727 lines
27 KiB
727 lines
27 KiB
coded by Michael Rogers a.k.a Xsniper
some code done by iD software
$cd /models/enemies
$origin 0 0 24
$base base
$skin base
$frame idle001 idle002 idle003 idle004 idle005 idle006 idle007 idle008 idle009 idle010
$frame idle011 idle012 idle013 idle014 idle015 idle016 idle017 idle018 idle019 idle020
$frame idle021 idle022 idle023 idle024 idle025 idle026 idle027 idle028 idle029 idle030
$frame idle031 idle032 idle033 idle034 idle035 idle036 idle037 idle038 idle039 idle040
$frame idle041 idle042 idle043 idle044 idle045 idle046 idle047 idle048 idle049 idle050
$frame idle051 idle052 idle053 idle054 idle055 idle056 idle057 idle058 idle059 idle060
$frame idle061 idle062 idle063 idle064 idle065 idle066 idle067 idle068 idle069 idle070
$frame idle071 idle072 idle073 idle074 idle075 idle076 idle077 idle078 idle079 idle080
$frame idle081 idle082 idle083 idle084 idle085 idle086 idle087 idle088 idle089 idle090
$frame idle091 idle092 idle093 idle094 idle095 idle096 idle097 idle098 idle099 idle100
$frame fly001 fly002 fly003 fly004 fly005 fly006 fly007 fly008 fly009 fly010
$frame fly011 fly012 fly013 fly014 fly015 fly016 fly017 fly018 fly019 fly020
$frame teleport001 teleport002 teleport003 teleport004 teleport005 teleport006 teleport007 teleport008 teleport009 teleport010
$frame attack001 attack002 attack003 attack004 attack005 attack006 attack007 attack008 attack009 attack010
$frame block001 block002 block003 block004 block005 block006 block007 block008 block009 block010
$frame pain001 pain002 pain003 pain004
$frame death1001 death1002 death1003 death1004 death1005 death1006 death1007 death1008 death1009 death1010
$frame death2001 death2002 death2003 death2004 death2005 death2006 death2007 death2008 death2009 death2010
$frame death2011 death2012 death2013 death2014 death2015 death2016 death2017 death2018 death2019 death2020
$frame death2021 death2022 death2023 death2024 death2025 death2026 death2027 death2028 death2029 death2030
$frame death2031 death2032 death2033 death2034 death2035 death2036 death2037 death2038 death2039 death2040
$frame death2041 death2042 death2043 death2044 death2045 death2046 death2047 death2048 death2049 death2050
Sets the given entities velocity and angles so that it will hit self.enemy
if self.enemy maintains it's current velocity
0.1 is moderately accurate, 0.0 is totally accurate
void(entity missile, float mspeed, float accuracy) LaunchMissile =
local vector vec, move;
local float fly;
makevectors (self.angles);
// set missile speed
vec = self.enemy.origin + self.enemy.mins + self.enemy.size * 0.7 - missile.origin;
// calc aproximate time for missile to reach vec
fly = vlen (vec) / mspeed;
// get the entities xy velocity
move = self.enemy.velocity;
move_z = 0;
// project the target forward in time
vec = vec + move * fly;
vec = normalize(vec);
vec = vec + accuracy*v_up*(random()- 0.5) + accuracy*v_right*(random()- 0.5);
missile.velocity = vec * mspeed;
missile.angles = '0 0 0';
missile.angles_y = vectoyaw(missile.velocity);
// set missile duration
missile.nextthink = time + 5;
missile.think = SUB_Remove;
void() apprent_run1;
void() apprent_side1;
float() ApprenticeCheckAttack =
local vector spot1, spot2;
local entity targ;
local float chance;
if (time < self.attack_finished)
return FALSE;
if (!enemy_vis)
return FALSE;
if (enemy_range == RANGE_FAR)
if (self.attack_state != AS_STRAIGHT)
self.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;
apprent_run1 ();
return FALSE;
targ = self.enemy;
// see if any entities are in the way of the shot
spot1 = self.origin + self.view_ofs;
spot2 = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs;
traceline (spot1, spot2, FALSE, self);
if (trace_ent != targ)
{ // don't have a clear shot, so move to a side
if (self.attack_state != AS_STRAIGHT)
self.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;
apprent_run1 ();
return FALSE;
if (enemy_range == RANGE_MELEE)
chance = 0.9;
else if (enemy_range == RANGE_NEAR)
chance = 0.6;
else if (enemy_range == RANGE_MID)
chance = 0.2;
chance = 0;
if (random () < chance)
self.attack_state = AS_MISSILE;
return TRUE;
if (enemy_range == RANGE_MID)
if (self.attack_state != AS_STRAIGHT)
self.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;
apprent_run1 ();
if (self.attack_state != AS_SLIDING)
self.attack_state = AS_SLIDING;
apprent_side1 ();
return FALSE;
float() ApprenticeAttackFinished =
if (enemy_range >= RANGE_MID || !enemy_vis)
self.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;
self.think = apprent_run1;
self.attack_state = AS_SLIDING;
self.think = apprent_side1;
void() ApprentAcidTouch =
if (other == self.owner)
return; // don't explode on owner
T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, (20 + (random() * 10)), world);
//play random acid sound
if (random() <= 0.5)
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/demon/acidhit1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/demon/acidhit2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
void() ApprentSkullTouch =
if (other == self.owner)
return; // don't explode on owner
T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, (20 + (random() * 10)), world);
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/lock4.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
void() Apprent_AcidAttack =
local vector vec;
local vector dst;
if (self.owner.health > 0)
self.owner.effects = self.owner.effects | EF_MUZZLEFLASH;
makevectors (self.enemy.angles);
dst = self.enemy.origin - 13*self.movedir;
vec = normalize(dst - self.origin);
launch_spike (self.origin, vec);
newmis.velocity = vec*600;
newmis.owner = self.owner;
newmis.classname = "apprentacid";
setmodel (newmis, "models/weapons/gfx/acid.mdl");
setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN);
newmis.touch = ApprentAcidTouch;
remove (self);
void() Apprent_SkullAttack =
local vector vec;
local vector dst;
if (self.owner.health > 0)
self.owner.effects = self.owner.effects | EF_MUZZLEFLASH;
makevectors (self.enemy.angles);
dst = self.enemy.origin - 13*self.movedir;
vec = normalize(dst - self.origin);
launch_spike (self.origin, vec);
newmis.velocity = vec*600;
newmis.owner = self.owner;
newmis.classname = "apprentskull";
setmodel (newmis, "models/weapons/gfx/skullblast.md2");
setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN);
newmis.touch = ApprentSkullTouch;
newmis.alpha = 0.4;
remove (self);
void() Boss_SkullAttack =
local vector vec;
local vector dst;
if (self.owner.health > 0)
self.owner.effects = self.owner.effects | EF_MUZZLEFLASH;
makevectors (self.enemy.angles);
dst = self.enemy.origin - 13*self.movedir;
vec = normalize(dst - self.origin);
launch_spike (self.origin, vec);
newmis.velocity = vec*2400;
newmis.owner = self.owner;
newmis.classname = "bossskull";
setmodel (newmis, "models/weapons/gfx/skullblast.md2");
setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN);
newmis.touch = ApprentSkullTouch;
newmis.alpha = 0.4;
remove (self);
void(float atype) Apprent_StartMissile =
//This function starts the apprentice's missile attack, the variable "atype" that is passed to this function controls
//what type of attack will be selected.
//0 = Acid Attack
//1 = Skull Blast
//2 = Boss Fast Skull Blast
local entity missile;
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "enemy/apprent/ability.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.v_angle = self.angles;
makevectors (self.angles);
missile = spawn ();
missile.owner = self;
missile.nextthink = time + 0.6;
setsize (missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
//new origin
setorigin (missile, self.origin + '0 0 15' + (v_right * 26)); //15 units up + 26 units to his right
//old origin commented out now
//setorigin (missile, self.origin + '0 0 30' + v_forward*14 + v_right*14);
missile.enemy = self.enemy;
missile.nextthink = time + 0.8;
//Three different attack types, either Acid, Skullblast, or Boss Skullblast
if (atype == 0)
missile.think = Apprent_AcidAttack;
else if (atype == 1)
missile.think = Apprent_SkullAttack;
else if (atype == 2)
missile.think = Boss_SkullAttack;
missile.movedir = v_right;
missile = spawn ();
missile.owner = self;
missile.nextthink = time + 1;
setsize (missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
//new origin
setorigin (missile, self.origin + '0 0 15' + (v_right * 26)); //15 units up + 26 units to his right
//old origin commented out now
//setorigin (missile, self.origin + '0 0 30' + v_forward*14 + v_right* -14);
missile.enemy = self.enemy;
missile.nextthink = time + 0.3;
//Three different attack types, either Acid, Skullblast, or Boss Skullblast
if (atype == 0)
missile.think = Apprent_AcidAttack;
else if (atype == 1)
missile.think = Apprent_SkullAttack;
else if (atype == 2)
missile.think = Boss_SkullAttack;
missile.movedir = VEC_ORIGIN - v_right;
void() apprent_idlesound =
local float r;
r = random();
if (self.waitmin < time)
self.waitmin = time + 2;
if ( r <= 0.20)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "enemy/apprent/idle1.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
else if ( r <= 0.40)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "enemy/apprent/idle2.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
else if ( r <= 0.60)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "enemy/apprent/idle3.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
else if ( r <= 0.80)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "enemy/apprent/idle4.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "enemy/apprent/idle5.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
void() apprent_idle001 =[ $idle001, apprent_idle002 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle002 =[ $idle002, apprent_idle003 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle003 =[ $idle003, apprent_idle004 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle004 =[ $idle004, apprent_idle005 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle005 =[ $idle005, apprent_idle006 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle006 =[ $idle006, apprent_idle007 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle007 =[ $idle007, apprent_idle008 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle008 =[ $idle008, apprent_idle009 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle009 =[ $idle009, apprent_idle010 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle010 =[ $idle010, apprent_idle011 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle011 =[ $idle011, apprent_idle012 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle012 =[ $idle012, apprent_idle013 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle013 =[ $idle013, apprent_idle014 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle014 =[ $idle014, apprent_idle015 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle015 =[ $idle015, apprent_idle016 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle016 =[ $idle016, apprent_idle017 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle017 =[ $idle017, apprent_idle018 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle018 =[ $idle018, apprent_idle019 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle019 =[ $idle019, apprent_idle020 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle020 =[ $idle020, apprent_idle021 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle021 =[ $idle021, apprent_idle022 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle022 =[ $idle022, apprent_idle023 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle023 =[ $idle023, apprent_idle024 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle024 =[ $idle024, apprent_idle025 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle025 =[ $idle025, apprent_idle026 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle026 =[ $idle026, apprent_idle027 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle027 =[ $idle027, apprent_idle028 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle028 =[ $idle028, apprent_idle029 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle029 =[ $idle029, apprent_idle030 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle030 =[ $idle030, apprent_idle031 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle031 =[ $idle031, apprent_idle032 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle032 =[ $idle032, apprent_idle033 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle033 =[ $idle033, apprent_idle034 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle034 =[ $idle034, apprent_idle035 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle035 =[ $idle035, apprent_idle036 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle036 =[ $idle036, apprent_idle037 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle037 =[ $idle037, apprent_idle038 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle038 =[ $idle038, apprent_idle039 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle039 =[ $idle039, apprent_idle040 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle040 =[ $idle040, apprent_idle041 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle041 =[ $idle041, apprent_idle042 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle042 =[ $idle042, apprent_idle043 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle043 =[ $idle043, apprent_idle044 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle044 =[ $idle044, apprent_idle045 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle045 =[ $idle045, apprent_idle046 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle046 =[ $idle046, apprent_idle047 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle047 =[ $idle047, apprent_idle048 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle048 =[ $idle048, apprent_idle049 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle049 =[ $idle049, apprent_idle050 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle050 =[ $idle050, apprent_idle051 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle051 =[ $idle051, apprent_idle052 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle052 =[ $idle052, apprent_idle053 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle053 =[ $idle053, apprent_idle054 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle054 =[ $idle054, apprent_idle055 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle055 =[ $idle055, apprent_idle056 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle056 =[ $idle056, apprent_idle057 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle057 =[ $idle057, apprent_idle058 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle058 =[ $idle058, apprent_idle059 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle059 =[ $idle059, apprent_idle060 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle060 =[ $idle060, apprent_idle061 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle061 =[ $idle061, apprent_idle062 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle062 =[ $idle062, apprent_idle063 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle063 =[ $idle063, apprent_idle064 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle064 =[ $idle064, apprent_idle065 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle065 =[ $idle065, apprent_idle066 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle066 =[ $idle066, apprent_idle067 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle067 =[ $idle067, apprent_idle068 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle068 =[ $idle068, apprent_idle069 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle069 =[ $idle069, apprent_idle070 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle070 =[ $idle070, apprent_idle071 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle071 =[ $idle071, apprent_idle072 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle072 =[ $idle072, apprent_idle073 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle073 =[ $idle073, apprent_idle074 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle074 =[ $idle074, apprent_idle075 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle075 =[ $idle075, apprent_idle076 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle076 =[ $idle076, apprent_idle077 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle077 =[ $idle077, apprent_idle078 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle078 =[ $idle078, apprent_idle079 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle079 =[ $idle079, apprent_idle080 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle080 =[ $idle080, apprent_idle081 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle081 =[ $idle081, apprent_idle082 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle082 =[ $idle082, apprent_idle083 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle083 =[ $idle083, apprent_idle084 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle084 =[ $idle084, apprent_idle085 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle085 =[ $idle085, apprent_idle086 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle086 =[ $idle086, apprent_idle087 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle087 =[ $idle087, apprent_idle088 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle088 =[ $idle088, apprent_idle089 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle089 =[ $idle089, apprent_idle090 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle090 =[ $idle090, apprent_idle091 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle091 =[ $idle091, apprent_idle092 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle092 =[ $idle092, apprent_idle093 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle093 =[ $idle093, apprent_idle094 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle094 =[ $idle094, apprent_idle095 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle095 =[ $idle095, apprent_idle096 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle096 =[ $idle096, apprent_idle097 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle097 =[ $idle097, apprent_idle098 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle098 =[ $idle098, apprent_idle099 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle099 =[ $idle099, apprent_idle100 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_idle100 =[ $idle100, apprent_idle001 ] {ai_stand();};
void() apprent_fly001 =[ $fly001, apprent_fly002 ]
void() apprent_fly002 =[ $fly002, apprent_fly003 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly003 =[ $fly003, apprent_fly004 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly004 =[ $fly004, apprent_fly005 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly005 =[ $fly005, apprent_fly006 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly006 =[ $fly006, apprent_fly007 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly007 =[ $fly007, apprent_fly008 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly008 =[ $fly008, apprent_fly009 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly009 =[ $fly009, apprent_fly010 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly010 =[ $fly010, apprent_fly011 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly011 =[ $fly011, apprent_fly012 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly012 =[ $fly012, apprent_fly013 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly013 =[ $fly013, apprent_fly014 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly014 =[ $fly014, apprent_fly015 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly015 =[ $fly015, apprent_fly016 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly016 =[ $fly016, apprent_fly017 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly017 =[ $fly017, apprent_fly018 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly018 =[ $fly018, apprent_fly019 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly019 =[ $fly019, apprent_fly020 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_fly020 =[ $fly020, apprent_fly001 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() apprent_side1 =[ $fly001, apprent_side2 ]
void() apprent_side2 =[ $fly002, apprent_side3 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side3 =[ $fly003, apprent_side4 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side4 =[ $fly004, apprent_side5 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side5 =[ $fly005, apprent_side6 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side6 =[ $fly006, apprent_side7 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side7 =[ $fly007, apprent_side8 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side8 =[ $fly008, apprent_side9 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side9 =[ $fly009, apprent_side10 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side10 =[ $fly010, apprent_side11 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side11 =[ $fly011, apprent_side12 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side12 =[ $fly012, apprent_side13 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side13 =[ $fly013, apprent_side14 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side14 =[ $fly014, apprent_side15 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side15 =[ $fly015, apprent_side16 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side16 =[ $fly016, apprent_side17 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side17 =[ $fly017, apprent_side18 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side18 =[ $fly018, apprent_side19 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side19 =[ $fly019, apprent_side20 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_side20 =[ $fly020, apprent_side1 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() apprent_run1 =[ $fly001, apprent_run2 ]
void() apprent_run2 =[ $fly002, apprent_run3 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run3 =[ $fly003, apprent_run4 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run4 =[ $fly004, apprent_run5 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run5 =[ $fly005, apprent_run6 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run6 =[ $fly006, apprent_run7 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run7 =[ $fly007, apprent_run8 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run8 =[ $fly008, apprent_run9 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run9 =[ $fly009, apprent_run10 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run10 =[ $fly010, apprent_run11 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run11 =[ $fly011, apprent_run12 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run12 =[ $fly012, apprent_run13 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run13 =[ $fly013, apprent_run14 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run14 =[ $fly014, apprent_run15 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run15 =[ $fly015, apprent_run16 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run16 =[ $fly016, apprent_run17 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run17 =[ $fly017, apprent_run18 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run18 =[ $fly018, apprent_run19 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run19 =[ $fly019, apprent_run20 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_run20 =[ $fly020, apprent_run1 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() apprent_acid1 =[ $attack001, apprent_acid2 ]
void() apprent_acid2 =[ $attack002, apprent_acid3 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_acid3 =[ $attack003, apprent_acid4 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_acid4 =[ $attack004, apprent_acid5 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_acid5 =[ $attack005, apprent_acid6 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_acid6 =[ $attack006, apprent_acid7 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_acid7 =[ $attack007, apprent_acid8 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_acid8 =[ $attack008, apprent_acid9 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_acid9 =[ $attack009, apprent_acid10 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_acid10 =[ $attack010, apprent_run1 ]
ApprenticeAttackFinished ();
void() apprent_skull1 =[ $attack001, apprent_skull2 ]
void() apprent_skull2 =[ $attack002, apprent_skull3 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_skull3 =[ $attack003, apprent_skull4 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_skull4 =[ $attack004, apprent_skull5 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_skull5 =[ $attack005, apprent_skull6 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_skull6 =[ $attack006, apprent_skull7 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_skull7 =[ $attack007, apprent_skull8 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_skull8 =[ $attack008, apprent_skull9 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_skull9 =[ $attack009, apprent_skull10 ] {ai_face();};
void() apprent_skull10 =[ $attack010, apprent_run1 ]
ApprenticeAttackFinished ();
void() apprent_pain1 =[ $pain001, apprent_pain2 ] {};
void() apprent_pain2 =[ $pain002, apprent_pain3 ] {};
void() apprent_pain3 =[ $pain003, apprent_pain4 ] {};
void() apprent_pain4 =[ $pain004, apprent_run1 ] {};
void(entity attacker, float damage) apprent_Pain =
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "enemy/apprent/pain.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (random()*70 > damage)
return; // didn't flinch
apprent_pain1 ();
void() apprent_death1 =[ $death1001, apprent_death2 ]
self.velocity_x = -200 + 400*random();
self.velocity_y = -200 + 400*random();
self.velocity_z = 100 + 100*random();
self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND);
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "enemy/apprent/death.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
void() apprent_death2 =[ $death1002, apprent_death3 ] {};
void() apprent_death3 =[ $death1003, apprent_death4 ] {self.solid = SOLID_NOT;};
void() apprent_death4 =[ $death1004, apprent_death5 ] {};
void() apprent_death5 =[ $death1005, apprent_death6 ] {};
void() apprent_death6 =[ $death1006, apprent_death7 ] {};
void() apprent_death7 =[ $death1007, apprent_death8 ] {};
void() apprent_death8 =[ $death1008, apprent_death9 ] {};
void() apprent_death9 =[ $death1009, apprent_death10 ] {};
void() apprent_death10 =[ $death1010, apprent_death10 ] {banish_monster();};
void() apprent_die =
apprent_death1 ();
void() apprent_Missile =
//Two attack types, choose between Acid attack, or Skull Blast
if (random() <= 0.5)
void() apprentice_precache =
//apprentice graphics
precache_model ("models/enemies/apprent.md2");
precache_model ("models/weapons/gfx/acid.mdl");
precache_model ("models/weapons/gfx/skullblast.md2");
//apprentice sounds
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/ability.wav");
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/death.wav");
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/idle1.wav");
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/idle2.wav");
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/idle3.wav");
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/idle4.wav");
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/idle5.wav");
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/pain.wav");
precache_sound ("enemy/apprent/sight.wav");
precache_sound ("weapons/demon/acidhit1.wav");
precache_sound ("weapons/demon/acidhit2.wav");
precache_sound ("weapons/lock4.wav"); //used for missile touch function
/*EWED monster_apprentice (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) Ambush
void() monster_apprentice =
if (deathmatch)
//if we are put in the level directly then call apprentice_precache
if (self.classname != "monster_wizard")
self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
setmodel (self, "models/enemies/apprent.md2");
setsize (self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 40');
// setsize (self, VEC_HULL2_MIN, VEC_HULL2_MAX);
self.health = set_health(80);
self.speed = set_speed(0); //variable velocity system, not a factor for flying monster
self.dtype = 3; //dodge type teleport
self.alpha = 1; //we aren't transparent
self.th_stand = apprent_idle001;
self.th_walk = apprent_fly001;
self.th_run = apprent_run1;
self.th_missile = apprent_Missile;
self.th_pain = apprent_Pain;
self.th_die = apprent_die;
//my new classname is?
self.classname = "monster_apprentice";
//set up our monflag
self.monflag = "TRUE";
flymonster_start ();