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2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00
// file: ber3b_event_roof.gsc
// description: reichstag rooftop event script for berlin3b
// scripter: slayback
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\ber3b;
#include maps\ber3b_anim;
#include maps\ber3_util;
#include maps\_music;
#using_animtree ("generic_human");
// -- STARTS --
// start at the beginning of the roof event
SetDvar( "introscreen", "0" ); // disable the introscreen
objectives_skip( 2 );
warp_friendlies( "struct_roof_start_friends", "targetname" );
warp_players( "struct_roof_start", "targetname" );
set_color_chain( "trig_script_color_allies_b23" );
level thread event_roof_setup();
SetDvar( "introscreen", "0" ); // disable the introscreen
objectives_skip( 2 );
getent_safe( "spawntrig_auto980", "script_noteworthy" ) Delete();
// delete all script_color_allies triggers so we have ents to spare
//level thread startpoint_triggers_delete();
warp_friendlies( "struct_roof_midpoint_start_friends", "targetname" );
warp_players( "struct_roof_midpoint_start", "targetname" );
level thread event_roof_setup( true );
trigs = GetEntArray( "trigger_multiple", "classname" );
trigs = array_combine( trigs, GetEntArray( "trigger_radius", "classname" ) );
for( i = 0; i < trigs.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( trigs[i].script_color_allies ) )
trigs[i] Delete();
// start just before all the crazy player-interactive stuff at the end
SetDvar( "introscreen", "0" ); // disable the introscreen
objectives_skip( 2 );
warp_friendlies( "struct_roof_flagplant_start_friends", "targetname" );
warp_players( "struct_roof_flagplant_start", "targetname" );
russian_flag_teleport( groundpos( ( 1136, 12564, 1636 ) ) );
level thread event_roof_setup( true );
// -- END STARTS --
event_roof_setup( skipTo )
if( !IsDefined( skipTo ) )
skipTo = false;
set_objective( 4 );
thread dome_pacing_dialogue();
thread dome_friendly_combat_dialogue();
thread roof_statue_fall();
thread roof_planes_fire_guns_watcher();
thread cleanup_forcecolor_redshirts( "c", "trig_roof_entrance", "targetname", 5 );
thread roof_outside_dialogue();
thread event_roof_action();
level.no_laststandmissionfail = false;
level.playerlaststand_func = ::roof_no_death_last_stand;
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] EnableInvulnerability();
if( players[i] maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
players[i] roof_no_death_last_stand();
self thread roof_no_death_last_stand_internal();
self SetCanDamage( false );
self.bleedout_time = 999999;
trigger_wait( "trig_dome_pacing_start", "targetname" );
guy1 = get_randomfriend_notsarge();
guy2 = get_randomfriend_notsarge_excluding( guy1 );
guy1 say_dialogue( "roof_pacing_redshirt1", "must_be_nearing_roof", true );
guy2 say_dialogue( "roof_pacing_redshirt2", "throw_germans_over_edge", true );
guy1 say_dialogue( "roof_pacing_redshirt1", "comrades_flooding_in", true );
sarge_giveorder( "let_them_have_our_scraps", true );
level waittill( "roof_statue_dialogue_done" );
while( !flag( "statue_fall_done" ) )
wait( 0.5 );
sarge_giveorder( "up_there", true );
sarge_giveorder( "on_the_balconies", true );
mg = getent( "auto935", "targetname" );
mg.yawconvergencetime = 3.25; // default is 1.5
mg.convergencetime = 3.25; // default is 1.5
mg.suppressionTime = 1.5; // default is 3
level.pauseArtyStrikes = true;
trigger_wait( "trig_roof_statue_fall", "targetname" );
statue = getent_safe( "smodel_dome_statue", "targetname" );
pieces["beam_jnt"] = getent_safe( "sbmodel_dome_beam", "targetname" );
pieces["chunk1_jnt"] = getent_safe( "sbmodel_dome_chunk02", "targetname" );
pieces["chunk2_jnt"] = getent_safe( "sbmodel_dome_chunk01", "targetname" );
pieces["chunk3_jnt"] = getent_safe( "sbmodel_dome_chunk05", "targetname" );
pieces["chunk4_jnt"] = getent_safe( "sbmodel_dome_chunk03", "targetname" );
pieces["chunk5_jnt"] = getent_safe( "sbmodel_dome_chunk04", "targetname" );
pieces["chunk6_jnt"] = getent_safe( "sbmodel_dome_chunk07", "targetname" );
pieces["chunk7_jnt"] = getent_safe( "sbmodel_dome_chunk06", "targetname" );
keys = GetArrayKeys( pieces );
for( i = 0; i < pieces.size; i++ )
pieces[keys[i]] LinkTo( statue, keys[i] );
thread roof_statue_dialogue();
thread roof_statue_hitground();
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i].ignoreme = true;
thread arty_strike_on_players( .39, 1.7, 500, false );
//Kevins notify
level notify( "arty_strike" );
level notify ("audio_roof_fall");
fxSpot = getstruct_safe( "struct_roof_statuefall_fxspot", "targetname" );
PlayFX( level._effect["statue_fall"], fxSpot.origin );
statue roof_statue_anim( "roof_statue", "fall", "statue_fall_anim" );
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i].ignoreme = false;
flag_set( "statue_fall_done" );
sarge_giveorder( "look_my_brothers", true );
level notify( "roof_statue_dialogue_done" );
wait( 3.1 );
thread arty_strike_on_players( .42, 2.8, 500, true );
//Kevins notify
level notify ("audio_roof_ground");
// fallout FX cloud
fxSpot = getstruct_safe( "struct_foyer_domeFalloutFX", "targetname" );
PlayFX( level._effect["statue_fallout_cloud"], fxSpot.origin );
trigger_wait( "trig_roof_outside_entrance", "targetname" );
sarge_giveorder( "they_have_nowhere_to_go", true );
sarge_giveorder( "clear_path_for_flag", true );
wait( 3 );
sarge_giveorder( "claim_our_victory" );
level thread event_roof_ai_flagbearer();
level thread roof_katyushas();
//thread flag_pickup_dialogue(); // DEPRECATED
level thread roof_coop_linkto_flagbearer();
level thread roof_mantle_think();
level waittill( "flagbearer_mantled" );
// disable last stand on players so they don't die during the outro
thread roof_stop_laststand();
level.lastFlagBearer AllowMelee( false );
level.lastFlagBearer.ignoreme = true;
level.lastFlagBearer SetClientDvar( "compass", "0" );
level.lastFlagBearer SetClientDvar( "miniscoreboardhide", "1" );
// outro animation reference spot
animSpot = getstruct_safe( "struct_roof_flagbearer_shot_animref", "targetname" );
// controls AI anims in the outro scene
level thread roof_outro_aianims( animSpot );
level.lastFlagBearer thread roof_flagbearer_shot( animSpot );
level waittill( "flagbearer_shot_done" );
// injured walk
level.lastFlagBearer thread injured_walk();
// fake the use trigger behavior so only one player can see it
level notify( "kill_flagcarry" );
level notify( "player_raising_flag" );
arcademode_assignpoints( "arcademode_score_generic500", level.lastFlagBearer );
level.lastFlagBearer thread roof_flagbearer_plant( animSpot );
wait( 20 );
//fade_to_black_then_back( 5, 4, 3 );
level thread nextmission();
wait( 0.5 );
share_screen( level.lastFlagBearer, false, false );
//wait( 5 );
//level.sarge Delete();
//wait( 12 );
fade_to_black_then_back( fadeTime, black_time, resume_time )
if( !IsDefined( fadeTime ) )
fadeTime = 5;
// fade to black
fadetoblack = NewHudElem();
fadetoblack.x = 0;
fadetoblack.y = 0;
fadetoblack.alpha = 0;
fadetoblack.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
fadetoblack.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
fadetoblack.foreground = false; // arcademode compatible
fadetoblack.sort = 50; // arcademode compatible
fadetoblack SetShader( "black", 640, 480 );
// Fade into black
fadetoblack FadeOverTime( fadeTime );
fadetoblack.alpha = 1;
wait( fadeTime + black_time );
fadetoblack FadeOverTime( resume_time );
fadetoblack.alpha = 0;
flagbearer = level.lastFlagBearer;
flagbearer.outro_hud = NewClientHudElem( flagbearer );
flagbearer.outro_hud.alignX = "left";
flagbearer.outro_hud.fontScale = 1.5;
flagbearer.outro_hud.x = 210;
flagbearer.outro_hud.y = 200;
flagbearer.outro_hud SetText( level.flag_plant_trigger_string );
flagbearer.outro_hud.alpha = 0;
fadeTime = 0.1;
usetrig = getent_safe( "trig_finale_raiseFlag", "targetname" );
triggerUsed = false;
while( !triggerUsed )
if( flagbearer IsTouching( usetrig ) )
flagbearer.outro_hud FadeOverTime( fadeTime );
flagbearer.outro_hud.alpha = 1;
while( flagbearer IsTouching( usetrig ) )
if( flagbearer UseButtonPressed() )
triggerUsed = true;
wait( 0.05 );
if( triggerUsed )
if( flagbearer.outro_hud.alpha != 0 )
flagbearer.outro_hud FadeOverTime( fadeTime );
flagbearer.outro_hud.alpha = 0;
wait( 0.05 );
usetrig Delete();
flagbearer thread flagbearer_outro_hud_cleanup( fadeTime );
flagbearer_outro_hud_cleanup( fadeTime )
self.outro_hud FadeOverTime( fadeTime );
self.outro_hud.alpha = 0;
wait( fadeTime );
self.outro_hud Destroy();
level waittill( "coop_linkto_flagbearer_start" );
if( !is_coop() )
// link all the other players to the flagbearer
players = get_players();
players = array_remove( players, level.lastFlagBearer );
fadeTime = 0.05;
array_thread( players, ::player_linkto_flagbearer, fadeTime );
wait( fadeTime );
level.lastFlagBearer Hide();
// SRS 9/3/2008: splitscreen players will share the screen instead
share_screen( level.lastFlagBearer, true, true );
player_linkto_flagbearer( fadeTime )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
if( self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
self reviveplayer();
self thread warp_player_start( fadeTime );
wait( fadeTime );
self Hide();
linker = Spawn( "script_origin", level.lastFlagBearer.origin );
linker.angles = level.lastFlagBearer.angles;
linker LinkTo( level.lastFlagBearer );
self PlayerLinkTo( linker, undefined, 1, 20, 20, 10, 10 );
wait( 1 );
self thread warp_player_end();
self DisableWeapons();
self AllowCrouch( false );
self AllowProne( false );
self AllowJump( false );
self AllowADS( false );
self AllowMelee( false );
self SetClientDvar( "compass", "0" );
self SetClientDvar( "miniscoreboardhide", "1" );
chainTrig1 = GetEnt( "trig_script_color_allies_32", "targetname" );
chainTrig2 = GetEnt( "trig_script_color_allies_33", "targetname" );
if( IsDefined( chainTrig1 ) )
chainTrig1 trigger_off();
if( IsDefined( chainTrig2 ) )
chainTrig2 trigger_off();
trigger_wait( "trig_roof_katyushas_start", "targetname" );
//TUEY Sets the music state to
level thread roof_crawlers();
starts = GetStructArray( "struct_roof_katyusha_start", "targetname" );
ASSERTEX( array_validate( starts ), "Can't find any roof katyusha starts." );
numVolleys = 3;
for( i = 0; i < numVolleys; i++ )
array_thread( starts, ::roof_katyusha_fire );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 5, 6 ) );
if( i == 0 )
level thread kill_roof_ais();
flag_set( "roof_rockets_done" );
level notify( "rockets_done" );
wait( 2 ); // wait a couple seconds before sending the squad out
if( IsDefined( chainTrig1 ) )
chainTrig1 trigger_on();
// send squad outside if they haven't gone out yet
chainTrig1 notify( "trigger" );
if( IsDefined( chainTrig2 ) )
chainTrig2 trigger_on();
min_x = 352;
max_x = 1984;
min_y = 12750;
max_y = 13590;
z = 1632;
target_pos = ( RandomIntRange( min_x, max_x ), RandomIntRange( min_y, max_y ), z + 1000 );
target_pos = groundpos( target_pos );
velocity_strength = 2400;
offset = RandomIntRange( -1000, -500 );
if( RandomInt( 100 ) < 50 )
offset = RandomIntRange( 500, 1000 );
start_pos = ( self.origin[0] + offset, self.origin[1], self.origin[2] );
startAngles = self.angles;
// don't all start at once
wait( RandomFloat( 0.8 ) );
rocket = Spawn( "script_model", start_pos );
rocket SetModel( "katyusha_rocket" );
rocket.angles = startAngles;
rocket playloopsound( "katy_rocket_run_sign" );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["katyusha_rocket_trail_exaggerated"], rocket, "tag_origin" );
//object endon ("remove thrown object");
start_pos = rocket.origin; // Get the start position
///////// Math Section
// Reverse the gravity so it's negative, you could change the gravity
// by just putting a number in there, but if you keep the dvar, then the
// user will see it change.
gravity = GetDvarInt( "g_gravity" ) * -1;
// Get the distance
dist = Distance( start_pos, target_pos );
// Figure out the time depending on how fast we are going to
// throw the object... 300 changes the "strength" of the velocity.
// 300 seems to be pretty good. To make it more lofty, lower the number.
// To make it more of a b-line throw, increase the number.
time = dist / velocity_strength;
// Get the delta between the 2 points.
delta = target_pos - start_pos;
// Here's the math I stole from the grenade code. :) First figure out
// the drop we're going to need using gravity and time squared.
drop = 0.5 * gravity * ( time * time );
// Now figure out the trajectory to throw the object at in order to
// hit our map, taking drop and time into account.
velocity = ( ( delta[0] / time ), ( delta[1] / time ), ( delta[2] - drop ) / time );
///////// End Math Section
rocket MoveGravity( velocity, time );
wait( time * 0.5 ); // moving
target_angles = VectorToAngles( ( target_pos + ( 0, 0, -1000 ) ) - rocket.origin );
rocket RotateTo( target_angles, time * 0.5 );
wait( time * 0.5 ); // moving
PlayFX( level._effect["katyusha_rocket_explosion"], rocket.origin );
RadiusDamage( rocket.origin, 196, 25, 45 );
// kill all enemies near the explosion
ais = GetAIArray( "axis" );
for( i = 0; i < ais.size; i++ )
if( distance( ais[i].origin, target_pos ) < 400 )
ais[i] dodamage( ais[i].health + 100, target_pos );
array_thread( get_players(), ::generic_rumble_explosion );
array_thread4( get_players(), ::scr_earthquake, 0.45, 0.4, rocket.origin, 3000 );
rocket Delete();
rocket_wave_rocket( expOrg )
rocket = Spawn( "script_model", expOrg + ( 0, 0, 6000 ) );
rocket SetModel( "katyusha_rocket" );
rocket.angles = ( 90, 0, 0 );
rocket playloopsound( "katy_rocket_run" );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["katyusha_rocket_trail"], rocket, "tag_origin" );
thread play_sound_in_space( "katyusha_launch", rocket.origin );
rocket MoveTo( expOrg, RandomFloatRange( 1, 2 ) );
rocket waittill( "movedone" );
rocket Delete();
PlayFX( level._effect["katyusha_rocket_explosion"], expOrg );
RadiusDamage( expOrg, 196, 25, 45 );
array_thread( get_players(), ::generic_rumble_explosion );
array_thread4( get_players(), ::scr_earthquake, 0.45, 0.4, expOrg, 3000 );
killtrig = GetEnt( "trig_killspawner_1001", "script_noteworthy" );
if( IsDefined( killtrig ) )
killtrig notify( "trigger" );
wait( 0.05 );
// they are killed too fast. Let's kill one every couple seconds
//ais = GetAIArray( "axis" );
//for( i = 0; i < ais.size; i++ )
// ais[i] thread bloody_death( true, 1 );
ais = GetAIArray( "axis" );
while( ais.size > 0 )
// instantly kill all if rockets are finished
if( flag( "roof_rockets_done" ) )
for( i = 0; i < ais.size; i++ )
ais[0] thread bloody_death( true, 1 );
ais[0] thread bloody_death( true, 1 );
wait( 1 + randomfloat( 2 ) );
ais = GetAIArray( "axis" );
struct1 = getstruct_safe( "struct_roof_crawler_spawnpoint_1", "targetname" );
struct2 = getstruct_safe( "struct_roof_crawler_spawnpoint_2", "targetname" );
struct3 = getstruct_safe( "struct_roof_crawler_spawnpoint_3", "targetname" );
guy1 = spawn_fake_guy( groundpos( struct1.origin ), struct1.angles, "crawl1", "crawl", 0);
guy2 = spawn_fake_guy( groundpos( struct2.origin ), struct2.angles, "crawl2", "crawl", 0);
guy3 = spawn_fake_guy( groundpos( struct3.origin ), struct3.angles, "crawl3", "crawl", 0);
guy1 thread crawl_think();
guy2 thread crawl_think();
guy3 thread crawl_think();
guy1.a.gib_ref = "left_leg";
guy2.a.gib_ref = "no_legs";
guy3.a.gib_ref = "right_leg";
guy1 thread animscripts\death::do_gib();
guy2 thread animscripts\death::do_gib();
guy3 thread animscripts\death::do_gib();
spawn_fake_guy(startpoint, startangles, animname, name, assign_weapon)
guy = spawn("script_model", startpoint);
guy.angles = startangles;
guy setup_axis_char_model();
guy UseAnimTree(#animtree);
guy.a = spawnstruct();
guy.animname = animname;
if (!isdefined(name))
guy.targetname = "drone";
guy.targetname = name;
if (isdefined(assign_weapon) && assign_weapon == 1)
guy maps\_drones::drone_assign_weapon("axis");
return guy;
// snyder steez
self makeFakeAI();
self setcandamage( false ); = "axis";
self endon ("shot_death");
self thread anim_loop_solo(self, "crawl_idle", undefined, "stop_idling");
self thread crawl_death_watcher();
level waittill( "rockets_done" );
wait randomfloatrange (0.1, 2.0);
self notify ("stop_idling");
self setcandamage(true); = 1;
self anim_single_solo(self, "crawl_crawl");
self anim_single_solo(self, "crawl_die");
self notify ("stop_shot_death");
self startragdoll();
wait 45;
if (isdefined(self))
self delete();
self endon ("stop_shot_death");
self waittill ("damage");
self notify ("shot_death");
self anim_single_solo(self, "crawl_shot");
self startragdoll();
wait 45;
if (isdefined(self))
self delete();
flag_init( "flagbearer_deathrun_start" );
spawner = getent_safe( "spawner_roof_flagbearer", "targetname" );
waitNode = getnode_safe(, "targetname" );
animSpot = getstruct_safe( "struct_roof_flagbearer_death_animRef", "targetname" );
trigger_wait( "trig_script_color_allies_25", "targetname" );
guy = spawn_guy( spawner );
spawner Delete();
guy.ignoreall = true;
guy.ignoreme = true;
guy.grenadeammo = 0;
guy.dropweapon = 0;
guy thread magic_bullet_shield_safe();
guy.moveplaybackrate = 1.25;
guy.animname = "flagbearer_death_prefoyer";
animRef = "death";
runAnim = "run_with_flag";
crouchAnim = "crouch_with_flag";
guy set_run_anim( runAnim );
// link flag to guy
level.russianFlag Show();
level.russianFlag.origin = guy GetTagOrigin( "tag_weapon_right" );
level.russianFlag.angles = guy GetTagAngles( "tag_weapon_right" );
level.russianFlag LinkTo( guy, "tag_weapon_right" );
guy thread flagbearer_waitNode_anim( crouchAnim );
guy SetGoalNode( waitNode );
trigger_wait( "trig_roof_flagbearer_start_deathrun", "targetname" );
flag_set( "flagbearer_deathrun_start" );
level thread sarge_giveorder( "keep_them_off_flagbearer" );
animSpot anim_reach_solo( guy, animRef );
guy.nodeathragdoll = true;
guy disable_long_death();
guy.allowdeath = false;
guy.a.pose = "prone";
guy.a.nodeath = true;
// play the anim
guy thread ai_flagbearer_gunshots();
animSpot thread anim_single_solo( guy, animRef );
guy notify( "stop_sequencing_notetracks" );
guy Detach( "weapon_rus_ppsh_smg", "tag_weapon_right" );
level notify ("death_music_stinger");
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "detach" );
level notify( "stop_flagbearer_gunshots" );
// unlink flag and start wanting to be picked up
level.russianFlag Unlink();
level thread russian_flag_startthink();
guy thread stop_magic_bullet_shield_safe();
guy.allowdeath = true;
guy DoDamage( + 5, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
flagbearer_waitNode_anim( crouchAnim )
self waittill( "goal" );
if( flag( "flagbearer_deathrun_start" ) )
self thread anim_loop_solo( self, crouchAnim, undefined, "flagbearer_deathrun_start" );
flag_wait( "flagbearer_deathrun_start" );
self notify( "flagbearer_deathrun_start" );
level endon( "stop_flagbearer_gunshots" );
shotOrigin = ( 1140, 12888, 1713 );
while( IsDefined( self ) )
self waittillmatch( "single anim", "fire" );
self thread ai_tracer_burst( shotOrigin );
ai_tracer_burst( shotOrigin )
burst = RandomIntRange( 3, 5 );
tags = [];
tags[0] = "j_hip_le";
tags[1] = "j_hip_ri";
tags[2] = "j_head";
tags[3] = "j_spine4";
tags[4] = "j_spineupper";
tags[5] = "j_spinelower";
tags[6] = "j_clavicle_le";
tags[7] = "j_clavicle_ri";
for( i = 0; i < burst; i++ )
tag = get_random( tags );
endPos = self GetTagOrigin( tag );
if( i != 0 )
endPos = ( endPos[0] + RandomIntRange( -10, 10 ), endPos[1] + RandomIntRange( -10, 10 ), endPos[2] + RandomIntRange( -10, 10 ) );
BulletTracer( shotOrigin, endPos, true );
if( is_mature() )
if( i == 0 )
bloodFX = undefined; // if we pass undefined it'll do the default flesh_hit
if( RandomInt( 100 ) < 65 )
bloodFX = level._effect["flesh_hit_large"];
self thread bloody_death_fx( tag, bloodFX );
wait( RandomFloat( 0.1 ) );
trig = getent_safe( "trig_roof_anim_flagbearer_e3death", "targetname" );
animSpot = getstruct_safe(, "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
trig Delete();
sarge_giveorder( "keep_them_off_flagbearer" );
// set up the guy
guy = Spawn( "script_model", animSpot.origin );
guy.angles = animSpot.angles;
guy maps\ber3b_anim::setup_ally_char_model();
guy MakeFakeAI();
guy.script_friendname = "Cpl. Arseni"; = "allies";
guy thread maps\_drones::drone_setName();
guy UseAnimTree( #animtree );
guy.animname = "flagbearer_death_prefoyer";
// play the anim
animSpot thread anim_single_solo( guy, "death" );
//Kevins audio notify
level notify ("death_music_stinger");
//guy waittill( "single anim" );
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "detach" );
guy SetContents( 0 );
// unlink flag
level.russianFlag Unlink();
while( flag( "russian_flag_dropped" ) )
wait( 1 );
sarge_giveorder( "keep_hold_of_flag", true );
wait( 5 );
while( flag( "russian_flag_dropped" ) )
wait( 0.05 );
sarge_giveorder( "keep_them_off_flagbearer", true );
sarge_giveorder( "keep_going_plant_flag" );
// make sure only the flagbearer gets over the mantle wall
mantletrig = getent_safe( "trig_roof_mantlearea", "targetname" );
while( 1 )
mantletrig waittill( "trigger", other );
if( !flag( "russian_flag_dropped" ) && IsPlayer( other ) && other == level.lastFlagBearer )
wait( 0.05 );
//level.lastFlagBearer thread roof_mantle_debug();
orgs = [];
times = [];
orgs[0] = (1130.11, 12472.9, 1633.5);
times[0] = 0.1;
orgs[1] = (1130.11, 12469.6, 1651.44);
times[1] = 0.1;
orgs[2] = (1130.11, 12467.1, 1656.87);
times[2] = 0.1;
orgs[3] = (1130.71, 12465.1, 1656.13);
times[3] = 0.1;
orgs[4] = (1132.1, 12459.2, 1656.13);
times[4] = 0.1;
orgs[5] = (1134.74, 12446.8, 1656.13);
times[5] = 0.1;
orgs[6] = (1137.73, 12432.6, 1649.19);
times[6] = 0.1;
orgs[7] = (1140.46, 12420.8, 1641.04);
times[7] = 0.1;
orgs[8] = (1141.06, 12419, 1632.98);
times[8] = 0.1;
orgs[9] = (1141.11, 12417.5, 1624.7);
times[9] = 0.1;
orgs[10] = (1141.12, 12415.6, 1610.13);
times[10] = 0.1;
orgs[11] = (1141.12, 12415.5, 1610.13);
times[11] = 0.1;
while( !level.lastFlagBearer IsTouching( mantletrig ) )
wait( 0.05 );
// lerp to mantle position
lerper = Spawn( "script_model", orgs[0] );
lerper.angles = ( 25, 270, 0 );
lerper SetModel( "tag_origin" );
level notify( "coop_linkto_flagbearer_start" );
level.lastFlagBearer EnableWeaponCycling();
level.lastFlagBearer EnableOffhandWeapons();
level.lastFlagBearer DisableWeapons(); // hide viewmodel
// ent, tag, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc
level.lastFlagBearer lerp_player_view_to_tag( lerper, "tag_origin", 0.43, 1, 10, 10, 5, 5 );
level.lastFlagBearer LinkTo( lerper );
//Kevin adding mantle sound
mantletrig playsound("mantle_up");
// lerp through the move targets
for( i = 1; i < orgs.size; i++ )
lerper MoveTo( orgs[i], times[i] );
wait( times[i] - ( times[i] * 0.1 ) );
level.lastFlagBearer Unlink();
lerper Delete();
level notify( "flagbearer_mantled" );
flag_set( "flagbearer_mantled" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
level endon( "flagbearer_mantled" );
// wait till mantle start
while( self.origin[2] <= 1611 )
wait( 0.05 );
filename = "scriptgen/ber3b_output.gsc";
file = openfile( filename, "write" );
fprintln( file, "orgs = []\;" );
fprintln( file, "times = []\;" );
lastOrigin = self.origin;
lastTime = GetTime();
arrayIndex = 0;
while( 1 )
if( self.origin != lastOrigin )
originPrintStr = "orgs[" + arrayIndex + "] = " + self.origin + "\;";
fprintln( file, originPrintStr );
timeDiffSecs = ( GetTime() - lastTime ) / 1000;
timePrintStr = "times[" + arrayIndex + "] = " + timeDiffSecs + "\;";
fprintln( file, timePrintStr );
lastOrigin = self.origin;
lastTime = GetTime();
wait( 0.1 );
// self = the player holding the flag
roof_flagbearer_shot( animSpot )
flagModel = "viewmodel_russian_flag";
linkTag = "tag_weapon";
animname = "player_interactive";
anime = "outro_playershot";
interactAnim = level.scr_anim[animname][anime];
animNotify = "player_shot_anim";
org = GetStartOrigin( animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, interactAnim );
angles = GetStartAngles( animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, interactAnim );
hands = spawn_anim_model( animname );
level.hands = hands;
hands Hide();
hands.origin = org;
hands.angles = angles;
hands.attachedplayer = self;
self AllowCrouch( false );
self AllowProne( false );
// ent, tag, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc
self lerp_player_view_to_tag( hands, "tag_player", 0.5, 1, 20, 20, 30, 10 );
hands Show(); // show hands model
hands Attach( flagModel, linkTag );
level notify( "flagbearer_shot_start" );
//TUEY Set Music State to ANTHEM
hands AnimScripted( animNotify, animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, interactAnim );
wait( GetAnimLength( interactAnim ) );
//hands flagbearer_interact_notetracks( animNotify );
self Unlink();
hands Detach( flagModel, linkTag );
hands Delete();
self EnableWeapons();
self DisableWeaponCycling();
self DisableOffhandWeapons();
// show flag to coop players too
if( is_coop() )
array_thread( get_players(), ::coop_player_give_flag_weapon );
level notify( "flagbearer_shot_done" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self TakeAllWeapons();
self EnableWeapons();
self GiveWeapon( "russian_flag" );
self SwitchToWeapon( "russian_flag" );
self DisableWeaponCycling();
self DisableOffhandWeapons();
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self EnableWeaponCycling();
self EnableOffhandWeapons();
self DisableWeapons();
roof_outro_aianims( animSpot )
anime_playerShot = "outro_playershot";
anime_sargeIdle = "outro_beckon_idle";
anime_playerplantflag = "outro_playerplantflag";
guy = Spawn( "script_model", animSpot.origin );
guy Hide();
guy maps\ber3b_anim::setup_axis_char_model();
// make him always have a helmet
hatModel = "char_ger_wermacht_helm1";
if( IsDefined( guy.hatModel ) )
if( guy.hatModel != hatModel )
guy Detach( guy.hatModel, "" );
guy.hatModel = hatModel;
guy Attach( guy.hatModel, "" );
guy.hatModel = hatModel;
guy Attach( guy.hatModel, "" );
guy MakeFakeAI(); = "axis";
guy UseAnimTree( #animtree );
guy.animname = "roof_flagbearer_shooter";
animRef = level.scr_anim[guy.animname][anime_playerShot];
weaponModel = "walther";
guy Attach( "weapon_ger_walther_pistol", "tag_weapon_right" );
guy.origin = GetStartOrigin( animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, animRef );
guy.angles = GetStartAngles( animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, animRef );
// put sarge in the scene too
level.sarge thread clear_force_color();
level.sarge.animname = "sarge";
sarge_animRef = level.scr_anim[level.sarge.animname][anime_playerShot];
level.sarge.victim = guy;
//level.sarge.origin = GetStartOrigin( animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, sarge_animRef );
//level.sarge.angles = GetStartOrigin( animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, sarge_animRef );
actors[0] = guy;
actors[1] = level.sarge;
level waittill( "flagbearer_shot_start" );
//TUEY Set Music State to ANTHEM
level.sarge Hide();
//guy Show();
level thread delayed_show_guy( guy, 0.1 );
guy thread german_outro_notetracks();
level.sarge thread sarge_give_knife();
level.sarge thread sarge_outro_notetracks( "single anim" );
animSpot anim_single( actors, anime_playerShot );
animSpot thread anim_loop_solo( level.sarge, anime_sargeIdle, undefined, "flagbearer_plant_start" );
// "The honor should be yours..."
level.sarge playsound_generic_facial( "Ber3B_IGD_059A_REZN" );
//Kevin adding flag plant loop
walla_loop = getent("charge_walla", "targetname");
cheer_sound = getent("charge_on", "targetname");
walla_loop playloopsound("ura_loop",5);
level waittill( "flagbearer_plant_start" );
//Kevin adding loop stop and flag plant
walla_loop stoploopsound(1);
cheer_sound playsound("ura_cheer");
cheer_sound playsound("flag_plant");
animSpot anim_single_solo( level.sarge, anime_playerplantflag );
delayed_show_guy( guy, delay_time )
wait( delay_time );
guy Show();
self waittillmatch( "single anim", "fire" );
level thread roof_flagbearer_shot_reaction( self );
self waittillmatch( "single anim", "start_reznov" );
level.sarge Show();
self waittillmatch( "single anim", "detach_pistol" );
self Detach( "weapon_ger_walther_pistol", "tag_weapon_right" );
pistol = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( "tag_weapon_right" ) );
pistol.angles = self GetTagAngles( "tag_weapon_right" );
pistol SetModel( "weapon_ger_walther_pistol" );
roof_flagbearer_shot_reaction( shooter )
// "DMITRI!"
level.sarge thread playsound_generic_facial( "Ber3B_IGD_058A_REZN" );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["rifleflash"], shooter, "tag_flash" );
wait( 0.075 * GetTimescale() );
level.lastFlagBearer ViewKick( 1, shooter.origin );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["pistol_shelleject"], shooter, "tag_brass" );
VisionSetNaked( "ber3b_end", 1 );
//setVolFog( 0, 1265, 390, 0, 0.475, 0.496, 0.499, 0 );
self Detach( "weapon_rus_ppsh_smg", "tag_weapon_right" );
self Attach( "weapon_rus_reznov_knife", "tag_weapon_right" );
sarge_outro_notetracks( animNotify, ender )
self endon( "death" );
if( IsDefined( ender ) )
self endon( ender );
while( 1 )
self waittill( animNotify, note );
if( IsDefined( note ) )
if( IsSubStr( note, "timescale_" ) )
timescale = stringToFloat( GetSubStr( note, 10 ) );
if( IsDefined( timescale ) && timescale > 0 )
do_timescale( timescale );
else if( note == "glint" )
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["knife_glint"], self, "tag_fx" );
else if( note == "strike" )
if ( is_mature() )
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["knife_slash_blood"], self, "tag_fx" );
//Kevin commenting out because I'm using notetracker special stuff
//self.victim PlaySound( "bullet_large_flesh" );
else if( note == "stab" )
self thread outro_stab_fx();
else if( note == "pull_out" )
self thread outro_pullout_fx();
else if( note == "pole_sparks" )
level notify( "pole_sparks" );
PlayFX( level._effect["knife_sparks"], self GetTagOrigin( "tag_fx" ) );
else if( note == "flagplant" )
level notify( "player_interact_flag_detach" );
do_timescale( timescale )
SetTimeScale( timescale );
forward = AnglesToForward( ( self.victim GetTagAngles( "tag_eye" ) ) );
fxTag = "J_Spine4";
if ( is_mature() )
PlayFX( level._effect["knife_slash_blood"], self.victim GetTagOrigin( fxTag ), forward );
self.victim PlaySound( "bullet_large_flesh" );
forward = AnglesToForward( ( self GetTagAngles( "tag_eye" ) ) );
fxTag = "J_SpineLower";
if ( is_mature() )
PlayFX( level._effect["knife_stab_blood"], self.victim GetTagOrigin( fxTag ), forward );
//Kevin commenting out because I'm using notetracker special stuff
//self.victim PlaySound( "bullet_large_flesh" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.1, 0.2 ) * GetTimescale() );
if ( is_mature() )
PlayFX( level._effect["knife_stab_blood"], self.victim GetTagOrigin( fxTag ), ( forward * -1 ) );
//Kevin commenting out because I'm using notetracker special stuff
//self.victim PlaySound( "bullet_large_flesh" );
self thread outro_knife_blood_drips();
level endon( "pole_sparks" );
while( 1 )
if ( is_mature() )
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["knife_blood_drip"], self, "tag_fx" );
wait( 1.1 );
// self = the player holding the flag
roof_flagbearer_plant( animSpot )
flagModel = "viewmodel_russian_flag";
linkTag = "tag_weapon";
animname = "player_interactive";
anime = "outro_playerplantflag";
interactAnim = level.scr_anim[animname][anime];
animNotify = "player_plant_anim";
self EnableWeaponCycling();
self EnableOffhandWeapons();
self DisableWeapons();
if( is_coop() )
array_thread( get_players(), ::coop_player_take_flag_weapon );
org = GetStartOrigin( animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, interactAnim );
angles = GetStartAngles( animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, interactAnim );
hands = spawn_anim_model( animname );
hands Hide();
level.hands = hands;
hands.origin = org;
hands.angles = angles;
hands.attachedplayer = self;
self AllowCrouch( false );
self AllowProne( false );
// ent, tag, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc
self lerp_player_view_to_tag( hands, "tag_player", 0.5, 1, 20, 20, 10, 10 );
hands Show();
hands Attach( flagModel, linkTag );
level notify( "flagbearer_plant_start" );
hands thread flag_detach( linkTag, flagModel );
hands AnimScripted( animNotify, animSpot.origin, animSpot.angles, interactAnim );
wait( GetAnimLength( interactAnim ) );
//hands flagbearer_interact_notetracks( animNotify );
self Unlink();
// link player to last position
lockOrigin = Spawn( "script_origin", self.origin );
lockOrigin.angles = self GetPlayerAngles();
self PlayerLinkTo( lockOrigin, undefined, 1.0, 20, 20, 20, 0 );
hands Delete();
level notify( "flagbearer_plant_done" );
flag_detach( linkTag, flagModel )
level waittill( "player_interact_flag_detach" );
// spawn a new flag to sit on the edge of the building
flag = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( linkTag ) );
flag.angles = self GetTagAngles( linkTag );
flag SetModel( flagModel );
self Detach( flagModel, linkTag );
do_gradual_timescale( time, startSpeed, endSpeed )
level notify( "scaling" );
level endon("scaling");
currTime = 0;
for( ;; )
currSpeed = startSpeed + ((currTime/time)*(endSpeed-startSpeed));
SetTimeScale( currSpeed );
wait( 0.05 );
currTime += 0.05;
if( currTime == time )
flagbearer_interact_notetracks( msg )
self endon( "death" );
while( 1 )
self waittill( msg, notetrack );
if( notetrack == "end" )
// self = a plane
finale_plane(plane_pos, angles_to)
//self SetPlaneGoalPos( ( 384, 11632, 4104 ), (0, 25, 0), 350 );
//self waittill( "curve_end" );
self SetPlaneGoalPos( plane_pos, angles_to, 300 );
self playsound ("plane_fly_by");
wait( 20 );
if( IsDefined( self ) )
self Delete();
// --- INJURED WALK ---
// IW steez
// self = a player
level.allow_fall = true;
level.player_speed = 50; // TODO make local to only one player
level.ground_ref_ent = Spawn( "script_model", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
// TODO do death countdown
self thread player_speed_over_time();
self thread player_heartbeat();
self AllowSprint( false );
self PlayerSetGroundReferenceEnt( level.ground_ref_ent );
if( is_coop() )
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] PlayerSetGroundReferenceEnt( level.ground_ref_ent );
self AllowJump( false );
self AllowCrouch( false );
self AllowProne( false );
//self thread player_jump_punishment();
self thread limp();
// TODO make local to only one player
while( 1 )
self SetMoveSpeedScale( level.player_speed / 190 );
wait( 10 );
if ( level.player_speed < 30 )
level endon( "player_raising_flag" );
level endon( "stop_heart" );
wait 3;
while( true )
if ( !flag( "fall" ) )
self thread play_sound_on_entity( "breathing_heartbeat" );
wait 0.05;
self PlayRumbleOnEntity( "damage_light" );
wait .8;
wait ( 0 + randomfloat (0.1) );
if ( randomint(50) > level.player_speed )
wait randomfloat(1);
level endon( "player_raising_flag" );
wait 1;
while( 1 )
wait 0.05;
if ( self IsOnGround() )
wait 0.2;
if ( self IsOnGround() )
level notify( "stop_stumble" );
wait 0.2;
self fall();
level endon( "player_raising_flag" );
level endon( "stop_stumble" );
if ( !level.allow_fall )
flag_set( "fall" );
// changed to crouch, since we can't prone with the flag
self setstance( "crouch" );
self thread play_sound_on_entity( "bodyfall_gravel_large" );
level.ground_ref_ent thread stumble( ( 20, 10, 30 ), .2, 1.5, true );
wait .2;
//set_vision_set( "aftermath_pain", 0 ); // TODO reconstitute
self PlayRumbleOnEntity( "grenade_rumble" );
self AllowStand( false );
//self AllowCrouch( false );
self ViewKick( 127, self.origin );
//self shellshock( "aftermath_fall", 3); // TODO reconstitute
level notify( "slowview", 3.5 );
// self PlayRumbleloopOnEntity( "damage_heavy" ); // TODO reconstitute
wait 1.5;
flag_set( "fall" );
self thread recover();
self play_sound_in_space( "sprint_gasp" );
self play_sound_in_space( "breathing_hurt_start" );
self play_sound_in_space( "breathing_better" );
//set_vision_set( "aftermath", 5 ); // TODO reconstitute
self play_sound_on_entity( "breathing_better" );
flag_clear( "fall" );
self AllowStand( true );
self AllowCrouch( true );
level notify( "recovered" );
angles = self adjust_angles_to_player( ( -5, -5, 0 ) );
level.ground_ref_ent RotateTo( angles, .6, 0.6, 0 );
level.ground_ref_ent waittill( "rotatedone" );
angles = self adjust_angles_to_player( ( -15, -20, 0 ) );
level.ground_ref_ent RotateTo( angles, 2.5, 0, 2.5 );
level.ground_ref_ent waittill( "rotatedone" );
angles = self adjust_angles_to_player( ( 5, 5, 0 ) );
level.ground_ref_ent RotateTo( angles, 2.5, 2, 0.5 );
level.ground_ref_ent waittill( "rotatedone" );
level.ground_ref_ent RotateTo( ( 0, 0, 0 ), 1, 0.2, 0.8 );
level endon( "player_raising_flag" );
stumble = 0;
alt = 0;
while( 1 )
velocity = self GetVelocity();
player_speed = abs( velocity [0] ) + abs( velocity[1] );
if ( player_speed < 10 )
wait( 0.05 );
speed_multiplier = player_speed / level.player_speed;
p = RandomFloatRange( 3, 5 );
if ( RandomInt(100) < 20 )
p *= 3;
r = RandomFloatRange( 3, 7 );
y = RandomFloatRange( -8, -2 );
stumble_angles = ( p, y, r );
stumble_angles = vector_multiply( stumble_angles, speed_multiplier );
stumble_time = RandomFloatRange( .35, .45 );
recover_time = RandomFloatRange( .65, .8 );
if ( speed_multiplier > 1.3 )
self thread stumble( stumble_angles, stumble_time, recover_time );
level waittill( "recovered" );
stumble( stumble_angles, stumble_time, recover_time, no_notify)
level endon( "player_raising_flag" );
level endon( "stop_stumble" );
stumble_angles = self adjust_angles_to_player( stumble_angles );
level.ground_ref_ent RotateTo( stumble_angles, stumble_time, (stumble_time/4*3), (stumble_time/4) );
level.ground_ref_ent waittill( "rotatedone" );
base_angles = ( RandomFloat( 4 ) - 4, RandomFloat( 5 ), 0 );
base_angles = self adjust_angles_to_player( base_angles );
level.ground_ref_ent RotateTo( base_angles, recover_time, 0, ( recover_time / 2 ) );
level.ground_ref_ent waittill( "rotatedone" );
if ( !IsDefined( no_notify ) )
level notify( "recovered" );
adjust_angles_to_player( stumble_angles )
pa = stumble_angles[0];
ra = stumble_angles[2];
rv = AnglesToRight( self.angles );
fv = AnglesToForward( self.angles );
rva = ( rv[0], 0, rv[1]*-1 );
fva = ( fv[0], 0, fv[1]*-1 );
angles = vector_multiply( rva, pa );
angles = angles + vector_multiply( fva, ra );
return angles + ( 0, stumble_angles[1], 0 );
// --- JESSE PLANES ---
level waittill ("spawnvehiclegroup0");
wait 0.1;
il2_1 = getent("il2_1","targetname");
il2_2 = getent("il2_2","targetname");
il2_1 thread burst1_think();
il2_2 thread burst2_think();
//Kevins playsound
il2_1 playsound("plane_fly_by");
il2_2 playsound("plane_fly_by");
level waittill ("spawnvehiclegroup1");
wait 0.1;
thread outside_plane_sweep();
self endon ("death");
wait 2;
//Kevin Sending ent name to the client side and client notify
plane_gun1 = getent("il2_1", "targetname");
plane_gun1 transmittargetname();
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(10);
wait 0.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 1.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 0.75;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
self endon ("death");
wait 2;
//Kevin Sending ent name to the client side and client notify
plane_gun2 = getent("il2_2", "targetname");
plane_gun2 transmittargetname();
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(10);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 0.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
for (i = 0; i < fire_times; i++)
playfxontag (level._effect["plane_tracers"], self, "tag_gunleft");
wait 0.07;
playfxontag (level._effect["plane_tracers"], self, "tag_gunright");
wait 0.1;
thread il2_3_plane_sweep_think();
thread il2_4_plane_sweep_think();
thread il2_5_plane_sweep_think();
thread stuka2_plane_sweep_think();
il2_3 = getent("il2_3","targetname");
il2_3 thread burst4_think();
il2_3 setplanegoalpos( (1152, 8384, 3360), (0, 180, 90), 180 );
//Kevins playsound
il2_3 playsound("plane_fly_by");
il2_3 waittill("curve_end");
il2_3 setplanegoalpos( (-10848, 23856, 3176), (0, 90, 0), 200 );
wait 20;
il2_3 delete();
// banks away
il2_4 = getent("il2_5","targetname");
il2_4 setplanegoalpos( (1152, 8384, 3360), (0, 180, 90), 180 );
//Kevins playsound
il2_4 playsound("plane_fly_by");
il2_4 waittill("curve_end");
il2_4 setplanegoalpos( (-15848, 1112, 1728), (0, 210, 60), 200 );
wait 20;
il2_4 delete();
il2_5 = getent("il2_4","targetname");
il2_5 thread burst3_think();
il2_5 setplanegoalpos( (1152, 8384, 3360), (0, 180, 90), 180 );
//Kevins playsound
il2_5 playsound("plane_fly_by");
il2_5 waittill("curve_end");
il2_5 setplanegoalpos( (-10848, 23856, 10176), (0, 210, 60), 200 );
wait 20;
il2_5 delete();
stuka2 = getent("stuka2","targetname");
stuka2 setplanegoalpos( (1152, 8384, 3360), (0, 180, 90), 180 );
//Kevins playsound
stuka2 playsound("plane_fly_by");
stuka2 waittill("curve_end");
stuka2 setplanegoalpos( (-10848, 23856, 4176), (0, 90, 0), 200 );
wait 20;
stuka2 delete();
self endon ("death");
wait 4;
//Kevin Sending ent name to the client side and client notify
plane_gun3 = getent("il2_4", "targetname");
plane_gun3 transmittargetname();
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
wait 0.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 1.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 0.75;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 1.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 1.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(4);
wait 0.75;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
self endon ("death");
wait 3;
//Kevin Sending ent name to the client side and client notify
plane_gun4 = getent("il2_3", "targetname");
plane_gun4 transmittargetname();
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
wait 0.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(4);
wait 0.75;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(3);
wait 1.5;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(7);
wait 1;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(4);
wait 0.75;
self thread plane_fake_fire_loop(5);