2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00

1303 lines
32 KiB

// file: rhi2_event_sweep.gsc
// description: "clean sweep" event script for rhineland2
// scripter: slayback
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\rhi2;
#include maps\rhi2_util;
// --- STARTS ---
// normal map start
warp_players( "struct_sweep_start", "targetname" );
warp_friendlies( "struct_sweep_start_friends", "targetname" );
// play the intro cinematic
level waittill( "finished final intro screen fadein" );
wait( 3 );
level thread event_sweep_setup();
SetDvar( "introscreen", "0" );
warp_players( "struct_barricade1_start", "targetname" );
warp_friendlies( "struct_barricade1_start_friends", "targetname" );
level thread event_sweep_setup( "barricade1" );
SetDvar( "introscreen", "0" );
warp_players( "struct_sweep2_start", "targetname" );
warp_friendlies( "struct_sweep2_start_friends", "targetname" );
level thread event_sweep_setup( "sweep2" );
// --- END STARTS ---
level waittill( "controls_active" );
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] FreezeControls( true );
iprintlnbold( "**a tank gets owned, chaos ensues**" );
wait( 7 );
iprintlnbold( "ok, we can't move up any further til it's clear!" );
wait( 4 );
iprintlnbold( "infantry, clear the area..." );
wait( 2 );
iprintlnbold( "then radio back and we'll move up." );
wait( 2 );
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] FreezeControls( false );
event_sweep_setup( startSpot )
maps\_status::show_task( "sweep" );
flag_clear( "convoy_move1" );
flag_clear( "convoy_move2" );
flag_clear( "convoy_move3" );
flag_clear( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_go" );
flag_clear( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_done" );
flag_clear( "barricade1_cavedoor_fc_hit" );
flag_clear( "convoy_past_barricade2" );
// raise the flood_spawner trigger at barricade1 til we want it active
GetEnt( "trig_spawner_barricade1guys", "script_noteworthy" ) trigger_off();
if( !IsDefined( startSpot ) )
thread event_sweep_action1();
else if( startSpot == "barricade1" )
objectives_skip( 1 );
thread convoy_movement_barricade1( true );
thread event_sweep_action2();
else if( startSpot == "sweep2" )
objectives_skip( 3 );
set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc25" );
thread convoy_movement_sweep2( true );
thread event_sweep_action3();
// manages level action for the first house clearing area
if( GetDvarInt( "introscreen" ) != 0 )
level waittill( "finished final intro screen fadein" );
set_objective( 1 );
set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc1" );
thread convoy_movement_sweep1();
thread rocketmen_init( "trig_spawner_sweep_rocketgroup1", "rocketman_sweep1", "convoy_move2", "sbmodel_rocketgroup1_nosight" );
thread runners_group_cleanup( "trig_sweep_runnersgroup1", "aigroup_sweep_runnersgroup1" );
// move 1
wait( 2 );
flag_set( "convoy_move1" );
// stop 1
level waittill( "convoy_stopped" );
thread radioman_think();
thread objective_follow_ent( 1, level.radioman );
// TODO need VO
//iprintlnbold( "clear out those houses" );
// wait for radioman use
level waittill( "radioman_used" );
level notify( "stop_radioman_think" );
level notify( "objective_stop_following_ent" );
// move 2
flag_set( "convoy_move2" );
iprintlnbold( "roger, convoy moving up" );
level thread event_sweep_action2();
// manages level action for the first barricade area
// clear old chain triggers and set friendlychain next to barricade
trigs = GetEntArray( "trigs_sweep_area1_house_fctrigs", "script_noteworthy" );
ASSERTEX( IsDefined( trigs ) && trigs.size > 0, "Triggers with script_noteworthy of trigs_sweep_area1_house_fctrigs could not be found" );
for( i = 0; i < trigs.size; i++ )
trigs[i] trigger_off();
// set barricade1 flood_spawner trigger back on
GetEnt( "trig_spawner_barricade1guys", "script_noteworthy" ) trigger_on();
wait( 0.1 );
set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc5" );
// update objective state
objective_state( 1, "done" );
trigger_wait( "trig_sweep_atBarricade1", "targetname" );
//set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc21" );
// wait for any player to pass barricade
playerCrossed = false;
while( !playerCrossed )
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
player = players[i];
if( player.origin[1] > -1400 )
playerCrossed = true;
if( playerCrossed )
wait( 0.1 );
// then wait a few beats to destroy the barricade and call in the flame tank
wait( 15 );
// TODO radioman VO
iprintlnbold( "get em boys!" );
flag_set( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_go" );
flag_wait( "sweep_barricade1_cleared" );
wait( 3 );
// friendlies move past barricade
//set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc21" );
//thread event_sweep_barricade1_fc_failsafe();
// wait for the flame tank to get to the flame node
GetEnt( "vehicle_convoy_tank2", "targetname" ) waittill( "stopped_at_node" );
set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc25" );
// friendlies move to cave entrance (if necessary)
if( !flag( "barricade1_cavedoor_fc_hit" ) )
set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc23" );
// wait for the flame tank to be done
flag_wait( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_done" );
// update objective
//set_objective( 2 );
// wait for player to get through the cave/bunker
//trigger_wait( "trig_sweep_barricade1_caveclear", "targetname" );
set_objective( 3 );
trigger_wait( "trig_barricade1_roadRegroupSpot", "targetname" );
level thread event_sweep_action3();
// manages level action for the second house clearing area
thread rocketmen_init( "trig_spawner_sweep2_rocketgroup1", "rocketman_sweep2", "convoy_move3" );
iprintlnbold( "you guys clear the road up ahead..." );
wait( 2 );
iprintlnbold( "you know the drill, radio back when it's clear." );
set_objective( 4 );
set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc27" );
// radioman ready for use again
thread radioman_think();
thread objective_follow_ent( 4, level.radioman );
// wait for radioman use
level waittill( "radioman_used" );
objective_state( 4, "done" );
flag_set( "convoy_move3" );
iprintlnbold( "roger, convoy moving up" );
level notify( "stop_radioman_think" );
level notify( "objective_stop_following_ent" );
// new friendlychain & clean up trigger-based ones
trigs = GetEntArray( "trigs_sweep_area2_house_fctrigs", "script_noteworthy" );
for( i = 0; i < trigs.size; i++ )
trigs[i] trigger_off();
set_friendlychain( "node_sweep_fc38" );
// wait for convoy to get past the second barricade and stop
flag_wait( "convoy_past_barricade2" );
// TODO start walk with convoy
level thread maps\rhi2_event_convoywalk::event_convoywalk_setup();
GetEnt( "trig_sweep_fc25", "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
flag_set( "barricade1_cavedoor_fc_hit" );
// --- CONVOY ---
// sets up level.convoy_array
if( IsDefined( level.convoyWasSetup ) && level.convoyWasSetup )
level.convoyWasSetup = true;
level.convoy_array = [];
// TODO figure out a more automated way of getting convoy vehicles
level.tank1 = GetEnt( "vehicle_convoy_tank1", "targetname" );
level.tank2 = GetEnt( "vehicle_convoy_tank2", "targetname" ); = 2000; // TEMP hack until script_startinghealth works, or we change rocket damage, or we change sherman health value = 2000;
level.convoy_array = array_add( level.convoy_array, level.tank1 );
level.convoy_array = array_add( level.convoy_array, level.tank2 );
ASSERTEX( level.convoy_array.size > 0, "convoy setup failed because the convoy array is empty." );
for( i = 0; i < level.convoy_array.size; i++ )
ASSERTEX( IsDefined( level.convoy_array[i] ), "one of the vehicles in the convoy array is undefined!" );
thread convoy_monitor_health();
level endon( "stop_monitoring_convoy_health" );
level.convoy_healthAtStart = convoy_get_total_health();
while( 1 )
string = "convoy health: " + convoy_get_total_health() + " / " + level.convoy_healthAtStart;
Print3D( level.convoy_array[0].origin + ( 0, 0, 70 ), string, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1, 0.75 );
if( convoy_get_total_health() < ( level.convoy_healthAtStart / 2 ) )
wait( 0.05 );
level notify( "mission failed" );
setDvar( "ui_deadquote", &"RHI2_MISSION_FAILED_CONVOYDEATH" );
// gets the combined health of all vehicles in level.convoy_array
totalhealth = undefined;
if( IsDefined( level.convoy_array ) && level.convoy_array.size > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < level.convoy_array.size; i++ )
vehicle = level.convoy_array[i];
if( IsDefined( vehicle ) )
if( !IsDefined( totalhealth ) )
totalhealth = 0;
totalhealth +=;
totalhealth = 0;
return totalhealth;
// handles the convoy movement throughout the event
flag_wait( "convoy_move1" );
GetEnt( "trig_convoy_move1", "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
GetVehicleNode( "vnode_convoy_tank1_stop1", "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
if( !flag( "convoy_move2" ) )
//iprintlnbold( "stopping convoy" );
thread convoy_setspeed( 0, 30 );
level notify( "convoy_stopped" );
flag_wait( "convoy_move2" );
thread convoy_resumespeed( 10 );
level thread convoy_movement_barricade1();
convoy_movement_barricade1( skippedTo )
// skip the convoy forward if we're using a start
if( IsDefined( skippedTo ) && skippedTo )
GetEnt( "trig_convoy_move1", "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
flag_set( "convoy_move1" );
flag_set( "convoy_move2" );
thread convoy_setspeed( 100, 1000 );
// stop at the barricade
GetVehicleNode( "vnode_convoy_tank1_barricade1", "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
// stop them faster if they're skipping forward
if( IsDefined( skippedTo ) && skippedTo )
thread convoy_setspeed( 0, 1000 );
thread convoy_setspeed( 0, 30 );
level notify( "convoy_stopped" );
flag_wait( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_go" );
// open the barricade and send up the flame tank
thread convoy_open_barricade1();
thread convoy_barricade1_flamecave();
flag_wait( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_done" );
level thread convoy_movement_sweep2();
convoy_movement_sweep2( skippedTo )
// skip the convoy forward if we're using a start
if( IsDefined( skippedTo ) && skippedTo )
GetEnt( "trig_convoy_move1", "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
flag_set( "convoy_move1" );
flag_set( "convoy_move2" );
flag_set( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_go" );
flag_set( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_done" );
thread convoy_setspeed( 100, 1000 );
flag_wait( "convoy_move3" );
// move convoy
tank1 = GetEnt( "vehicle_convoy_tank1", "targetname" );
tank2 = GetEnt( "vehicle_convoy_tank2", "targetname" );
node1 = GetVehicleNode( "vnode_convoy_tank1_sweep2_pathStart", "targetname" );
node2 = GetVehicleNode( "vnode_convoy_tank2_sweep2_pathStart", "targetname" );
tank1 AttachPath( node1 );
tank1 SetSpeed( 10, 10 );
tank1 thread maps\_vehicle::vehicle_paths( node1 );
tank2 AttachPath( node2 );
tank2 SetSpeed( 10, 10 );
tank2 thread maps\_vehicle::vehicle_paths( node2 );
// barbed wire rollover
thread convoy_sweep2_barbedwire_rollover();
// push sdk out of the way
thread convoy_push_sdk();
waittill_multiple_ents( tank1, "reached_end_node", tank2, "reached_end_node" );
flag_set( "convoy_past_barricade2" );
wait( 0.05 );
GetVehicleNode( "vnode_convoy_tank1_sweep2_midBarricade", "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
spool = GetEnt( "sbmodel_barricade2_barbedwire1", "targetname" );
spool ConnectPaths();
spool MoveTo( spool.origin + ( 0, 0, -44 ), 1, 0.25, 0.75 );
convoy_push_sdk( skippedTo )
if( !IsDefined( skippedTo ) || !skippedTo )
wait( 0.05 );
GetVehicleNode( "vnode_convoy_tank1_barricade2", "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
// trigger the sdk to roll up
GetEnt( "trig_barricade2_sdk", "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
wait( 0.1 );
sdk = GetEnt( "vehicle_barricade2_sdk", "targetname" );
sdk SetSpeed( 100, 1000 );
sdk waittill( "reached_path_end" );
sdk = GetEnt( "vehicle_barricade2_sdk", "targetname" );
pushPathStart = GetStruct( "struct_sdk_push_pathStart", "targetname" );
// swap the vehicle for a script_model
sdk DoDamage( + 200, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
fake_sdk = Spawn( "script_model", sdk.origin );
fake_sdk Hide();
fake_sdk SetModel( "vehicle_german_armored_car" );
fake_sdk.angles = sdk.angles;
sdk Hide();
fake_sdk Show();
org = Spawn( "script_origin", sdk.origin );
org.angles = sdk.angles;
// TODO we probably want to animate the SDK getting pushed out of the way
fake_sdk LinkTo( org );
pathpoint = pushPathStart;
defaultMoveTime = 2;
while( IsDefined( pathpoint ) )
if( IsDefined( pathpoint.script_float ) )
movetime = pathpoint.script_float;
movetime = defaultMoveTime;
org MoveTo( pathpoint.origin, movetime );
org waittill( "movedone" );
// get next pathpoint
if( IsDefined( ) )
pathpoint = GetStruct(, "targetname" );
pathpoint = undefined;
fake_sdk Unlink();
wait( 0.1 );
org Delete();
wall_left = GetEnt( "sbmodel_sweep_barricade2_left", "targetname" );
wall_right = GetEnt( "sbmodel_sweep_barricade2_right", "targetname" );
wall_left ConnectPaths();
wall_right ConnectPaths();
//flag_set( "barricade2_doors_connected" );
wall_left RotateTo( ( 0, 120, 0 ), 2 );
wall_right RotateTo( ( 0, -120, 0 ), 2 );
wall_right waittill( "rotatedone" );
wall_left DisconnectPaths();
wall_right DisconnectPaths();
flag_set( "sweep_barricade2_cleared" );
// kill the spawners
GetEnt( "trig_script_killspawner_1", "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
// get the AIs and send them into the cave
ais = get_ai_group_ai( "sweep_cavespawners" );
for( i = 0; i < ais.size; i++ )
if( is_active_ai( ais[i] ) )
ais[i].ignoreall = true;
ais[i].goalradius = 512;
ais[i] SetGoalPos( ( 180, 428, -685.9 ) );
// move lead tank
leadtank = GetEnt( "vehicle_convoy_tank1", "targetname" );
leadtank SetSpeed( 10, 10 );
leadtank thread vehicle_stop_at_node( "vnode_convoy_tank1_barricade1a" );
// wait for the lead tank to move out the way
wait( 3 );
// move flametank
flametank = GetEnt( "vehicle_convoy_tank2", "targetname" );
flametank SetSpeed( 10, 10 );
flametank thread convoy_barricade1_flamecave_crush_barbedwire();
flametank vehicle_stop_at_node( "vnode_convoy_tank2_barricade1_flamespot" );
// flame the door
cavedoor_org = GetEnt( "org_barricade1_cavedoor", "targetname" );
flametank SetTurretTargetEnt( cavedoor_org );
flametank waittill( "turret_on_target" );
wait( 1.3 );
flametank thread convoy_barricade1_flamecave_faketankflame();
// kill off the cave AIs
ais = get_ai_group_ai( "sweep_cavespawners" );
for( i = 0; i < ais.size; i++ )
if( is_active_ai( ais[i] ) )
ais[i] bloody_death( true, 0 );
cavedoor_org Delete();
flag_set( "convoy_barricade1_flametank_done" );
// wait til the player clears the cave then move forward again
//GetEnt( "trig_sweep_barricade1_caveclear", "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
// wait for players to move beyond cave area
trigger_wait( "trig_barricade1_roadRegroupSpot", "targetname" );
flametank SetSpeed( 5, 5 );
// self = the flametank
GetVehicleNode( "vnode_convoy_flametank_barbedwire", "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
spool = GetEnt( "sbmodel_barricade1_barbedwire1", "targetname" );
spool ConnectPaths();
spool MoveTo( spool.origin + ( 0, 0, -44 ), 1, 0.25, 0.75 );
// self = the flametank
flametime = 4;
timer = GetTime();
barrelOrigin = self GetTagOrigin( "tag_flash" );
barrelAngles = self GetTagAngles( "tag_flash" );
while( flametime * 1000 > GetTime() - timer )
PlayFX( level._effect["flamethrower_fire"], barrelOrigin, barrelAngles );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.3, 0.7 ) );
// opens the first barricade
// TODO make it fancy
convoy_open_barricade1( string )
wall_left = GetEnt( "sbmodel_sweep_barricade1_left", "targetname" );
wall_right = GetEnt( "sbmodel_sweep_barricade1_right", "targetname" );
wall_left ConnectPaths();
wall_right ConnectPaths();
//flag_set( "barricade1_doors_connected" );
wall_left RotateTo( ( 0, 120, 0 ), 2 );
wall_right RotateTo( ( 0, -120, 0 ), 2 );
wall_right waittill( "rotatedone" );
wall_left DisconnectPaths();
wall_right DisconnectPaths();
flag_set( "sweep_barricade1_cleared" );
// does SetSpeed on all the vehicles in level.convoy_array
convoy_setspeed( speed, accel, decel )
ASSERTEX( IsDefined( level.convoy_array ), "can't set convoy speed because level.convoy_array is undefined." );
if( IsDefined( level.convoy_array ) && level.convoy_array.size > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < level.convoy_array.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( decel ) )
level.convoy_array[i] SetSpeed( speed, accel, decel );
level.convoy_array[i] SetSpeed( speed, accel );
// does ResumeSpeed on all the vehicles in level.convoy_array
convoy_resumespeed( accel )
ASSERTEX( IsDefined( level.convoy_array ), "can't resume convoy speed because level.convoy_array is undefined." );
if( IsDefined( level.convoy_array ) && level.convoy_array.size > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < level.convoy_array.size; i++ )
level.convoy_array[i] ResumeSpeed( accel );
// self = the vehicle
// - stopNodeTN = the targetname of the vehiclenode where the vehicle should stop
vehicle_stop_at_node( stopNodeTN )
GetVehicleNode( stopNodeTN, "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
self SetSpeed( 0, 30 );
self notify( "stopped_at_node" );
// --- END CONVOY ---
// --- RADIOMAN ---
if( !IsDefined( level.radiomanWasSetup ) || !level.radiomanWasSetup )
level.radiomanWasSetup = true;
level.radioman = GetEnt( "radioman", "script_noteworthy" );
ASSERT( is_active_ai( level.radioman ), "Can't find the radioman!" );
level.radioman magic_bullet_shield();
// makes the radioman a usable guy who calls up the convoy
// can be stopped and started as convoy moves and stops
level endon( "stop_radioman_think" );
trig = GetEnt( "trig_radioman", "targetname" );
timer = -1;
buttonHoldTime = 3;
buttonBeingHeld = false;
while( 1 )
players = get_players();
triggered = false;
while( !triggered )
// move trigger origin to radioman if necessary
if( trig.origin != level.radioman.origin )
trig.origin = level.radioman.origin;
printed = false;
// check all players
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
player = players[i];
// if inside the trigger...
if( player IsTouching( trig ) )
// make sure we're not already printing from another player being in the trigger
if( !printed )
// if not holding button...
if( !buttonBeingHeld )
string = "hold X to call tanks forward";
// if holding button, give a message for the player
string = "keep holding to verify";
Print3D( level.radioman GetEye() + ( 0, 0, 7 ), string, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1, 0.25 );
printed = true;
// if this player is pressing the use button...
if( player useButtonPressed() )
// toggle if necessary
if( !buttonBeingHeld )
buttonBeingHeld = true;
// start timer if necessary
if( timer == -1 )
timer = GetTime();
// otherwise see if timer has reached the desired value
if( ( GetTime() - timer ) >= ( buttonHoldTime * 1000 ) )
triggered = true;
// if not pressing use button...
// toggle if necessary
if( buttonBeingHeld )
buttonBeingHeld = false;
if( timer != -1 )
timer = -1;
// wait if we didn't trigger yet
if( !triggered )
wait( 0.05 );
level notify( "radioman_used" );
wait( 1 );
// --- END RADIOMAN ---
// --- PATHRUNNERS ---
// grabs a specified aigroup after their trigger (also specified) is hit, waits for
// them to hit their last chained goalnode, and kills them off
runners_group_cleanup( triggerTN, aiGroupName )
trig = GetEnt( triggerTN, "targetname" );
if( !IsDefined( trig ) )
ASSERTMSG( "Can't find trigger with targetname " + triggerTN );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
wait( 1 );
ais = get_ai_group_ai( aiGroupName );
if( !IsDefined( ais ) || ais.size < 0 )
ASSERTMSG( "Couldn't find any runners with aiGroupName of " + aiGroupName + ", aborting" );
for( i = 0; i < ais.size; i++ )
ais[i] thread runner_kill_at_path_end();
// self = the ai
self endon( "death" );
self waittill( "reached_path_end" );
self bloody_death( true, 2 );
// --- ROCKETMEN ---
// sets up a group of rocketmen, specified with rocketmenSN
// rocketmen_spawnTrig = the trigger that will spawn the rocketmen
// convoy_moveFlag = the flag the rocketmen will wait for before showing themselves
// sightblockerTN = the targetname of the sbmodels that block the vision of
// the rocketmen before they show themselves
rocketmen_init( rocketmen_spawnTrig, rocketmenSN, convoy_moveFlag, sightBlockerTN )
// debug steez
if( GetDvarInt( "rocketmen_skip" ) > 0 )
iprintlnbold( "skipping rocketmen setup since dvar rocketmen_skip is > 0" );
trigger_wait( rocketmen_spawnTrig, "targetname" );
wait( 1 ); // wait for these guys to spawn
guys = get_ais( rocketmenSN, "script_noteworthy" );
if( IsDefined( guys ) && guys.size > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
guy = guys[i];
if( is_active_ai( guy ) )
guy thread rocketman_target_tank( convoy_moveFlag );
guy thread rocketman_death_save();
// TEMP for testing
//level thread drawline_from_player( guy );
if( IsDefined( sightBlockerTN ) )
thread rocketman_remove_sightblockers( convoy_moveFlag, sightBlockerTN );
// TEMP for testing
drawline_from_player( ent1 )
self endon( "kill_lines" );
ent1 endon( "death" );
color = ( 0, 255, 0 );
while( 1 )
if( IsDefined( ent1 ) )
player = get_players()[0];
line( player.origin, ent1.origin, color );
wait( 0.05 );
// removes sightblocker(s) in front of a rocketman when it's time for him to shoot
rocketman_remove_sightblockers( convoy_moveFlag, sightBlockerTN )
blockers = GetEntArray( sightBlockerTN, "targetname" );
if( IsDefined( blockers ) && blockers.size > 0 )
flag_wait( convoy_moveFlag );
array_thread( blockers, ::trigger_off ); // TODO maybe just delete?
// sets some pre-ambush AI params, then waits for the flag that moves the convoy up,
// then sets new AI params and does an ambush (open shutters, target tank, etc.)
// self = the rocketman
rocketman_target_tank( convoy_moveFlag )
self endon( "death" );
// TODO special behavior before ambush?
self.pacifist = 1;
self.ignoreme = 1;
flag_wait( convoy_moveFlag );
// post-ambush behavior
// open shutters
self rocketman_open_shutters();
self.pacifist = 0;
self.suppressionwait = 0;
self thread print_when_firing();
// while the rocket is equipped...
while( self animscripts\utility::usingRocketLauncher() )
// try to target each vehicle in the convoy in turn
for( i = 0; i < level.convoy_array.size; i++ )
while( IsDefined( level.convoy_array[i] ) && level.convoy_array[i].health > 0 )
self SetEntityTarget( level.convoy_array[i] );
wait( 3 );
if( convoy_get_total_health() > 0 )
wait( 0.05 );
self ClearEnemy();
// self = the rocketman
self endon( "stop_rocketman_deathsave" );
self waittill( "death" );
autosave_by_name( "rocketman_killed" );
// self = the rocketman
// TEMP til we get some sound fx
self endon( "death" );
timelimit = 20;
startTime = GetTime();
while( ( timelimit * 1000 ) > ( GetTime() - startTime ) )
self waittill( "fire" );
Print3D( self.origin + ( 0, 0, 64 ), "FIRE!", ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1, 0.75, 300 );
// opens the shutters (or other visible sight blockers) that are
// targeted from the rocketman himself
// self = the rocketman
self endon( "death" );
shutter_left = undefined;
shutter_right = undefined;
shutters = GetEntArray(, "targetname" );
if( IsDefined( shutters ) && shutters.size > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < shutters.size; i++ )
shutter = shutters[i];
if( IsDefined( shutter.script_noteworthy ) )
if( shutter.script_noteworthy == "shutter_left" )
shutter_left = shutter;
else if( shutter.script_noteworthy == "shutter_right" )
shutter_right = shutter;
if( !IsDefined( shutter_left ) || !IsDefined( shutter_right ) )
ASSERTMSG( "shutters with targetname " + + " couldn't be found." );
openAngle = 120;
openAngle_opp = -120;
shutter_left RotateTo( ( 0, openAngle, 0 ), RandomFloatRange( 0.4, 0.8 ) );
Print3D( shutter_left.origin, "BANG!", ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1, 0.75, 150 );
wait( RandomFloat( 1 ) );
shutter_right RotateTo( ( 0, openAngle_opp, 0 ), RandomFloatRange( 0.4, 0.8 ) );
Print3D( shutter_right.origin, "BANG!", ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1, 0.75, 150 );
shutter_right waittill( "rotatedone" );
// note: notify is on the rocketman
self notify( "shutters_opened" );
// --- END ROCKETMEN ---
// sets up the environment interactions: kickable doors, bashable windows, etc.
// set up doors
doorTrigTN = "usetrig_sweep_kickable_door";
doorTrigs = GetEntArray( doorTrigTN, "targetname" );
if( IsDefined( doorTrigs ) && doorTrigs.size > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < doorTrigs.size; i++ )
trig = doorTrigs[i];
// error check
if( trig.classname == "trigger_use" )
level thread ei_door_think( trig );
ASSERTMSG( "Oops, when setting up EI triggers, we found an entity of class " + trig.classname + " (origin " +
trig.origin + " ), but we're expecting it to be of class trigger_use." );
// if we didn't find any, there's something wrong
ASSERTMSG( "Couldn't find any door kick triggers with targetname " + doorTrigTN );
// TODO do the same for windows, etc.
// trig = the use trigger that will kick off the environmental interaction
ei_door_think( trig )
// try to get the doors early, so debugging broken ones will be much easier
ASSERTEX( IsDefined( ), "The door kick trigger at origin " + trig.origin + " has no target specified." );
doors = GetEntArray(, "targetname" );
ASSERTEX( IsDefined( doors ) && doors.size > 0, "Can't find any door entities with targetname " + + " for the door kick trigger at origin " + trig.origin + "." );
// now wait for the player to use the trigger
// TODO localize, possibly move to the map file
trig SetHintString( "Press [USE] to breach the door." );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
// see if we want to spawn anyone inside the house
if( IsDefined( trig.script_noteworthy ) )
spawnTrig = GetEnt( trig.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
if( IsDefined( spawnTrig ) )
if( !IsDefined( spawnTrig.wasTriggered ) || !spawnTrig.wasTriggered )
spawnTrig.wasTriggered = true;
spawnTrig notify( "trigger" );
// TODO play a door kicking anim or something
doorLeft = undefined;
doorRight = undefined;
// open the door(s)
for( i = 0; i < doors.size; i++ )
door = doors[i];
ASSERT( IsDefined( door ), "Oops, one of the doors with targetname " + + " is not defined." );
ASSERT( IsDefined( door.script_noteworthy ), "One of the doors with targetname " + + " does not have a script_noteworthy telling us what kind of door it is!" );
if( door.script_noteworthy == "door_left" )
// open to the left
door thread ei_door_open( "left" );
doorLeft = door;
else if( door.script_noteworthy == "door_right" )
// open to the right
door thread ei_door_open( "right" );
doorRight = door;
ASSERTMSG( "Oops, one of the doors with targetname " + + " has a script_noteworthy of " + door.script_noteworthy + ", which doesn't match any of the types we're looking for. Is there a typo?" );
if( IsDefined( doorLeft ) && IsDefined( doorRight ) )
level waittill_multiple( "ei_door_opened_left", "ei_door_opened_right" );
else if( IsDefined( doorLeft ) )
level waittill( "ei_door_opened_left" );
else if( IsDefined( doorRight ) )
level waittill( "ei_door_opened_right" );
level notify( "ei_door_open_finished" );
trig Delete();
// self = the door that's opening
// TODO add sounds and particles
ei_door_open( direction )
ASSERTEX( direction == "left" || direction == "right", "The direction you specified, '" + direction + "', is not valid. Typo?" );
openTimeMin = 0.2;
openTimeMax = 0.45;
openAngle = 0;
if( direction == "left" )
if( IsDefined( self.script_int ) )
openAngle = self.script_int;
openAngle = 120;
else if( direction == "right" )
if( IsDefined( self.script_int ) )
// make sure this'll work with negative numbers for those times when I'm actually thinking
if( self.script_int < 0 )
openAngle = self.script_int;
openAngle = self.script_int * -1;
openAngle = -120;
// should never happen so make it look weird
openAngle = 45;
self ConnectPaths();
self RotateTo( ( 0, openAngle, 0 ), RandomFloatRange( openTimeMin, openTimeMax ) );
self waittill( "rotatedone" );
self DisconnectPaths();
notifyString = "ei_door_opened_" + direction;
level notify( notifyString );