Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ZDoom/qzdoom-gpl.git synced 2025-03-02 23:01:50 +00:00
Edward Richardson c85105f552 Added cl_showsecretmessage
Controls if secret notifications are displayed (def. true)
2014-10-31 22:50:23 +13:00

1632 lines
45 KiB

// Note:
// Much of the menu structure defined here is accessed internally by CCMDs
// and menu generation code. If you want to design your own menus make sure
// that they are named identically and that links to all important submenus
// are present.
Font "BigFont", "Untranslated"
IfGame(Doom, Chex)
Selector "M_SKULL1", -32, -5
Linespacing 16
Font "BigFont", "Red"
Selector "M_CURS1", -28, -5
Linespacing 19
IfGame(Heretic, Hexen)
Selector "M_SLCTR1", -28, -1
Linespacing 20
// The main menu. There's a lot of differences here between the games
IfGame(Doom, Chex)
StaticPatch 94, 2, "M_DOOM"
Position 97, 72
Position 97, 64
StaticPatch 84, 2, "M_STRIFE"
Position 97, 45
StaticPatch 88, 0, "M_HTIC"
StaticPatch 40, 10, "M_SKL01"
StaticPatch 232, 10, "M_SKL00"
Position 110, 56
StaticPatch 88, 0, "M_HTIC"
StaticPatch 37, 80, "FBULB0"
StaticPatch 278, 80, "FBULA0"
Position 110, 56
IfGame(Doom, Strife, Chex)
PatchItem "M_NGAME", "n", "PlayerclassMenu"
PatchItem "M_LOADG", "l", "LoadGameMenu"
PatchItem "M_SAVEG", "s", "SaveGameMenu"
PatchItem "M_OPTION","o", "OptionsMenu"
PatchItem "M_OPTION","o", "OptionsMenu"
PatchItem "M_LOADG", "l", "LoadGameMenu"
PatchItem "M_SAVEG", "s", "SaveGameMenu"
PatchItem "M_RDTHIS","r", "ReadThisMenu"
PatchItem "M_QUITG", "q", "QuitMenu"
IfGame(Heretic, Hexen)
TextItem "$MNU_NEWGAME", "n", "PlayerclassMenu"
TextItem "$MNU_OPTIONS", "o", "OptionsMenu"
TextItem "$MNU_GAMEFILES", "g", "GameFilesMenu"
TextItem "$MNU_INFO", "i", "ReadThisMenu"
TextItem "$MNU_QUITGAME", "q", "QuitMenu"
// Important note about the following template menus:
// Don't even think about replacing them with something that's not an empty menu
// with some static elements only. Proper function is not guaranteed then.
// The player class menu
// The init code will set the first item to 'autoselect' if it's the only one.
ListMenu "PlayerclassMenu"
IfGame(Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Strife)
NetgameMessage "$NEWGAME"
NetgameMessage "$CNEWGAME"
IfGame(Doom, Strife, Chex)
StaticTextCentered 160, 15, "$MNU_CHOOSECLASS"
Position 48, 63
PlayerDisplay 220, 63, "20 00 00", "80 00 40"
MouseWindow 0, 220
StaticTextCentered 160, 15, "$MNU_CHOOSECLASS"
Position 80, 50
PlayerDisplay 220, 50, "20 00 00", "80 00 40"
MouseWindow 0, 220
StaticText 34, 24, "$MNU_CHOOSECLASS"
Position 66, 58
PlayerDisplay 174, 8, "00 07 00", "40 53 40"
MouseWindow 0, 174
// The rest of this menu will be set up based on the actual player definitions.
// The episode menu
// The init code will set the first item to 'autoselect' if it's the only one.
ListMenu "EpisodeMenu"
IfGame(Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Strife)
NetgameMessage "$NEWGAME"
NetgameMessage "$CNEWGAME"
IfGame(Doom, Chex)
Position 48, 63
StaticPatch 54, 38, "M_EPISOD"
Position 48, 63
StaticText 54, 38, "$MNU_EPISODE"
IfGame(Heretic, Hexen)
Position 80, 50
// items will be filled in by MAPINFO
// The skill menu
// Most of this will be filled in at runtime
ListMenu "SkillMenu"
IfGame(Doom, Chex)
StaticPatch 96, 14, "M_NEWG"
StaticPatch 96, 14, "M_NGAME"
IfGame(Doom, Strife, Chex)
StaticPatch 54, 38, "M_SKILL"
Position 48, 63
IfGame (Heretic)
Position 38, 30
IfGame (Hexen)
StaticText 74, 16, "$MNU_CHOOSESKILL"
Position 160, 44
// Raven's game files menu
ListMenu "GameFilesMenu"
Position 110, 60
TextItem "$MNU_LOADGAME", "l", "LoadGameMenu"
TextItem "$MNU_SAVEGAME", "s", "SaveGameMenu"
// Base definition for load game menu. Only the configurable part is done here
ListMenu "LoadGameMenu"
IfGame(Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Strife)
NetgameMessage "$LOADNET"
NetgameMessage "$CLOADNET"
IfGame(Doom, Strife, Chex)
StaticPatchCentered 160, -20, "M_LOADG"
IfGame(Heretic, Hexen)
StaticTextCentered 160, -10, "$MNU_LOADGAME"
Position 80,54
Class "LoadMenu" // uses its own implementation
// Base definition for save game menu. Only the configurable part is done here
ListMenu "SaveGameMenu"
IfGame(Doom, Strife, Chex)
StaticPatchCentered 160, -20, "M_SAVEG"
IfGame(Heretic, Hexen)
StaticTextCentered 160, -10, "$MNU_SAVEGAME"
Position 80,54
Class "SaveMenu" // uses its own implementation
// The option menu
OptionValue "YesNo"
0, "No"
1, "Yes"
OptionValue "NoYes"
0, "Yes"
1, "No"
OptionValue "OnOff"
0, "Off"
1, "On"
OptionValue "OffOn"
0, "On"
1, "Off"
// These can be overridden if a different menu fonts requires it.
Linespacing 8
IfGame(Heretic, Hexen)
Linespacing 9
Position -15
IfGame(Heretic, Hexen)
Position -13
OptionMenu "OptionsMenu"
Submenu "Customize Controls", "CustomizeControls"
Submenu "Mouse options", "MouseOptions"
Submenu "Joystick options", "JoystickOptions"
StaticText " "
Submenu "Player Setup", "PlayerMenu"
Submenu "Gameplay Options", "GameplayOptions"
Submenu "Compatibility Options", "CompatibilityOptions"
Submenu "Automap Options", "AutomapOptions"
Submenu "HUD Options", "HUDOptions"
Submenu "Miscellaneous Options", "MiscOptions"
Submenu "Network Options", "NetworkOptions"
Submenu "Sound Options", "SoundOptions"
Submenu "Display Options", "VideoOptions"
Submenu "Set video mode", "VideoModeMenu"
StaticText " "
SafeCommand "Reset to defaults", "reset2defaults"
SafeCommand "Reset to last saved", "reset2saved"
Command "Go to console", "menuconsole"
// The player menu
OptionValue "Gender"
0, "Male"
1, "Female"
2, "Other"
OptionValue "Autoaim"
0, "Never"
1, "Very low"
2, "Low"
3, "Medium"
4, "High"
5, "Very high"
6, "Always"
ListMenu "PlayerMenu"
StaticTextCentered 160, 6, "$MNU_PLAYERSETUP"
Font "SmallFont"
Linespacing 14
Position 48, 36
IfGame (Doom, Strife, Chex)
PlayerNameBox "Name", 0, "Playerbox"
Selector "-", -16, -1
IfGame(Heretic, Hexen)
PlayerNameBox "Name", 5, "Playerbox"
Selector "-", -16, 1
IfGame(Doom, Heretic, Strife, Chex)
MouseWindow 0, 220
PlayerDisplay 220, 80, "20 00 00", "80 00 40", 1, "PlayerDisplay"
MouseWindow 0, 220
PlayerDisplay 220, 80, "00 07 00", "40 53 40", 1, "PlayerDisplay"
ValueText "Team", "Team"
ValueText "Color", "Color"
Linespacing 10
Slider "Red", "Red", 0, 255, 16
Slider "Green", "Green", 0, 255, 16
Linespacing 14
Slider "Blue", "Blue", 0, 255, 16
ValueText "Class", "Class"
ValueText "Skin", "Skin"
ValueText "Gender", "Gender", "Gender"
ValueText "Autoaim", "Autoaim", "Autoaim"
ValueText "Switch on pickup", "Switch", "OffOn"
ValueText "Always Run", "AlwaysRun", "OnOff"
Class "PlayerMenu"
// Controls Menu
OptionMenu "CustomizeControls"
ScrollTop 2
StaticTextSwitchable "ENTER to change, BACKSPACE to clear", "Press new key for control, ESC to cancel", "ControlMessage"
StaticText ""
StaticText "Controls", 1
Control "Fire", "+attack"
Control "Secondary Fire", "+altattack"
Control "Weapon Reload", "+reload"
Control "Weapon Zoom", "+zoom"
Control "Use / Open", "+use"
Control "Move forward", "+forward"
Control "Move backward", "+back"
Control "Strafe left", "+moveleft"
Control "Strafe right", "+moveright"
Control "Turn left", "+left"
Control "Turn right", "+right"
Control "Jump", "+jump"
Control "Crouch", "+crouch"
Control "Crouch Toggle", "crouch"
Control "Fly / Swim up", "+moveup"
Control "Fly / Swim down", "+movedown"
Control "Stop flying", "land"
Control "Mouse look", "+mlook"
Control "Keyboard look", "+klook"
Control "Look up", "+lookup"
Control "Look down", "+lookdown"
Control "Center view", "centerview"
Control "Run", "+speed"
Control "Strafe", "+strafe"
Control "Show Scoreboard", "+showscores"
Control "Toggle Scoreboard", "togglescoreboard"
StaticText ""
StaticText "Chat", 1
Control "Say", "messagemode"
Control "Team say", "messagemode2"
StaticText ""
StaticText "Weapons", 1
Control "Next weapon", "weapnext"
Control "Previous weapon", "weapprev"
Control "Weapon Slot 1", "slot 1"
Control "Weapon Slot 2", "slot 2"
Control "Weapon Slot 3", "slot 3"
Control "Weapon Slot 4", "slot 4"
Control "Weapon Slot 5", "slot 5"
Control "Weapon Slot 6", "slot 6"
Control "Weapon Slot 7", "slot 7"
Control "Weapon Slot 8", "slot 8"
Control "Weapon Slot 9", "slot 9"
Control "Weapon Slot 0", "slot 0"
StaticText ""
StaticText "Inventory", 1
Control "Activate item", "invuse"
Control "Activate all items", "invuseall"
Control "Next item", "invnext"
Control "Previous item", "invprev"
Control "Drop item", "invdrop"
Control "Query item", "invquery"
Control "Drop weapon", "weapdrop"
StaticText ""
StaticText "Other", 1
Control "Toggle automap", "togglemap"
Control "Chasecam", "chase"
Control "Coop spy", "spynext"
Control "Screenshot", "screenshot"
Control "Open console", "toggleconsole"
StaticText ""
StaticText "Strife Popup Screens", 1
Control "Mission objectives", "showpop 1"
Control "Keys list", "showpop 2"
Control "Weapons/ammo/stats", "showpop 3"
// Mouse Menu
OptionValue "Corners"
-1, "Off"
0, "Upper left"
1, "Upper right"
2, "Lower left"
3, "Lower right"
OptionValue "MenuMouse"
0, "No"
1, "Yes"
2, "Touchscreen-like"
OptionString "Cursors"
"None", "Default"
"cursor", "Simple arrow"
"doomcurs", "Doom"
"herecurs", "Heretic"
"hexncurs", "Hexen"
"strfcurs", "Strife"
"chexcurs", "Chex"
"-", "System cursor"
OptionMenu "MouseOptions"
Option "Enable mouse", "use_mouse", "YesNo"
Option "Enable mouse in menus", "m_use_mouse", "MenuMouse", "use_mouse"
Option "Show back button", "m_show_backbutton", "Corners", "use_mouse"
Option "Cursor", "vid_cursor", "Cursors"
StaticText ""
Slider "Overall sensitivity", "mouse_sensitivity", 0.5, 2.5, 0.1
Option "Prescale mouse movement", "m_noprescale", "NoYes"
Option "Smooth mouse movement", "smooth_mouse", "YesNo"
StaticText ""
Slider "Turning speed", "m_yaw", 0, 2.5, 0.1
Slider "Mouselook speed", "m_pitch", 0, 2.5, 0.1
Slider "Forward/Backward speed", "m_forward", 0, 2.5, 0.1
Slider "Strafing speed", "m_side", 0, 2.5, 0.1
StaticText ""
Option "Always Mouselook", "freelook", "OnOff"
Option "Invert Mouse", "invertmouse", "OnOff"
Option "Lookspring", "lookspring", "OnOff"
Option "Lookstrafe", "lookstrafe", "OnOff"
// Joystick Menu
OptionMenu "JoystickOptions"
// Will be filled in by joystick code.
OptionValue "JoyAxisMapNames"
-1, "None"
0, "Turning"
1, "Looking Up/Down"
2, "Moving Forward"
3, "Strafing"
4, "Moving Up/Down"
OptionValue "Inversion"
0, "Not Inverted"
1, "Inverted"
OptionMenu "JoystickConfigMenu"
Class "JoystickConfigMenu"
// Will be filled in by joystick code.
// Video Menu
OptionValue ColumnMethods
0.0, "Original"
1.0, "Optimized"
OptionValue RocketTrailTypes
0.0, "Off"
1.0, "Particles"
2.0, "Sprites"
3.0, "Sprites & Particles"
OptionValue BloodTypes
0.0, "Sprites"
1.0, "Sprites & Particles"
2.0, "Particles"
OptionValue PuffTypes
0.0, "Sprites"
1.0, "Particles"
OptionValue Wipes
0.0, "None"
1.0, "Melt"
2.0, "Burn"
3.0, "Crossfade"
OptionValue Endoom
0.0, "Off"
1.0, "On"
2.0, "Only modified"
OptionValue Contrast
0.0, "Off"
1.0, "On"
2.0, "Smooth"
OptionValue Fuzziness
0.0, "Translucent"
1.0, "Fuzz"
2.0, "Shadow"
OptionMenu "VideoOptions"
Submenu "Scoreboard Options", "ScoreboardOptions"
StaticText " "
Slider "Screen size", "screenblocks", 3.0, 12.0, 1.0, 0
Slider "Brightness", "Gamma", 0.75, 3.0, 0.05, 2
Option "Vertical Sync", "vid_vsync", "OnOff"
Option "Column render mode", "r_columnmethod", "ColumnMethods"
StaticText " "
Option "Screen wipe style", "wipetype", "Wipes"
Option "Show ENDOOM screen", "showendoom", "Endoom"
//Option "DirectDraw palette hack", "vid_palettehack", "OnOff"
//Option "Use attached surfaces", "vid_attachedsurfaces", "OnOff"
Option "Stretch short skies", "r_stretchsky", "OnOff"
Option "Use fuzz effect", "r_drawfuzz", "Fuzziness"
Slider "Lost Soul translucency", "transsouls", 0.25, 1.0, 0.05, 2
Option "Use fake contrast", "r_fakecontrast", "Contrast"
Option "Rocket Trails", "cl_rockettrails", "RocketTrailTypes"
Option "Blood Type", "cl_bloodtype", "BloodTypes"
Option "Bullet Puff Type", "cl_pufftype", "PuffTypes"
Slider "Number of particles", "r_maxparticles", 100, 10000, 100, 0
Option "Show player sprites", "r_drawplayersprites", "OnOff"
Option "Death camera", "r_deathcamera", "OnOff"
Option "Teleporter zoom", "telezoom", "OnOff"
Slider "Earthquake shake intensity", "r_quakeintensity", 0.0, 1.0, 0.05, 2
Option "Interpolate monster movement", "nomonsterinterpolation", "NoYes"
// HUD menu
OptionValue DisplayTagsTypes
0.0, "None"
1.0, "Items"
2.0, "Weapons"
3.0, "Both"
OptionValue TextColors
0.0, "\cabrick"
1.0, "\cbtan"
2.0, "\ccgray"
3.0, "\cdgreen"
4.0, "\cebrown"
5.0, "\cfgold"
6.0, "\cgred"
7.0, "\chblue"
8.0, "\ciorange"
9.0, "\cjwhite"
10.0, "\ckyellow"
11.0, "\cldefault"
12.0, "\cmblack"
13.0, "\cnlight blue"
14.0, "\cocream"
15.0, "\cpolive"
16.0, "\cqdark green"
17.0, "\crdark red"
18.0, "\csdark brown"
19.0, "\ctpurple"
20.0, "\cudark gray"
21.0, "\cvcyan"
OptionValue Crosshairs
// will be filled in from the XHAIRS lump
OptionValue ZDoomHexen
0.0, "ZDoom"
1.0, "Hexen"
OptionValue ZDoomStrife
0.0, "ZDoom"
1.0, "Strife"
OptionMenu "HUDOptions"
Title "HUD Options"
Submenu "Alternative HUD", "AltHudOptions"
Submenu "Message Options", "MessageOptions"
StaticText " "
Option "Default Crosshair", "crosshair", "Crosshairs"
Option "Force default crosshair", "crosshairforce", "OnOff"
Option "Grow crosshair when picking up items", "crosshairgrow", "OnOff"
ColorPicker "Crosshair color", "crosshaircolor"
Option "Crosshair shows health", "crosshairhealth", "OnOff"
Option "Scale crosshair", "crosshairscale", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "Display nametags", "displaynametags", "DisplayTagsTypes"
Option "Nametag color", "nametagcolor", "TextColors", "displaynametags"
Option "Stretch status bar", "st_scale", "OnOff"
Option "Stretch Fullscreen HUD", "hud_scale", "OnOff"
Option "Use old ouch mug shot formula", "st_oldouch", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "Hexen weapon flashes", "pf_hexenweaps", "ZDoomHexen"
Option "Poison damage flashes", "pf_poison", "ZDoomHexen"
Option "Ice death flashes", "pf_ice", "ZDoomHexen"
Option "Poison Buildup flashes", "pf_hazard", "ZDoomStrife"
// Alternative HUD
OptionValue "AMCoordinates"
0, "Player"
1, "Map"
OptionValue "AltHUDScale"
0, "Off"
1, "Scale to 640x400"
2, "Pixel double"
OptionValue "AltHUDTime"
0, "Off"
1, "Level, milliseconds"
2, "Level, seconds"
3, "Level"
4, "Hub, seconds"
5, "Hub"
6, "Total, seconds"
7, "Total"
8, "System, seconds"
9, "System"
OptionValue "AltHUDLag"
0, "Off"
1, "Netgames only"
2, "Always"
OptionMenu "AltHUDOptions"
Title "Alternative HUD"
//Indent 220
Option "Enable alternative HUD", "hud_althud", "OnOff"
Option "Stretch alternative HUD", "hud_althudscale", "AltHUDScale"
Option "Show secret count", "hud_showsecrets", "OnOff"
Option "Show monster count", "hud_showmonsters", "OnOff"
Option "Show item count", "hud_showitems", "OnOff"
Option "Show stamina and accuracy", "hud_showstats", "OnOff"
Option "Show berserk", "hud_berserk_health", "OnOff"
Option "Show weapons", "hud_showweapons", "OnOff"
Option "Show time", "hud_showtime", "AltHUDTime"
Option "Time color", "hud_timecolor", "TextColors"
Option "Show network latency", "hud_showlag", "AltHUDLag"
Slider "Red ammo display below %", "hud_ammo_red", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Yellow ammo display below %", "hud_ammo_yellow", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Red health display below", "hud_health_red", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Yellow health display below", "hud_health_yellow", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Green health display below", "hud_health_green", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Red armor display below", "hud_armor_red", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Yellow armor display below", "hud_armor_yellow", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Green armor display below", "hud_armor_green", 0, 100, 1, 0
StaticText " "
StaticText "Alternative Automap HUD", 1
option "Map title color", "hudcolor_titl", "TextColors"
option "Map time color", "hudcolor_ltim", "TextColors"
option "Hub time color", "hudcolor_time", "TextColors"
option "Total time color", "hudcolor_ttim", "TextColors"
option "Coordinate color", "hudcolor_xyco", "TextColors"
option "Coordinate mode", "map_point_coordinates", "AMCoordinates"
option "Statistics name color", "hudcolor_statnames", "TextColors"
option "Statistics color", "hudcolor_stats", "TextColors"
// Misc menu
OptionValue Autosave
0, "Always"
1, "Scripts Only"
2, "Never"
OptionValue dehopt
0, "Never"
1, "All"
2, "Only last one"
OptionMenu "MiscOptions"
Title "Miscellaneous Options"
//Indent 220
Option "Merge left+right Alt/Ctrl/Shift", "k_mergekeys", "OnOff"
Option "Alt-Enter toggles fullscreen", "k_allowfullscreentoggle", "OnOff"
Option "Show IWAD selection dialog", "queryiwad", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "Enable cheats from all games", "allcheats", "OnOff"
Option "Enable autosaves", "disableautosave", "Autosave"
Slider "Number of autosaves", "autosavecount", 1, 20, 1, 0
Option "Load *.deh/*.bex lumps", "dehload", "dehopt"
StaticText " "
Option "Cache nodes", "gl_cachenodes", "OnOff"
Slider "Time threshold for node caching", "gl_cachetime", 0.0, 2.0, 0.1
SafeCommand "Clear node cache", "clearnodecache"
// Automap Menu
OptionValue MapColorTypes
0, "Custom"
1, "Traditional Doom"
2, "Traditional Strife"
3, "Traditional Raven"
OptionValue SecretTypes
0, "Never"
1, "Only when found"
2, "Always"
OptionValue RotateTypes
0, "Off"
1, "On"
2, "On for overlay only"
OptionValue OverlayTypes
0, "Off"
1, "Overlay+Normal"
2, "Overlay Only"
OptionValue MaplabelTypes
0, "Never"
1, "Always"
2, "Not for hubs"
OptionValue STSTypes
0, "Off"
1, "Front"
2, "Animated"
3, "Rotated"
OptionValue MapBackTypes
0, "Off"
1, "On"
2, "Map defined colors only"
OptionMenu AutomapOptions
Option "Map color set", "am_colorset", "MapColorTypes"
Option "Allow map defined colors", "am_customcolors", "YesNo"
Submenu "Set custom colors", "MapColorMenu"
Submenu "Customize map controls", "MapControlsMenu"
StaticText " "
Option "Rotate automap", "am_rotate", "RotateTypes"
Option "Overlay automap", "am_overlay", "OverlayTypes"
Option "Enable textured display", "am_textured", "OnOff"
Option "Follow player", "am_followplayer", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "Show item counts", "am_showitems", "OnOff"
Option "Show monster counts", "am_showmonsters", "OnOff"
Option "Show secret counts", "am_showsecrets", "OnOff"
Option "Show time elapsed", "am_showtime", "OnOff"
Option "Show total time elapsed", "am_showtotaltime", "OnOff"
Option "Show secrets on map", "am_map_secrets", "SecretTypes"
Option "Show map label", "am_showmaplabel", "MaplabelTypes"
Option "Draw map background", "am_drawmapback", "MapBackTypes"
Option "Show keys (cheat)", "am_showkeys", "OnOff"
Option "Show trigger lines", "am_showtriggerlines", "OnOff"
Option "Show things as sprites", "am_showthingsprites", "STSTypes"
// Automap Controls
OptionMenu MapControlsMenu
ScrollTop 2
StaticTextSwitchable "ENTER to change, BACKSPACE to clear", "Press new key for control, ESC to cancel", "ControlMessage"
StaticText ""
StaticText "Map Controls", 1
MapControl "Pan left", "+am_panleft"
MapControl "Pan right", "+am_panright"
MapControl "Pan up", "+am_panup"
MapControl "Pan down", "+am_pandown"
MapControl "Zoom in", "+am_zoomin"
MapControl "Zoom out", "+am_zoomout"
MapControl "Toggle zoom", "am_gobig"
MapControl "Toggle follow", "am_togglefollow"
MapControl "Toggle grid", "am_togglegrid"
MapControl "Toggle texture","am_toggletexture"
MapControl "Set mark", "am_setmark"
MapControl "Clear mark", "am_clearmarks"
// Automap Colors
OptionMenu MapColorMenu
SafeCommand "Restore default custom colors", "am_restorecolors"
StaticText " "
ColorPicker "Background", "am_backcolor"
ColorPicker "You", "am_yourcolor"
ColorPicker "1-sided walls", "am_wallcolor"
ColorPicker "2-sided walls with different floors", "am_fdwallcolor"
ColorPicker "2-sided walls with different ceilings", "am_cdwallcolor"
ColorPicker "2-sided walls with 3D floors", "am_efwallcolor"
ColorPicker "Map grid", "am_gridcolor"
ColorPicker "Center point", "am_xhaircolor"
ColorPicker "Not-yet-seen walls", "am_notseencolor"
ColorPicker "Locked doors", "am_lockedcolor"
ColorPicker "Teleporter to the same map", "am_intralevelcolor"
ColorPicker "Teleporter to a different map", "am_interlevelcolor"
ColorPicker "Secret sector", "am_secretsectorcolor"
ColorPicker "Special trigger lines", "am_specialwallcolor"
StaticText " "
StaticText "Cheat Mode", 1
ColorPicker "Invisible 2-sided walls", "am_tswallcolor"
ColorPicker "Secret walls", "am_secretwallcolor"
ColorPicker "Actors", "am_thingcolor"
ColorPicker "Monsters", "am_thingcolor_monster"
ColorPicker "non-counting Monsters", "am_thingcolor_ncmonster"
ColorPicker "Friends", "am_thingcolor_friend"
ColorPicker "Items", "am_thingcolor_item"
ColorPicker "Count Items", "am_thingcolor_citem"
StaticText " "
StaticText "Overlay Mode", 1
ColorPicker "You", "am_ovyourcolor"
ColorPicker "1-sided walls", "am_ovwallcolor"
ColorPicker "2-sided walls with different floors", "am_ovfdwallcolor"
ColorPicker "2-sided walls with different ceilings", "am_ovcdwallcolor"
ColorPicker "2-sided walls with 3D floors", "am_ovefwallcolor"
ColorPicker "Not-yet-seen walls", "am_ovunseencolor"
ColorPicker "Locked doors", "am_ovlockedcolor"
ColorPicker "Teleporter to the same map", "am_ovtelecolor"
ColorPicker "Teleporter to a different map", "am_ovinterlevelcolor"
ColorPicker "Secret sector", "am_ovsecretsectorcolor"
ColorPicker "Special trigger lines", "am_ovspecialwallcolor"
StaticText " "
StaticText "Overlay Cheat Mode", 1
ColorPicker "Invisible 2-sided walls", "am_ovotherwallscolor"
ColorPicker "Secret walls", "am_ovsecretwallcolor"
ColorPicker "Actors", "am_ovthingcolor"
ColorPicker "Monsters", "am_ovthingcolor_monster"
ColorPicker "non-counting Monsters", "am_ovthingcolor_ncmonster"
ColorPicker "Friends", "am_ovthingcolor_friend"
ColorPicker "Items", "am_ovthingcolor_item"
ColorPicker "Count Items", "am_ovthingcolor_citem"
// Color Picker
OptionMenu ColorPickerMenu
// This menu will be created by the calling code
// Messages
OptionValue ScaleValues
0, "Off"
1, "On"
2, "Double"
OptionValue MessageLevels
0.0, "Item Pickup"
1.0, "Obituaries"
2.0, "Critical Messages"
OptionMenu MessageOptions
Option "Show messages", "show_messages", "OnOff"
Option "Show obituaries", "show_obituaries", "OnOff"
Option "Show secret notifications", "cl_showsecretmessage", "OnOff"
Option "Scale text in high res", "con_scaletext", "ScaleValues"
Option "Minimum message level", "msg", "MessageLevels"
Option "Center messages", "con_centernotify", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
StaticText "Message Colors", 1
StaticText " "
Option "Item Pickup", "msg0color", "TextColors"
Option "Obituaries", "msg1color", "TextColors"
Option "Critical Messages", "msg2color", "TextColors"
Option "Chat Messages", "msg3color", "TextColors"
Option "Team Messages", "msg4color", "TextColors"
Option "Centered Messages", "msgmidcolor", "TextColors"
StaticText " "
Option "Screenshot messages", "screenshot_quiet", "OffOn"
Option "Detailed save messages", "longsavemessages", "OnOff"
// Scoreboard
OptionMenu ScoreboardOptions
StaticText "Cooperative Options", 1
StaticText " "
Option "Enable Scoreboard", "sb_cooperative_enable", "YesNo"
Option "Header Color", "sb_cooperative_headingcolor", "TextColors"
Option "Your Player Color", "sb_cooperative_yourplayercolor", "TextColors"
Option "Other Players' Color", "sb_cooperative_otherplayercolor", "TextColors"
StaticText " "
StaticText " "
StaticText "Deathmatch Options", 1
StaticText " "
Option "Enable Scoreboard", "sb_deathmatch_enable", "YesNo"
Option "Header Color", "sb_deathmatch_headingcolor", "TextColors"
Option "Your Player Color", "sb_deathmatch_yourplayercolor", "TextColors"
Option "Other Players' Color", "sb_deathmatch_otherplayercolor", "TextColors"
StaticText " "
StaticText " "
StaticText "Team Deathmatch Options", 1
StaticText " "
Option "Enable Scoreboard", "sb_teamdeathmatch_enable", "YesNo"
Option "Header Color", "sb_teamdeathmatch_headingcolor", "TextColors"
* Gameplay Options (dmflags) Menu
OptionValue SmartAim
0.0, "Off"
1.0, "On"
2.0, "Never friends"
3.0, "Only monsters"
OptionValue FallingDM
0, "Off"
1, "Old"
2, "Hexen"
3, "Strife"
OptionValue JumpCrouchFreeLook
0, "Default"
1, "Off"
2, "On"
OptionMenu GameplayOptions
//Indent 222
Option "Teamplay", "teamplay", "OnOff"
Slider "Team damage scalar", "teamdamage", 0, 1, 0.05
StaticText " "
Option "Smart Autoaim", "sv_smartaim", "SmartAim"
StaticText " "
Option "Falling damage", "sv_fallingdamage", "FallingDM"
Option "Drop weapon", "sv_weapondrop", "YesNo"
Option "Double ammo", "sv_doubleammo", "YesNo"
Option "Infinite ammo", "sv_infiniteammo", "YesNo"
Option "Infinite inventory", "sv_infiniteinventory", "YesNo"
Option "No monsters", "sv_nomonsters", "YesNo"
Option "No monsters to exit", "sv_killallmonsters", "YesNo"
Option "Monsters respawn", "sv_monsterrespawn", "YesNo"
Option "No respawn", "sv_norespawn", "YesNo"
Option "Items respawn", "sv_itemrespawn", "YesNo"
Option "Big powerups respawn", "sv_respawnsuper", "YesNo"
Option "Fast monsters", "sv_fastmonsters", "YesNo"
Option "Degeneration", "sv_degeneration", "YesNo"
Option "Allow Autoaim", "sv_noautoaim", "NoYes"
Option "Allow Suicide", "sv_disallowsuicide", "NoYes"
Option "Allow jump", "sv_jump", "JumpCrouchFreeLook"
Option "Allow crouch", "sv_crouch", "JumpCrouchFreeLook"
Option "Allow freelook", "sv_freelook", "JumpCrouchFreeLook"
Option "Allow FOV", "sv_nofov", "NoYes"
Option "Allow BFG aiming", "sv_nobfgaim", "NoYes"
Option "Allow automap", "sv_noautomap", "NoYes"
Option "Automap allies", "sv_noautomapallies", "NoYes"
Option "Allow spying", "sv_disallowspying", "NoYes"
Option "Chasecam cheat", "sv_chasecam", "YesNo"
Option "Check ammo for weapon switch", "sv_dontcheckammo", "NoYes"
Option "Icon's death kills its spawns", "sv_killbossmonst", "YesNo"
Option "End sector counts for kill %", "sv_nocountendmonst", "NoYes"
StaticText " "
StaticText "Deathmatch Settings",1
Option "Weapons stay", "sv_weaponstay", "YesNo"
Option "Allow powerups", "sv_noitems", "NoYes"
Option "Allow health", "sv_nohealth", "NoYes"
Option "Allow armor", "sv_noarmor", "NoYes"
Option "Spawn farthest", "sv_spawnfarthest", "YesNo"
Option "Same map", "sv_samelevel", "YesNo"
Option "Force respawn", "sv_forcerespawn", "YesNo"
Option "Allow exit", "sv_noexit", "NoYes"
Option "Barrels respawn", "sv_barrelrespawn", "YesNo"
Option "Respawn protection", "sv_respawnprotect", "YesNo"
Option "Lose frag if fragged", "sv_losefrag", "YesNo"
Option "Keep frags gained", "sv_keepfrags", "YesNo"
Option "No team switching", "sv_noteamswitch", "YesNo"
StaticText " "
StaticText "Cooperative Settings",1
Option "Spawn multi. weapons", "sv_noweaponspawn", "NoYes"
Option "Lose entire inventory", "sv_cooploseinventory", "YesNo"
Option "Keep keys", "sv_cooplosekeys", "NoYes"
Option "Keep weapons", "sv_cooploseweapons", "NoYes"
Option "Keep armor", "sv_cooplosearmor", "NoYes"
Option "Keep powerups", "sv_cooplosepowerups", "NoYes"
Option "Keep ammo", "sv_cooploseammo", "NoYes"
Option "Lose half ammo", "sv_coophalveammo", "YesNo"
Option "Spawn where died", "sv_samespawnspot", "YesNo"
Class "GameplayMenu"
* Compatibility Options Menu
OptionValue CompatModes
0, "Default"
1, "Doom"
2, "Doom (strict)"
3, "Boom"
6, "Boom (strict)"
5, "MBF"
4, "ZDoom 2.0.63"
OptionMenu "CompatibilityOptions"
Option "Compatibility mode", "compatmode", "CompatModes", "", 1
StaticText " "
Option "Find shortest textures like Doom", "compat_SHORTTEX", "YesNo"
Option "Use buggier stair building", "compat_stairs", "YesNo"
Option "Find neighboring light like Doom", "compat_LIGHT", "YesNo"
Option "Limit Pain Elementals' Lost Souls", "compat_LIMITPAIN", "YesNo"
Option "Don't let others hear your pickups", "compat_SILENTPICKUP", "YesNo"
Option "Actors are infinitely tall", "compat_nopassover", "YesNo"
Option "Enable wall running", "compat_WALLRUN", "YesNo"
Option "Spawn item drops on the floor", "compat_NOTOSSDROPS", "YesNo"
Option "All special lines can block <use>", "compat_USEBLOCKING", "YesNo"
Option "Disable BOOM door light effect", "compat_NODOORLIGHT", "YesNo"
Option "Raven scrollers use original speed", "compat_RAVENSCROLL", "YesNo"
Option "Use original sound target handling", "compat_SOUNDTARGET", "YesNo"
Option "DEH health settings like Doom2.exe", "compat_DEHHEALTH", "YesNo"
Option "Self ref. sectors don't block shots", "compat_TRACE", "YesNo"
Option "Monsters get stuck over dropoffs", "compat_DROPOFF", "YesNo"
Option "Monsters cannot cross dropoffs", "compat_CROSSDROPOFF", "YesNo"
Option "Monsters see invisible players", "compat_INVISIBILITY", "YesNo"
Option "Boom scrollers are additive", "compat_BOOMSCROLL", "YesNo"
Option "Inst. moving floors are not silent", "compat_silentinstantfloors", "YesNo"
Option "Sector sounds use center as source", "compat_SECTORSOUNDS", "YesNo"
Option "Use Doom heights for missile clipping", "compat_MISSILECLIP", "YesNo"
Option "Allow any bossdeath for level special", "compat_ANYBOSSDEATH", "YesNo"
Option "No Minotaur floor flames in water", "compat_MINOTAUR", "YesNo"
Option "Original A_Mushroom speed in DEH mods", "compat_MUSHROOM", "YesNo"
Option "Monster movement is affected by effects", "compat_MBFMONSTERMOVE", "YesNo"
Option "Crushed monsters can be resurrected", "compat_CORPSEGIBS", "YesNo"
Option "Friendly monsters aren't blocked", "compat_NOBLOCKFRIENDS", "YesNo"
Option "Invert sprite sorting", "compat_SPRITESORT", "YesNo"
Option "Use Doom code for hitscan checks", "compat_HITSCAN", "YesNo"
Option "Cripple sound for silent BFG trick", "compat_soundslots", "YesNo"
Option "Draw polyobjects like Hexen", "compat_POLYOBJ", "YesNo"
Option "Ignore Y offsets on masked midtextures", "compat_MASKEDMIDTEX", "YesNo"
Option "Cannot travel straight NSEW", "compat_badangles", "YesNo"
Option "Use Doom's floor motion behavior", "compat_floormove", "YesNo"
Option "Sounds stop when actor vanishes", "compat_soundcutoff", "YesNo"
Class "CompatibilityMenu"
* Sound Options Menu
OptionValue SampleRates
0, "Default"
4000, "4000 Hz"
8000, "8000 Hz"
11025, "11025 Hz"
22050, "22050 Hz"
32000, "32000 Hz"
44100, "44100 Hz"
48000, "48000 Hz"
OptionValue BufferSizes
0, "Default"
64, "64 samples"
128, "128 samples"
256, "256 samples"
512, "512 samples"
1024, "1024 samples"
2048, "2048 samples"
4096, "4096 samples"
OptionValue BufferCounts
0, "Default"
2, "2"
3, "3"
4, "4"
5, "5"
6, "6"
7, "7"
8, "8"
9, "9"
10, "10"
11, "11"
12, "12"
OptionString SoundOutputsWindows
"Default", "Default"
"DirectSound", "DirectSound"
"WaveOut", "WaveOut"
"OpenAL", "OpenAL (very beta)"
"No sound", "No sound"
OptionString SoundOutputsUnix
"Default", "Default"
"OSS", "OSS"
"SDL", "SDL"
"ESD", "ESD"
"PulseAudio", "PulseAudio"
"No sound", "No sound"
OptionString SoundOutputsMac
"Sound Manager", "Sound Manager"
"Core Audio", "Core Audio"
"No sound", "No sound"
OptionString OutputFormats
"PCM-8", "8-bit"
"PCM-16", "16-bit"
"PCM-24", "24-bit"
"PCM-32", "32-bit"
"PCM-Float", "32-bit float"
OptionString SpeakerModes
"Auto", "Auto"
"Mono", "Mono"
"Stereo", "Stereo"
"Prologic", "Dolby Prologic Decoder"
"Quad", "Quad"
"Surround", "5 speakers"
"5.1", "5.1 speakers"
"7.1", "7.1 speakers"
OptionString Resamplers
"NoInterp", "No interpolation"
"Linear", "Linear"
"Cubic", "Cubic"
"Spline", "Spline"
OptionValue MidiDevices
// filled in by the sound code
OptionMenu SoundOptions
Slider "Sounds volume", "snd_sfxvolume", 0, 1, 0.05
Slider "Menu volume", "snd_menuvolume", 0, 1, 0.05
Slider "Music volume", "snd_musicvolume", 0, 1, 0.05
Option "MIDI device", "snd_mididevice", "MidiDevices"
StaticText " "
Option "Underwater reverb", "snd_waterreverb", "OnOff"
Slider "Underwater cutoff", "snd_waterlp", 0, 2000, 50, 0
Option "Randomize pitches", "snd_pitched", "OnOff"
Slider "Sound channels", "snd_channels", 8, 256, 8, 0
StaticText " "
Command "Restart sound", "snd_reset"
StaticText " "
Option "Output system", "snd_output", "SoundOutputsWindows"
Option "Output system", "snd_output", "SoundOutputsUnix"
Option "Output system", "snd_output", "SoundOutputsMac"
Option "Output format", "snd_output_format", "OutputFormats"
Option "Speaker mode", "snd_speakermode", "SpeakerModes"
Option "Resampler", "snd_resampler", "Resamplers"
Option "HRTF filter", "snd_hrtf", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Submenu "Advanced options", "AdvSoundOptions"
Submenu "Module replayer options", "ModReplayerOptions"
* Advanced Sound Options Menu
OptionValue GusMemory
0, "Unlimited"
1, "256K"
2, "512K"
3, "768K"
4, "1024K"
OptionValue OplCores
0, "MAME OPL2"
1, "DOSBox OPL3"
2, "Java OPL3"
OptionMenu AdvSoundOptions
Option "Sample rate", "snd_samplerate", "SampleRates"
Option "Buffer size", "snd_buffersize", "BufferSizes"
Option "Buffer count", "snd_buffercount", "BufferCounts"
StaticText " "
StaticText "OPL Synthesis", 1
Slider "Number of emulated OPL chips", "opl_numchips", 1, 8, 1, 0
Option "Full MIDI stereo panning", "opl_fullpan", "OnOff"
Option "OPL Emulator Core", "opl_core", "OplCores"
StaticText " "
StaticText "GUS Emulation", 1
Slider "MIDI voices", "midi_voices", 16, 256, 4, 0
Option "Emulate TiMidity", "midi_timiditylike", "OnOff"
Option "Read DMXGUS lumps", "midi_dmxgus", "OnOff"
Option "GUS memory size", "gus_memsize", "GusMemory"
* Module Replayer Options Menu
OptionValue ModReplayers
0.0, "FMOD"
1.0, "foo_dumb"
OptionValue ModInterpolations
0.0, "None"
1.0, "Linear"
2.0, "Cubic"
OptionValue ModVolumeRamps
0.0, "None"
1.0, "Logarithmic"
2.0, "Linear"
3.0, "XM=lin, else none"
4.0, "XM=lin, else log"
OptionMenu ModReplayerOptions
Option "Replayer engine", "mod_dumb", "ModReplayers"
StaticText " "
Option "Sample rate", "mod_samplerate", "SampleRates", "mod_dumb"
Option "Interpolation", "mod_interp", "ModInterpolations", "mod_dumb"
Option "Volume ramping", "mod_volramp", "ModVolumeRamps", "mod_dumb"
StaticText " "
Option "Chip-o-matic", "mod_autochip", "OnOff", "mod_dumb"
// TODO if the menu system is ever rewritten: Provide a decent
// mechanism to edit the chip-o-matic settings like you can with
// the foo_dumb preferences in foobar2000.
* Video mode menu
OptionValue ForceRatios
0.0, "Off"
3.0, "4:3"
1.0, "16:9"
5.0, "17:10"
2.0, "16:10"
4.0, "5:4"
OptionValue Ratios
0.0, "4:3"
1.0, "16:9"
2.0, "16:10"
3.0, "17:10"
-1, "All"
OptionValue RatiosTFT
0.0, "4:3"
4.0, "5:4"
1.0, "16:9"
2.0, "16:10"
3.0, "17:10"
-1, "All"
OptionMenu VideoModeMenu
Option "Fullscreen", "fullscreen", "YesNo"
Option "Aspect ratio", "menu_screenratios", "Ratios"
Option "Force aspect ratio", "vid_aspect", "ForceRatios"
Option "Enable 5:4 aspect ratio","vid_tft", "YesNo"
StaticText " "
ScreenResolution "res_0"
ScreenResolution "res_1"
ScreenResolution "res_2"
ScreenResolution "res_3"
ScreenResolution "res_4"
ScreenResolution "res_5"
ScreenResolution "res_6"
ScreenResolution "res_7"
ScreenResolution "res_8"
ScreenResolution "res_9"
StaticTextSwitchable "Press ENTER to set mode", "", "VMEnterText"
StaticText " "
StaticTextSwitchable "T to test mode for 5 seconds", "Please wait 5 seconds...", "VMTestText"
class VideoModeMenu
* Network options menu
OptionMenu NetworkOptions
StaticText "Local options", 1
Option "Movement prediction", "cl_noprediction", "OffOn"
Option "Predict line actions", "cl_predict_specials", "OnOff"
Slider "Prediction Lerp Scale", "cl_predict_lerpscale", 0.0, 0.5, 0.05
Slider "Lerp Threshold", "cl_predict_lerpthreshold", 0.1, 16.0, 0.1
StaticText " "
StaticText "Host options", 1
Option "Extra Tics", "net_extratic", "ExtraTicMode"
Option "Latency balancing", "net_ticbalance", "OnOff"
OptionValue ExtraTicMode
0, "None"
1, "1"
2, "All unacknowledged"