
5884 lines
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2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\pel2_util;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_music;
// pel2_airfield script
level notify( "obj_building_complete" );
//Tuey Change Music State (must be both here AND the other script so it works on checkpoint)
maps\_debug::set_event_printname( "Airfield" );
level thread debug_tank_health();
level thread delete_old_turrets();
level thread airfield_initial_chains();
level thread airfield_initial_spawns();
level thread past_wing();
level thread airfield_ambience();
level thread tank_battle();
level thread at_cinch_point();
level thread save_when_near_cinch_point();
level thread move_wave_2_2();
level thread spawn_airfield_pickup_weapons();
// update color reinforcement location
trig = getent( "trigger_airfield_wave", "script_noteworthy" );
trig notify( "trigger" );
// space out the spawning of the initial enemies
wait( 0.5 );
simple_spawn( "airfield_truck_guys", ::airfield_truck_guys_strat );
wait( 0.25 );
simple_spawn( "airfield_strafe_victims", ::airfield_strafe_victims_strat );
if (!NumRemoteClients())
wait( 0.25 );
simple_spawn( "airfield_strafe_victims_2", ::airfield_strafe_victims_2_strat );
// notify comes from flag on trigger
level endon( "chain_past_wing" );
wait( 9 );
set_color_chain( "chain_airfield_1" );
flag_set( "airfield_move_vo" );
// happens when all chi_1a are dead
flag_wait( "tank_spawn_n_move_2" );
set_color_chain( "chain_airfield_2" );
// happens when player moves up far enough
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_1" );
flag_wait_either( "chi_1b_wave_almost_dead", "chi_1b_wave_dead" );
set_color_chain( "chain_airfield_2a" );
wait( 0.05 ); // if flag below is set, then color_chain below will trigger before the set_color_chain() call above finishes. this wait solves that problem
flag_wait( "chi_1b_wave_dead" );
color_chain = getent( "trig_chain_past_wing", "script_noteworthy" );
if( isdefined( color_chain ) )
color_chain notify( "trigger" );
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "trig_admin_back" );
level endon( "pacing_vignette_started" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
wait( 1.0 );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "aint_easy" );
wait( 2.4 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "it_never_is" );
flag_wait( "airfield_move_vo" );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "move!" );
wait( 0.5 );
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_1" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "stay_with_tanks" );
wait( 1.5 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "help_them_move" );
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
flag_wait( "at_cinch_point" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "jap_aa_guns" );
wait( 2.5 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "deal_with_tanks" );
wait( 3 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "scavenge_supplies" );
wait( 2 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "hit_em_with" );
level thread player_get_bazooka_reminder();
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
flag_wait( "trig_clear_trenches_vo" );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "clear_out_trenches" );
flag_wait( "trig_entering_aa_bunker" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "take_out_aa_guns" );
wait( 3 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "taking_airfield_today" );
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
flag_wait( "trig_entering_aa_bunker_top" );
// check if they're alive
aa_crew = get_ai_group_ai( "last_aa_ai_4" );
if( aa_crew.size )
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "first_gun_crew" );
level waittill( "obj_aaguns_complete" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "goodnight" );
// wait( 1.5 );
// play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "nice_work_marines" );
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
// Kill guys that survive the truck crash if player advances far enough
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "chain_past_wing" );
truck_survivers = get_ai_group_ai( "truck_flip_ai" );
for( i = 0; i < truck_survivers.size; i++ )
truck_survivers[i] thread bloody_death( true, 1 );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 on tarmac" );
// Enemies that get killed by the strafing corsair at the cinch point
self endon( "death" );
level thread airfield_strafe_victims_strat_damage();
self.ignoreme = 1;
self.ignoreall = 1;
self.pacifist = 1;
self.pacifistwait = 0.05;
// so they don't peek out
self set_force_cover( "hide" );
self allowedstances ( "crouch" );
flag_wait( "plane_strafe" );
self allowedstances ( "crouch", "stand" );
goal_node = getnode( self.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
self setgoalnode( goal_node );
flag_wait_or_timeout( "plane_strafe_shoot", 6 );
wait( 0.85 );
self thread bloody_death( true );
self endon( "death" );
self.ignoreme = 1;
self.ignoreall = 1;
self.pacifist = 1;
self.pacifistwait = 0.05;
// so they don't peek out
self set_force_cover( "hide" );
self allowedstances ( "crouch" );
flag_wait( "plane_strafe" );
self allowedstances ( "crouch", "stand" );
self.ignoreme = 0;
self.ignoreall = 0;
self.pacifist = 0;
goal_node = getnode( self.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
self setgoalnode( goal_node );
//self waittill( "goal" );
// = 30;
self endon( "death" );
self waittill( "damage" );
self allowedstances ( "crouch", "stand" );
self.ignoreme = 0;
self.pacifist = 0;
self.ignoreall = 0;
// strat for guys that hide near truck before cinch point area
self endon( "death" );
self.maxSightDistSqrd = 2000 * 2000;
self set_force_cover( "hide" );
self.ignoreme = 1;
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_1" );
self set_force_cover( "none" );
self.ignoreme = 0;
// Ambient battle that takes place on the left airstrip
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_2" );
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 4 );
trig = getent( "airfield_ally_drones_ambient_1", "script_noteworthy" );
trig notify( "trigger" );
trig = getent( "airfield_axis_drones_ambient_1", "script_noteworthy" );
trig notify( "trigger" );
wait( 0.05 );
axis_tank = getent( "airfield_ambient_tank_2", "targetname" );
ally_tank = getent( "airfield_ambient_tank_1", "targetname" );
ally_tank notify( "stop_vehicle_compasshandle" );
axis_tank keep_tank_alive();
axis_tank.rollingdeath = 1;
axis_tank thread tank_smoke_death();
axis_tank notify( "stop_vehicle_compasshandle" );
axis_tank thread attack_this_tank( "airfield_ambient_tank_1", 4 );
ally_tank thread attack_this_tank( "airfield_ambient_tank_2" );
axis_tank thread veh_stop_at_node( "node_ambient_axis_tank_stop_1", 6, 6 );
while( )
wait( 0.5 );
axis_tank resumespeed( 4 );
wait( RandomIntRange( 3, 5 ) );
axis_tank stop_keep_tank_alive();
// fake kill the axis tank
level thread maps\_mortar::mortar_loop( "orig_mortar_airfield_ambient_canned" );
wait( 0.1 );
level notify( "stop_mortar_airfield_ambient_canned" );
radiusdamage( axis_tank.origin, 10, + 1, + 1 );
// Ambient arty fx on the ridge
origs = getstructarray( "orig_ridge_flash", "targetname" );
last_rand = 0;
rand = 0;
while( 1 )
// make sure we don't play at the same location twice in a row
while( rand == last_rand )
rand = randomint(origs.size);
wait( 0.05 );
last_rand = rand;
playfx( level._effect["fx_artilleryExp_ridge"], origs[rand].origin );
wait( randomfloatrange( 0.45, 1.75 ) );
// Fires/smoke on the downed bomber
exploder( 501 );
// AA tracers in the sky
maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "aaGun_1" );
maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "aaGun_2" );
maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "aaGun_3" );
maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "aaGun_4" );
wait( 2 );
aaGun_1 = getent( "aaGun_1", "targetname" );
aaGun_2 = getent( "aaGun_2", "targetname" );
aaGun_3 = getent( "aaGun_3", "targetname" );
aaGun_4 = getent( "aaGun_4", "targetname" );
// Client side their firing...
aaGun_1.client_side_fire = true;
aaGun_2.client_side_fire = true;
aaGun_3.client_side_fire = true;
aaGun_4.client_side_fire = true;
aaGun_1 transmittargetname();
aaGun_2 transmittargetname();
aaGun_3 transmittargetname();
aaGun_4 transmittargetname();
// so they can't be destroyed early
aaGun_1 keep_tank_alive();
aaGun_2 keep_tank_alive();
aaGun_3 keep_tank_alive();
aaGun_4 keep_tank_alive();
aaGun_1 thread aa_move_target( "aaGun_1_target" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 1, 2.5 ) );
aaGun_2 thread aa_move_target( "aaGun_2_target" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 1, 2.5 ) );
aaGun_3 thread aa_move_target( "aaGun_3_target" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 1, 2.5 ) );
aaGun_4 thread aa_move_target( "aaGun_4_target" );
// Move the script origins that the Triple25s target so the tracers move back & forth across the sky
aa_move_target( orig_name, end_spot )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "crew dead" );
self endon( "change target" );
self endon( "crew dismount" );
org = getent( orig_name, "script_noteworthy" );
targ_1 = org.origin + ( 400, 0, 0 );
targ_2 = org.origin - ( 400, 0, 0 );
while( 1 )
org MoveTo( targ_1, 8 );
org waittill( "movedone" );
org MoveTo( targ_2, 8 );
org waittill( "movedone" );
// Mortars on the outskirts of the play area
if(isdefined(level.clientscripts) && level.clientscripts)
clientNotify("air_mortars"); // Migrated these mortars over to the client. DSL
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_delays( "orig_mortar_airfield_sw", 1, 4 ,0.5, 1.25 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_range( "orig_mortar_airfield_sw", 200, 15000 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_damage( "orig_mortar_airfield_sw", 256, 25, 50 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_quake( "orig_mortar_airfield_sw", 0.32, 3, 1800 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_dust( "orig_mortar_airfield_sw", "bunker_dust", 512 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_delays( "orig_mortar_airfield_nw", 1, 4, 0.5, 1.25 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_range( "orig_mortar_airfield_nw", 200, 15000 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_damage( "orig_mortar_airfield_nw", 256, 25, 50 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_quake( "orig_mortar_airfield_nw", 0.32, 3, 1800 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_dust( "orig_mortar_airfield_nw", "bunker_dust", 512 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_delays( "orig_mortar_airfield_ne", 1, 4, 0.5, 1.25 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_range( "orig_mortar_airfield_ne", 200, 15000 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_damage( "orig_mortar_airfield_ne", 256, 25, 50 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_quake( "orig_mortar_airfield_ne", 0.32, 3, 1800 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_dust( "orig_mortar_airfield_ne", "bunker_dust", 512 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_delays( "orig_mortar_airfield_se", 1, 4, 0.5, 1.25 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_range( "orig_mortar_airfield_se", 200, 15000 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_damage( "orig_mortar_airfield_se", 256, 25, 50 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_quake( "orig_mortar_airfield_se", 0.32, 3, 1800 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_dust( "orig_mortar_airfield_se", "bunker_dust", 512 );
level thread maps\_mortar::mortar_loop( "orig_mortar_airfield_sw" );
level thread maps\_mortar::mortar_loop( "orig_mortar_airfield_nw" );
level thread maps\_mortar::mortar_loop( "orig_mortar_airfield_ne" );
level thread maps\_mortar::mortar_loop( "orig_mortar_airfield_se" );
// for canned mortar
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_delays( "orig_mortar_airfield_canned", 0.25, 0.3, 0.25, 0.3 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_range( "orig_mortar_airfield_canned", 1, 10000 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_damage( "orig_mortar_airfield_canned", 256, 25, 50 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_quake( "orig_mortar_airfield_canned", 0.32, 3, 1800 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_dust( "orig_mortar_airfield_canned", "bunker_dust", 512 );
// for canned ambient mortar
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_delays( "orig_mortar_airfield_ambient_canned", 0.25, 0.3, 0.25, 0.3 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_range( "orig_mortar_airfield_ambient_canned", 1, 10000 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_damage( "orig_mortar_airfield_ambient_canned", 256, 25, 50 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_quake( "orig_mortar_airfield_ambient_canned", 0.32, 3, 1800 );
maps\_mortar::set_mortar_dust( "orig_mortar_airfield_ambient_canned", "bunker_dust", 512 );
// Corsairs in the sky
level.last_plane_crash = gettime();
level thread ambient_planes_1();
wait( RandomIntRange( 4, 6 ) );
level thread ambient_planes_2();
wait( RandomIntRange( 4, 6 ) );
level thread ambient_planes_3();
if(NumRemoteClients() < 2)
level thread plane_loop( "airfield_ambient_plane_1_a" );
// CODER_MOD JB - Co-op reduce entity count in network snapshot.
if (!NumRemoteClients())
level thread plane_loop( "airfield_ambient_plane_1_b" );
if(NumRemoteClients() < 2)
level thread plane_loop( "airfield_ambient_plane_2_a" );
// CODER_MOD JB - Co-op reduce entity count in network snapshot.
if (!NumRemoteClients())
level thread plane_loop( "airfield_ambient_plane_2_b" );
if(NumRemoteClients() < 2)
level thread plane_loop( "airfield_ambient_plane_3_a" );
// CODER_MOD JB - Co-op reduce entity count in network snapshot.
if (!NumRemoteClients())
level thread plane_loop( "airfield_ambient_plane_3_b" );
plane = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "napalm_plane_1" );
plane_2 = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "napalm_plane_2" );
plane maps\_vehicle::godon();
plane_2 maps\_vehicle::godon();
plane playsound( "nap_plane_a" );
plane_2 playsound( "nap_plane_a" );
plane thread napalm_plane_1_release();
plane_2 thread napalm_plane_2_release();
// wait for the planer to hit the node
node = getvehiclenode( "plane_1_napalm","script_noteworthy" );
node waittill ( "trigger" );
// spawn in a ent to play the effect from
org = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
org setmodel( "aircraft_bomb" );
// destination for the bomb
dest = getstruct( "orig_plane_1_napalm","targetname" );
// hack wait for playfx to work on spawned in, be sure to drive my car into the coders office
// if they dont fix this soon
wait (0.05);
level notify( "napalm_release_1" );
// have the bomb to travel from the plane to the ground
org moveto( dest.origin, 0.4 );
wait( 0.4 );
sound_origin = spawn( "script_origin", ( 2004, 9577, -11.6 ) );
sound_origin playsound( "napalm_impact_1" );
// delete the bomb
org delete();
exploder( 502 );
orig = getent( "node_end_vigenette", "targetname" );
PlayRumbleOnPosition( "explosion_generic", orig.origin );
// wait for the planer to hit the node
node = getvehiclenode( "plane_2_napalm","script_noteworthy" );
node waittill ( "trigger" );
// spawn in a ent to play the effect from
org = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
org setmodel( "aircraft_bomb" );
// destination for the bomb
dest = getstruct( "orig_plane_2_napalm","targetname" );
// hack wait for playfx to work on spawned in, be sure to drive my car into the coders office
// if they dont fix this soon
wait (0.05);
// have the bomb to travel from the plane to the ground
org moveto( dest.origin, 0.4 );
wait( 0.4 );
// delete the bomb
org delete();
exploder( 503 );
orig = getent( "node_end_vigenette", "targetname" );
PlayRumbleOnPosition( "explosion_generic", orig.origin );
// wait for the planer to hit the node
node = getvehiclenode( "plane_3_napalm","script_noteworthy" );
node waittill ( "trigger" );
// spawn in a ent to play the effect from
org = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
org setmodel( "aircraft_bomb" );
// placed struct in the map
dest = getstruct( "orig_plane_3_napalm","targetname" );
// hack wait for playfx to work on spawned in, be sure to drive my car into the coders office
// if they dont fix this soon
wait (0.05);
// have the bomb to travel from the plane to the ground
org moveto( dest.origin, 0.4 );
wait( 0.4 );
sound_origin = spawn( "script_origin", ( 2004, 9577, -11.6 ) );
sound_origin playsound( "napalm_impact_1" );
exploder( 504 );
// delete the bomb
org delete();
// wait for the planer to hit the node
node = getvehiclenode( "plane_4_napalm","script_noteworthy" );
node waittill ( "trigger" );
// spawn in a ent to play the effect from
org = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
org setmodel( "aircraft_bomb" );
// placed struct in the map
dest = getstruct( "orig_plane_4_napalm","targetname" );
// hack wait for playfx to work on spawned in, be sure to drive my car into the coders office
// if they dont fix this soon
wait (0.05);
// have the bomb to travel from the plane to the ground
org moveto( dest.origin, 0.4 );
wait( 0.4 );
exploder( 505 );
// delete the bomb
org delete();
plane_loop( plane_name )
while( !flag( "pacing_vignette_started" ) )
// randomly have some crash
if( !flag( "trig_tower_plane" ) && !RandomInt( 6 ) && time_for_plane_crash() )
level.last_plane_crash = gettime();
wait(0.1); // make sure we dont spawn right now, if the network is having a hard time.
plane = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( plane_name + "_dest" );
death_node = getvehiclenode( plane.targetname + "_d", "script_noteworthy" );
death_node waittill( "trigger" );
radiusdamage( plane.origin, 10, + 1, + 1 );
// choose where to play the fire/smoke fx
switch( RandomInt( 3 ) )
case 0:
plane_tag = "tag_wingtipR";
case 1:
plane_tag = "tag_wingtipL";
plane_tag = "tag_tailbottom";
playfxontag( level._effect["fighter_wing_hit"], plane, plane_tag );
wait(0.1); // make sure we dont spawn right now, if the network is having a hard time.
plane = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( plane_name );
plane playsound( "ambient_corsair" );
plane waittill( "reached_end_node" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 2.0, 4.0 ) );
// Space out the plane crashes in the sky so they don't happen too often
if( ( gettime() - level.last_plane_crash ) > 12000 )
return true;
return false;
// Tank battle master thread
level thread tank_wave_1();
level thread shermans_wave_3();
level thread tank_wave_3();
level thread move_wave_2_1();
level thread airfield_last_trench();
level thread plane_pole();
// Wii optimizations
if( !level.wii)
level thread bazooka_special();
// some behavior for tanks when move_wave_2_1 flag has been set
// is set when player gets near the first set of crates for cover (to the left of overturned truck)
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_1" );
quick_text( "move_wave_2_1", 3, true );
chi_tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_1b" );
array_thread( chi_tanks, maps\_vehicle::mgon );
chi_tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_1c" );
array_thread( chi_tanks, maps\_vehicle::mgon );
// last infantry battle on airfield ground
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "trig_airfield_last_trench" );
quick_text( "last trench", 3, true );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 last trench" );
level thread plane_tower_aa_direct_fire();
level thread last_trench_chain();
level thread plane_tower();
level thread trig_spawn_aa_early_mid_guys();
level thread trig_spawn_aa_mid_guys();
flag_set( "airfield_last_trench" );
simple_floodspawn( "last_trench_spawners" );
wait_network_frame(); // CLIENTSIDE to help snapshot size
simple_floodspawn( "last_trench_spawners_2" );
level thread last_trench_banzai();
trigger_wait( "trig_aa_spawn_early_mid_guys", "targetname" );
simple_spawn( "aa_early_mid_guys_1" );
simple_spawn( "aa_early_mid_guys_2" );
// piggbybacking this here to save a trigger ent
trigger_wait( "trig_spawn_aa_mid_guys", "targetname" );
simple_floodspawn( "aa_mid_guys" );
// if player hangs around in the last trench for too long, send some banzai guys at him
level endon( "trig_last_aa_guys" );
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
wait( RandomIntRange( 14, 18 ) + ( i * RandomIntRange( 3, 6 ) ) );
vol = getent( "vol_last_trench", "targetname" );
// wait till player is near last trench
while( 1 )
if( any_player_IsTouching( vol ) )
wait( 0.5 );
guys = get_ai_group_ai( "last_trench_ai" );
quick_text( "last_trench_banzai()" );
if( guys.size > 2 )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
guys[j].banzai_no_wait = 1;
guys[j] thread maps\_banzai::banzai();
else if( guys.size > 1 )
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
guys[j].banzai_no_wait = 1;
guys[j] thread maps\_banzai::banzai();
// move up chain if all enemies are killed
// notify sent from script_notify on trigger
level endon( "trig_past_last_trench" );
waittill_aigroupcount( "last_trench_ai", 2 );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 last trench done" );
set_color_chain( "trig_past_last_trench" );
old_trig = getent( "trig_past_last_trench_pre", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( old_trig ) )
old_trig delete();
// japanese defense around the 4 aa guns
level thread last_aa_guns();
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "trig_last_aa_defense" );
level waittill( "obj_aaguns_complete" );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 aaguns cleared" );
objective_string( 5, &"PEL2_SECURE_AABUNKER" );
objective_position( 5, ( 2319.8, 8145.9, 126 ) );
objective_ring( 5 );
waittill_aigroupcleared( "last_bunker_ai" );
waittill_aigroupcleared( "last_aa_ai_1" );
waittill_aigroupcleared( "last_aa_ai_2" );
waittill_aigroupcleared( "last_aa_ai_3" );
waittill_aigroupcleared( "last_aa_ai_4" );
level notify( "obj_airfield_complete" );
level thread last_counterattack();
// Pacing after the player clears the AA guns, before the counterattack
flag_set( "pacing_vignette_started" );
goal_node = getent( "node_end_vigenette", "targetname" );
animguys = [];
animguys[0] = level.roebuck;
animguys[1] = level.polonsky;
animguys[2] = level.extra_hero;
level.roebuck.animname = "end_vignette_roebuck";
level.roebuck.end_node_goto = "node_end_roebuck";
level.polonsky.animname = "end_vignette_polonsky";
level.polonsky.end_node_goto = "node_end_polonsky";
level.extra_hero.animname = "end_vignette_radio";
level.extra_hero.end_node_goto = "node_end_extra_hero";
anim_reach( animguys, "end_vignette", undefined, undefined, goal_node );
level thread pacing_vignette_vo();
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
level thread anim_single( animguys, "end_vignette", undefined, undefined, goal_node );
delay = GetAnimLength( level.scr_anim["end_vignette_radio"]["end_vignette"] );
wait( delay - 2.5 );
flag_set( "last_counterattack_start" );
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
post_pacing_positions( animguys );
goal_node = getnode( "node_end_pacing_roebuck", "targetname" );
level.roebuck thread pacing_vignette_in_place_think( goal_node, "end_pacing_roebuck" );
goal_node = getnode( "node_end_pacing_polonsky", "targetname" );
level.polonsky thread pacing_vignette_in_place_think( goal_node, "end_pacing_polonsky" );
goal_node = getnode( "node_end_pacing_extra", "targetname" );
level.extra_hero thread pacing_vignette_in_place_think( goal_node, "end_pacing_extra" );
flag_wait_all( "end_pacing_roebuck", "end_pacing_polonsky", "end_pacing_extra" );
pacing_vignette_in_place_think( goal_node, flag_name )
self.goalradius = 20;
self setgoalnode( goal_node );
self disable_ai_color();
self waittill( "goal" );
wait( 1 );
flag_set( flag_name );
// this is all done with notetracks now. i'm going to leave in the wait time cuz tuey is using a notify
wait( 3.8 );
wait( 7 );
//for tuey
level notify ("aw_shit");
wait( 3.5 );
wait( 2.8 );
wait( 2.25 );
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 3.0, 4.5 ) );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "more_reinforcements" );
flag_wait( "counterattack_trucks" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 3.0, 4.5 ) );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "infantry_on_their_trucks" );
temp_vo_origin = spawn( "script_origin", ( 2004, 9577, -11.6 ) );
temp_vo_origin playsound( "end_banzai" );
flag_wait( "so_many_reinforcements" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 2.0, 3.25 ) );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "where_the_hell_did" );
flag_wait( "first_tank_on_the_scene" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 3.1, 3.75 ) );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "bringing_up_tanks" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 2.0, 3.2 ) );
if( player_not_on_triple25() )
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "get_on_triple25" );
flag_wait( "whole_damn_convoy" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 2.5, 3.5 ) );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "whole_damn_convoy" );
flag_wait( "tower_being_populated" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 3.25, 4.2 ) );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "positions_on_that_tower" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 2.85, 3.4 ) );
flag_wait( "last_tank_on_the_scene" );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "keep_fire_on_them" );
// wait( randomfloatrange( 3.9, 5.2 ) );
// play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "stay_strong_we_are_holding" );
left_aa_gun = getent( "aaGun_2", "targetname" );
right_aa_gun = getent( "aaGun_3", "targetname" );
// make sure the aa gun exists before checking its owner
if( isdefined( right_aa_gun ) && )
right_aa_owner = right_aa_gun GetVehicleOwner();
// if the player is the owner, fire directly at the aa gun itself
if( isdefined( right_aa_owner ) && isplayer( right_aa_owner ) )
return false;
// make sure the aa gun exists before checking its owner
if( isdefined( left_aa_gun ) && )
left_aa_owner = left_aa_gun GetVehicleOwner();
// if the player is the owner, fire directly at the aa gun itself
if( isdefined( left_aa_owner ) && isplayer( left_aa_owner ) )
return false;
return true;
post_pacing_positions( anim_guys )
for( i = 0; i < anim_guys.size; i++ )
goal_node = getnode( anim_guys[i].end_node_goto, "targetname" );
anim_guys[i].goalradius = 30;
anim_guys[i] setgoalnode( goal_node );
// final japanese counterattack on the aa bunker
quick_text( "pacing/vignette before napalm" );
level thread pacing_vignette();
level thread pacing_alert_guys();
level thread end_redshirts_behavior();
flag_wait( "last_counterattack_start" );
quick_text( "counterattack!", 2, true );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 last counterattack" );
level thread last_counterattack_vo();
level thread spawn_aa_volume_trigs();
wait( 1 );
simple_floodspawn( "very_end_spawners", ::very_end_kill_counter );
wait_network_frame(); // CLIENTSIDE to help snapshot size
simple_floodspawn( "very_end_spawners_2", ::very_end_kill_counter );
wait( 5 ); // wait at least this long before checking kill count
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed_or_timeout( 2, 10 );
maps\_spawner::kill_spawnernum( 512 );
simple_floodspawn( "very_end_spawners_3", ::very_end_kill_counter );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 2.0, 3.75 ) );
flag_set( "counterattack_trucks" );
truck = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "very_end_truck_1" );
truck thread last_truck_strat( "node_truck_end_1_die" );
truck = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "very_end_truck_2" );
truck thread last_truck_strat( "node_truck_end_2_die" );
level thread napalm_planes_bomb_ridge();
wait( 1.5 ); // wait at least this long before checking kill count
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed_or_timeout( 3, 8 );
flag_set( "first_tank_on_the_scene" );
last_tank = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "chi_wave_4b" );
last_tank thread last_tank_strat( "tank_4b_godoff" );
// level thread tell_player_to_use_triple25();
flag_set( "so_many_reinforcements" );
simple_floodspawn( "very_end_spawners_4", ::very_end_kill_counter );
wait( 5 ); // wait at least this long before checking kill count
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed( 7 );
simple_floodspawn( "very_end_spawners_5", ::very_end_spawners_5_strat );
wait( 3.5 ); // wait at least this long before checking kill count
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed( 9 );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 last counterattack halfway" );
flag_set( "whole_damn_convoy" );
last_truck = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "very_end_truck_3" );
last_truck thread last_truck_strat( "node_truck_end_3_die" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 2.5, 4 ) );
last_tank = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "chi_wave_4c" );
last_tank thread last_tank_strat( "tank_4c_godoff" );
wait( 3.5 ); // wait at least this long before checking kill count
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed( 12 );
flag_set( "tower_being_populated" );
level.ladder_wait_timer = 10000;
simple_floodspawn( "outro_mg_guy", ::outro_mg_guy_strat );
mg = getent( "end_watchtower_mg", "targetname" );
mg setturretignoregoals( true );
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed( 14 );
flag_set( "last_tank_on_the_scene" );
level.ladder_wait_timer = 9000;
// spawn tank
last_tank = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "chi_wave_4" );
last_tank thread last_tank_strat( "tank_4_godoff" );
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed( 18 );
// wait until the player has killed at least the number of specified enemies
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed( num_killed )
while( (level.last_defend_axis_killed < num_killed) && ( get_ai_group_count( "very_end_ai" ) > 0 ) && (level.last_defend_tanks_killed < 3) )
wait( 0.5 );
wait_until_this_many_end_guys_killed_or_timeout( num_killed, wait_time )
elapsed_time = 0;
wait_interval = 0.5;
while( (level.last_defend_axis_killed < num_killed) && ( get_ai_group_count( "very_end_ai" ) > 0 ) && (level.last_defend_tanks_killed < 3) && (elapsed_time < wait_time) )
wait( wait_interval );
elapsed_time += wait_interval;
level.aa_player_trig_right = spawn( "trigger_radius", (2758.5, 8553.5, 191.5), 0, 140, 100 );
level.aa_player_trig_right.targetname = "aa_player_trig_right";
level.aa_player_trig_left = spawn( "trigger_radius", (1862.5, 8357.5, 191.5), 0, 140, 100 );
level.aa_player_trig_left.targetname = "aa_player_trig_left";
// endon here
// left_aa_gun = getent( "aaGun_2", "targetname" );
// right_aa_gun = getent( "aaGun_3", "targetname" );
// left_aa_owner = left_aa_gun GetVehicleOwner();
// wait( RandomIntRange( 7, 10 ) );
// // spawn tanks
// last_tank = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "chi_wave_4b" );
// last_tank thread last_tank_strat( "tank_4b_godoff" );
// last_tank = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "chi_wave_4c" );
// last_tank thread last_tank_strat( "tank_4c_godoff" );
allies = getaiarray( "allies" );
for( i = 0; i < allies.size; i++ )
if( isdefined( allies[i].script_forcecolor ) && allies[i].script_forceColor == "y" )
allies[i] set_force_color( "g" );
flag_wait( "last_counterattack_start" );
set_color_chain( "chain_end_redshirts" );
self endon( "death" );
self setthreatbiasgroup( "outro_mg_guy_threat" );
setthreatbias( "players", "outro_mg_guy_threat", -1400 );
wait( RandomIntRange( 9, 13 ) );
plane_3 = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "napalm_plane_3" );
plane_4 = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "napalm_plane_4" );
plane_3 playsound( "nap_plane_b" );
plane_4 playsound( "nap_plane_b" );
plane_3 thread napalm_plane_3_release();
plane_4 thread napalm_plane_4_release();
// ambient japanese guys that run behind ridge
wait( 10 );
simple_spawn_single( "very_end_alert_spawners", ::very_end_alert_strat );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 0.8 ) );
simple_spawn_single( "very_end_alert_spawners" );
wait( 4.5 );
simple_spawn_single( "very_end_alert_spawners" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 0.8 ) );
simple_spawn_single( "very_end_alert_spawners" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.8, 1.2 ) );
simple_spawn_single( "very_end_alert_spawners" );
wait( 5.25 );
simple_spawn_single( "very_end_alert_spawners" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 0.8 ) );
simple_spawn_single( "very_end_alert_spawners" );
self endon( "death" );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
self.ignoresuppression = true;
self.grenadeawareness = 0;
self waittill( "goal" );
self delete();
self endon( "death" );
self thread very_end_kill_counter();
// wait a while before even attempting to climb the ladder
wait( RandomIntRange( 10, 17 ) );
self thread ladder_climb_strat();
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "napalm_incoming" );
node_1_pre = getnode( "node_ladder_goal_right_pre", "targetname" );
node_2_pre = getnode( "node_ladder_goal_left_pre", "targetname" );
node_1 = getnode( "node_ladder_goal_right", "targetname" );
node_2 = getnode( "node_ladder_goal_left", "targetname" );
if( randomint( 2 ) )
while( !time_for_left_ladder_climb() )
wait( 0.5 );
self.pel2_going_towards_ladder = true;
level.last_left_ladder_climb = gettime();
self.goalradius = 20;
self setgoalnode( node_1_pre );
self waittill( "goal" );
self setgoalnode( node_1 );
while( !time_for_right_ladder_climb() )
wait( 0.5 );
self.pel2_going_towards_ladder = true;
level.last_right_ladder_climb = gettime();
self.goalradius = 20;
self setgoalnode( node_2_pre );
self waittill( "goal" );
self setgoalnode( node_2 );
self thread ladder_ignore_strat();
// Space out the ladder climbs so they don't happen too often
if( !isdefined( level.last_left_ladder_climb ) || ( gettime() - level.last_left_ladder_climb ) > level.ladder_wait_timer )
return true;
return false;
if( !isdefined( level.last_right_ladder_climb ) || ( gettime() - level.last_right_ladder_climb ) > level.ladder_wait_timer )
return true;
return false;
self endon( "death" );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
self waittill( "goal" );
self.ignoreall = false;
self.ignoreme = false;
self.banzai_no_wait = 1;
self thread maps\_banzai::banzai_force();
// count up the end enemies that the player has killed
self waittill( "death", attacker );
if( isplayer( attacker ) )
extra_text( "last defend killed: " + level.last_defend_axis_killed );
// shinhotos that roll up and shoot at the aa bunker
last_tank_strat( god_node )
self endon( "death" );
self thread last_tank_shoot_strat_2();
self thread keep_tank_alive();
level thread last_tank_deaths( self );
vnode = getvehiclenode( god_node, "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 3000;
// blow up tank when napalm drops
level waittill( "napalm_release_1" );
wait( 1 );
radiusdamage( self.origin, 10, + 1, + 1 );
self endon( "death" );
self waittill( "reached_end_node" );
self notify( "stop_current_shoot_strat" );
self thread chis_fire_at_players_and_bunker();
// tanks count towards the axis death counter
last_tank_deaths( tank )
tank waittill( "death" );
extra_text( "last defend killed: " + level.last_defend_axis_killed );
last_truck_strat( death_node_name )
self.rollingdeath = 1;
//self.unload_group = "passengers";
self.unload_group = "all";
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread deathroll_off_notify();
vnode = getvehiclenode( death_node_name, "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 1800;
// Napalm and any outro stuff before level fades to black
quick_text( "napalm!", 2, true );
flag_set( "napalm_incoming" );
level notify ("here_it_comes");
maps\_spawner::kill_spawnernum( 510 );
maps\_spawner::kill_spawnernum( 513 );
level thread napalm_planes();
level thread napalm_destruction();
level thread napalm_reaction();
wait( 14 );
level notify( "obj_counterattack_complete" );
wait( 5 );
// Put players on god mode
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] EnableInvulnerability();
fadeover_time = 4;
// To Be Continued... = NewHudElem(); = 0; = 0; = "fullscreen"; = "fullscreen"; = false; = 50; SetShader( "black", 640, 480 ); = 0; FadeOverTime( fadeover_time ); = 1;
wait( fadeover_time );
wait( 6 );
{ destroy();
// aftermath of napalm drop
level waittill( "napalm_release_1" );
// make them do flame deaths
guys = get_ai_group_ai( "very_end_ai" );
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
// don't set flame death on ladder guys
if( !isdefined( guys[i].pel2_going_towards_ladder ) )
guys[i].a.special = "none";
guys[i].a.forceflamedeath = 1;
trucks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "very_end_truck_group" );
for( i = 0; i < trucks.size; i++ )
if( trucks[i].health )
radiusdamage( trucks[i].origin, 10, trucks[i].health + 1, trucks[i].health + 1 );
kill_aigroup( "very_end_ai" );
// Heroes react to napalm drop
quick_text( "napalm reaction starts!" );
wait( 8 );
level thread battlechatter_off();
level.polonsky.animname = "end_vignette";
level.roebuck.animname = "end_vignette";
level.extra_hero.animname = "end_vignette";
level thread napalm_reaction_polonsky();
level thread napalm_reaction_roebuck();
level thread napalm_reaction_extra_hero();
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 1.25 ) );
level.polonsky setcandamage( false );
goal = getnode( "node_end_reaction_polonsky", "targetname" );
level.polonsky.goalradius = 16;
level.polonsky setgoalnode( goal );
level.polonsky waittill( "goal" );
wait( 0.5 );
anim_single_solo( level.polonsky, "end_vignette_polonsky_reaction", undefined, level.polonsky );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 1.0, 1.5 ) );
level.roebuck setcandamage( false );
goal = getnode( "node_end_reaction_roebuck", "targetname" );
level.roebuck.goalradius = 16;
level.roebuck setgoalnode( goal );
level.roebuck waittill( "goal" );
wait( 0.5 );
anim_single_solo( level.roebuck, "end_vignette_roebuck_reaction", undefined, level.roebuck );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.45, 1.4 ) );
level.extra_hero setcandamage( false );
goal = getnode( "node_end_reaction_extra_hero", "targetname" );
level.extra_hero.goalradius = 16;
level.extra_hero setgoalnode( goal );
level.extra_hero waittill( "goal" );
wait( 0.5 );
anim_single_solo( level.extra_hero, "end_vignette_radio_reaction", undefined, level.extra_hero );
// Put crew on last aa guns
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "trig_last_aa_guys" );
level notify( "obj_airfield_tanks_complete" );
aaGun_1 = getent( "aaGun_1", "targetname" );
aaGun_2 = getent( "aaGun_2", "targetname" );
aaGun_3 = getent( "aaGun_3", "targetname" );
aaGun_4 = getent( "aaGun_4", "targetname" );
aaGun_1 stop_keep_tank_alive();
aaGun_2 stop_keep_tank_alive();
aaGun_3 stop_keep_tank_alive();
aaGun_4 stop_keep_tank_alive();
aaGun_1_crew = getentarray( "aaGun_1_spawners", "targetname" );
aaGun_2_crew = getentarray( "aaGun_2_spawners", "targetname" );
aaGun_3_crew = getentarray( "aaGun_3_spawners", "targetname" );
aaGun_4_crew = getentarray( "aaGun_4_spawners", "targetname" );
aaGun_1 thread aa_manually_add_crew( aaGun_1_crew );
aaGun_2 thread aa_manually_add_crew( aaGun_2_crew );
aaGun_3 thread aa_manually_add_crew( aaGun_3_crew );
aaGun_4 thread aa_manually_add_crew( aaGun_4_crew );
level.aa_guns_cleared = 0;
level thread aa_guns_cleared( aaGun_1, "last_aa_ai_1", "blocker_aaGun_1", 0 );
level thread aa_guns_cleared( aaGun_2, "last_aa_ai_2", "blocker_aaGun_2", 1 );
level thread aa_guns_cleared( aaGun_3, "last_aa_ai_3", "blocker_aaGun_3", 2 );
level thread aa_guns_cleared( aaGun_4, "last_aa_ai_4", "blocker_aaGun_4", 3 );
level thread make_aa_crew_ignored( aaGun_1, "last_aa_ai_1" );
level thread make_aa_crew_ignored( aaGun_2, "last_aa_ai_2" );
level thread make_aa_crew_ignored( aaGun_3, "last_aa_ai_3" );
level thread make_aa_crew_ignored( aaGun_4, "last_aa_ai_4" );
aaGun_1 thread make_aa_gun_team_change();
aaGun_2 thread make_aa_gun_team_change();
aaGun_3 thread make_aa_gun_team_change();
aaGun_4 thread make_aa_gun_team_change();
level thread make_aa_crew_last_longer();
self endon( "death" );
level waittill( "obj_airfield_complete" );
self setvehicleteam( "none" );
// self.script_team = "allies";
// self maps\_vehicle::vehicle_setteam();
// if all other axis ai are killed, make aa crews able to be targeted
make_aa_crew_ignored( aaGun, ai_group )
aaGun waittill( "pel2 triple25 crew ready" );
wait( 0.05 ); // guys are spawned in, but need a frame to let aagroup_soldierthink() in _spawner track the aagroup
crew = get_ai_group_ai( ai_group );
array_thread( crew, ::make_aa_crew_ignored_think );
array_thread( crew, ::aa_crew_half_shield );
self endon( "death" );
self.ignoreme = true;
waittill_aigroupcleared( "last_bunker_ai" );
self notify( "stop_grass_half_shields" );
self.ignoreme = false; = self.pel2_real_health ;
// add multiple objective stars, one for each aa gun
aaGuns = [];
aaGuns[0] = getent( "aaGun_1", "targetname" );
aaGuns[1] = getent( "aaGun_2", "targetname" );
aaGuns[2] = getent( "aaGun_3", "targetname" );
aaGuns[3] = getent( "aaGun_4", "targetname" );
for( i = 0; i < aaGuns.size; i++ )
Objective_additionalPosition( 5, i, aaGuns[i].origin );
// Clear the target of any triple25 that shouldn't have a target
self waittill_any( "death", "crew dead", "change target", "crew dismount" );
self ClearTurretTarget();
// Don't want crew spawning with guns, so spawn them manually when that event kicks off (semi-hacks)
aa_manually_add_crew( aa_crew )
triple25_dismount_trig = undefined;
triple25_targets = getentarray(, "targetname" );
triple25_triggers = [];
for( j = 0; j < triple25_targets.size; j++ )
triple25_target = triple25_targets[ j ];
if( isdefined( triple25_target.script_noteworthy ) && triple25_target.script_noteworthy == "dismount" )
triple25_dismount_trig = triple25_target;
// spawn the crew, link them up
for (i = 0; i < aa_crew.size; i++)
// spawn the guy in
self.triple25_gunner[self.triple25_gunner.size] = aa_crew[i] maps\_triple25::spawn_gunner();
self.triple25_gunner[i] linkto( self, "tag_driver"+(i+1), (0,0,0), (0,0,0) );
self.triple25_gunner[i].position = i;
//call animation
self.triple25_gunner[i] thread maps\_triple25::monitor_gunner( self, triple25_dismount_trig );
self.triple25_gunner[i] thread maps\_triple25::triple25gunner_animation_think( self );
self notify( "pel2 triple25 crew ready" );
//either dismount of AI or death of AI will unlink everyone
if( isdefined( triple25_dismount_trig ) )
for (i = 0; i < self.crewsize; i++)
thread maps\_triple25::dismount_think( triple25_dismount_trig, self.triple25_gunner[i], self );
thread maps\_triple25::death_think( self.triple25_gunner[i], self );
aa_guns_cleared( aa_gun, ai_group_name, blocker_name, obj_index )
// they don't need a friendlyfire shield. otherwise the player wont' be able to hop on a triple25 and kill the other triple25s
aa_gun notify( "stop_friendlyfire_shield" ); = 4000;
aa_gun thread aa_stop_moving_turret();
level thread aa_gun_available_to_use( aa_gun );
level thread aa_gun_destroyed( aa_gun );
flag_wait_either( aa_gun.targetname + "_cleared", aa_gun.targetname + "_destroyed" );
aa_crew_active( ai_group_name );
// remove its objective star from the map
Objective_additionalPosition( 5, obj_index, (0,0,0) );
if( )
aa_gun makevehicleusable();
// remove monster clip
blocker = getent( blocker_name, "targetname" );
blocker connectpaths();
blocker delete();
// if the crew has dismounted, make them able to be targeted
aa_crew_active( aigroup_name )
crew = get_ai_group_ai( aigroup_name );
for( i = 0; i < crew.size; i++ )
crew[i].ignoreme = false;
crew[i] notify( "stop_grass_half_shields" );
crew[i].health = crew[i].pel2_real_health;
// Protect the aa guys from all damage except from the player (at least while there are non-ai defenders still around)
self endon( "stop_grass_half_shields" );
self endon( "death" );
self.pel2_real_health =; = 10000;
attacker = undefined;
while( > 0 )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, direction_vec, point, type, modelName, tagName );
type = tolower( type );
// if it's not the player, and also a bullet weapon (non-player friendlies should still be able to kill them with their grenades)
if( !isplayer(attacker) && issubstr( type, "bullet" ) )
//iprintln( "attacked by non-player!" ); = 10000; // give back health for these things
{ = self.pel2_real_health;
self dodamage( amount, (0,0,0) );
self.pel2_real_health =;
// put ff shield back on = 10000;
//aa_crew_playerseek( ai_group_name )
// ai = get_ai_group_ai( "ai_group_name" );
// sets a flag if the aa gun crew has dismounted or has been killed
aa_gun_available_to_use( aa_gun )
aa_gun endon( "death" );
aa_gun waittill_either( "crew dead", "crew dismount" );
// aa_gun setvehicleteam( "none" );
flag_set( aa_gun.targetname + "_cleared" );
// sets a flag if the AA gun has been destroyed
aa_gun_destroyed( aa_gun )
aa_gun waittill( "death" );
flag_set( aa_gun.targetname + "_destroyed" );
// only do a radius damage (to kill aa operators) if no player is nearby.
player_nearby = false;
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( distanceSquared( players[i].origin, aa_gun.origin ) < (150*150) )
player_nearby = true;
if( !player_nearby )
radiusdamage( aa_gun.origin, 150, 100, 200 );
// Update the objectives when the AA gun crews are cleared
switch( level.aa_guns_cleared )
case 1:
objective_string( 5, &"PEL2_DESTROY_AA_GUNS_3" );
// TODO make sure that none of this VO would overlap each other, such as if two crews were taken out simutaneously
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "taken_out" );
wait( 2 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "three_more" );
case 2:
objective_string( 5, &"PEL2_DESTROY_AA_GUNS_2" );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "second_crew_down" );
wait( 2 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "stay_strong" );
wait( 1.5 );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "two_more" );
case 3:
objective_string( 5, &"PEL2_DESTROY_AA_GUNS_1" );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "get_the_last_one" );
case 4:
objective_string( 5, &"PEL2_DESTROY_AA_GUNS" );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "outta_commission" );
level notify( "obj_aaguns_complete" );
// These are the guys on the aa gun that shoots down the tower corsair. we want them to last a bit longer so the tower crash vignette
// will play out.
wait( 1 );
crew = get_ai_group_ai( "last_aa_ai_1" );
for( i = 0; i < crew.size; i++ )
crew[i] thread make_aa_crew_last_longer_strat();
self endon( "death" );
self.ignoreme = 1;
flag_wait_or_timeout( "trig_tower_plane", 12 );
self.ignoreme = 0;
// Have all the shermans point their turrets forward and stop any attackgroup behavior
shermans_point_turrets_forward( tank_name )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( tank_name );
for( i = 0; i < tanks.size; i++ )
//tanks[i] thread debugorigin();
tanks[i] notify( "killed all targets" );
tanks[i] thread tank_reset_turret( 3 );
// Sets a flag once all wave 1a chi tanks are dead
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_1a" );
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
wait( 1 );
flag_set( "chi_1a_wave_dead" );
level thread shermans_point_turrets_forward( "sherman_wave_1" );
level thread tank_wave_2();
// Sets a flag once all wave 1b chi tanks are dead
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_1b" );
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
else if( tanks.size == 1 )
flag_set( "chi_1b_wave_almost_dead" );
wait( 0.5 );
flag_set( "chi_1b_wave_dead" );
// Sets a flag once all wave 1b chi tanks are dead
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_1c" );
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
wait( 1 );
flag_set( "chi_1c_wave_dead" );
// Sets a flag once all wave 2 chi tanks are dead
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_2" );
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
wait( 1 );
flag_set( "chi_2_wave_dead" );
level thread shermans_point_turrets_forward( "sherman_wave_2" );
// Sets a flag once all wave 3 chi tanks are dead
flag_wait( "chi_3c_spawned" );
one_tank_dead_vo = 0;
two_tanks_dead_vo = 0;
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_3" );
switch( tanks.size )
case 2:
if( !one_tank_dead_vo )
objective_string( 4, &"PEL2_BAZOOKA_2" );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "one_tank_down" );
wait( 1.5 );
play_vo( level.polonsky, "vo", "yeah!!!" );
one_tank_dead_vo = 1;
case 1:
if( !two_tanks_dead_vo )
objective_string( 4, &"PEL2_BAZOOKA_1" );
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "keep_doing" );
//play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "stay_on_it" );
two_tanks_dead_vo = 1;
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
wait( 1 );
flag_set( "chi_3_wave_dead" );
level notify( "obj_airfield_tanks_complete" );
objective_state ( 4, "done" );
objective_string( 4, &"PEL2_BAZOOKA" );
// save if player hasn't moved up too far to next checkpoint
if( !flag( "trig_last_aa_defense" ) )
play_vo( level.roebuck, "vo", "damn_good_work" );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 tanks destroyed" );
// if haven't moved up really far, turn middle chain back on (flag is set on trigger)
if( !flag( "chain_airfield_end_c" ) )
set_color_chain( "chain_airfield_end_b" );
// Sets a flag once all wave 1 sherman tanks are dead
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "sherman_wave_1" );
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
wait( 1 );
quick_text( "shermans_1_dead", 3, true );
flag_set( "shermans_1_dead" );
// Sets a flag once all wave 2 sherman tanks are dead
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "sherman_wave_2" );
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
wait( 1 );
quick_text( "shermans_2_dead", 3, true );
flag_set( "shermans_2_dead" );
// Sets a flag once all wave 3 sherman tanks are dead
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "sherman_wave_3" );
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
wait( 1 );
quick_text( "shermans_3_dead", 3, true );
flag_set( "shermans_3_dead" );
// Sets a flag once all wave 3b sherman tanks are dead
while( 1 )
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "sherman_wave_3b" );
// if all are dead
if( !tanks.size )
wait( 1 );
quick_text( "shermans_3b_dead", 3, true );
flag_set( "shermans_3b_dead" );
// sets a tank's fire_delay_min and max, which are used by attackgroup behavior in _vehicle
set_attack_delay( min, max )
if( !IsDefined( min ) )
min = 5;
if( !IsDefined( max ) )
max = 6;
self.fire_delay_min = min;
self.fire_delay_max = max;
// The center area with the 2nd triple25 gun
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "at_cinch_point" );
level notify( "obj_assault_airfield_complete" );
quick_text( "at_cinch_point", 3, true );
level thread bazooka_respawn();
level thread plane_strafe();
level thread color_chains_near_tanks();
level thread tighten_up_color_chains();
level thread spawn_pre_last_trench_guys();
level thread save_when_near_aa_bunker();
// Wii optimizations and coop optimizations
if( !level.wii && !NumRemoteClients())
while(!oktospawn()) // Try to smooth out the big spikes around here.
simple_spawn( "airfield_rush_mid_spawners", ::airfield_rush_mid_strat );
level thread rush_guys_die();
// objective stars that follow the 3 objective tanks
level endon( "obj_airfield_tanks_complete" );
// while ( 1 )
// {
tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_3" );
wait(0.1); // Try to keep the network bandwidth sane.
for( i = 0; i < tanks.size; i++ )
// Objective_additionalPosition( 4, tanks[i].pel2_objective_index, tanks[i].origin );
Objective_additionalPosition( 4, tanks[i].pel2_objective_index, tanks[i]);
// wait( 0.35 );
// }
// piggybacking this onto a friendly_respawn trig to save an ent
trigger_wait( "trig_pre_last_trench_guys", "script_noteworthy" );
simple_floodspawn( "pre_last_trench_guys" );
// guys that rush out near the cinch point, but get blown up by a stray mortar
self endon( "death" );
self setcandamage( false );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoresuppression = true;
self waittill( "goal" );
self setcandamage( true );
self.ignoreme = false;
self.ignoresuppression = true;
flag_set( "airfield_rush_inplace" );
self.animname = "stand";
// choose his death anim because the mortar explosion is about to play
if( == "auto5218" )
if( RandomInt( 2 ) )
self.deathanim = level.scr_anim["stand"]["explosion_forward"];
self.deathanim = level.scr_anim["stand"]["explosion_right"];
if( RandomInt( 2 ) )
self.deathanim = level.scr_anim["stand"]["explosion_forward"];
self.deathanim = level.scr_anim["stand"]["explosion_left"];
// stray mortar that kills rush guys
flag_wait( "airfield_rush_inplace" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 1.2, 2.5 ) );
level thread maps\_mortar::mortar_loop( "orig_mortar_airfield_canned" );
kill_aigroup( "airfield_rush_ai" );
wait( 0.1 );
level notify( "stop_mortar_airfield_canned" );
// manipulate color chain triggers for chain advancing during tank killing
trig = getent( "chain_airfield_end_a", "targetname" );
trig trigger_off();
// infinite respawn bazooka for player to use at the cinch point
respawn_schrek = getent( "airfield_bazooka", "targetname" );
respawn_origin = respawn_schrek.origin;
respawn_angles = respawn_schrek.angles;
wait(0.1); // Try to keep the network bandwidth sane.
// glowy model
glowy_model = spawn( "script_model", respawn_origin );
glowy_model.angles = respawn_angles;
glowy_model SetModel( "weapon_usa_bazooka_at_obj" );
level thread player_has_bazooka();
while( 1 )
if( !isdefined( respawn_schrek ) )
// remove glowy model once the bazooka is picked up
if( isdefined( glowy_model ) )
glowy_model delete();
wait(0.1); // Try to keep the network bandwidth sane.
respawn_schrek = spawn( "weapon_bazooka", respawn_origin, 1 );
respawn_schrek.angles = respawn_angles;
wait( 2 );
wait( 1 );
// wait till a guy gets the flamethrower
while( !flag( "player_got_bazooka" ) )
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] HasWeapon( "bazooka" ) )
flag_set( "player_got_bazooka" );
objective_string( 4, &"PEL2_BAZOOKA_3" );
Objective_additionalPosition( 4, 3, (0,0,0) );
level thread objective_stars_on_tanks();
wait( 0.15 );
// remind player to pick up the bazooka if he doesn't have it
level endon( "obj_airfield_tanks_complete" );
wait( RandomIntRange( 10, 12 ) );
// give VO support on what to do
while( !flag( "player_got_bazooka" ) )
allies = getaiarray( "allies" );
redshirt = get_closest_exclude( get_players()[0].origin, allies, level.heroes );
random_int = randomint( 100 );
// choose which VO variation to play
if( random_int > 75 )
play_vo( redshirt, "vo", "find_a_bazooka" );
else if( random_int > 50 )
play_vo( redshirt, "vo", "bazooka_from_the_trenches" );
else if( random_int > 25 )
play_vo( redshirt, "vo", "bazooka_those_tanks" );
play_vo( redshirt, "vo", "cmon_bazooka_tanks" );
// objective_ring( 4 );
wait( RandomIntRange( 10, 15 ) );
// Handles anything associated with tank wave 1
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 1 );
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 700 );
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 604 );
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 603 );
// turn off annoying mgs on these tanks
chi_tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_1a" );
array_thread( chi_tanks, maps\_vehicle::mgoff );
chi_tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_1b" );
array_thread( chi_tanks, maps\_vehicle::mgoff );
chi_tanks = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_1c" );
array_thread( chi_tanks, maps\_vehicle::mgoff );
level thread chi_1a_dead();
level thread chi_1b_dead();
level thread chi_1c_dead();
level thread truck_crash();
level thread shermans_1_dead();
level thread tank_wave_1_strats();
// Handles anything associated with tank wave 2. this happens when all chi_1a_wave are dead
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 2 );
flag_set( "tank_spawn_n_move_2" );
quick_text( "tank_spawn_n_move_2", 3, true );
sherman_2a = getent( "sherman_wave_2a", "targetname" );
sherman_2a thread sherman_2a_strat();
sherman_2b = getent( "sherman_wave_2b", "targetname" );
sherman_2b thread sherman_2b_strat();
level thread shermans_2_dead();
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 606 );
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 605 );
wait( 0.05 );
chi_3c = getent( "chi_wave_3c", "targetname" );
chi_3c thread chi_3c_strat();
// possibly redo how chi3 is spawned separately from rest of wave 3
flag_set( "chi_3c_spawned" );
sherman_wave_3a = getent( "sherman_wave_3a", "targetname" );
sherman_wave_3a thread sherman_3a_strat();
sherman_wave_3b = getent( "sherman_wave_3b", "targetname" );
sherman_wave_3b thread sherman_3b_strat();
level thread shermans_3_dead();
level thread shermans_3b_dead();
// Handles anything associated with tank wave 3
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_3" );
quick_text( "move_wave_2_3", 3, true );
level thread bazooka_respawner();
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 3 );
wait( 0.05 );
chi_3a = getent( "chi_wave_3a", "targetname" );
chi_3a thread chi_3a_strat();
chi_3b = getent( "chi_wave_3b", "targetname" );
chi_3b thread chi_3b_strat();
level thread chi_3_wave_dead();
level thread chi_3_kill_shermans_2();
// wait till sherman wave 1 is dead
flag_wait( "shermans_1_dead" );
chi_wave_3 = get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_3" );
for( i = 0; i < chi_wave_3.size; i++ )
chi_wave_3[i] thread attack_this_group( 2 );
// Lets wave 1 tanks know when to stop
sherman_1a = getent( "sherman_wave_1a", "targetname" );
sherman_1b = getent( "sherman_wave_1b", "targetname" );
sherman_1a thread sherman_1a_strat();
sherman_1b thread sherman_1b_strat();
chi_wave_1a = getent( "chi_wave_1a", "targetname" );
chi_wave_1c = getent( "chi_wave_1c", "targetname" );
chi_wave_1d = getent( "chi_wave_1d", "targetname" );
chi_wave_1e = getent( "chi_wave_1e", "targetname" );
chi_wave_1f = getent( "chi_wave_1f", "targetname" );
chi_wave_1g = getent( "chi_wave_1g", "targetname" );
chi_wave_1a thread chi_1a_strat();
chi_wave_1c thread chi_1c_strat();
chi_wave_1d thread chi_1d_strat();
chi_wave_1e thread chi_1e_strat();
chi_wave_1f thread chi_1f_strat();
chi_wave_1g thread chi_1g_strat();
// Behavior for tanks
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self set_attack_delay( 4, 6 );
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self thread sherman_1a_shoot_strat();
self endon( "death" );
self veh_stop_at_node( "sherman_1a_backup", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "chi_1a_wave_dead" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
//vnode = getvehiclenode( "sherman_1a_stop_shield", "script_noteworthy" );
//vnode waittill( "trigger" );
flag_set( "sherman_1a_vulnerable" );
// turn off its shield
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 500;
self endon( "death" );
//orig = getstruct( "orig_truck_near_hit", "targetname" );
self setturrettargetvec( (2668, 1655.5, 9.3) );
wait( 4.5 );
flag_set( "truck_hit_by_shell" );
self ClearTurretTarget();
self attack_this_tank( "chi_wave_1a", 2, 2.75, 3.5 );
wait( 3 );
self attack_this_tank( "chi_wave_1c", 2, 2.5, 3.0 );
// Behavior for tanks
self set_attack_delay( 4, 6 );
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self endon( "death" );
self thread sherman_1b_shoot_strat();
vnode = getvehiclenode( "shermans_1_b_stop_shield", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
// turn off its shield
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 500;
self endon( "death" );
truck = getent( "airfield_type94", "targetname" );
self setturrettargetent( truck );
self waittill( "turret_on_target" );
wait( 3.5 );
self ClearTurretTarget();
self fireweapon();
self tank_reset_turret();
flag_wait_either( "move_wave_2_2", "node_sherman_2a_wait_2" );
quick_text( "move_wave_2_2", 3, true );
guys = get_ai_group_ai( "airfield_truck_ai" );
// assume tanks kill them
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
guys[i] thread bloody_death( true, 3 );
// wait a little longer for this guy; he's further back
wait( 3 );
guys = get_ai_group_ai( "airfield_truck_ai_2" );
// assume tanks kill them
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
guys[i] thread bloody_death( true, 1 );
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self thread sherman_2a_shoot_strat();
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_2a_wait_1", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "chi_1b_wave_dead" );
self thread tank_reset_turret();
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_2a_wait_2", 6, 6 );
flag_set( "node_sherman_2a_wait_2" );
self thread shermans_fire_towards_bunkers();
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_2" );
self notify( "stop_sherman_bunker_shooting" );
wait( 0.05 );
self resumespeed( 2, 1, 1 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_2a_wait_3", 6, 6 );
self thread shermans_fire_towards_bunkers();
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_3" );
level notify( "stop_sherman_bunker_shooting" );
wait( 0.05 );
self resumespeed( 2, 1, 1 );
self set_attack_delay();
self thread attack_this_group( 604 );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 500;
wait( 3 );
self thread attack_this_tank( "chi_wave_1e", 2 );
flag_wait( "chi_1b_wave_almost_dead" );
self thread attack_this_tank( "chi_wave_1d", 2 );
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self thread sherman_2b_shoot_strat();
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_2b_wait_1", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "chi_1b_wave_dead" );
self thread tank_reset_turret();
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_2b_wait_2", 6, 6 );
self thread shermans_fire_towards_bunkers();
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_2" );
self notify( "stop_sherman_bunker_shooting" );
wait( 0.05 );
self resumespeed( 2, 1, 1 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_2b_wait_3", 6, 6 );
self thread shermans_fire_towards_bunkers();
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_3" );
level notify( "stop_sherman_bunker_shooting" );
self resumespeed( 2, 1, 1 );
self set_attack_delay();
self thread attack_this_group( 604 );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "node_sherman_2b_stop_shield", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 500;
wait( 3 );
self thread attack_this_tank( "chi_wave_1e", 2 );
flag_wait( "chi_1b_wave_almost_dead" );
self thread attack_this_tank( "chi_wave_1d", 2 );
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self set_attack_delay();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_3a_wait_1", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "chi_1b_wave_dead" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.3, 0.6 ) );
self resumespeed( 5, 2, 2 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_3a_wait_2", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_2" );
self resumespeed( 5, 2, 2 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_3a_wait_3", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_3" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self thread attack_this_tank( "chi_wave_1g", 2 );
flag_wait( "chi_1c_wave_dead" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 500;
self endon( "death" );
self thread shermans_fire_towards_bunkers();
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_3b_wait_1", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "chi_1b_wave_dead" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.3, 0.6 ) );
self resumespeed( 5, 2, 2 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_3b_wait_2", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_2" );
self resumespeed( 5, 2, 2 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "node_sherman_3b_wait_3", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_3" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self thread attack_this_tank( "chi_wave_1f", 2 );
flag_wait( "chi_1c_wave_dead" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 500;
self endon( "death" );
self thread shermans_fire_towards_bunkers();
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self set_attack_delay();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self notify( "stop_vehicle_compasshandle" );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_1_a_stop_shield", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 1000;
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self set_attack_delay();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self notify( "stop_vehicle_compasshandle" );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_1_c_stop_shield", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 1000;
//self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self thread chi_1d_shoot_strat();
self notify( "stop_friendlyfire_shield" ); = 1500;
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self notify( "stop_vehicle_compasshandle" );
self veh_stop_at_node( "chi_wave_1d_stop_1", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "shermans_1_dead" );
//self stop_keep_tank_alive();
// = 1000;
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self endon( "death" );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_1d_fire", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self thread attack_this_tank( "sherman_wave_1a", 2 );
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self thread chi_1e_shoot_strat();
self notify( "stop_friendlyfire_shield" ); = 1500;
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self notify( "stop_vehicle_compasshandle" );
self veh_stop_at_node( "chi_wave_1e_stop_1", 12, 12 );
flag_wait( "shermans_1_dead" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self endon( "death" );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_1e_fire", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self thread attack_this_tank( "sherman_wave_1a", 2 );
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self notify( "stop_vehicle_compasshandle" );
self veh_stop_at_node( "chi_wave_1f_stop_1", 6, 6 );
// 2nd flag set on trigger
flag_wait_either( "shermans_1_dead", "player_near_retreat_tanks" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "chi_wave_1f_stop_2", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_3" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self set_attack_delay();
self thread attack_this_group( 2 );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_1f_stop_shield", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 500;
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self.rollingdeath = 1;
self notify( "stop_vehicle_compasshandle" );
self veh_stop_at_node( "chi_wave_1g_stop_1", 6, 6 );
flag_wait_either( "shermans_1_dead", "player_near_retreat_tanks" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self veh_stop_at_node( "chi_wave_1g_stop_2", 6, 6 );
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_3" );
self resumespeed( 5, 3, 3 );
self set_attack_delay();
self thread attack_this_group( 2 );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_1g_stop_shield", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 500;
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "stop_sherman_bunker_shooting" );
targs = [];
targs[0] = getstruct( "orig_sherman_targ_1", "targetname" );
targs[1] = getstruct( "orig_sherman_targ_2", "targetname" );
targs[2] = getstruct( "orig_sherman_targ_3", "targetname" );
wait( 4 );
// fire off into distance
while( 1 )
self tank_fire_at_struct( targs[RandomInt(targs.size)] );
wait( RandomIntRange( 3, 5 ) );
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self thread chi_3a_death();
self thread chi_wave_3_shoot_strat();
self.pel2_objective_index = 0;
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents = [];
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[0] = getent( "sherman_wave_2a", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[1] = getent( "sherman_wave_2b", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[2] = getent( "sherman_wave_3a", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[3] = getent( "sherman_wave_3b", "targetname" );
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3a_avoid_1", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3a_avoid_2", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
// wait till we're at the beginning of the spline loop
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 1500;
self thread pel2_friendly_fire_shield();
self endon( "death" );
// don't know why, but this wait has to be here or else the next "reached_wait_node" will never be hit.
// maybe something to do with setswitchnode() or setwaitnode()?
wait( 0.05 );
// have tank patrol
while( 1 )
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3a_avoid_3", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3a_avoid_4", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
//pause_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3a_pause_1", "script_noteworthy" );
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
wait( 0.05 );
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3a_avoid_5", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3a_avoid_2", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
//pause_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3a_pause_2", "script_noteworthy" );
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
wait( 0.05 );
level endon( "chi_3_wave_dead" );
self waittill( "death" );
flag_set( "chi_3a_death" );
Objective_additionalPosition( 4, self.pel2_objective_index, (0,0,0) );
// if the other tanks are still alive, move up color chain (unless the player hit the far-ahead chain "chain_airfield_end_c" )
if( !flag( "chi_3_wave_dead" ) && !flag( "chain_airfield_end_c" ) )
set_color_chain( "chain_airfield_3" );
level endon( "chi_3_wave_dead" );
self waittill( "death" );
flag_set( "chi_3b_death" );
Objective_additionalPosition( 4, self.pel2_objective_index, (0,0,0) );
// only trigger this chain if further chains havent been triggered and chi_3a has been killed
if( !flag( "chi_3_wave_dead" ) && flag( "chi_3a_death" ) && !flag( "chain_airfield_end_c" ) )
set_color_chain( "chain_airfield_4" );
self endon( "death" );
flag_wait( "shermans_2_dead" );
self set_attack_delay( 4, 5 );
self thread attack_this_group( 605 );
flag_wait( "shermans_3_dead" );
self thread chis_fire_at_players();
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "stop_chi_wave_3_shooting" );
targs = [];
targs[0] = getstruct( "orig_chi_targ_1", "targetname" );
targs[1] = getstruct( "orig_chi_targ_2", "targetname" );
targs[2] = getstruct( "orig_chi_targ_3", "targetname" );
// fire off into distance
while( 1 )
self tank_fire_at_struct( targs[RandomInt(targs.size)] );
wait( RandomIntRange( 3, 5 ) );
// Objective tanks fire at players
// TODO this should check to fire at nearest player, not just a random one
self endon( "death" );
while( 1 )
// get the nearest player
targetted_player = get_closest_player( self.origin );
current_dist = distance( targetted_player.origin, self.origin );
// don't attempt to fire if he's too close; just choose a random player instead
if ( current_dist < 150 )
// wait( RandomIntRange( 2, 4 ) );
// continue;
players = get_players();
targetted_player = players[RandomInt(players.size)];
// actually target the player
self setturrettargetent( targetted_player );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "turret_on_target", 4 );
self ClearTurretTarget();
// if the player is far ahead and hasn't killed any tanks yet, make them quicker at firing
// (the origin[1] check is in case the player tries to go back for the bazooka; in this case, ease up the fire a bit
if( flag( "trig_airfield_last_trench" ) && (get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_3" ).size >= 3) && targetted_player.origin[1] > 4800 )
wait( 0.35 );
else if( flag( "trig_airfield_last_trench" ) && (get_alive_noteworthy_tanks( "chi_wave_3" ).size >= 2) && targetted_player.origin[1] > 4800 )
wait( 0.35 + RandomFloatRange( 0.05, 0.45 ) );
wait( 0.35 + RandomFloatRange( 0.05, 0.8 ) ); // some extra time for player to flee
// check that the player the tank is aiming at is still alive
if( !IsAlive( targetted_player ) || !IsDefined( targetted_player ) )
// don't fire if can't see player (though randomly fire once even if it can't see him still)
if( !tank_can_see_ent( targetted_player, self ) && !RandomInt( 3 ) )
self fireweapon();
wait( RandomIntRange( 3, 5 ) );
// end tanks fire at players and bunker
self endon( "death" );
targs = getstructarray( "orig_last_tank_targ", "targetname" );
left_aa_gun = getent( "aaGun_2", "targetname" );
right_aa_gun = getent( "aaGun_3", "targetname" );
left_mg = getent( "left_aa_bunker_mg", "targetname" );
right_mg = getent( "right_aa_bunker_mg", "targetname" );
while( 1 )
// find out if the player is on the aa platform
player_touching_left_trig = get_player_touching( level.aa_player_trig_left );
player_touching_right_trig = get_player_touching( level.aa_player_trig_right );
left_turret_owner = left_mg getturretowner();
right_turret_owner = right_mg getturretowner();
// fire at him if he's on the left platform
if( isdefined( player_touching_left_trig ) )
// make sure the aa gun exists before checking its owner
if( isdefined( left_aa_gun ) && )
left_aa_owner = left_aa_gun GetVehicleOwner();
// if the player is the owner, fire directly at the aa gun itself
if( isdefined( left_aa_owner ) )
quick_text( "preparing to fire on left aa gun" );
// if the player leaves the gun, continue the while loop and get a new target
if( !check_player_on_aa_gun_still( left_aa_owner, left_aa_gun ) )
quick_text( "player on left aa gun being fired at now!" );
self setturrettargetent( left_aa_gun, (0,0,15) );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "turret_on_target", 3 );
self ClearTurretTarget();
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.45, 1.2 ) );
self fireweapon();
wait( RandomIntRange( 5, 8 ) );
continue; // continue the while loop
self tank_fire_at_struct( targs[RandomInt(targs.size)] );
wait( RandomIntRange( 4, 6 ) );
// fire at him if he's on the right platform
else if(isdefined( player_touching_right_trig ) )
// make sure the aa gun exists before checking its owner
if( isdefined( right_aa_gun ) && )
right_aa_owner = right_aa_gun GetVehicleOwner();
// if the player is the owner, fire directly at the aa gun itself
if( isdefined( right_aa_owner ) )
quick_text( "preparing to fire on right aa gun" );
// if the player leaves the gun, continue the while loop and get a new target
if( !check_player_on_aa_gun_still( right_aa_owner, right_aa_gun ) )
quick_text( "player on right aa gun being fired at now!" );
self setturrettargetent( right_aa_gun, (0,0,15) );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "turret_on_target", 3 );
self ClearTurretTarget();
wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.45, 1.2 ) );
self fireweapon();
wait( RandomIntRange( 5, 8 ) );
continue; // continue the while loop
self tank_fire_at_struct( targs[RandomInt(targs.size)] );
wait( RandomIntRange( 4, 6 ) );
else if( isdefined( left_turret_owner ) && isplayer( left_turret_owner ) )
quick_text( "firing on left mg!" );
random_offset = RandomIntRange( 29, 35 );
self setturrettargetent( left_turret_owner, (0,0, random_offset ) );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "turret_on_target", 3 );
self ClearTurretTarget();
wait( 0.25 + RandomFloatRange( 0.25, 1.1 ) ); // some extra time for player to flee
self fireweapon();
level thread earthquake_and_rumble_here( left_mg.origin );
wait( RandomIntRange( 5, 7 ) );
else if( isdefined( right_turret_owner ) && isplayer( right_turret_owner ) )
quick_text( "firing on right mg!" );
random_offset = RandomIntRange( 29, 35 );
self setturrettargetent( right_turret_owner, (0,0, random_offset ) );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "turret_on_target", 3 );
self ClearTurretTarget();
wait( 0.25 + RandomFloatRange( 0.25, 1.1 ) ); // some extra time for player to flee
self fireweapon();
level thread earthquake_and_rumble_here( right_mg.origin );
wait( RandomIntRange( 5, 7 ) );
// just fire at a player or a struct regardless of where he is
// fire at a random struct
if( randomintrange( 0, 100 ) > 30 )
quick_text( self.targetname + ": random tank fire!" );
self tank_fire_at_struct( targs[RandomInt(targs.size)] );
wait( RandomIntRange( 4, 6 ) );
// fire at player no matter where he is
quick_text( self.targetname + " :random player fire" );
players = get_players();
targetted_player = players[RandomInt(players.size)];
self setturrettargetent( targetted_player, (0,0, RandomIntRange( 15, 26 ) ) );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "turret_on_target", 4 );
self ClearTurretTarget();
wait( 0.35 + RandomFloatRange( 0.25, 1.1 ) ); // some extra time for player to flee
if( !IsAlive( targetted_player ) || !IsDefined( targetted_player ) )
// don't fire if can't see player (though randomly fire once even if it can't see him still)
if( !tank_can_see_ent( targetted_player, self ) && !RandomInt( 3 ) )
self fireweapon();
wait( RandomIntRange( 5, 7 ) );
check_player_on_aa_gun_still( aagun_owner, aa_gun )
wait( randomfloatrange( 3.5, 5.75 ) );
if( !isdefined( self ) || <= 0 )
return false;
new_owner = aa_gun GetVehicleOwner();
if( isdefined( new_owner ) )
// the owner now is the same as the owner earlier
if( isdefined( aagun_owner ) && isalive( aagun_owner ) && new_owner == aagun_owner )
return true;
// different owner
return false;
// noone is manning the gun anymore
return false;
earthquake_and_rumble_here( orig )
wait( 0.1 );
earthquake( 0.4, 0.8, orig, 300 );
PlayRumbleOnPosition( "explosion_generic", orig );
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self thread chi_3b_death();
self thread chi_wave_3_shoot_strat();
self.pel2_objective_index = 1;
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents = [];
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[0] = getent( "sherman_wave_2a", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[1] = getent( "sherman_wave_2b", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[2] = getent( "sherman_wave_3a", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[3] = getent( "sherman_wave_3b", "targetname" );
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3b_avoid_1", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3b_avoid_2", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
// wait till we're at the beginning of the spline loop
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 1500;
self thread pel2_friendly_fire_shield();
self endon( "death" );
// don't know why, but this wait has to be here or else the next "reached_wait_node" will never be hit.
// maybe something to do with setswitchnode() or setwaitnode()?
wait( 0.05 );
// have tank patrol
while( 1 )
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3b_avoid_3", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3b_avoid_4", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
//pause_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3b_pause_1", "script_noteworthy" );
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
wait( 0.05 );
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3b_avoid_5", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3b_avoid_2", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
//pause_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3b_pause_2", "script_noteworthy" );
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
wait( 0.05 );
self thread keep_tank_alive();
self thread tank_smoke_death();
self thread chi_3c_shoot_strat();
self thread chi_3c_death();
self.pel2_objective_index = 2;
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents = [];
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[0] = getent( "sherman_wave_2a", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[1] = getent( "sherman_wave_2b", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[2] = getent( "sherman_wave_3a", "targetname" );
self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[3] = getent( "sherman_wave_3b", "targetname" );
self endon( "death" );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3c_wait_1", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
self setspeed( 0, 10, 10 );
flag_wait( "move_wave_2_3" );
self stop_keep_tank_alive(); = 1500;
self thread pel2_friendly_fire_shield();
self resumespeed( 4, 3, 3 );
// NOTE: the splines that start with avoid_6 and avoid_2 look similar and redundant, but avoid_6 has an
// extra node in the opposite direction to help with the stopping/looping
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3c_avoid_1", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3c_avoid_2", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
wait( 0.05 );
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3c_avoid_3", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3c_avoid_4", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
// wait till we're at the beginning of the spline loop
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
self setspeed( 0, 6, 6 );
wait( RandomIntRange( 2, 6 ) );
self resumespeed( 4, 3, 3 );
// don't know why, but this wait has to be here or else the next "reached_wait_node" will never be hit.
// maybe something to do with setswitchnode() or setwaitnode()?
wait( 0.05 );
// have tank move back and forth
while( 1 )
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3c_avoid_5", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3c_avoid_6", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
self setspeed( 0, 14, 14 );
wait( RandomIntRange( 2, 6 ) );
self resumespeed( 4, 3, 3 );
wait( 0.05 );
source_node = getvehiclenode ( "chi_wave_3c_avoid_7", "script_noteworthy" );
dest_node = getvehiclenode( "chi_wave_3c_avoid_4", "script_noteworthy" );
self setswitchnode( source_node, dest_node );
self setwaitnode( dest_node );
self waittill( "reached_wait_node" );
self setspeed( 0, 6, 6 );
wait( RandomIntRange( 2, 6 ) );
self resumespeed( 4, 3, 3 );
wait( 0.05 );
level endon( "chi_3_wave_dead" );
self waittill( "death" );
flag_set( "chi_3c_death" );
Objective_additionalPosition( 4, self.pel2_objective_index, (0,0,0) );
self endon ( "death" );
wait( 3 );
targ = getent( "sherman_wave_3b", "targetname" );
while( > 0 )
self setturrettargetent( targ );
self waittill( "turret_on_target" );
self ClearTurretTarget();
wait( 0.35 );
self fireweapon();
wait( RandomFloatRange( 3.0, 3.9 ) );
self thread chis_fire_at_players();
flag_wait_all( "tank_spawn_n_move_2", "move_wave_2_1" );
// add another guy to the friendly color chain
simple_spawn( "friend_airfield_spawner" );
self waittill( "death" );
while( 1 )
if ( ( self getspeedMPH() ) == 0 )
wait( 0.05 );
if( self.vehicletype == "sherman" )
playFXonTag( level._effect["sherman_camo_smoke"], self, "tag_origin" );
playFXonTag( level._effect["type97_smoke"], self, "tag_origin" );
wait( 0.05 );
// manually notify this cuz i'm not really using crashpaths. kill() in _vehicle wants this notify when the tank is dead & done moving
self notify( "deathrolloff" );
self waittill( "death" );
while( 1 )
if ( ( self getspeedMPH() ) == 0 )
wait( 0.05 );
wait( 0.05 );
// manually notify this cuz i'm not really using crashpaths. kill() in _vehicle wants this notify when the tank is dead & done moving
self notify( "deathrolloff" );
// Bazooka guys that respawn
bazooka_spawner = getent( "bazooka_spawner", "targetname" );
bazooka_spawner thread bazooka_spawn_think();
// Custom spawn stuff for bazooka respawner
level endon( "stop_bazooka_spawn" );
while( self.count )
while( !OkTospawn() )
wait( 0.05 );
ai = self DoSpawn();
if( spawn_failed( ai ) )
wait( 2 );
ai thread bazooka_strat();
ai waittill( "death" );
self endon( "death" );
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
self waittill( "goal" );
self stop_magic_bullet_shield();
// invinc bazooka guy not on color chain
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "trig_bazooka_special" );
simple_spawn( "bazooka_special_spawner", ::bazooka_special_strat );
self endon( "death" );
self.ignoreme = 1;
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
self.goalradius = 36;
self.targetname = "bazooka_special";
goal = getnode( "node_bazooka_start", "targetname" );
self setgoalnode( goal );
flag_wait( "at_cinch_point" );
self.ignoresuppression = 1;
goal = getnode( "node_bazooka_rest", "targetname" );
self setgoalnode( goal );
wait( 3 );
goal = getnode( "node_bazooka_finale", "targetname" );
self setgoalnode( goal );
self stop_magic_bullet_shield();
self.ignoreme = 0;
wait( RandomIntRange( 1, 3 ) );
// POLISH better death, or vignette even?
self dodamage( + 1, (0,0,0) );
// Master thread for ambient stuff
// Wii optimizations & coop optimizations
if( !level.wii && !NumRemoteClients())
level thread ambient_left_battle();
// level thread ridge_flashes(); // Clientsided - DSL
level thread ambient_planes();
// specify a new vehicleattackgroup for a tank
attack_this_group( group_num )
self notify( "killed all targets" );
self.script_vehicleattackgroup = group_num;
self thread maps\_vehicle::attackgroup_think();
// Have a tank attack another specific tank
// fatal_shot: if this many shots are fired at the specified tank and it's still not dead, kill it with radius damage (only if tank doesn't have god mode on)
attack_this_tank( tank_name, fatal_shot, min_delay, max_delay )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop_attacking_tank" );
// to kill any previously running instances of this thread
self notify( "stop_attack_this_tank" );
self endon( "stop_attack_this_tank" );
if( !isdefined( min_delay ) )
min_delay = 3.0;
if( !isdefined( max_delay ) )
max_delay = 4.0;
targ = getent( tank_name, "targetname" );
shots_fired = 0;
while( > 0 )
self setturrettargetent( targ, (0,0,50 ) ); // uses the same offset as attackgroup_think in _vehicle
self waittill( "turret_on_target" );
// self ClearTurretTarget();
// wait( 0.35 );
self fireweapon();
wait( 0.05 );
if( isdefined( fatal_shot ) )
// failsafe, cuz of projectile/collision bugginess that sometimes happens
if( shots_fired >= fatal_shot && && !(targ maps\_vehicle::is_godmode()) )
radiusdamage( targ.origin, 10, + 1, + 1 );
if( )
wait( RandomFloatRange( min_delay, max_delay ) );
// Make color squad small for assaulting the AA guns
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "trig_tighten_up_chains" );
level notify( "stop_bazooka_spawn" );
guy = getent( "bazooka_spawner_alive", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( guy ) )
guy set_force_color( "y" );
guys_turned_green = 0;
guys = getaiarray( "allies" );
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
if( guys[i] == level.roebuck || guys[i] == level.polonsky || guys[i] == level.extra_hero )
if( guys_turned_green < 3 )
guys[i] set_force_color( "g" );
guys[i] set_force_color( "y" );
set_color_heroes( "c" );
// Too many frickin' turrets. Delete some mgs from the beginning of the map so we don't hit the max 32 turret limit
mg = getent( "flame_bunker_mg_r", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( mg ) )
mg delete();
mg = getent( "flame_bunker_mg_l", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( mg ) )
mg delete();
mg = getent( "bunker_1_mg_2", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( mg ) )
mg delete();
mg = getent( "bunker_1_mg_1", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( mg ) )
mg delete();
flag_wait( "at_cinch_point" );
// player can't get on these, so don't need to run get_players_off_turrets() again
mg = getent( "admin_mg_r", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( mg ) )
mg delete();
mg = getent( "admin_mg_l", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( mg ) )
mg delete();
turrets = GetEntArray( "misc_turret", "classname" );
for(i = 0; i < turrets.size; i ++)
ent = turrets[i] getturretowner();
if( isdefined(ent) && isplayer(ent) )
turrets[i] useby(ent);
// truck crash vignette in opening airfield read
#using_animtree( "pel2_truck_crash" );
wait_network_frame(); // CLIENTSIDE to help snapshot size
truck = getent( "airfield_type94", "targetname" );
truck thread truck_crash_fx();
truck UseAnimTree(#animtree);
anim_node = getnode( "node_truck_crash", "targetname" );
truck animscripted( "airfield_truck_done", anim_node.origin, anim_node.angles, level.scr_anim["airfield"]["truck_crash"] );
truck waittill( "airfield_truck_done" );
truck notsolid();
// Japanese guys on the truck that crashes in the opening airfield read
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
truck = getent( "airfield_type94", "targetname" );
// drivers
truck_crash_drivers( truck );
anim_node = getnode( "node_truck_crash", "targetname" );
anims = [];
anims[0] = "truck_eject_1";
anims[1] = "truck_eject_2";
anims[2] = "truck_eject_3";
anims[3] = "truck_eject_4";
guys_2 = simple_spawn( "crash_truck_guys_2" );
for( i = 0; i < guys_2.size; i++ )
guys_2[i].animname = "airfield";
guys_2[i].ignoreall = 1;
guys_2[i].ignoreme = 1;
guys_2[i] thread truck_crash_guys_invinc();
level thread truck_crash_guys_anim( guys_2[i], anims[i], anim_node );
script_guy_1 = spawn( "script_model", truck.origin );
script_guy_1.angles = truck.angles;
script_guy_1 character\char_jap_pel2_rifle::main();
script_guy_1 UseAnimTree( #animtree );
script_guy_1.animname = "airfield";
script_guy_1.targetname = "script_model_guy_1";
level thread anim_single_solo( script_guy_1, anims[2], undefined, anim_node );
script_guy_2 = spawn( "script_model", truck.origin );
script_guy_2.angles = truck.angles;
script_guy_2 character\char_jap_pel2_rifle::main();
script_guy_2 UseAnimTree( #animtree );
script_guy_2.animname = "airfield";
script_guy_2.targetname = "script_model_guy_2";
level thread anim_single_solo( script_guy_2, anims[3], undefined, anim_node );
// enemies that are driving the truck that crashes in the airfield opening read
truck_crash_drivers( truck )
starting_position = undefined;
idle_anim = undefined;
guys = simple_spawn( "crash_truck_guys" );
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
switch( i )
case 0:
starting_position = "tag_driver";
idle_anim = "truck_idle_driver";
case 1:
starting_position = "tag_passenger";
idle_anim = "truck_idle_passenger";
guys[i] thread truck_crash_behavior( idle_anim );
guys[i] linkto( truck, starting_position, ( 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
truck_crash_guys_anim( guy, anim_name, anim_node )
if( anim_name == "truck_eject_2" )
guy gun_remove();
anim_single_solo( guy, anim_name, undefined, anim_node );
guy notify( "done_crash_anim" );
guy.ignoreall = 0;
guy.goalradius = 30;
node_name = "node_" + anim_name;
goal_node = getnode( node_name, "script_noteworthy" );
guy setgoalnode( goal_node );
//TUEY Set music state to AIRFIELD
// Don't want guys killable during the ride, but once they're thrown from the truck, they can be killed during the standup anim
self endon( "death" );
self setcandamage( false );
// about the amount of time it takes for them to be thrown from the truck (may want a notetrack added later so this can be more accurate)
wait( 7 );
self.allowdeath = 1;
self.a.nodeath = true;
self setcandamage( true ); = 20;
self thread stop_truck_death();
wait( 3 );
self.ignoreme = 0;
self endon( "done_crash_anim" );
self waittill( "death", attacker, type );
self startRagdoll();
// if they're killed during their anim with a flamethrower, we'll need to manually burn them, otherwise they'll just die w/o charring
if( isplayer( attacker ) && type == "MOD_BURNED" )
self thread animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();
truck_crash_behavior( idle_anim )
self endon( "death" );
self setcandamage( false );
self.animname = "airfield";
level thread anim_loop_solo( self, idle_anim, undefined, "stop_idle_anim" );
wait( 5.5 );
self notify( "killanimscript" );
self setcandamage( true );
self dodamage( + 1, (0,0,0) );
// Fx that play on/around the truck that crashes in the airfield opening read
//orig = getstruct( "orig_truck_near_hit", "targetname" );
flag_wait( "truck_hit_by_shell" );
playfxontag( level._effect["truck_hit_by_shell"], self, "tag_headlight_left" );
wait( 1.25 );
// TEMP, need to play off a unique origin
playfx (level._effect["truck_slide_dust"], (2668, 1655.5, 9.3) );
// plane that strafes near cinch point
trigger_wait_or_timeout( "strafe_lookat", 2 );
// DSL - delay this a network frame or two, if things are crazy busy on the network.
flag_set( "plane_strafe" );
plane = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "strafe_plane" );
plane playsound( "corsair_strafe" );
plane thread keep_tank_alive();
vnode = getvehiclenode( "node_strafe_rumble", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
flag_set( "plane_strafe_shoot" );
plane thread corsair_turret_think();
level thread strafe_squibs( "forest_bullet_hit_1", "forest_bullet_hit_1a" );
level thread strafe_squibs( "forest_bullet_hit_2", "forest_bullet_hit_2a" );
earthquake( 0.3, 2.0, (2402.5, 4195, 23) , 1300 );
// plane that hits the telephone poles
#using_animtree ("pel2_truck_crash");
// original origin of trigger: 2617 8227 58
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "trig_pole_crash" );
wait( randomfloatrange( 0.9, 1.7 ) );
plane = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "pole_plane" );
plane thread keep_tank_alive();
hit_node = getvehiclenode( "pole_plane_hit", "script_noteworthy" );
hit_node waittill( "trigger" );
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["fighter_wing_hit"], plane,"tag_engine_left" );
plane playsound( "pole_corsair_hit" );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "node_tele_hit", "script_noteworthy" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
anim_node = getnode( "node_telepole", "targetname" );
rig_model = getent( "tele_rig_model", "targetname" );
rig_model UseAnimTree( #animtree );
rig_model.animname = "airfield";
level thread anim_single_solo( rig_model, "telepole", undefined, anim_node );
vnode = getvehiclenode( "auto5094", "targetname" );
vnode waittill( "trigger" );
playfx( level._effect["telepole_plane_crash"], vnode.origin );
temp_orig = spawn( "script_origin", vnode.origin );
temp_orig playsound( "bomber_crash_end", "bomber_crash_end_done" );
temp_orig waittill( "bomber_crash_end_done" );
temp_orig delete();
// Plane that hits tower as player nears the AA gun area
// flag set on trigger
flag_wait( "trig_tower_plane" );
wait( 2.5 );
plane = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "tower_plane" );
plane thread keep_tank_alive();
hit_node = getvehiclenode( "tower_plane_hit", "script_noteworthy" );
hit_node waittill( "trigger" );
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["fighter_wing_hit"], plane,"tag_engine_left" );
plane playsound( "pole_corsair_hit" );
plane waittill( "reached_end_node" );
playfx( level._effect["large_vehicle_explosion"], plane.origin );
level thread plane_tower_sound( hit_node );
earthquake( 0.7, 1.75,(2353.1, 8202.6, 154), 2000 );
exploder( 500 );
brush = getent( "sb_model_AA_tower", "targetname" );
brush delete();
plane delete();
plane_tower_sound( hit_node )
temp_orig = spawn( "script_origin", hit_node.origin );
temp_orig playsound( "bomber_crash_end", "bomber_crash_end_done" );
temp_orig waittill( "bomber_crash_end_done" );
temp_orig delete();
// aa gun that fires and hits the tower plane
original_aaTarget = getent( "aaGun_1_target", "script_noteworthy" );
original_aaTarget notify("change target");
new_aaTarget = convert_aiming_struct_to_origin( "orig_tower_plane_new_targ" );
level thread flame_move_target( new_aaTarget, 3.5 );
aaGun_1 = getent( "aaGun_1", "targetname" );
aaGun_1 thread maps\_triple25::triple25_shoot( new_aaTarget );
aaGun_1 endon( "crew dead" );
flag_wait( "trig_tower_plane" );
wait( 3.5 );
new_aaTarget notify( "stop_fakefire_mover" );
new_aaTarget notify( "change target" );
new_aaTarget.origin = getstruct( "orig_tower_plane_new_targ_2", "targetname" ).origin;
aaGun_1 thread maps\_triple25::triple25_shoot( new_aaTarget );
wait( 2 );
new_aaTarget notify("change target");
new_aaTarget.origin = getstruct( "orig_tower_plane_new_targ_3", "targetname" ).origin;
aaGun_1 thread maps\_triple25::triple25_shoot( new_aaTarget );
wait( 2.5 );
new_aaTarget notify("change target");
//shoot the old target again
aaGun_1 thread maps\_triple25::triple25_shoot( original_aaTarget );
players = get_players();
players[0] setOrigin( ( 2490, 3986.5, 33.5 ) );
level.debug_strafe_plane = 1;
wait( 1000 );
players = get_players();
players[0] setOrigin( ( 2733, 5974, 53 ) );
wait( 1000 );
// Strafe plane's turrets firing
self endon("death");
level endon( "done_strafe_squibs" );
if( !IsDefined( self.firing ) )
self.firing = false;
while( 1 )
for( i = 0; i < self.mgturret.size; i++ )
self.mgturret[i] shootturret();
wait( 0.2 );
strafe_squibs( origin_name, dest_name )
shot_origin = getent( origin_name,"script_noteworthy" );
ultimate_destination = getstruct( dest_name, "script_noteworthy" );
shot_origin thread move_shot_destination( ultimate_destination, 1.3 );
shot_origin endon( "done_squib" );
while( 1 )
playfx( level._effect["strafe_squib"], shot_origin.origin, anglestoforward(shot_origin.angles ) );
wait( 0.1 );
move_shot_destination( end, duration )
self moveto ( end.origin, duration );
self waittill ( "movedone" );
self notify( "done_squib" );
level notify( "done_strafe_squibs" );
// checks if a tank is invulnerable against the passed in attacker. does this by checking self's .invulnerable_against_these_ents array
invulnerable_against_this_attacker( attacker )
if( isdefined( self.invulnerable_against_these_ents ) )
for( i = 0; i < self.invulnerable_against_these_ents.size; i++ )
if( self.invulnerable_against_these_ents[i] == attacker )
return true;
return false;
// Friendly-fire shield for tanks because I don't trust friendlyfire_shield() in _vehicle. I don't think it works properly.
self.currenthealth =; = 20000;
attacker = undefined;
while( > 0 )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, direction_vec, point, type, modelName, tagName );
( !isdefined( attacker ) && self.script_team != "neutral" )
|| maps\_vehicle::is_godmode()
|| maps\_vehicle::attacker_isonmyteam( attacker )
|| maps\_vehicle::attacker_troop_isonmyteam( attacker )
|| maps\_vehicle::isDestructible()
|| maps\_vehicle::bulletshielded( type )
|| invulnerable_against_this_attacker( attacker )
{ = 20000; // give back health for these things
{ = self.currenthealth;
radiusdamage( self.origin, 10, amount, amount + 1 );
self.currenthealth =;
// put ff shield back on = 20000;
//tank has beenkilled at this point
// taken from _vehicle.gsc
if( arcadeMode() && IsPlayer( attacker ) )
arcademode_assignpoints( "arcademode_score_tank", attacker );
// piggybacking autosaves onto other triggers, to save entities
trigger_wait( "chain_cinch", "targetname" );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 near cinch point" );
// piggybacking autosaves onto other triggers, to save entities
trigger_wait( "chain_entering_aa_bunker", "targetname" );
autosave_by_name( "Pel2 entering aa bunker" );
// spawn these manually when the event starts, to save on entities at load time
airfield_weapons = [];
// grenades in far right bunker on airfield
airfield_weapons[0] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[0].weapon_name = "weapon_type97_frag";
airfield_weapons[0].origin = (3445.4, 3102.6, -94.5);
airfield_weapons[0].angles = (0, 293.6, 0);
airfield_weapons[1] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[1].weapon_name = "weapon_type97_frag";
airfield_weapons[1].origin = (3444.2, 3096.6, -94.5);
airfield_weapons[1].angles = (0, 293.6, 0);
airfield_weapons[2] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[2].weapon_name = "weapon_type97_frag";
airfield_weapons[2].origin = (3439.6, 3103.1, -97);
airfield_weapons[2].angles = (270, 240.8, 0);
// grenades in middle bunker on airfield
airfield_weapons[3] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[3].weapon_name = "weapon_type97_frag";
airfield_weapons[3].origin = (2248, 4108.5, -37.8);
airfield_weapons[3].angles = (0, 0, 0);
airfield_weapons[4] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[4].weapon_name = "weapon_type97_frag";
airfield_weapons[4].origin = (2243, 4112, -38);
airfield_weapons[4].angles = (0, 0, 0);
airfield_weapons[5] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[5].weapon_name = "weapon_type97_frag";
airfield_weapons[5].origin = (2240.2, 4106.9, -39.8);
airfield_weapons[5].angles = (270, 307.2, 0);
// weapons in cinch bunker on airfield
airfield_weapons[6] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[6].weapon_name = "weapon_type100_smg";
airfield_weapons[6].origin = (2670.9, 4149.8, -84.9);
airfield_weapons[6].angles = (309.165, 112.437, -37.0203);
airfield_weapons[7] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[7].weapon_name = "weapon_type100_smg";
airfield_weapons[7].origin = (2653.5, 4151.5, -85.4);
airfield_weapons[7].angles = (297.063, 96.3252, -32.5557);
airfield_weapons[8] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[8].weapon_name = "weapon_type100_smg";
airfield_weapons[8].origin = (2252.7, 4054.2, -34.8);
airfield_weapons[8].angles = (306.6, 0, -23.4);
airfield_weapons[9] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[9].weapon_name = "weapon_type100_smg";
airfield_weapons[9].origin = (2233.8, 4042.7, -54.7);
airfield_weapons[9].angles = (0, 171.4, 180);
airfield_weapons[10] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[10].weapon_name = "weapon_type99_rifle";
airfield_weapons[10].origin = (2495.4, 4010.9, -80.6);
airfield_weapons[10].angles = (288.56, 168.301, -80.8935);
airfield_weapons[11] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[11].weapon_name = "weapon_type99_rifle";
airfield_weapons[11].origin = (2496.6, 3997.7, -100.2);
airfield_weapons[11].angles = (358.074, 86.9453, -73.6962);
airfield_weapons[12] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[12].weapon_name = "weapon_type97_frag";
airfield_weapons[12].origin = (2741.5, 4066, -78.6);
airfield_weapons[12].angles = (270, 282.2, 0);
airfield_weapons[13] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[13].weapon_name = "weapon_type97_frag";
airfield_weapons[13].origin = (2742.7, 4057.2, -76.8);
airfield_weapons[13].angles = (0, 335, 0);
airfield_weapons[14] = spawnstruct();
airfield_weapons[14].weapon_name = "weapon_bazooka";
airfield_weapons[14].origin = (2496.8, 4095.4, -49.9);
airfield_weapons[14].angles = (284.106, 167.138, -134.561);
spawn_pickup_weapons( airfield_weapons );