ 0 ], 1, 1, 0 );
//if (triple25.crewsize == 0)
triple25 notify ("crew dead");
if(isdefined(triple25.client_side_fire) && triple25.client_side_fire == true)
SetClientSysState("levelNotify", "25s" + triple25 getentitynumber());
//triple25 notify ("crew dismount");
// level endon (flag);
// wait 20; //recycle time before respawning unless stopped by player hitting the cancel trigger
//if any trigger is activated in a trigger array
waittill_trigger_array( triggers )
for( k = 1; k < triggers.size; k++ )
triggers[k] endon( "trigger" );
triggers[ 0 ] waittill( "trigger" );
waittill_death_or_dismount( trig, gunner, triple25 )
gunner endon( "death" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
gunner notify ("stop_looping");
//triple25 waittillmatch( "looping anim", "end" );
//triple25 notify( "stop_looping" );
gunner thread triple25gunner_dismount( triple25 );
self endon ( "death" );
linktag = undefined;
if (self.position == 0)
self.animName = "triple25_gunner1";
link_tag = "tag_driver1";
self.animName = "triple25_gunner2";
link_tag = "tag_driver2";
triple25.animName = "triple25_gun";
triple25 assign_animtree();
triple25 notify ("crew dismount");
if(isdefined(triple25.client_side_fire) && triple25.client_side_fire == true)
SetClientSysState("levelNotify", "25s" + triple25 getentitynumber());
self thread anim_single_solo( self, "dismount", link_tag, undefined, triple25 );
self.deathAnim = self.olddeathAnim;
self.allowDeath = false; = self.oldhealth;
self endon("death notify");
self waittill(str);
if(isdefined(self.client_side_fire) && self.client_side_fire == true)
SetClientSysState("levelNotify", "25s" + self getentitynumber());
self notify("death notify");
self endon ("death");
self endon ("crew dead");
self endon ("change target");
self endon ("crew dismount");
self thread death_monitor("death");
self thread death_monitor("crew dead");
// this is a temp firing loop until we get some better stuff
self setturrettargetent(targetent);
wait 2;
while (1)
num_shots = randomintrange(5, 15);
waittime = randomfloatrange(0.5, 2);
// CODER_MOD - DSL - 03/25/08
// See what can be done on the client.
if(self.client_side_fire == false)
for (i = 0; i < num_shots; i++)
self fireweapon();
wait 0.1;
wait (waittime);