
1053 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "quakedef.h"
#include "shader.h"
//urm, yeah, this is more than just parse.
#ifdef Q3CLIENT
#include "clq3defs.h"
#define SHOWSTRING(s) if(cl_shownet.value==2)Con_Printf ("%s\n", s);
#define SHOWNET(x) if(cl_shownet.value==2)Con_Printf ("%3i:%s\n", msg_readcount-1, x);
#define SHOWNET2(x, y) if(cl_shownet.value==2)Con_Printf ("%3i:%3i:%s\n", msg_readcount-1, y, x);
void MSG_WriteBits(sizebuf_t *msg, int value, int bits);
ClientConnectionState_t ccs;
qboolean CG_FillQ3Snapshot(int snapnum, snapshot_t *snapshot)
int i;
clientSnap_t *snap;
if (snapnum > ccs.serverMessageNum)
Host_EndGame("CG_FillQ3Snapshot: snapshotNumber > cl.snap.serverMessageNum");
if (ccs.serverMessageNum - snapnum >= Q3UPDATE_BACKUP)
return false; // too old
snap = &ccs.snapshots[snapnum & Q3UPDATE_MASK];
if(!snap->valid || snap->serverMessageNum != snapnum)
return false; // invalid
memcpy(&snapshot->ps, &snap->playerstate, sizeof(snapshot->ps));
snapshot->numEntities = snap->numEntities;
for (i=0; i<snapshot->numEntities; i++)
memcpy(&snapshot->entities[i], &ccs.parseEntities[(snap->firstEntity+i) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK], sizeof(snapshot->entities[0]));
memcpy( &snapshot->areamask, snap->areabits, sizeof( snapshot->areamask ) );
snapshot->snapFlags = snap->snapFlags;
snapshot->ping = snap->ping;
snapshot->serverTime = snap->serverTime;
snapshot->numServerCommands = snap->serverCommandNum;
snapshot->serverCommandSequence = ccs.lastServerCommandNum;
return true;
void CLQ3_ParseServerCommand(void)
int number;
char *string;
number = MSG_ReadLong();
SHOWNET(va("%i", number));
string = MSG_ReadString();
if( number <= ccs.lastServerCommandNum )
return; // we have already received this command
if( number > ccs.lastServerCommandNum+TEXTCMD_MASK-1 )
Con_Printf("Warning: Lost %i reliable serverCommands\n",
number - ccs.lastServerCommandNum );
// archive the command to be processed by cgame later
Q_strncpyz( ccs.serverCommands[number & TEXTCMD_MASK], string, sizeof( ccs.serverCommands[0] ) );
Parses deltas from the given base and adds the resulting entity
to the current frame
static void CLQ3_DeltaEntity( clientSnap_t *frame, int newnum, q3entityState_t *old, qboolean unchanged )
q3entityState_t *state;
state = &ccs.parseEntities[ccs.firstParseEntity & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];
if( unchanged )
memcpy( state, old, sizeof(*state) ); // don't read any bits
if (!MSG_Q3_ReadDeltaEntity(old, state, newnum)) // the entity present in oldframe is not in the current frame
An svc_packetentities has just been parsed, deal with the
rest of the data stream.
static void CLQ3_ParsePacketEntities( clientSnap_t *oldframe, clientSnap_t *newframe )
int numentities;
int oldnum;
int newnum;
q3entityState_t *oldstate;
oldstate = NULL;
newframe->firstEntity = ccs.firstParseEntity;
newframe->numEntities = 0;
// delta from the entities present in oldframe
numentities = 0;
if( !oldframe )
oldnum = 99999;
else if( oldframe->numEntities <= 0 )
oldnum = 99999;
oldstate = &ccs.parseEntities[oldframe->firstEntity & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];
oldnum = oldstate->number;
while( 1 )
newnum = MSG_ReadBits( GENTITYNUM_BITS );
if( newnum < 0 || newnum >= MAX_GENTITIES )
Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParsePacketEntities: bad number %i", newnum);
if( msg_readcount > net_message.cursize )
Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParsePacketEntities: end of message");
// end of packetentities
if( newnum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
while( oldnum < newnum )
// one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged
SHOWSTRING( va( "unchanged: %i", oldnum ) );
CLQ3_DeltaEntity( newframe, oldnum, oldstate, true );
if( numentities >= oldframe->numEntities )
oldnum = 99999;
oldstate = &ccs.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + numentities) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];
oldnum = oldstate->number;
if( oldnum == newnum )
// delta from previous state
SHOWSTRING( va( "delta: %i", newnum ) );
CLQ3_DeltaEntity( newframe, newnum, oldstate, false );
if( numentities >= oldframe->numEntities )
oldnum = 99999;
oldstate = &ccs.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + numentities) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];
oldnum = oldstate->number;
if( oldnum > newnum )
// delta from baseline
SHOWSTRING( va( "baseline: %i", newnum ) );
CLQ3_DeltaEntity( newframe, newnum, &ccs.baselines[newnum], false );
// any remaining entities in the old frame are copied over
while( oldnum != 99999 )
// one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged
SHOWSTRING( va( "unchanged: %i", oldnum ) );
CLQ3_DeltaEntity( newframe, oldnum, oldstate, true );
if( numentities >= oldframe->numEntities )
oldnum = 99999;
oldstate = &ccs.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + numentities) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];
oldnum = oldstate->number;
void CLQ3_ParseSnapshot(void)
clientSnap_t snap, *oldsnap;
int delta;
int len;
int i;
outframe_t *frame;
// usercmd_t *ucmd;
// int commandTime;
memset(&snap, 0, sizeof(snap));
snap.serverMessageNum = ccs.serverMessageNum;
snap.serverCommandNum = ccs.lastServerCommandNum;
snap.serverTime = MSG_ReadLong();
snap.localTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
// If the frame is delta compressed from data that we
// no longer have available, we must suck up the rest of
// the frame, but not use it, then ask for a non-compressed message
delta = MSG_ReadByte();
snap.deltaFrame = ccs.serverMessageNum - delta;
oldsnap = &ccs.snapshots[snap.deltaFrame & Q3UPDATE_MASK];
// should never happen
Con_Printf( "Delta from invalid frame (not supposed to happen!).\n");
else if( oldsnap->serverMessageNum != snap.deltaFrame )
// The frame that the server did the delta from
// is too old, so we can't reconstruct it properly.
Con_Printf( "Delta frame too old.\n" );
else if(ccs.firstParseEntity - oldsnap->firstEntity >
Con_Printf( "Delta parse_entities too old.\n" );
snap.valid = true; // valid delta parse
oldsnap = NULL;
snap.deltaFrame = -1;
snap.valid = true; // uncompressed frame
// read snapFlags
snap.snapFlags = MSG_ReadByte();
// read areabits
len = MSG_ReadByte();
MSG_ReadData(snap.areabits, len );
// read playerinfo
MSG_Q3_ReadDeltaPlayerstate(oldsnap ? &oldsnap->playerstate : NULL, &snap.playerstate);
// read packet entities
SHOWSTRING("packet entities");
CLQ3_ParsePacketEntities(oldsnap, &snap);
if (!snap.valid)
// cl.adjustTimeDelta = true;
// Find last usercmd server has processed and calculate snap.ping
snap.ping = 3;
for (i=cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-1 ; i>cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-Q3UPDATE_BACKUP ; i--)
frame = &cl.outframes[i & Q3UPDATE_MASK];
if (frame->server_message_num == snap.deltaFrame)
snap.ping = Sys_Milliseconds() - frame->client_time;
memcpy(&ccs.snap, &snap, sizeof(snap));
memcpy(&ccs.snapshots[ccs.serverMessageNum & Q3UPDATE_MASK], &snap, sizeof(snap));
SHOWSTRING(va("snapshot:%i delta:%i ping:%i", snap.serverMessageNum, snap.deltaFrame, snap.ping));
#define MAXCHUNKSIZE 2048
void CLQ3_ParseDownload(void)
unsigned int chunknum;
static unsigned int downloadsize;
unsigned int chunksize;
unsigned char chunkdata[MAXCHUNKSIZE];
int i;
char *s;
chunknum = (unsigned short) MSG_ReadShort();
if (downloadsize >= MAXCHUNKSIZE*0xffff)
chunknum |= ccs.downloadchunknum&0x10000; //add the chunk number, truncated by the network protocol.
if (!chunknum)
downloadsize = MSG_ReadLong();
Cvar_SetValue( Cvar_Get("cl_downloadSize", "0", 0, "Download stuff"), downloadsize );
if (downloadsize == (unsigned int)-1)
s = MSG_ReadString();
Con_Printf("\nDownload refused:\n %s\n", s);
chunksize = MSG_ReadShort();
if (chunksize > MAXCHUNKSIZE)
Host_EndGame("Server sent a download chunk of size %i (it's too damn big!)\n", chunksize);
for (i = 0; i < chunksize; i++)
chunkdata[i] = MSG_ReadByte();
if (ccs.downloadchunknum != chunknum) //the q3 client is rather lame.
{ //ccs.downloadchunknum holds the chunk number.
return; //let the server try again some time
if (!cls.downloadqw)
if (!*cls.downloadtempname)
Con_Printf("Server sending download, but no download was requested\n");
cls.downloadmethod = DL_NONE;
FS_CreatePath(cls.downloadtempname, FS_ROOT);
cls.downloadqw = FS_OpenVFS(cls.downloadtempname, "wb", FS_ROOT);
if (!cls.downloadqw)
Con_Printf("Couldn't write to temporary file %s - stopping download\n", cls.downloadtempname);
cls.downloadmethod = DL_NONE;
Con_Printf("dl: chnk %i, size %i, csize %i\n", chunknum, downloadsize, chunksize);
if (!chunksize)
cls.downloadqw = NULL;
FS_Rename(cls.downloadtempname, cls.downloadlocalname, FS_ROOT); // ->
*cls.downloadtempname = *cls.downloadlocalname = *cls.downloadremotename = 0;
cls.downloadmethod = DL_NONE;
cl.servercount = -1; //make sure the server resends us that vital gamestate.
ccs.downloadchunknum = -1;
VFS_WRITE(cls.downloadqw, chunkdata, chunksize);
// Con_Printf("Recieved %i\n", chunksize);
cls.downloadpercent = (100.0 * chunksize) / downloadsize;
CLQ3_SendClientCommand("nextdl %i", chunknum);
qboolean CLQ3_SystemInfoChanged(char *str)
qboolean usingpure, usingcheats;
char *value;
char *pc, *pn;
char *rc, *rn;
Con_Printf("Server's sv_pure: \"%s\"\n", Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_pure"));
usingpure = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_pure"));
usingcheats = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_cheats"));
Cvar_ForceCheatVars(usingpure||usingcheats, usingcheats);
// if (atoi(value))
// Host_EndGame("Unable to connect to Q3 Pure Servers\n");
value = Info_ValueForKey(str, "fs_game");
if (!sv.state)
if (!*value)
value = "baseq3";
Info_SetValueForStarKey (svs.info, "*gamedir", value, MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING);
if (usingpure)
rc = Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_referencedPaks"); //the ones that we should download.
rn = Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_referencedPakNames");
char crc[64];
vfsfile_t *f;
rc = COM_ParseOut(rc, crc, sizeof(crc));
rn = COM_Parse(rn);
if (!*com_token)
if (!strchr(com_token, '/')) //don't let some muppet tell us to download quake3.exe
//as much as I'd like to use COM_FCheckExists, this stuf is relative to root, not the gamedir.
f = FS_OpenVFS(va("%s.pk3", com_token), "rb", FS_ROOT);
if (f)
if (!FS_GenCachedPakName(va("%s.pk3", com_token), crc, cls.downloadlocalname, sizeof(cls.downloadlocalname)))
f = FS_OpenVFS(cls.downloadlocalname, "rb", FS_ROOT);
if (f)
if (!FS_GenCachedPakName(va("%s.tmp", com_token), crc, cls.downloadtempname, sizeof(cls.downloadtempname)))
//fixme: request to download it
Con_Printf("Sending request to download %s\n", com_token);
CLQ3_SendClientCommand("download %s.pk3", com_token);
ccs.downloadchunknum = 0;
//q3's downloads are relative to root, but they do at least force a pk3 extension.
snprintf(cls.downloadremotename, sizeof(cls.downloadremotename), "%s.pk3", com_token);
cls.downloadmethod = DL_Q3;
cls.downloadpercent = 0;
return false;
pc = Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_paks"); //the ones that we are allowed to use (in order!)
pn = Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_pakNames");
FS_PureMode(2, pn, pc, ccs.fs_key);
FS_PureMode(0, NULL, NULL, ccs.fs_key);
return true; //yay, we're in
void CLQ3_ParseGameState(void)
int c;
int index;
char *configString;
cvar_t *cl_paused;
// wipe the client_state_t struct
cl.minpitch = -90;
cl.maxpitch = 90;
ccs.lastServerCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong();
ccs.currentServerCommandNum = ccs.lastServerCommandNum;
c = MSG_ReadByte();
Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseGameState: read past end of server message");
if(c == svcq3_eom)
SHOWNET(va("%i", c));
Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseGameState: bad command byte");
case svcq3_configstring:
index = MSG_ReadBits(16);
if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_Q3_CONFIGSTRINGS)
Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseGameState: configString index %i out of range", index);
configString = MSG_ReadString();
CG_InsertIntoGameState(index, configString);
case svcq3_baseline:
index = MSG_ReadBits(GENTITYNUM_BITS);
if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_GENTITIES)
Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseGameState: baseline index %i out of range", index);
MSG_Q3_ReadDeltaEntity(NULL, &ccs.baselines[index], index);
cl.playerview[0].playernum = MSG_ReadLong();
ccs.fs_key = MSG_ReadLong();
if (!CLQ3_SystemInfoChanged(CG_GetConfigString(CFGSTR_SYSINFO)))
if (!cl.worldmodel)
Host_EndGame("CGame didn't set a map.\n");
cl.model_precaches_added = false;
R_NewMap ();
cl.splitclients = 1;
char buffer[2048];
strcpy(buffer, va("cp %i ", cl.servercount));
FSQ3_GenerateClientPacksList(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ccs.fs_key);
CLQ3_SendClientCommand("%s", buffer); // warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
// load cgame, etc
// CL_ChangeLevel();
cl_paused = Cvar_FindVar("cl_paused");
if (cl_paused && cl_paused->ival)
Cvar_ForceSet(cl_paused, "0");
void CLQ3_ParseServerMessage (void)
int cmd;
if (!CLQ3_Netchan_Process())
return; //was a fragment.
if (cl_shownet.value == 1)
Con_Printf ("%i ",net_message.cursize);
else if (cl_shownet.value == 2)
Con_Printf ("------------------\n");
net_message.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES;
ccs.serverMessageNum = MSG_ReadLong();
net_message.packing = SZ_HUFFMAN; //the rest is huffman compressed.
net_message.currentbit = msg_readcount*8;
// read last client command number server received
ccs.lastClientCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong();
if( ccs.lastClientCommandNum <= ccs.numClientCommands - TEXTCMD_BACKUP )
ccs.lastClientCommandNum = ccs.numClientCommands - TEXTCMD_BACKUP + 1;
else if( ccs.lastClientCommandNum > ccs.numClientCommands )
ccs.lastClientCommandNum = ccs.numClientCommands;
// parse the message
cmd = MSG_ReadByte();
if(msg_badread) //hm, we have an eom, so only stop when the message is bad.
Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseServerMessage: read past end of server message");
if(cmd == svcq3_eom)
SHOWNET(va("%i", cmd));
// other commands
Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseServerMessage: Illegible server message");
case svcq3_nop:
case svcq3_gamestate:
case svcq3_serverCommand:
case svcq3_download:
case svcq3_snapshot:
qboolean CLQ3_Netchan_Process(void)
int sequence;
int lastClientCommandNum;
qbyte bitmask;
qbyte c;
int i, j;
char *string;
int bit;
int readcount;
return false;
// archive buffer state
bit = net_message.currentbit;
readcount = msg_readcount;
net_message.packing = SZ_HUFFMAN;
net_message.currentbit = 32;
lastClientCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong();
sequence = LittleLong(*(int *)net_message.data);
// restore buffer state
net_message.currentbit = bit;
msg_readcount = readcount;
// calculate bitmask
bitmask = (sequence ^ cls.challenge) & 0xff;
string = ccs.clientCommands[lastClientCommandNum & TEXTCMD_MASK];
#ifndef Q3_NOENCRYPT
// decrypt the packet
for(i=msg_readcount+4,j=0 ; i<net_message.cursize ; i++,j++)
j = 0; // another way around
c = string[j];
if(c > 127 || c == '%')
c = '.';
bitmask ^= c << (i & 1);
net_message.data[i] ^= bitmask;
return true;
void CL_Netchan_Transmit( int length, const qbyte *data )
#define msg net_message
int serverid;
int lastSequence;
int lastServerCommandNum;
qbyte bitmask;
qbyte c;
int i, j;
char *string;
net_message.cursize = 0;
SZ_Write(&msg, data, length);
Host_EndGame("Client message overflowed");
msg_readcount = 0;
msg.currentbit = 0;
msg.packing = SZ_HUFFMAN;
serverid = MSG_ReadLong();
lastSequence = MSG_ReadLong();
lastServerCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong();
// calculate bitmask
bitmask = (lastSequence ^ serverid ^ cls.challenge) & 0xff;
string = ccs.serverCommands[lastServerCommandNum & TEXTCMD_MASK];
#ifndef Q3_NOENCRYPT
// encrypt the packet
for( i=12,j=0 ; i<msg.cursize ; i++,j++ )
if( !string[j] )
j = 0; // another way around
c = string[j];
if( c > 127 || c == '%' )
c = '.';
bitmask ^= c << (i & 1);
msg.data[i] ^= bitmask;
Netchan_TransmitQ3( &cls.netchan, msg.cursize, msg.data );
#undef msg
static void MSG_WriteDeltaKey( sizebuf_t *msg, int key, int from, int to, int bits )
if( from == to )
MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );
return; // unchanged
MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );
MSG_WriteBits( msg, to ^ key, bits );
void MSG_Q3_WriteDeltaUsercmd( sizebuf_t *msg, int key, const usercmd_t *from, const usercmd_t *to )
// figure out how to pack serverTime
if( to->servertime - from->servertime < 255 )
MSG_WriteBits(msg, 1, 1);
MSG_WriteBits(msg, to->servertime - from->servertime, 8);
MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );
MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->servertime, 32);
if( !memcmp( (qbyte *)from + 4, (qbyte *)to + 4, sizeof( usercmd_t ) - 4 ) )
MSG_WriteBits(msg, 0, 1);
return; // nothing changed
MSG_WriteBits(msg, 1, 1);
key ^= to->servertime;
MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->angles[0], to->angles[0], 16);
MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->angles[1], to->angles[1], 16);
MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->angles[2], to->angles[2], 16);
MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->forwardmove, to->forwardmove, 8);
MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->sidemove, to->sidemove, 8 );
MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->upmove, to->upmove, 8);
MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->buttons, to->buttons, 16);
MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->weapon, to->weapon, 8);
void VARGS CLQ3_SendClientCommand(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char command[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
va_start( argptr, fmt );
vsnprintf( command, sizeof(command), fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
// create new clientCommand
// check if server will lose some of our clientCommands
if(ccs.numClientCommands - ccs.lastClientCommandNum >= TEXTCMD_BACKUP)
Host_EndGame("Client command overflow");
Q_strncpyz(ccs.clientCommands[ccs.numClientCommands & TEXTCMD_MASK], command, sizeof(ccs.clientCommands[0]));
Con_DPrintf("Sending %s\n", command);
void CLQ3_SendCmd(usercmd_t *cmd)
char *string;
int i;
sizebuf_t msg;
outframe_t *frame, *oldframe;
int cmdcount, key;
usercmd_t *to, *from;
extern int keycatcher;
if (cls.resendinfo)
cls.resendinfo = false;
CLQ3_SendClientCommand("userinfo \"%s\"", cls.userinfo[0]);
ccs.serverTime = ccs.snap.serverTime + (Sys_Milliseconds()-ccs.snap.localTime);
cl.servertime = ccs.serverTime / 1000.0f;
cl.gametime = cl.oldgametime = cl.servertime;
//reuse the q1 array
cmd->servertime = ccs.serverTime;
cmd->weapon = ccs.selected_weapon;
cmd->forwardmove *= 127/400.0f;
cmd->sidemove *= 127/400.0f;
cmd->upmove *= 127/400.0f;
if (cmd->buttons & 2) //jump
cmd->upmove = 100;
cmd->buttons &= ~2;
if (Key_Dest_Has(~kdm_game) || (keycatcher&3))
cmd->buttons |= 2; //add in the 'at console' button
cl.outframes[cl.movesequence&Q3UPDATE_MASK].cmd[0] = *cmd;
frame = &cl.outframes[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & Q3UPDATE_MASK];
frame->cmd_sequence = cl.movesequence;
frame->server_message_num = ccs.serverMessageNum;
frame->server_time = cl.gametime;
frame->client_time = Sys_DoubleTime()*1000;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
msg.maxsize = sizeof(data);
msg.data = data;
msg.packing = SZ_HUFFMAN;
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, cl.servercount, 32);
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, ccs.serverMessageNum, 32);
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, ccs.lastServerCommandNum, 32);
// write clientCommands not acknowledged by server yet
for (i=ccs.lastClientCommandNum+1; i<=ccs.numClientCommands; i++)
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, clcq3_clientCommand, 8);
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, i, 32);
string = ccs.clientCommands[i & TEXTCMD_MASK];
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, *string++, 8);
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, 0, 8);
i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 1);
oldframe = &cl.outframes[i & Q3UPDATE_MASK];
cmdcount = cl.movesequence - oldframe->cmd_sequence;
if (cmdcount > Q3UPDATE_MASK)
cmdcount = Q3UPDATE_MASK;
// begin a client move command, if any
if( cmdcount )
extern cvar_t cl_nodelta;
if(cl_nodelta.value || !ccs.snap.valid ||
ccs.snap.serverMessageNum != ccs.serverMessageNum)
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, clcq3_nodeltaMove, 8); // no compression
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, clcq3_move, 8);
// write cmdcount
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, cmdcount, 8);
// calculate key
string = ccs.serverCommands[ccs.lastServerCommandNum & TEXTCMD_MASK];
key = ccs.fs_key ^ ccs.serverMessageNum ^ StringKey(string, 32);
// send this and the previous cmds in the message, so
// if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered
from = &nullcmd;
for (i = oldframe->cmd_sequence; i < cl.movesequence; i++)
to = &cl.outframes[i&CMD_MASK].cmd[0];
MSG_Q3_WriteDeltaUsercmd( &msg, key, from, to );
from = to;
MSG_WriteBits(&msg, clcq3_eom, 8);
CL_Netchan_Transmit( msg.cursize, msg.data );
void CLQ3_SendAuthPacket(netadr_t *gameserver)
char data[2048];
sizebuf_t msg;
//send the auth packet
//this should be the right code, but it doesn't work.
if (gameserver->type == NA_IP)
char *key = Cvar_Get("cl_cdkey", "", 0, "Quake3 auth")->string;
netadr_t authaddr;
------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4169 | acceptthis | 2013-01-17 08:55:12 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jan 2013) | 31 lines removed MAX_VISEDICTS limit. PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS tweaked, now has 4 million entity limit. still not enabled by default. TE_BEAM now maps to a separate TEQW_BEAM to avoid conflicts with QW. added android multitouch emulation for windows/rawinput (in_simulatemultitouch). split topcolor/bottomcolor from scoreboard, for dp's colormap|1024 feature. now using utf-8 for windows consoles. qcc warnings/errors now give clickable console links for quick+easy editing. disabled menutint when the currently active item changes contrast or gamma (for OneManClan). Added support for drawfont/drawfontscale. tweaked the qcvm a little to reduce the number of pointers. .doll file loading. still experimental and will likely crash. requires csqc active, even if its a dummy progs. this will be fixed in time. Still other things that need cleaning up. windows: gl_font "?" shows the standard windows font-selection dialog, and can be used to select windows fonts. not all work. and you probably don't want to use windings. fixed splitscreen support when playing mvds. added mini-scoreboards to splitscreen. editor/debugger now shows asm if there's no linenumber info. also, pressing f1 for help shows the shortcuts. Added support for .framegroups files for psk(psa) and iqm formats. True support for ezquake's colour codes. Mutually exclusive with background colours. path command output slightly more readable. added support for digest_hex (MD4, SHA1, CRC16). skingroups now colourmap correctly. Fix terrain colour hints, and litdata from the wrong bsp. fix ftp dual-homed issue. support epsv command, and enable ipv6 (eprt still not supported). remove d3d11 compilation from the makefile. the required headers are not provided by mingw, and are not available to the build bot, so don't bother. fix v *= v.x and similar opcodes. fteqcc: fixed support for áéíóú type chars in names. utf-8 files now properly supported (even with the utf-8 bom/identifier). utf-16 also supported. fteqcc: fixed '#if 1 == 3 && 4' parsing. fteqcc: -Werror acts on the warning, rather than as a separate error. Line numbers are thus more readable. fteqcc: copyright message now includes compile date instead. fteqccgui: the treeview control is now coloured depending on whether there were warnings/errors in the last compile. fteqccgui: the output window is now focused and scrolls down as compilation progresses. pr_dumpplatform command dumps out some pragmas to convert more serious warnings to errors. This is to avoid the infamous 'fteqcc sucks cos my code sucks' issue. rewrote prespawn/modelist/soundlist code. server tracks progress now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4167 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2013-03-12 22:29:40 +00:00
#define Q3_AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME "authorize.quake3arena.com:27952"
if (*key)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4169 | acceptthis | 2013-01-17 08:55:12 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jan 2013) | 31 lines removed MAX_VISEDICTS limit. PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS tweaked, now has 4 million entity limit. still not enabled by default. TE_BEAM now maps to a separate TEQW_BEAM to avoid conflicts with QW. added android multitouch emulation for windows/rawinput (in_simulatemultitouch). split topcolor/bottomcolor from scoreboard, for dp's colormap|1024 feature. now using utf-8 for windows consoles. qcc warnings/errors now give clickable console links for quick+easy editing. disabled menutint when the currently active item changes contrast or gamma (for OneManClan). Added support for drawfont/drawfontscale. tweaked the qcvm a little to reduce the number of pointers. .doll file loading. still experimental and will likely crash. requires csqc active, even if its a dummy progs. this will be fixed in time. Still other things that need cleaning up. windows: gl_font "?" shows the standard windows font-selection dialog, and can be used to select windows fonts. not all work. and you probably don't want to use windings. fixed splitscreen support when playing mvds. added mini-scoreboards to splitscreen. editor/debugger now shows asm if there's no linenumber info. also, pressing f1 for help shows the shortcuts. Added support for .framegroups files for psk(psa) and iqm formats. True support for ezquake's colour codes. Mutually exclusive with background colours. path command output slightly more readable. added support for digest_hex (MD4, SHA1, CRC16). skingroups now colourmap correctly. Fix terrain colour hints, and litdata from the wrong bsp. fix ftp dual-homed issue. support epsv command, and enable ipv6 (eprt still not supported). remove d3d11 compilation from the makefile. the required headers are not provided by mingw, and are not available to the build bot, so don't bother. fix v *= v.x and similar opcodes. fteqcc: fixed support for áéíóú type chars in names. utf-8 files now properly supported (even with the utf-8 bom/identifier). utf-16 also supported. fteqcc: fixed '#if 1 == 3 && 4' parsing. fteqcc: -Werror acts on the warning, rather than as a separate error. Line numbers are thus more readable. fteqcc: copyright message now includes compile date instead. fteqccgui: the treeview control is now coloured depending on whether there were warnings/errors in the last compile. fteqccgui: the output window is now focused and scrolls down as compilation progresses. pr_dumpplatform command dumps out some pragmas to convert more serious warnings to errors. This is to avoid the infamous 'fteqcc sucks cos my code sucks' issue. rewrote prespawn/modelist/soundlist code. server tracks progress now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4167 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2013-03-12 22:29:40 +00:00
Con_Printf("Resolving %s\n", Q3_AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME);
if (NET_StringToAdr(Q3_AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME, 0, &authaddr))
msg.data = data;
msg.cursize = 0;
msg.overflowed = msg.allowoverflow = 0;
msg.maxsize = sizeof(data);
MSG_WriteLong(&msg, -1);
MSG_WriteString(&msg, "getKeyAuthorize 0 ");
if ((*key >= 'a' && *key <= 'z') || (*key >= 'A' && *key <= 'Z') || (*key >= '0' && *key <= '9'))
MSG_WriteByte(&msg, *key);
MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 0);
NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, msg.cursize, msg.data, &authaddr);
Con_Printf(" failed\n");
void CLQ3_SendConnectPacket(netadr_t *to)
char data[2048];
char adrbuf[MAX_ADR_SIZE];
sizebuf_t msg;
memset(&ccs, 0, sizeof(ccs));
cl.splitclients = 1;
msg.data = data;
msg.cursize = 0;
msg.overflowed = msg.allowoverflow = 0;
msg.maxsize = sizeof(data);
MSG_WriteLong(&msg, -1);
MSG_WriteString(&msg, va("connect \"\\challenge\\%i\\qport\\%i\\protocol\\%i\\ip\\%s%s\"", cls.challenge, cls.qport, PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q3, NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &net_local_cl_ipadr), cls.userinfo[0]));
Huff_EncryptPacket(&msg, 12);
NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, msg.cursize, msg.data, to);