2013-04-04 13:24:26 -05:00

13 KiB

/ Filename:- cl_mp3.cpp / / (The interface module between all the MP3 stuff and Trek) / #include "client.h" #include "cl_mp3.h" /(only included directly from snd_mem.cpp, so not in client.h) #include "../mp3code/mp3struct.h" / keep this rather awful file secret from the rest of the program

/ call the real worker code in the messy C stuff… / #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif

char* C_MP3_IsValid (void pvData, int iDataLen); char C_MP3_GetUnpackedSize (void pvData, int iDataLen, int *piUnpackedSize); char C_MP3_UnpackRawPCM (void pvData, int iDataLen, int *piUnpackedSize, void *pbUnpackBuffer); char C_MP3_GetHeaderData (void pvData, int iDataLen, int *piRate, int *piWidth, int *piChannels); char C_MP3Stream_DecodeInit (LP_MP3STREAM pSFX_MP3Stream, void *pvSourceData, int iSourceBytesRemaining, int iGameAudioSampleRate, int iGameAudioSampleBits ); unsigned int C_MP3Stream_Decode (LP_MP3STREAM pSFX_MP3Stream); char* C_MP3Stream_Rewind (LP_MP3STREAM pSFX_MP3Stream);

/ these two are temp and will eventually be deleted… honest… / char* C_TEST_MP3_GetUnpackedSize( const char *_FILENAME1, const char *_FILENAME2, const char *_FILENAME3, void *data1,void *data2,void *data3, int size1,int size2,int size3, int *iUnpackedSize1,int *iUnpackedSize2,int *iUnpackedSize3 ); char * C_TEST_MP3_UnpackRawPCM(const char *_FILENAME1, const char *_FILENAME2, const char *_FILENAME3, void *data1,void *data2,void *data3, int iSourceBytesRemaining1,int iSourceBytesRemaining2,int iSourceBytesRemaining3, int *piUnpackedSize1,int *piUnpackedSize2,int *piUnpackedSize3, void *pbUnpackBuffer1,void *pbUnpackBuffer2,void *pbUnpackBuffer3 );

#ifdef __cplusplus } #endif

/ expects data already loaded, filename arg is for error printing only / / returns success/fail / qboolean MP3_IsValid( const char *psLocalFilename, void *pvData, int iDataLen ) { char *psError = C_MP3_IsValid(pvData, iDataLen);

if (psError) { Com_Printf(va(S_COLOR_RED"%s\n(File: %s)\n",psError, psLocalFilename)); }

return !psError; }

/ expects data already loaded, filename arg is for error printing only / / returns unpacked length, or 0 for errors (which will be printed internally) / int MP3_GetUnpackedSize( const char psLocalFilename, void *pvData, int iDataLen, qboolean qbIgnoreID3Tag / = qfalse */) { int iUnpackedSize = 0;

if (qbIgnoreID3Tag || !MP3_ReadSpecialTagInfo((byte *)pvData, iDataLen, NULL, &iUnpackedSize)) { char *psError = C_MP3_GetUnpackedSize( pvData, iDataLen, &iUnpackedSize);

if (psError) { Com_Printf(va(S_COLOR_RED"%s\n(File: %s)\n",psError, psLocalFilename)); return 0; } }

return iUnpackedSize; }

/ expects data already loaded, filename arg is for error printing only / / returns byte count of unpacked data (effectively a success/fail bool) / int MP3_UnpackRawPCM( const char *psLocalFilename, void *pvData, int iDataLen, byte *pbUnpackBuffer ) { int iUnpackedSize; char *psError = C_MP3_UnpackRawPCM( pvData, iDataLen, &iUnpackedSize, pbUnpackBuffer);

if (psError) { Com_Printf(va(S_COLOR_RED"%s\n(File: %s)\n",psError, psLocalFilename)); return 0; }

return iUnpackedSize; }

/ expects data already loaded, filename arg is for error printing only / qboolean MP3_FakeUpWAVInfo( const char *psLocalFilename, void *pvData, int iDataLen, int iUnpackedDataLength, int &format, int &rate, int &width, int &channels, int &samples, int &dataofs) { / some things can be done instantly… / format = 1; / 1 for MS format dataofs= 0; / will be 0 for me (since there's no header in the unpacked data)

/ some things need to be read… / char *psError = C_MP3_GetHeaderData(pvData, iDataLen, &rate, &width, &channels); if (psError) { Com_Printf(va(S_COLOR_RED"%s\n(File: %s)\n",psError, psLocalFilename)); }

/ and some stuff needs calculating… / samples = iUnpackedDataLength / width;

return !psError;


const char sKEY_MAXVOL[]="#MAXVOL"; / formerly #defines const char sKEY_UNCOMP[]="#UNCOMP"; / " "

/ returns qtrue for success… / qboolean MP3_ReadSpecialTagInfo(byte pbLoadedFile, int iLoadedFileLen, // (in) id3v1_1* ppTAG, / (out), can be NULL int *piUncompressedSize, float *pfMaxVol / (out), can be NULL ) { qboolean qbError = qfalse;

id3v1_1* pTAG = (id3v1_1*) ((pbLoadedFile+iLoadedFileLen)-sizeof(id3v1_1)); // sizeof = 128

if (!strncmp(pTAG->id, "TAG", 3)) { / TAG found… /

/ read MAXVOL key… / if (strncmp(pTAG->comment, sKEY_MAXVOL, strlen(sKEY_MAXVOL))) { qbError = qtrue; } else { if ( pfMaxVol) { *pfMaxVol = atof(pTAG->comment + strlen(sKEY_MAXVOL)); } }

/ / read UNCOMP key… // if (strncmp(pTAG->album, sKEY_UNCOMP, strlen(sKEY_UNCOMP))) { qbError = qtrue; } else { if ( piUncompressedSize) { *piUncompressedSize = atoi(pTAG->album + strlen(sKEY_UNCOMP)); } } } else { pTAG = NULL; }

if (ppTAG) { *ppTAG = pTAG; }

return (pTAG && !qbError); }

qboolean TEST_MP3_GetUnpackedSize(const char *_FILENAME1, const char *_FILENAME2, const char *_FILENAME3, void *data1,void *data2,void *data3, int size1,int size2,int size3, int *iUnpackedSize1,int *iUnpackedSize2,int *iUnpackedSize3 ) { char *psError = C_TEST_MP3_GetUnpackedSize(_FILENAME1, _FILENAME2, _FILENAME3, data1,data2,data3, size1,size2,size3, iUnpackedSize1,iUnpackedSize2,iUnpackedSize3 );

if (psError) { Com_Printf(va(S_COLOR_RED"%s\n",psError)); return qfalse; }

return qtrue; }

/ expects data already loaded, filename arg is for error printing only / / returns byte count of unpacked data (effectively a success/fail bool) / qboolean TEST_MP3_UnpackRawPCM( const char *_FILENAME1, const char *_FILENAME2, const char *_FILENAME3, void *data1,void *data2,void *data3, int iSourceBytesRemaining1,int iSourceBytesRemaining2,int iSourceBytesRemaining3, int *piUnpackedSize1,int *piUnpackedSize2,int *piUnpackedSize3, void *pbUnpackBuffer1,void *pbUnpackBuffer2,void *pbUnpackBuffer3 ) { char *psError = C_TEST_MP3_UnpackRawPCM(_FILENAME1, _FILENAME2, _FILENAME3, data1,data2,data3, iSourceBytesRemaining1,iSourceBytesRemaining2,iSourceBytesRemaining3, piUnpackedSize1,piUnpackedSize2,piUnpackedSize3, pbUnpackBuffer1,pbUnpackBuffer2,pbUnpackBuffer3 ); if (psError) { Com_Printf(va(S_COLOR_RED"%s\n",psError)); return qfalse; }

return qtrue; }

/ a file has been loaded in memory, see if we want to keep it as MP3, else as normal WAV… / / return = qtrue if keeping as MP3 / / (note: the reason I pass in the unpacked size rather than working it out here is simply because I already have it) / qboolean MP3Stream_InitFromFile( sfx_t* sfx, byte *pbSrcData, int iSrcDatalen, const char *psSrcDataFilename, int iMP3UnPackedSize ) { / first, make a decision based on size here as to whether or not it's worth it because of MP3 buffer space / making small files much bigger (and therefore best left as WAV)… / #define FUZZY_AMOUNT (5*1024) / so it has to be significantly over, not just break even, because of // the xtra CPU time versus memory saving

if (iSrcDatalen + sizeof(MP3STREAM) + FUZZY_AMOUNT < iMP3UnPackedSize) { / ok, let's keep it as MP3 then… /

float fMaxVol = 128; // seems to be a reasonable typical default for maxvol (for lip synch). Naturally there's no #define I can use instead…

MP3_ReadSpecialTagInfo(pbSrcData, iSrcDatalen, NULL, NULL, &fMaxVol ); // try and read a read maxvol from MP3 header

/ fill in some sfx_t fields… / sfx->eCompressionType = ct_MP3; sfx->data = (byte*) Hunk_Alloc( iSrcDatalen ); / will err_drop if fails memcpy ( sfx->data, pbSrcData, iSrcDatalen ); / … so the -> data field is MP3, not PCM sfx->width = 2;//(s_compression->value == 1)?1:2; sfx->length = (iMP3UnPackedSize / sfx->width) / (44100 / dma.speed); sfx->vol_range = fMaxVol;

/ now init the low-level MP3 stuff… / MP3STREAM SFX_MP3Stream = {0}; char *psError = C_MP3Stream_DecodeInit( &SFX_MP3Stream, sfx->data, iSrcDatalen, dma.speed,//(s_khz->value = 44)?44100:(s_khz->value = 22)?22050:11025, sfx->width * 8 ); if (psError) { / This should never happen, since any errors or problems with the MP3 file would have stopped us getting / to this whole function, but just in case… // Com_Printf(va(S_COLOR_YELLOW"File \"%s\": %s\n",psSrcDataFilename,psError));

/ This will leave iSrcDatalen bytes on the hunk stack (since you can't dealloc that), but MP3 files are / usually small, and like I say, it should never happen. / / Strictly speaking, I should do a Z_Malloc above, then I could do a Z_Free if failed, else do a Hunk_Alloc / to copy the Z_Malloc data into, then Z_Free, but for something that shouldn't happen it seemed bad to / penalise the rest of the game with extra malloc demands. // return qfalse; }

/ success ( …on a plate). / / make a copy of the filled-in stream struct and attach to the sfx_t struct… / sfx->pMP3StreamHeader = (MP3STREAM *) Hunk_Alloc( sizeof(MP3STREAM) ); memcpy( sfx->pMP3StreamHeader, &SFX_MP3Stream, sizeof(MP3STREAM) ); // return qtrue; }

return qfalse; }

/ return is decoded byte count, else 0 for finished / int MP3Stream_Decode( LP_MP3STREAM lpMP3Stream ) { lpMP3Stream->iCopyOffset = 0; return C_MP3Stream_Decode( lpMP3Stream ); }

/ returns qtrue for all ok / / (this can be optimised by copying the whole header from the sfx struct sometime) / qboolean MP3Stream_Rewind( channel_t *ch ) { /* char *psError = C_MP3Stream_Rewind( lpMP3Stream );

if (psError) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"%s\n",psError); return qfalse; }

return qtrue; */ memcpy(&ch->MP3StreamHeader, ch->sfx->pMP3StreamHeader, sizeof(ch->MP3StreamHeader)); return qtrue; }

void MP3Stream_GetSamples( channel_t *ch, int startingSampleNum, int count, short *buf ) { static const int iQuarterOfSlidingBuffer = sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)/4; static const int iThreeQuartersOfSlidingBuffer = (sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)*3)/4;

// Com_Printf("startingSampleNum %d\n",startingSampleNum);

count *= ch->sfx->width; // count arg was for words, so double it for bytes;

startingSampleNum *= ch->sfx->width;

if ( startingSampleNum < ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos) { // what?!?!?! Fucking time travel needed or something?, forget it memset(buf,0,count); return; }

/ OutputDebugString(va("\nRequest: startingSampleNum %d, count %d\n",startingSampleNum,count)); / OutputDebugString(va("WindowPos %d, WindowWritePos %d\n",ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos,ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos));

while (! ( (startingSampleNum >= ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos) && (startingSampleNum + count < ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos + ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos) ) ) { // OutputDebugString("Scrolling…");

int _iBytesDecoded = MP3Stream_Decode( (LP_MP3STREAM) &ch->MP3StreamHeader ); // OutputDebugString(va("%d bytes decoded\n",_iBytesDecoded)); if (_iBytesDecoded == 0) { / no more source data left so clear the remainder of the buffer… / memset(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer + ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos, 0, sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)-ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos); /MP3Stream_Rewind(ch); / should I do this??? // OutputDebugString("Finished\n"); break; } else { memcpy(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer + ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos,ch->MP3StreamHeader.bDecodeBuffer,_iBytesDecoded);

ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos += _iBytesDecoded;

/ if reached 3/4 of buffer pos, backscroll the decode window by one quarter… / if (ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos > (sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)*3)/4) { memmove(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer, ((byte *)ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer + (sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)/4)), (sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)*3)/4); ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos -= sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)/4; ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos+= sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)/4; } } // OutputDebugString(va("WindowPos %d, WindowWritePos %d\n",ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos,ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos)); }

assert(startingSampleNum >= ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos); memcpy( buf, ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer + (startingSampleNum-ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos), count);

// OutputDebugString("OK\n"); }

/ eof /