* Super important to allow dedicated servers to continue forever without needing to add Terminal.
* To facilitate understanding, add gametype dog-ears to the vote screen!
* To do the above, add V_DrawDiag! Works in GL, too!!
* Unrelated shit!
* Fix a buffer overrun in the randmapbuffer!
* Disable spectating in splitscreen... Not 100% sure, but in 2p battle, if you spectate, you just lose one balloon and respawn...
* Improve all the string drawing functions' behaviour - both with being SLIGHTLY clipped by the edge of the screen, and when confronted with drawing off the base 320*200 internal area
* PRETTY SURE I fixed that bastardacious issue with multiple shield items disappearing at once. Done via introducing lastlook to store the updated count.
* Fix an issue with incorrect scale setting for shield items.
* Clean up a bunch of weird shit with regards to setting of hnext/hprev chains. (Why does the player go on the opposite end to the direction you enter the chain from...)
* Repair hnext chain on mobjremoval as well. May or may not remove the need for overlay/shadow thinkers; too tired/excited to dig into that atm.
(no, actually, what I'm doing here is pushing my very first change: A .bat for the gitignore, so that I can keep my compilation script in the same folder as executables.)
- Peelout sound for sneaker boosts
- Flicky grab sound for stealing balloons
- Adaptive sounds for start boosts (drift boost for sub-optimal boosts, sneaker boost for good boosts, super transform sound for the frame perfect boost)
- Orbinaut rollling sound
Karma items can hand out x10 banana, and being ahead in Battle is way more focused on removing just your defensive options than making all of your options Orbinaut/Banana/Eggman (there'll still be a lot of those, but it doesn't lower the chance of the other items too badly).
Also tweaked a weird splitscreen check in HWR_DrawSpriteShadow; still investigating whether stplyr is ever not player 2 when it's player 2's view, but this looks better for now
- SPB multiplier depending on 1st-2nd distance
- Removed the Battle-only k_poweritemtimer (hold over from when you could easily get invuln items all of the time), replaced it with a 2 invincibility item cap in ALL modes.
- Spinout is affected by boosters, *properly*
- Can no longer strafe while spinning out on speed bumps
- Messed with how other items interact with speed bumps, again.
- Old bounce code has been ported for non-players
- Fixed Karma players being able to do anything after the round has ended.
- Fixed sneaker and spinout timer weirdness
- Fixed Mines still being hold-use
- Fixed rubber-burn turn not working
- Removed redundant k_spinout and unused k_boosting variables
- Filled out the Color_Opposite table with Kart's new colors. Not really relevant right now (besides some extra Lua functionality) since nothing uses it, but will be nice for if we do the signpost from the sky idea.
- More Jawz states for later
- Jawz orbit their user in the right direction now.
- Banana trails made closer to each other
- wheels.lua hardcoded
- All held items take a double press, for consistency.
- Fixed Karma Items not being able to be collected by invincibility or hyudoro users