2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00

807 lines
18 KiB

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;
Functions called only from _utility
linetime_proc( start, end, color, timer )
for ( i = 0; i < timer * 20; i++ )
line( start, end, color );
wait( 0.05 );
structarray_swap( object1, object2 )
index1 = object1.struct_array_index;
index2 = object2.struct_array_index;
self.array[ index2 ] = object1;
self.array[ index1 ] = object2;
self.array[ index1 ].struct_array_index = index1;
self.array[ index2 ].struct_array_index = index2;
waitSpread_code( start, end )
waittillframeend;// give every other waitspreader in this frame a chance to increment wait_spreaders
assert( level.wait_spreaders >= 1 );
allotment = [];
if ( level.wait_spreaders == 1 )
allotment[ 0 ] = randomfloatrange( start, end );
level.wait_spreader_allotment = allotment;
level.active_wait_spread = undefined;
allotment[ 0 ] = start;
allotment[ allotment.size ] = end;
for ( i = 1; i < level.wait_spreaders - 1; i++ )
allotment = waitSpread_insert( allotment );
level.wait_spreader_allotment = array_randomize( allotment );
level.active_wait_spread = undefined;
waitSpread_insert( allotment )
gapIndex = -1;
gap = 0;
// get the largest waitspread gap
for ( p = 0; p < allotment.size - 1; p++ )
newgap = allotment[ p + 1 ] - allotment[ p ];
if ( newgap <= gap )
gap = newgap;
gapIndex = p;
assert( gap > 0 );
newAllotment = [];
for ( i = 0; i < allotment.size; i++ )
if ( gapIndex == i - 1 )
newAllotment[ newAllotment.size ] = randomfloatrange( allotment[ gapIndex ], allotment[ gapIndex + 1 ] );
newAllotment[ newAllotment.size ] = allotment[ i ];
return newAllotment;
waittill_objective_event_proc( requireTrigger )
while ( level.deathSpawner[ self.script_deathChain ] > 0 )
level waittill( "spawner_expired" + self.script_deathChain );
if ( requireTrigger )
self waittill( "trigger" );
flag = self get_trigger_flag();
flag_set( flag );
self endon( "death" );
while ( self.isSpeaking )
wait( 0.05 );
wait_for_trigger_think( ent )
self endon( "death" );
ent endon( "trigger" );
self waittill( "trigger" );
ent notify( "trigger" );
wait_for_trigger( msg, type )
triggers = getentarray( msg, type );
ent = spawnstruct();
array_thread( triggers, ::wait_for_trigger_think, ent );
ent waittill( "trigger" );
ent_waits_for_level_notify( msg )
level waittill( msg );
self notify( "done" );
ent_waits_for_trigger( trigger )
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
self notify( "done" );
ent_times_out( timer )
wait( timer );
self notify( "done" );
self notify( "debug_color_update" );
self endon( "debug_color_update" );
num = self.ai_number;
self waittill( "death" );
level.debug_color_friendlies[ num ] = undefined;
// updates the debug color friendlies info
level notify( "updated_color_friendlies" );
update_debug_friendlycolor( num )
thread update_debug_friendlycolor_on_death();
if ( isdefined( self.script_forceColor ) )
level.debug_color_friendlies[ num ] = self.script_forceColor;
level.debug_color_friendlies[ num ] = undefined;
// updates the debug color friendlies info
level notify( "updated_color_friendlies" );
assertEx( !isdefined( self.setforcecolor ), "Tried to set forceColor on an ai twice in one frame. Don't spam set_force_color." );
self.setforcecolor = true;
if ( !isalive( self ) )
self.setforcecolor = undefined;
new_color_being_set( color )
self notify( "new_color_being_set" );
self.new_force_color_being_set = true;
self endon( "new_color_being_set" );
self endon( "death" );
// insure we're only getting one color change, multiple in one frame will get overwritten.
if ( isdefined( self.script_forceColor ) )
// grab the current colorCode that AI of this color are forced to, if there is one
self.currentColorCode = level.currentColorForced[ ][ self.script_forceColor ];
self thread maps\_colors::goto_current_ColorIndex();
self.new_force_color_being_set = undefined;
self notify( "done_setting_new_color" );
update_debug_friendlycolor( self.ai_number );
radio_queue_thread( msg )
queueTime = gettime();
for ( ;; )
if ( !isdefined( self._radio_queue ) )
self waittill( "finished_radio" );
if ( gettime() > queueTime + 7500 )
self._radio_queue = true;
wait_for_buffer_time_to_pass( level.last_mission_sound_time, 0.5 );
level.player play_sound_on_entity( level.scr_radio[ msg ] );
self._radio_queue = undefined;
level.last_mission_sound_time = gettime();
self notify( "finished_radio" );
delayThread_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4 )
self endon( "death" );
wait( timer );
if ( isdefined( param4 ) )
thread [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4 );
if ( isdefined( param3 ) )
thread [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3 );
if ( isdefined( param2 ) )
thread [[ func ]]( param1, param2 );
if ( isdefined( param1 ) )
thread [[ func ]]( param1 );
thread [[ func ]]();
wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses( flagname, timer )
level endon( flagname );
wait( timer );
ent_wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses( flagname, timer )
self endon( flagname );
wait( timer );
waittill_either_function_internal( ent, func, parm )
ent endon( "done" );
[[ func ]]( parm );
ent notify( "done" );
HintPrintWait( length, breakfunc )
if ( !isdefined( breakfunc ) )
wait( length );
timer = length * 20;
for ( i = 0; i < timer; i++ )
if ( [[ breakfunc ]]() )
wait( 0.05 );
HintPrint( string, breakfunc )
flag_waitopen( "global_hint_in_use" );
flag_set( "global_hint_in_use" );
Hint = createFontString( "objective", 2 );
//Hint.color = ( 1, 1, .5 ); //remove color so that color highlighting on PC can show up.
Hint.alpha = 0.9;
Hint.x = 0;
Hint.y = -68;
Hint.alignx = "center";
Hint.aligny = "middle";
Hint.horzAlign = "center";
Hint.vertAlign = "middle";
Hint.foreground = false;
Hint.hidewhendead = true;
Hint setText( string );
Hint.alpha = 0;
Hint FadeOverTime( MYFADEINTIME );
Hint.alpha = MYALPHAHIGH;
HintPrintWait( MYFADEINTIME );
if ( isdefined( breakfunc ) )
for ( ;; )
Hint FadeOverTime( MYFLASHTIME );
Hint.alpha = MYALPHALOW;
HintPrintWait( MYFLASHTIME, breakfunc );
if ( [[ breakfunc ]]() )
Hint FadeOverTime( MYFLASHTIME );
Hint.alpha = MYALPHAHIGH;
HintPrintWait( MYFLASHTIME );
if ( [[ breakfunc ]]() )
for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
Hint FadeOverTime( MYFLASHTIME );
Hint.alpha = MYALPHALOW;
HintPrintWait( MYFLASHTIME );
Hint FadeOverTime( MYFLASHTIME );
Hint.alpha = MYALPHAHIGH;
HintPrintWait( MYFLASHTIME );
Hint Destroy();
flag_clear( "global_hint_in_use" );
lerp_player_view_to_tag_internal( ent, tag, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, hit_geo )
if( IsPlayer( self ) )
self endon( "disconnect" );
if ( isdefined( self.first_frame_time ) && ent.first_frame_time == gettime() )
// the base ai / vehicle / model just was put into the first frame and it takes a server frame for the
// tags to get into position
wait( 0.10 );
origin = ent gettagorigin( tag );
angles = ent gettagangles( tag );
self lerp_player_view_to_position( origin, angles, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, hit_geo );
if ( hit_geo )
self playerlinkto( ent, tag, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, false );
lerp_player_view_to_tag_oldstyle_internal( ent, tag, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, hit_geo )
if( IsPlayer( self ) )
self endon( "disconnect" );
if ( isdefined( ent.first_frame_time ) && ent.first_frame_time == gettime() )
// the base ai / vehicle / model just was put into the first frame and it takes a server frame for the
// tags to get into position
wait( 0.10 );
origin = ent gettagorigin( tag );
angles = ent gettagangles( tag );
self lerp_player_view_to_position_oldstyle( origin, angles, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, true );
if ( hit_geo )
self playerlinktodelta( ent, tag, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, false );
lerp_player_view_to_moving_tag_oldstyle_internal( ent, tag, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, hit_geo )
if( IsPlayer( self ) )
self endon( "disconnect" );
if ( isdefined( ent.first_frame_time ) && ent.first_frame_time == gettime() )
// the base ai / vehicle / model just was put into the first frame and it takes a server frame for the
// tags to get into position
wait( 0.10 );
self lerp_player_view_to_position_oldstyle( ent, tag, lerptime, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, true );
if ( hit_geo )
// self playerlinktodelta( ent, tag, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, false );
self playerlinkto( ent, tag, fraction, right_arc, left_arc, top_arc, bottom_arc, false );
function_stack_proc( caller, func, param1, param2, param3, param4 )
if ( !isdefined( caller.function_stack ) )
caller.function_stack = [];
caller.function_stack[ caller.function_stack.size ] = self;
function_stack_caller_waits_for_turn( caller );
if ( isdefined( caller ) )
if ( isdefined( param4 ) )
caller [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4 );
if ( isdefined( param3 ) )
caller [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3 );
if ( isdefined( param2 ) )
caller [[ func ]]( param1, param2 );
if ( isdefined( param1 ) )
caller [[ func ]]( param1 );
caller [[ func ]]();
if ( isdefined( caller ) )
caller.function_stack = array_remove( caller.function_stack, self );
caller notify( "level_function_stack_ready" );
if ( isdefined( self ) )
self notify( "function_done" );
function_stack_caller_waits_for_turn( caller )
caller endon( "death" );
self endon( "death" );
while ( caller.function_stack[ 0 ] != self )
caller waittill( "level_function_stack_ready" );
alphabet_compare( a, b )
list = [];
val = 1;
list[ "0" ] = val; val++;
list[ "1" ] = val; val++;
list[ "2" ] = val; val++;
list[ "3" ] = val; val++;
list[ "4" ] = val; val++;
list[ "5" ] = val; val++;
list[ "6" ] = val; val++;
list[ "7" ] = val; val++;
list[ "8" ] = val; val++;
list[ "9" ] = val; val++;
list[ "_" ] = val; val++;
list[ "a" ] = val; val++;
list[ "b" ] = val; val++;
list[ "c" ] = val; val++;
list[ "d" ] = val; val++;
list[ "e" ] = val; val++;
list[ "f" ] = val; val++;
list[ "g" ] = val; val++;
list[ "h" ] = val; val++;
list[ "i" ] = val; val++;
list[ "j" ] = val; val++;
list[ "k" ] = val; val++;
list[ "l" ] = val; val++;
list[ "m" ] = val; val++;
list[ "n" ] = val; val++;
list[ "o" ] = val; val++;
list[ "p" ] = val; val++;
list[ "q" ] = val; val++;
list[ "r" ] = val; val++;
list[ "s" ] = val; val++;
list[ "t" ] = val; val++;
list[ "u" ] = val; val++;
list[ "v" ] = val; val++;
list[ "w" ] = val; val++;
list[ "x" ] = val; val++;
list[ "y" ] = val; val++;
list[ "z" ] = val; val++;
a = tolower( a );
b = tolower( b );
val1 = 0;
if ( isdefined( list[ a ] ) )
val1 = list[ a ];
val2 = 0;
if ( isdefined( list[ b ] ) )
val2 = list[ b ];
if ( val1 > val2 )
return "1st";
if ( val1 < val2 )
return "2nd";
return "same";
is_later_in_alphabet( string1, string2 )
count = string1.size;
if ( count >= string2.size )
count = string2.size;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
val = alphabet_compare( string1[ i ], string2[ i ] );
if ( val == "1st" )
return true;
if ( val == "2nd" )
return false;
return string1.size > string2.size;
unflash_flag( seconds )
level endon( "player_flashed" );
wait( seconds );
flag_clear( "player_flashed" );
wait_for_sounddone_or_death( org )
self endon( "death" );
org waittill( "sounddone" );
self effect_soundalias();
// save off this info in case we delete the effect
origin = self.v[ "origin" ];
alias = self.v[ "soundalias" ];
self exploder_delay();
play_sound_in_space( alias, origin );
if( isdefined( self.v[ "repeat" ] ) )
for( i = 0;i < self.v[ "repeat" ];i ++ )
playfx( level._effect[ self.v[ "fxid" ] ], self.v[ "origin" ], self.v[ "forward" ], self.v[ "up" ] );
// exploder_playSound();
self exploder_delay();
self exploder_delay();
// playfx( level._effect[ self.v[ "fxid" ] ], self.v[ "origin" ], self.v[ "forward" ], self.v[ "up" ] );
if ( isdefined( self.looper ) )
self.looper delete();
self.looper = spawnFx( getfx( self.v[ "fxid" ] ), self.v[ "origin" ], self.v[ "forward" ], self.v[ "up" ] );
triggerFx( self.looper );
if( !isdefined( self.v[ "delay" ] ) )
self.v[ "delay" ] = 0;
min_delay = self.v[ "delay" ];
max_delay = self.v[ "delay" ] + 0.001;// cant randomfloatrange on the same #
if( isdefined( self.v[ "delay_min" ] ) )
min_delay = self.v[ "delay_min" ];
if( isdefined( self.v[ "delay_max" ] ) )
max_delay = self.v[ "delay_max" ];
if( min_delay > 0 )
wait( randomfloatrange( min_delay, max_delay ) );
self exploder_delay();
eq = level.earthquake[ self.v[ "earthquake" ] ];
earthquake( eq[ "magnitude" ], eq[ "duration" ], self.v[ "origin" ], eq[ "radius" ] );
self exploder_delay();
level.player PlayRumbleonentity( self.v[ "rumble" ] );
if( !isdefined( self.v[ "soundalias" ] ) || self.v[ "soundalias" ] == "nil" )
play_sound_in_space( self.v[ "soundalias" ], self.v[ "origin" ] );
forward = self.v[ "forward" ];
up = self.v[ "up" ];
org = undefined;
firefxSound = self.v[ "firefxsound" ];
origin = self.v[ "origin" ];
firefx = self.v[ "firefx" ];
ender = self.v[ "ender" ];
if( !isdefined( ender ) )
ender = "createfx_effectStopper";
timeout = self.v[ "firefxtimeout" ];
fireFxDelay = 0.5;
if( isdefined( self.v[ "firefxdelay" ] ) )
fireFxDelay = self.v[ "firefxdelay" ];
self exploder_delay();
if( isdefined( firefxSound ) )
level thread loop_fx_sound( firefxSound, origin, ender, timeout );
playfx( level._effect[ firefx ], self.v[ "origin" ], forward, up );
// loopfx( fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout )
// maps\_fx::loopfx( firefx, origin, delay, org, undefined, ender, timeout );
self exploder_delay();
// self.trailfx_looper = PlayLoopedFx( level._effect[self.v["trailfx"]], self.v["trailfxdelay"], self.v["origin"], 0, self.v["forward"], self.v["up"]);
if( !IsDefined( self.v["trailfxtag"] ) )
self.v["trailfxtag"] = "tag_origin";
temp_ent = undefined;
// TEMP!!!
if(self.v["trailfxtag"] == "tag_origin")
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[self.v["trailfx"]], self.model, self.v["trailfxtag"] );
temp_ent = Spawn( "script_model", self.model.origin );
temp_ent SetModel( "tag_origin" );
temp_ent LinkTo( self.model );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[self.v["trailfx"]], temp_ent, self.v["trailfxtag"] );
// self.trailfx_looper LinkTo( self, self.v["trailfxtag"] );
if( IsDefined( self.v["trailfxsound"] ) )
// self.trailfx_looper PlayLoopSound( self.v["trailfxsound"] );
// self PlayLoopSound( self.v["trailfxsound"] );
self.model PlayLoopSound( self.v["trailfxsound"] );
temp_ent PlayLoopSound( self.v["trailfxsound"] );
if( IsDefined( self.v[ "ender" ] ) )
// level thread trail_effect_ender( self.trailfx_looper, self.v[ "ender" ] );
if( !IsDefined( self.v["trailfxtimeout"] ) )
wait( self.v["trailfxtimeout"] );
// self.trailfx_looper Delete();
temp_ent Delete();
trail_effect_ender( ent, ender )
ent endon( "death" );
self waittill( ender );
ent Delete();
init_vision_set( visionset )
level.lvl_visionset = visionset;
if ( !isdefined ( level.vision_cheat_enabled ) )
level.vision_cheat_enabled = false;
return level.vision_cheat_enabled;
array_waitlogic1( ent, msg, timeout )
self array_waitlogic2( ent, msg, timeout );
self._array_wait = false;
self notify( "_array_wait" );
array_waitlogic2( ent, msg, timeout )
ent endon( msg );
ent endon( "death" );
if( isdefined( timeout ) )
wait timeout;
ent waittill( msg );
exec_func( func, endons )
for ( i = 0; i < endons.size; i++ )
endons[ i ].caller endon( endons[ i ].ender );
if ( func.parms.size == 0 )
func.caller [[ func.func ]]();
if ( func.parms.size == 1 )
func.caller [[ func.func ]]( func.parms[ 0 ] );
if ( func.parms.size == 2 )
func.caller [[ func.func ]]( func.parms[ 0 ], func.parms[ 1 ] );
if ( func.parms.size == 3 )
func.caller [[ func.func ]]( func.parms[ 0 ], func.parms[ 1 ], func.parms[ 2 ] );
waittill_func_ends( func, endons )
self endon( "all_funcs_ended" );
exec_func( func, endons );
self notify( "func_ended" );