Changed: Visplane Explorer plugin is now initialized only in Doom/Hexen map formats.
Fixed, Visual mode: thing cages were not rendered when things didn't have a sprite.
Fixed, Internal, DB2 bug: Plug.Dispose() was never called.
More detailed info is now saved to the log file (GZBuilder.log) when an editing mode fails to initialize.
General interface: added "Help -> Program Configuration Folder" menu item.
Plugins: fixed a crash caused by inability to find referenced assembly when loading a plugin, which depends on other plugin(s).
Undo-redo, UDMF: undo information was not created properly for several types of UDMF fields for the last map element in the selection when the selection contained more that 1 element.
Updated documentation.
Maintenance stuff:
Core/Plugins/Plug: made current display location and size information properly available to plugins.
Made Core/Controls/ColorControl available to be used by plugins.