Randy Heit 081ebbb64b - I have decided to opt for simplicity over C-like-ness and group array sizes with the rest
of the type declaration rather than split it up after the variable name.
- More AST work. At this rate, maybe I'll finally be building a complete AST by the end of the

SVN r2499 (scripting)
2010-08-10 04:25:52 +00:00

134 lines
3.8 KiB

xx(TK_Identifier, "identifier")
xx(TK_StringConst, "string constant")
xx(TK_NameConst, "name constant")
xx(TK_IntConst, "integer constant")
xx(TK_FloatConst, "float constant")
xx(TK_NonWhitespace, "non-whitespace")
xx(TK_ColonColon, "'::'")
xx(TK_DotDot, "'..'")
xx(TK_Ellipsis, "'...'")
xx(TK_RShiftEq, "'>>='")
xx(TK_URShiftEq, "'>>>='")
xx(TK_LShiftEq, "'<<='")
xx(TK_AddEq, "'+='")
xx(TK_SubEq, "'-='")
xx(TK_MulEq, "'*='")
xx(TK_DivEq, "'/='")
xx(TK_ModEq, "'%='")
xx(TK_AndEq, "'&='")
xx(TK_XorEq, "'^='")
xx(TK_OrEq, "'|='")
xx(TK_RShift, "'>>'")
xx(TK_URShift, "'>>>'")
xx(TK_LShift, "'<<'")
xx(TK_Incr, "'++'")
xx(TK_Decr, "'--'")
xx(TK_AndAnd, "'&&'")
xx(TK_OrOr, "'||'")
xx(TK_Leq, "'<='")
xx(TK_Geq, "'>='")
xx(TK_Eq, "'=='")
xx(TK_Neq, "'!='")
xx(TK_ApproxEq, "'~=='")
xx(TK_LtGtEq, "'<>='")
xx(TK_MulMul, "'**'")
xx(TK_Action, "'action'")
xx(TK_Break, "'break'")
xx(TK_Case, "'case'")
xx(TK_Const, "'const'")
xx(TK_Continue, "'continue'")
xx(TK_Default, "'default'")
xx(TK_Do, "'do'")
xx(TK_Else, "'else'")
xx(TK_For, "'for'")
xx(TK_If, "'if'")
xx(TK_Return, "'return'")
xx(TK_Switch, "'switch'")
xx(TK_Until, "'until'")
xx(TK_While, "'while'")
xx(TK_Bool, "'bool'")
xx(TK_Float, "'float'")
xx(TK_Double, "'double'")
xx(TK_Char, "'char'")
xx(TK_Byte, "'byte'")
xx(TK_SByte, "'sbyte'")
xx(TK_Short, "'short'")
xx(TK_UShort, "'ushort'")
xx(TK_Int, "'int'")
xx(TK_UInt, "'uint'")
xx(TK_Long, "'long'")
xx(TK_ULong, "'ulong'")
xx(TK_Void, "'void'")
xx(TK_Struct, "'struct'")
xx(TK_Class, "'class'")
xx(TK_Mode, "'mode'")
xx(TK_Enum, "'enum'")
xx(TK_Name, "'name'")
xx(TK_String, "'string'")
xx(TK_Sound, "'sound'")
xx(TK_State, "'state'")
xx(TK_Color, "'color'")
xx(TK_Goto, "'goto'")
xx(TK_Abstract, "'abstract'")
xx(TK_ForEach, "'foreach'")
xx(TK_True, "'true'")
xx(TK_False, "'false'")
xx(TK_None, "'none'")
xx(TK_New, "'new'")
xx(TK_InstanceOf, "'instanceof'")
xx(TK_Auto, "'auto'")
xx(TK_Exec, "'exec'")
xx(TK_DefaultProperties, "'defaultproperties'")
xx(TK_Native, "'native'")
xx(TK_Var, "'var'")
xx(TK_Out, "'out'")
xx(TK_Ref, "'ref'")
xx(TK_Event, "'event'")
xx(TK_Static, "'static'")
xx(TK_Transient, "'transient'")
xx(TK_Volatile, "'volatile'")
xx(TK_Final, "'final'")
xx(TK_Throws, "'throws'")
xx(TK_Extends, "'extends'")
xx(TK_Public, "'public'")
xx(TK_Protected, "'protected'")
xx(TK_Private, "'private'")
xx(TK_Dot, "'dot'")
xx(TK_Cross, "'cross'")
xx(TK_Ignores, "'ignores'")
xx(TK_Localized, "'localized'")
xx(TK_Latent, "'latent'")
xx(TK_Singular, "'singular'")
xx(TK_Config, "'config'")
xx(TK_Coerce, "'coerce'")
xx(TK_Iterator, "'iterator'")
xx(TK_Optional, "'optional'")
xx(TK_Export, "'expert'")
xx(TK_Virtual, "'virtual'")
xx(TK_Super, "'super'")
xx(TK_Global, "'global'")
xx(TK_Self, "'self'")
xx(TK_Stop, "'stop'")
xx(TK_Include, "'include'")
xx(TK_Fixed_t, "'fixed_t'")
xx(TK_Angle_t, "'angle_t'")
xx(TK_Abs, "'abs'")
xx(TK_Random, "'random'")
xx(TK_Random2, "'random2'")
xx(TK_FRandom, "'frandom'")
xx(TK_Is, "'is'")
xx(TK_Replaces, "'replaces'")
xx(TK_Vector, "'vector'")
xx(TK_Map, "'map'")
xx(TK_Array, "'array'")
xx(TK_In, "'in'")
xx(TK_SizeOf, "'sizeof'")
xx(TK_AlignOf, "'alignof'")
xx(TK_States, "'states'")
xx(TK_Loop, "'loop'")
xx(TK_Fail, "'fail'")
xx(TK_Wait, "'wait'")
xx(TK_Meta, "'meta'")
xx(TK_Deprecated, "'deprecated'")
xx(TK_ReadOnly, "'readonly'")
#undef xx