2009-07-17 00:00:00 +00:00
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
// Zipline - Easy Access Route to Hut
initZipline ()
zipBuyTrigger = getentarray("zipline_buy_trigger", "targetname");
nonstatictrig = undefined;
statictrig = undefined;
level.direction = undefined;
level.znodes = [];
level.zrnodes = [];
level.zipinuse = false;
for (i=0; i<zipBuyTrigger.size; i++)
zipBuyTrigger[i].zip = getent(zipBuyTrigger[i].target, "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].attachspot = getentarray((zipBuyTrigger[i].zip).target, "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].blocker = getent("zipline_blocker", "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].aiblocker = getent("zipline_ai_blocker", "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].tempclip = getentarray("zip_temp_clip", "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].handle = getent("zip_handle", "targetname");
//zipBuyTrigger[i].handleorg = getent("zip_handle_origin", "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].handlebox = getent("zip_handle_box", "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].lever = getent("zip_lever", "targetname");
for (p=0; p < (zipBuyTrigger[i].attachspot).size; p++)
if (IsDefined((zipBuyTrigger[i].attachspot[p]).script_noteworthy) && (zipBuyTrigger[i].attachspot[p]).script_noteworthy == "main_spot")
zipBuyTrigger[i].volume = getent((zipBuyTrigger[i].attachspot[p]).target, "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].zipDamageTrigger = getent((zipBuyTrigger[i].volume).target, "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].zipDamageVolume = getent((zipBuyTrigger[i].zipDamageTrigger).target, "targetname");
zipBuyTrigger[i].spline = getent((zipBuyTrigger[i].zipDamageVolume).target, "targetname");
//need to figure out which trigger is the one attached to the zipline
if (IsDefined(zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy) && zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy == "nonstatic")
nonstatictrig = zipBuyTrigger[i];
else if (IsDefined(zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy) && zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy == "static")
statictrig = zipBuyTrigger[i];
level.znodes = getentarray("zipline_nodes", "script_noteworthy");
level.zrnodes = [];
//the trigger shouldn't display anything until the zipline comes down
zipBuyTrigger[i] SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
//mobile buy trigger is linked to the zipline
nonstatictrig EnableLinkTo ();
nonstatictrig LinkTo (nonstatictrig.zip);
//the static buy trigger needs to be turned off to prevent overlapping triggers
statictrig trigger_off();
//volume is linked to the zipline
zipBuyTrigger[0].volume EnableLinkTo();
zipBuyTrigger[0].volume LinkTo (zipBuyTrigger[0].zip);
//damage trigger is linked to the zipline
zipBuyTrigger[0].zipDamageTrigger EnableLinkTo();
zipBuyTrigger[0].zipDamageTrigger LinkTo (zipBuyTrigger[0].zip);
//damage volume is linked to the zipline
zipBuyTrigger[0].zipDamageVolume EnableLinkTo();
zipBuyTrigger[0].zipDamageVolume LinkTo (zipBuyTrigger[0].zip);
//attach spots are linked to the zipline
for (i=0; i < (zipBuyTrigger[0].attachspot).size; i++)
zipBuyTrigger[0].attachspot[i] LinkTo (zipBuyTrigger[0].zip);
//temp clip for the model itself
for (i=0; i < (zipBuyTrigger[0].tempclip).size; i++)
zipBuyTrigger[0].tempclip[i] LinkTo (zipBuyTrigger[0].zip);
//bind and offset the handle
zipBuyTrigger[0].handlebox LinkTo (zipBuyTrigger[0].zip);
(zipBuyTrigger[0].handle).angles = (0, -19.6, 0);
//set up power up zip trigger
zipPowerTrigger = getent("zip_lever_trigger", "targetname");
zipPowerTrigger.lever = getent(zipPowerTrigger.target, "targetname");
zipPowerTrigger sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_ZIPLINE_ACTIVATE");
zipPowerTrigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
//wait until powered up
zipPowerTrigger waittill("trigger", who);
zipHintDeactivated = getent("zipline_deactivated_hint_trigger", "targetname");
zipHintDeactivated delete();
//wait for activation
zipPowerTrigger thread recallZipSwitch(180);
zipPowerTrigger waittill("recallLeverDone");
who thread play_zipline_dialog();
zipPowerTrigger delete ();
//really don't want to make the trigger on the switch (on the pole) multi-purpose
statictrig thread activateZip(undefined);
statictrig waittill ("zipDone");
statictrig playsound ("platform_bang");
//swing the gate open
zipBuyTrigger[0].blocker connectpaths();
zipBuyTrigger[0].blocker notsolid();
play_sound_at_pos( "door_rotate_open", (zipBuyTrigger[0].blocker).origin );
zipBuyTrigger[0].blocker rotateyaw(80, 1 );
//zipBuyTrigger[0].blocker playsound("door_rotate_open");
zipBuyTrigger[0].blocker waittill ("rotatedone");
zipBuyTrigger[0].blocker thread objectSolid();
waittime = 40;
if ( GetDVarInt( "zombie_cheat" ) > 0 )
waittime = 5;
wait (waittime);
statictrig thread recallZipSwitch (-180);
statictrig waittill ("recallLeverDone");
//zipline can now be used
array_thread (zipBuyTrigger,::zipThink);
zip_rope = getentarray("zip_line_rope", "targetname");
zip_rope[i] thread rope_sounds();
level thread zip_rope_audio();
zip_audio = getentarray("zip_line_wheel", "targetname");
zip_audio[i] playsound(zip_audio[i].script_label);
zip_audio[i] playloopsound(zip_audio[i].script_sound, 1);
zip_audio[i] thread zip_line_stopsound();
level endon ("machine_off");
wait(randomfloatrange(0.3, 0.8));
self playsound(self.script_sound);
level waittill("machine_off");
self stoploopsound(0.1);
self playsound ("motor_stop_left");
waittime = 0.12;
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(self);
player_index = "plr_" + index + "_";
if(!IsDefined (self.vox_zipline))
num_variants = maps\_zombiemode_spawner::get_number_variants(player_index + "vox_zipline");
self.vox_zipline = [];
self.vox_zipline[self.vox_zipline.size] = "vox_zipline_" + i;
//iprintlnbold("vox_kill_headdist_" + i);
self.vox_zipline_available = self.vox_zipline;
sound_to_play = random(self.vox_zipline_available);
//iprintlnbold("LINE:" + player_index + sound_to_play);
self maps\_zombiemode_spawner::do_player_playdialog(player_index, sound_to_play, waittime);
self.vox_zipline_available = array_remove(self.vox_zipline_available,sound_to_play);
if (self.vox_zipline_available.size < 1 )
self.vox_zipline_available = self.vox_zipline;
self.lever rotatepitch( dir, .5 );
org = getent("zip_line_switch","targetname");
playsoundatposition ("purchase", org.origin);
org playsound("switch");
self.lever waittill ("rotatedone");
self notify ("recallLeverDone");
self sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_ZIPLINE_USE");
self SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
self.zombie_cost = 1500;
//self.in_use = 0;
zipBuyTrigger = getentarray("zipline_buy_trigger", "targetname");
//self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
//ok, the fact that one trigger needs to be unbound and moved to accomodate the revive hint is going to make this awful
if (IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "nonstatic")
self.triggeron = true;
//make sure the hintstring for the zipline doesn't override the revive hint
self unlink();
self thread monitorZipHint();
self waittill( "trigger", who );
if( who in_revive_trigger() )
if( is_player_valid( who ) )
if( who.score >= self.zombie_cost)
//if your using the trigger in the zipline, you need to be in the volume
if (IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "nonstatic" && who IsTouching(self.volume) ||
IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "static")
level.zipinuse = true;
for (i=0; i<zipBuyTrigger.size; i++)
//since the nonstatic trigger can't be turned off, just zero out the hint
if (IsDefined(zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy) && zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy == "nonstatic")
zipBuyTrigger[i] notify ("stopstringmonitor");
//trigger can't be turned off since it needs to move with the zipline
zipBuyTrigger[i] LinkTo(zipBuyTrigger[i].zip);
zipBuyTrigger[i] sethintstring("");
//turn off the static trigger
else if (IsDefined(zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy) && zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy == "static" && (!IsDefined(level.direction)))
zipBuyTrigger[i] trigger_off();
//self.in_use = 1;
play_sound_at_pos( "purchase", who.origin );
//if we used the trigger on the electric switch, we need to move the handle
if (IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "static")
self thread recallZipSwitch (180);
self waittill ("recallLeverDone");
//set the score
who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( self.zombie_cost );
//if we're using the trigger in the zipline, the purchaser needs to be passed to ensure that he's on it
if (IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "nonstatic")
self thread activateZip(who);
else if (IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "static")
self thread activateZip(undefined);
self waittill ("zipDone");
//turn off the mobile trigger after we've reached the destination, we can unbind it at this point
if (IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "nonstatic")
//turn the trigger off
self unlink();
self triggerOff();
waittime = 40;
if ( GetDVarInt( "zombie_cheat" ) > 0 )
waittime = 5;
wait (waittime);
//if we used the electric switch, flip it back up after the cool down
if (IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy == "static")
self thread recallZipSwitch (-180);
self waittill ("recallLeverDone");
for (i=0; i<zipBuyTrigger.size; i++)
//always reenable the trigger on the zipline
if (IsDefined(zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy) && zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy == "nonstatic")
zipBuyTrigger[i] sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_ZIPLINE_USE");
zipBuyTrigger[i] triggerOn();
zipBuyTrigger[i] thread monitorZipHint();
//only enable the trigger on the electric switch if the zipline is capable of moving to the down spot
if (IsDefined(zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy) && zipBuyTrigger[i].script_noteworthy == "static" && (!IsDefined(level.direction)))
zipBuyTrigger[i] trigger_on();
level.zipinuse = false;
//utility version of these functions preserves the initial origin, which I cannot do because the triggers are moving
if (IsDefined(self.triggeron) && !self.triggeron)
self.origin = (self.origin[0], self.origin[1], (self.origin[2] + 10000));
self.triggeron = true;
if (IsDefined(self.triggeron) && self.triggeron)
self.origin = (self.origin[0], self.origin[1], (self.origin[2] - 10000));
self.triggeron = false;
monitorZipHint ()
self endon ("stopstringmonitor");
while (1)
players = get_players();
downedplayers = [];
aliveplayers = [];
stoptrigger = false;
//separate the good from the bad
for(i=0; i<players.size; i++)
if (players[i] maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() && players[i] IsTouching(self.volume))
downedplayers = array_add(downedplayers, players[i]);
else if (IsDefined(players[i]) && IsAlive(players[i]))
aliveplayers = array_add(aliveplayers, players[i]);
if (aliveplayers.size > 0 && downedplayers.size > 0)
for(i=0; i<aliveplayers.size; i++)
for (p=0;p<downedplayers.size; p++)
if (aliveplayers[i] IsTouching( downedplayers[p].revivetrigger ))
stoptrigger = true;
if (stoptrigger)
if (stoptrigger)
self triggerOff();
self triggerOn();
wait (1);
zombs = getaispeciesarray("axis");
self.riders = [];
self.canshock = false;
//kill any zombies in the zipline
for (i=0; i < zombs.size; i++)
if (IsDefined (zombs[i]) && IsAlive(zombs[i]) && zombs[i] IsTouching(self.zipDamageVolume))
//dogs just need to explode so they're not floating where the zipline was
if ( zombs[i] enemy_is_dog() )
zombs[i].a.nodeath = true;
zombs[i] StartRagdoll();
zombs[i] dodamage(zombs[i].health + 600, zombs[i].origin);
level thread zip_line_audio();
//array of locations
attachspot = getentarray((self.zip).target, "targetname");
peeps = get_players();
for (i=0; i < peeps.size; i++)
if ( is_player_valid(peeps[i]) && ((peeps[i] IsTouching(self.volume) || (IsDefined (rider) && peeps[i] == rider ))))
self.riders = array_add(self.riders, peeps[i]);
peeps[i] thread magic_bullet_shield(100000000, 0);
//peeps[i].ignoreme = true;
peeps[i].on_zipline = true;
peeps[i] setstance("stand");
peeps[i] allowcrouch (false);
peeps[i] allowprone (false);
prevdist = undefined;
playerspot = undefined;
playerOrg = peeps[i] GetOrigin();
for(p=0; p < attachspot.size; p++)
attachOrg = attachspot[p] GetOrigin();
dist = distance2d( playerOrg, attachOrg );
if (!IsDefined(prevdist))
prevdist = dist;
playerspot = attachspot[p];
if (dist <= prevdist)
prevdist = dist;
playerspot = attachspot[p];
peeps[i] playerlinkto (playerspot, undefined, 0.0, 180, 180, 180, 180, true);
attachspot = array_remove(attachspot, playerspot);
//kill any thread that wants to turn the collision back on from the previous run
for(i=0; i < (self.tempclip).size; i++)
self.tempclip[i] notify ("stopmonitorsolid");
//just have everything noncolliding
for(i=0; i < (self.tempclip).size; i++)
self.tempclip[i] notsolid();
//kill any thread that wants to turn the handle solid
self.handle notify ("stopmonitorsolid");
self.handle notsolid();
self.handle unlink();
//move the lever for the zipline
if ((!(IsDefined(level.direction))))
self.handle rotateto((0, -19.6, -65), 0.5);
self.handle rotateto((0, -19.6, 65), 0.5);
self.handle waittill ("rotatedone");
self.handle thread objectSolid();
self.handle LinkTo(self.zip);
self.zipDamageTrigger thread zipDamage(self);
self.zipActive = true;
//start spinning the pulleys
self thread spinZipPulleys();
if ((!(IsDefined(level.direction))))
//ai should not be allowed in the zipline area anymore
self.aiblocker solid();
self.aiblocker disconnectpaths();
//fake the player positions
for( i = 0; i < (self.riders).size; i++ )
self.riders[i] thread maps\_zombiemode::store_crumb((11216, 2883, -648));
curnode = self.spline;
level.zrnodes[(((level.znodes).size) - 1)] = curnode;
my_time = .3;
for(i=0;i<((level.znodes).size - 1);i++)
curnode = getent(curnode.target, "targetname");
level.zrnodes[((((level.znodes).size) - (i+2)))] = curnode;
self.zip moveto (curnode.origin, my_time);
//self.zip waittill ("movedone");
if (i == 3)
self.canshock = true;
if (i == 23)
self.canshock = false;
if (i > ((level.znodes).size * .666))
my_time = my_time + .017;
else if (i < ((level.znodes).size * .333))
my_time = my_time - .017;
wait(my_time - .022);
self.zip waittill ("movedone");
level notify("machine_done");
level.direction = "back";
//fake the player positions
for( i = 0; i < (self.riders).size; i++ )
self.riders[i] thread maps\_zombiemode::store_crumb((10750, 1516, -501));
my_time = .3;
//curnode = getent(level.zrnodes[i], "targetname");
curnode = level.zrnodes[i];
self.zip moveto (curnode.origin, my_time);
if (i == 4)
self.canshock = true;
if (i == 23)
self.canshock = false;
if (i > ((level.znodes).size * .666))
my_time = my_time + .017;
else if (i < ((level.znodes).size * .333))
my_time = my_time - .017;
wait(my_time - .022);
self.zip waittill ("movedone");
//ai can now access the zipline area
self.aiblocker connectpaths();
self.aiblocker notsolid();
level.direction = undefined;
//monitor when we can turn the collision back on
for(i=0; i < (self.tempclip).size; i++)
// turn the collision on to the floor of the zipline without monitoring because a person up top can cause the player to fall through the zipline
if ((!(IsDefined(level.direction))) && IsDefined((self.tempclip[i]).script_noteworthy) && (self.tempclip[i]).script_noteworthy == "zip_base")
self.tempclip[i] solid();
self.tempclip[i] thread objectSolid();
level notify("machine_off");
self playsound("platform_bang");
//zipline causes no more damage
self.zipActive = false;
for (i=0; i < (self.riders).size; i++)
self.riders[i] unlink();
self.riders[i] stop_magic_bullet_shield();
self.riders[i] thread maps\_zombiemode::store_crumb(self.origin);
//self.riders[i].ignoreme = false;
self.riders[i].on_zipline = false;
self.riders[i] allowcrouch (true);
self.riders[i] allowprone (true);
//put handle back in neutral
self.handle unlink();
self.handle rotateto((0, -19.6, 0), 0.5);
self.handle waittill ("rotatedone");
self.handle thread objectSolid();
self.handle LinkTo(self.zip);
2009-09-18 00:00:00 +00:00
self player_collision_fix();
2009-07-17 00:00:00 +00:00
self notify ("zipDone");
zipDamage (parent)
self waittill("trigger",ent);
if (parent.zipActive == true && IsDefined (ent) && IsAlive(ent))
if(isplayer(ent) )
ent thread playerZipDamage(parent);
ent thread zombieZipDamage();
self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");
players = get_players();
for(i=0; i < (parent.riders).size; i++)
if (self == parent.riders[i])
//zipline will no longer damage the player
/*if (players.size == 1)
self thread maps\_zombiemode::player_damage_override( undefined, undefined, 100, undefined, "MOD_MELEE", undefined, self.origin, self.origin, undefined, undefined, undefined );
if(!self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
radiusdamage(self.origin,10,self.health + 100,self.health + 100);
if( !isDefined(self.zipshock) && !self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() && parent.canshock == true)
self.zipshock = 1;
self shellshock("death", 3);
self.zipshock = undefined;
self endon("death");
//dogs just need to explode so they're not floating where the zipline was
if ( self enemy_is_dog() )
self.a.nodeath = true;
self StartRagdoll();
self dodamage(self.health + 600, self.origin);
self endon("stopmonitorsolid");
while( 1 )
players = get_players();
player_touching = false;
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] IsTouching( self ) )
player_touching = true;
if( !player_touching )
self Solid();
wait( 0.5 );
pulleys = getentarray("zip_pulley", "targetname");
for(i=0; i < pulleys.size; i++)
pulleys[i] rotateyaw (1800, 4.8);
2009-09-18 00:00:00 +00:00
assert( IsDefined( self ) );
assert( IsDefined( self.tempclip ) );
if ( IsDefined( level.direction ) )
// get the base clip
base = undefined;
2009-07-17 00:00:00 +00:00
2009-09-18 00:00:00 +00:00
for( i = 0; i < self.tempclip.size; i++ )
clip = self.tempclip[i];
if ( IsDefined( clip.script_noteworthy ) && clip.script_noteworthy == "zip_base" )
base = clip;
assert( IsDefined( base ) );
z = base.origin[2];
// check if a player is below the base clip z
players = get_players();
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
player = players[i];
if ( !is_player_valid( player ) )
if ( !player IsTouching( base ) )
if ( player.origin[2] < z )
//iprintlnbold( "player stuck" );
offset = z + 6;
origin = ( player.origin[0], player.origin[1], offset );
player SetOrigin( origin );