
489 lines
14 KiB

struct XSPRITE {
//AISTATE* aiState; // ai
uint flags;
native BloodActor target; // target sprite
native BloodActor burnSource;
native Vector3 TargetPos;
native double goalAng; // Dude goal ang
native int sysData1; // used to keep here various system data, so user can't change it in map editor
native int sysData2; //
native int scale; // used for scaling SEQ size on sprites
native uint physAttr; // currently used by additional physics sprites to keep its attributes.
native uint health;
native uint busy;
native int16 data1; // Data 1
native int16 data2; // Data 2
native int16 data3; // Data 3
native uint16 txID; // TX ID
native uint16 rxID; // RX ID
native uint16 command; // Cmd
native uint16 busyTime; // busyTime
native uint16 waitTime; // waitTime
native uint16 data4; // Data 4
native uint16 burnTime;
native uint16 height;
native uint16 stateTimer; // ai timer
native uint8 respawnPending; // respawnPending
native uint8 dropMsg; // Drop Item
native uint8 key; // Key
native uint8 lSkill; // Launch 12345
native uint8 lockMsg; // Lock msg
native int8 dodgeDir; // Dude dodge direction
native uint8 wave; // Wave
native uint8 medium; // medium
native uint8 respawn; // Respawn option
native uint8 modernFlags; // modern flags
native uint8 sightstuff; // something about sight checks
native uint8 patrolturndelay; // patrol turn delay
flagdef internal state: flags, 0;
flagdef internal triggerOn: flags, 1;
flagdef internal triggerOff: flags, 2;
flagdef internal restState: flags, 3;
flagdef internal interruptable: flags, 4;
flagdef internal Decoupled: flags, 5;
flagdef internal triggerOnce: flags, 6;
flagdef internal isTriggered: flags, 7;
flagdef internal Push: flags, 8;
flagdef internal Vector: flags, 9;
flagdef internal Impact: flags, 10;
flagdef internal Pickup: flags, 11;
flagdef internal Touch: flags, 12;
flagdef internal Sight: flags, 13;
flagdef internal Proximity: flags, 14;
flagdef internal lS: flags, 15;
flagdef internal lB: flags, 16;
flagdef internal lT: flags, 17;
flagdef internal lC: flags, 18;
flagdef internal DudeLockout: flags, 19;
flagdef internal locked: flags, 20;
flagdef internal dudeDeaf: flags, 21;
flagdef internal dudeAmbush: flags, 22;
flagdef internal dudeGuard: flags, 23;
flagdef internal dudeFlag4: flags, 24;
flagdef internal patrolstate: flags, 25;
native CollisionData hit, ceilhit, florhit;
native int time;
native uint8 teslaHit;
native uint8 active;
native int prio;
native int thinkTime;
native int birthCounter;
class BloodActor : CoreActor native
meta int defshade;
meta int defpal;
meta double defclipdist;
Property prefix: none;
property shade: defshade;
property pal: defpal;
property clipdist: defclipdist;
enum STAT_ID {
kStatDecoration = 0,
kStatFX = 1,
kStatExplosion = 2,
kStatItem = 3,
kStatThing = 4,
kStatProjectile = 5,
kStatDude = 6,
kStatInactive = 7, // inactive (ambush) dudes
kStatRespawn = 8,
kStatPurge = 9,
kStatMarker = 10,
kStatTraps = 11,
kStatAmbience = 12,
kStatSpares = 13,
kStatFlare = 14,
kStatDebris = 15,
kStatPathMarker = 16,
kStatFree = 1024,
// all callbacks, this is to allow using VM functions for all of them
native void aiMoveDodge();
native void aiMoveForward();
native void aiMoveTurn();
native void aiPodChase();
native void aiPodMove();
native void aiPodSearch();
native void aiThinkTarget();
native void batMoveDodgeDown();
native void batMoveDodgeUp();
native void batMoveFly();
native void batMoveForward();
native void batMoveSwoop();
native void batMoveToCeil();
native void batThinkChase();
native void batThinkGoto();
native void batThinkPonder();
native void batThinkSearch();
native void batThinkTarget();
native void beastMoveForward();
native void beastThinkChase();
native void beastThinkGoto();
native void beastThinkSearch();
native void beastThinkSwimChase();
native void beastThinkSwimGoto();
native void beastMoveSwim();
native void beastMoveSwimAlt();
native void beastMoveIn();
native void burnThinkChase();
native void burnThinkGoto();
native void burnThinkSearch();
native void calebThinkChase();
native void calebThinkGoto();
native void calebThinkSearch();
native void calebThinkSwimChase();
native void calebThinkSwimGoto();
native void cerberusThinkChase();
native void cerberusThinkGoto();
native void cerberusThinkSearch();
native void cerberusThinkTarget();
native void cultThinkChase();
native void cultThinkGoto();
native void cultThinkSearch();
native void eelMoveAscend();
native void eelMoveDodgeDown();
native void eelMoveDodgeUp();
native void eelMoveForward();
native void eelMoveSwoop();
native void eelMoveToCeil();
native void eelThinkChase();
native void eelThinkGoto();
native void eelThinkPonder();
native void eelThinkSearch();
native void eelThinkTarget();
native void entryAIdle();
native void entryEStand();
native void entryEZombie();
native void entryFStatue();
native void entrySStatue();
native void gargMoveDodgeDown();
native void gargMoveDodgeUp();
native void gargMoveFly();
native void gargMoveForward();
native void gargMoveSlow();
native void gargMoveSwoop();
native void gargThinkChase();
native void gargThinkGoto();
native void gargThinkSearch();
native void gargThinkTarget();
native void ghostMoveDodgeDown();
native void ghostMoveDodgeUp();
native void ghostMoveFly();
native void ghostMoveForward();
native void ghostMoveSlow();
native void ghostMoveSwoop();
native void ghostThinkChase();
native void ghostThinkGoto();
native void ghostThinkSearch();
native void ghostThinkTarget();
native void gillThinkChase();
native void gillThinkGoto();
native void gillThinkSearch();
native void gillThinkSwimChase();
native void gillThinkSwimGoto();
native void handThinkChase();
native void handThinkGoto();
native void handThinkSearch();
native void houndThinkChase();
native void houndThinkGoto();
native void houndThinkSearch();
native void innocThinkChase();
native void innocThinkGoto();
native void innocThinkSearch();
native void MorphToBeast();
native void myThinkSearch();
native void myThinkTarget();
native void playStatueBreakSnd();
native void ratThinkChase();
native void ratThinkGoto();
native void ratThinkSearch();
native void spidThinkChase();
native void spidThinkGoto();
native void spidThinkSearch();
native void calebMoveSwimChase();
native void calebSwimUnused();
native void calebSwimMoveIn();
native void gillMoveSwimChase();
native void gillMoveSwimUnused();
native void gillSwimMoveIn();
native void tchernobogThinkSearch();
native void tchernobogThinkTarget();
native void tchernobogThinkGoto();
native void tchernobogThinkChase();
native void zombaThinkChase();
native void zombaThinkGoto();
native void zombaThinkPonder();
native void zombaThinkSearch();
native void zombfThinkChase();
native void zombfThinkGoto();
native void zombfThinkSearch();
native void FireballSeqCallback();
native void Fx33Callback();
native void NapalmSeqCallback();
native void Fx32Callback();
native void TreeToGibCallback();
native void DudeToGibCallback1();
native void DudeToGibCallback2();
native void batBiteSeqCallback();
native void SlashSeqCallback();
native void StompSeqCallback();
native void eelBiteSeqCallback();
native void BurnSeqCallback();
native void SeqAttackCallback();
native void cerberusBiteSeqCallback();
native void cerberusBurnSeqCallback();
native void cerberusBurnSeqCallback2();
native void TommySeqCallback();
native void TeslaSeqCallback();
native void ShotSeqCallback();
native void cultThrowSeqCallback();
native void cultThrowSeqCallback2();
native void cultThrowSeqCallback3();
native void SlashFSeqCallback();
native void ThrowFSeqCallback();
native void BlastSSeqCallback();
native void ThrowSSeqCallback();
native void ghostSlashSeqCallback();
native void ghostThrowSeqCallback();
native void ghostBlastSeqCallback();
native void GillBiteSeqCallback();
native void HandJumpSeqCallback();
native void houndBiteSeqCallback();
native void houndBurnSeqCallback();
native void podPlaySound1();
native void podPlaySound2();
native void podAttack();
native void podExplode();
native void ratBiteSeqCallback();
native void SpidBiteSeqCallback();
native void SpidJumpSeqCallback();
native void SpidBirthSeqCallback();
native void tchernobogFire();
native void tchernobogBurnSeqCallback();
native void tchernobogBurnSeqCallback2();
native void HackSeqCallback();
native void StandSeqCallback();
native void zombfHackSeqCallback();
native void PukeSeqCallback();
native void ThrowSeqCallback();
native void PlayerSurvive();
native void PlayerKneelsOver();
native void FireballTrapSeqCallback();
native void MGunFireSeqCallback();
native void MGunOpenSeqCallback();
native void fxFlameLick(); // 0
native void RemoveActor(); // 1
native void FlareBurst(); // 2
native void fxFlareSpark(); // 3
native void fxFlareSparkLite(); // 4
native void fxZombieBloodSpurt(); // 5
native void fxBloodSpurt(); // 6
native void fxArcSpark(); // 7
native void fxDynPuff(); // 8
native void Respawn(); // 9
native void PlayerBubble(); // 10
native void EnemyBubble(); // 11
native void FinishHim(); // 13
native void fxBloodBits(); // 14
native void fxTeslaAlt(); // 15
native void fxBouncingSleeve(); // 16
native void returnFlagToBase(); // 17
native void fxPodBloodSpray(); // 18
native void fxPodBloodSplat(); // 19
native void LeechStateTimer(); // 20
native void DropVoodooCb(); // unused
native void callbackMakeMissileBlocking(); // 23
native void callbackMissileBurst();
//native void unicultThinkChase();
//native void unicultThinkGoto();
//native void unicultThinkSearch();
//native void forcePunch();
//native void aiGenDudeMoveForward();
//native void genDudeAttack1();
//native void punchCallback();
//native void ThrowCallback1();
//native void ThrowCallback2();
native double dudeSlope;
native readonly bool hasx;
native bool explosionhackflag; // this originally hijacked the target field which is not safe when working with pointers.
native XSPRITE xspr;
native SPRITEHIT hit;
native DUDEEXTRA dudeExtra;
native BloodActor ownerActor; // was previously stored in the sprite's owner field.
// nnext stuff. For now not exported to scripting.
//SPRITEMASS spriteMass;
//GENDUDEEXTRA genDudeExtra;
//TObjPtr<BloodActor> prevmarker; // needed by the nnext marker code. This originally hijacked targetX in XSPRITE
//DVector3 basePoint;
//EventObject condition[2];
// transient data (not written to savegame)
native int cumulDamage;
native bool interpolated;
native void ChangeType(class<BloodActor> newtype);
native static BloodActor InsertSprite(sectortype pSector, int nStat, Class<BloodActor> cls);
native void addX();
native void evPostActorCallback(int delta, VMFunction callback);
native double, double getActorExtents();
native int HitScan(double z, vector3 xyz, int clipmask, double clipdist);
native void impactMissile(int hitcode);
native void play3DSoundID(int soundId, int a3 = -1, int a4 = 0);
native void seqSpawnID(int seqID, VMFunction seqCallbackID);
virtual int getRespawnTime()
return -1; // no respawn by default.
static BloodActor spawnSprite(sectortype pSector, Vector3 pos, int nStat, bool setextra, Class<BloodActor> cls)
let spawned = InsertSprite(pSector, nStat, cls);
spawned.lotag = Raze.getSpawnNum(cls); // we still need this, mapping may not be ambiguous.
if (setextra && !spawned.hasX)
return spawned;
BloodActor dropObject(class<BloodActor> itemtype)
if (!(itemtype is 'BloodItemBase') &&
!(itemtype is 'BloodAmmoBase') &&
!(itemtype is 'BloodWeaponBase')) return null;
let pos = self.pos;
let sector = Raze.updatesector(pos.XY, self.sector);
double c,f;
[c, f] = sector.getSlopes(pos.XY);
let spawned = spawnSprite(sector, (pos.xy, f), kStatItem, false, itemtype);
if (!spawned) return null;
spawned.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL;
spawned.shade = spawned.defshade;
if (itemtype is 'BloodKeyBase' && gGameOptions.nGameType == Blood.kSingleplayer)
spawned.xspr.respawn = 3;
if (itemtype is 'BloodFlagBase' && gGameOptions.nGameType == Blood.kTeamplay)
spawned.evPostActorCallback(1800, returnFlagToBase);
double top, bottom;
[top, bottom] = spawned.GetActorExtents();
if (bottom >= spawned.pos.Z)
spawned.pos.Z -= (bottom - spawned.pos.Z);
return spawned;
BloodActor fireMissile(double xyoff, double zoff, Vector3 dv, class<BloodMissileBase> type)
if (type == null || !(type is 'BloodMissileBase')) return null;
bool impact = false;
Vector3 spawnpos = self.pos + ((self.angle + 90.).ToVector() * xyoff, zoff);
double clipdist = GetDefaultByType(type).defclipdist + self.clipdist;
spawnpos.xy += self.angle.ToVector() * clipdist;
int hit = self.HitScan(spawnpos.Z, (spawnpos.XY - self.pos.XY, 0), CLIPMASK0, clipdist * 4);
if (hit != -1)
if (hit == 3 || hit == 0)
impact = true;
spawnpos.XY = gHitInfo.hitpos.XY - self.angle.ToVector() * 1;
spawnpos.XY = gHitInfo.hitpos.XY - self.angle.ToVector() * GetDefaultByType(type).defclipdist * 2;
let spawned = BloodMissileBase(self.spawnSprite(self.sector, spawnpos, kStatProjectile, true, type));
if (spawned == null) return null;
spawned.cstat2 |= CSTAT2_SPRITE_MAPPED;
spawned.shade = spawned.defshade;
spawned.pal = spawned.defpal;
spawned.clipdist = clipdist;
spawned.flags = 1;
spawned.Angle = self.angle + spawned.angleofs;
spawned.vel = dv.Unit() * spawned.speed;
spawned.ownerActor = self;
spawned.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK;
spawned.xspr.target = null;
spawned.evPostActorCallback(600, RemoveActor);
spawned.initMissile(self); // handle type specific init.
if (impact)
return nullptr;
return spawned;