For some files that had the Doom Source license attached but saw heavy external contributions over the years I added a special note to license all original ZDoom code under BSD.
Both files can now be included independently without causing problems.
This also required moving some inline functions into separate files and splitting off the GC definitions from dobject.h to ensure that r_defs does not need to pull in any part of the object hierarchy.
- got rid of glsegextras.
This was probably one of the most ill-conceived means to save some memory in ZDoom, but now, when a pure software rendered engine no longer needs to be considered it's just totally useless to keep this mess in.
- disabled the Build map loader after finding out that it has been completely broken and nonfunctional for a long time. Since this has no real value it will probably removed entirely in an upcoming commit.
- fixed: Script functions did not receive the function name when being created.
- relaxed the asserts for PARAM_STATE, because the VM knows nothing about ATAG_STATE. Any state variable's content (e.g. Actor.SeeState) will receive ATAG_GENERIC, rather than ATAG_STATE.
- added a 'NeedResult' flag so that certain operations can create shorter code if the result of the expression is not needed. So far only used for postdecrement/increment statements on local variables (which is the most frequent case where this matters.)
- fixed postincrement and decrement for local variables. Due to the result preservation semantics it created faulty code.
This will fail when a trace starts directly on a block boundary in which case x is a whole number. It should always use 'floor(x)+1' to ensure that the calculated point is at the right or upper edge of a block.
* typo in calculating end position from a trace vector
* must use floor to convert from floating point block coordinate to block index to account for running off the negative side of the blockmap. (Int cast always rounds toward zero which is wrong here.)
* bad calculation of sight checking slopes - they has the actor's z coordinate duplicated.
- fixed scaling of automap markers.
- replaced some uses of FRACUNIT with OPAQUE when it was about translucency.
- simplified some overly complicated translucency multiplications in the SBARINFO code.
- Converted P_MovePlayer and all associated variables to floating point because this wasn't working well with a mixture between float and fixed.
Like the angle commit this has just been patched up to compile, the bulk of work is yet to be done.
* It is actually not enough to disable the early-out condition for the current block if there's a portal. It must be disabled for the entire rest of the trace because otherwise the collected lines never get processed.
* The block bounds check cannot be done globally with portals in the game. The actual trace can easily end up outside the blockmap bounds if portal offsets are factored into the distance between the two actors.
This was to resolve some circular dependencies with the portal code.
The most notable changees:
* FTextureID was moved from textures.h to doomtype.h because it is frequently needed in files that don't want to do anything with actual textures.
* split off the parts from p_maputl into a separate header.
* consolidated all blockmap related data into p_blockmap.h
* split off the polyobject parts into po_man.h
* the sight checking code needs to be as precise as possible and should not depend on some old semi-broken routines. (This is more a precision issue of these routines - P_PointOnDivlineSide removes the lower 8 bits of each value - than having an issue with returning the wrong side in some cases.)
* for slope creations it is flat out wrong to use the old routines at all.
* also ignore this in the modern (box-shaped) case of FPathTraverse::AddLineIntercepts. This functionality is new to ZDoom and therefore not subject to compatibility concerns.
* the line-to-line teleporter. It seems the hideous fudging code was just there to work around the design issues of these functions, so let's better not ever call them here in the first place.
* A_PainShootSkull: Its usage here does not depend on these issues.
* P_ExplodeMissile: New code exclusive to ZDoom.
* FPolyObj::CheckMobjBlocking
All occurences in p_map.cpp have been left alone although most of them probably won't need the compatibility option either.