2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00

265 lines
8.7 KiB

// _katyusha.gsc
// Sets up the behavior for Russian Katyusha rocket truck.
#include maps\_vehicle_aianim;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_utility;
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
main( model, type )
build_template( "katyusha", model, type );
build_localinit( ::init_local );
build_deathmodel( "vehicle_opel_blitz_woodland", "vehicle_opel_blitz_woodland_d" );
build_deathfx( "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion", undefined, "explo_metal_rand" );
build_exhaust( "vehicle/exhaust/fx_exhaust_rus_rocket_truck" );
build_treadfx( type );
build_life( 999, 500, 1500 );
build_team( "allies" );
build_aianims( ::setanims , ::set_vehicle_anims );
build_unload_groups( ::Unload_Groups );
// SCRIPTER_MOD: JesseS (5/12/2007) - Took out lights
// TODO: Re-add sick lights!
//build_light( model, "headlight_truck_left", "tag_headlight_left", "misc/car_headlight_truck_L", "headlights" );
//build_light( model, "headlight_truck_right", "tag_headlight_right", "misc/car_headlight_truck_R", "headlights" );
//build_light( model, "parkinglight_truck_left_f", "tag_parkinglight_left_f", "misc/car_parkinglight_truck_LF", "headlights" );
//build_light( model, "parkinglight_truck_right_f", "tag_parkinglight_right_f", "misc/car_parkinglight_truck_RF", "headlights" );
//build_light( model, "taillight_truck_right", "tag_taillight_right", "misc/car_taillight_truck_R", "headlights" );
//build_light( model, "taillight_truck_left", "tag_taillight_left", "misc/car_taillight_truck_L", "headlights" );
//build_light( model, "brakelight_truck_right", "tag_taillight_right", "misc/car_brakelight_truck_R", "brakelights" );
//build_light( model, "brakelight_truck_left", "tag_taillight_left", "misc/car_brakelight_truck_L", "brakelights" );
// maps\_vehicle::lights_on( "headlights" );
// maps\_vehicle::lights_on( "brakelights" );
set_vehicle_anims( positions )
// SCRIPTER_MOD: JesseS (5/12/2007) - Took out anim references
// positions[ 0 ].vehicle_getoutanim = %door_pickup_driver_climb_out;
// positions[ 1 ].vehicle_getoutanim = %door_pickup_passenger_climb_out;
// positions[ 2 ].vehicle_getoutanim = %door_pickup_passenger_RR_climb_out;
// positions[ 3 ].vehicle_getoutanim = %door_pickup_passenger_RL_climb_out;
// positions[ 0 ].vehicle_getinanim = %door_pickup_driver_climb_in;
// positions[ 1 ].vehicle_getinanim = %door_pickup_passenger_climb_in;
//positions[ 2 ].vehicle_getinanim = %door_pickup_driver_climb_in;
//positions[ 3 ].vehicle_getinanim = %door_pickup_passenger_climb_in;
return positions;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
positions = [];
for( i=0;i<4;i++ )
positions[ i ] = spawnstruct();
// positions[ 0 ].getout_delete = true;
positions[ 0 ].sittag = "tag_driver";
positions[ 1 ].sittag = "tag_passenger";
positions[ 2 ].sittag = "tag_guy1"; //RR
positions[ 3 ].sittag = "tag_guy2"; //RL
// SCRIPTER_MOD: JesseS (5/12/2007) - Took out anims
// positions[ 0 ].idle = %technical_driver_idle;
// positions[ 1 ].idle = %technical_passenger_idle;
// positions[ 2 ].idle = %pickup_passenger_RR_idle;
// positions[ 3 ].idle = %pickup_passenger_RL_idle;
// positions[ 0 ].getout = %pickup_driver_climb_out;
// positions[ 1 ].getout = %pickup_passenger_climb_out;
// positions[ 2 ].getout = %pickup_passenger_RR_climb_out;
// positions[ 3 ].getout = %pickup_passenger_RL_climb_out;
// positions[ 0 ].getin = %pickup_driver_climb_in;
// positions[ 1 ].getin = %pickup_passenger_climb_in;
//positions[ 2 ].getin = %pickup_driver_climb_in; //ghetto temp
//positions[ 3 ].getin = %pickup_passenger_climb_in; //ghetto temp
return positions;
unload_groups = [];
unload_groups[ "passengers" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "all" ] = [];
group = "passengers";
unload_groups[ group ][ unload_groups[ group ].size ] = 1;
unload_groups[ group ][ unload_groups[ group ].size ] = 2;
unload_groups[ group ][ unload_groups[ group ].size ] = 3;
group = "all";
unload_groups[ group ][ unload_groups[ group ].size ] = 0;
unload_groups[ group ][ unload_groups[ group ].size ] = 1;
unload_groups[ group ][ unload_groups[ group ].size ] = 2;
unload_groups[ group ][ unload_groups[ group ].size ] = 3;
unload_groups[ "default" ] = unload_groups[ "all" ];
return unload_groups;
// SRS 11/01/07 - adding Terrebonne/MikeD steez w/ some tweaks
// self = the Katyusha vehicle
rocket_barrage( rocket_amount, targets, attack_range, dest_z_height )
// SRS 4/9/2008: added ender
self endon( "stop_rocket_barrage" );
// SRS - allow default rocket amount, do a quick error check
if( !IsDefined( rocket_amount ) || rocket_amount <= 0 )
rocket_amount = 8;
if( !IsDefined( attack_range ) )
attack_range = 1500;
if( !IsDefined( dest_z_height ) )
dest_z_height = 500;
tags = [];
tags[0] = "tag_rocket00";
tags[1] = "tag_rocket01";
tags[2] = "tag_rocket02";
tags[3] = "tag_rocket03";
tags[4] = "tag_rocket04";
tags[5] = "tag_rocket05";
tags[6] = "tag_rocket06";
tags[7] = "tag_rocket07";
tags[8] = "tag_rocket08";
tags[9] = "tag_rocket09";
tags[10] = "tag_rocket10";
tags[11] = "tag_rocket11";
tags[12] = "tag_rocket12";
tags[13] = "tag_rocket13";
tags[14] = "tag_rocket14";
tags[15] = "tag_rocket15";
for( i = 0; i < rocket_amount; i++ )
if( IsDefined( targets ) )
n = i % targets.size;
dest_point = targets[n].origin;
// get the angles forward relative to the direction the truck is facing plus an offset of +/- 40 units
forward = AnglesToForward( self.angles + ( 0, 20 - RandomInt( 40 ), 0 ) );
// the specified or default range plus an offset of +/- 150 units
range = attack_range + ( 150 - RandomInt( 300 ) );
dest_point = self.origin + vector_multiply( forward, range );
// Test for Z Height, due to elevation changes or buildings height at the rocket's impact point
trace = BulletTrace( dest_point + ( 0, 0, dest_z_height ), dest_point + ( 0, 0, -2000 ), false, self );
dest_point = trace["position"];
n = i % tags.size;
while( !OkTospawn() )
wait( 0.1 );
rocket = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( tags[n] ) );
rocket SetModel( "katyusha_rocket" );
rocket.angles = self GetTagAngles( tags[n] );
rocket PlaySound("katyusha_launch_rocket");
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["katyusha_rocket_launch"], rocket, "tag_fx" );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["katyusha_rocket_trail"], rocket, "tag_fx" );
// Kevin's sound of rocket flying through the air
rocket playloopsound( "katy_rocket_run" );
rocket thread fire_rocket( dest_point );
// SRS - set a minimum wait time on these so they don't all fire off at once (potentially)
//Kevin adjusted this to get the sound closer to the actuall salvo speed.
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 0.25 ) );
// self = the rocket model
fire_rocket( target_pos )
start_pos = self.origin; // Get the start position
///////// Math Section
// Reverse the gravity so it's negative, you could change the gravity
// by just putting a number in there, but if you keep the dvar, then the
// user will see it change.
gravity = GetDvarInt( "g_gravity" ) * -1;
// Get the distance
dist = Distance( start_pos, target_pos);
// Figure out the time depending on how fast we are going to
// throw the object... 300 changes the "strength" of the velocity.
// 300 seems to be pretty good. To make it more lofty, lower the number.
// To make it more of a b-line throw, increase the number.
time = dist / 2000;
// Get the delta between the 2 points.
delta = target_pos - start_pos;
// Here's the math I stole from the grenade code. :) First figure out
// the drop we're going to need using gravity and time squared.
drop = 0.5 * gravity * ( time * time );
// Now figure out the trajectory to throw the object at in order to
// hit our map, taking drop and time into account.
velocity = ( ( delta[0] / time ), ( delta[1] / time ), ( delta[2] - drop ) / time );
///////// End Math Section
self MoveGravity( velocity, time );
wait( time );
self hide();
//Kevin stopping the rocket looping sound after it explodes.
self stoploopsound(.1);
PlayFX( level._effect[ "katyusha_rocket_explosion" ], self.origin );
radiusdamage(self.origin, 128, 300, 35);
earthquake(0.3, 2, self.origin, 1024);
wait .2;
self Delete();