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synced 2025-03-14 06:41:46 +00:00
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody, airfisting rockets, etc. 2) Redid Give_Frags_Out 3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy 4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs. 5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK and counter-spy mechanism. 6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box 7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube. 8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall 9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying 10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier. demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy gets extra grenade. 11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells. Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers. EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face. 12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again) 13) EMPs now go through walls (again) 14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100 15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now. 16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now. 17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time, with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably more time the closer it is to the EMP. 18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the attacker loses 3 seconds of attack. 19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire. 20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat) 21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now. Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
654 lines
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654 lines
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/* SB Items. New items for use with Custom TF 3.2 (or something) */
#include "defs.qh"
// Internal prototypes
integer(entity e) entpointcontents;
void() AntiGravGrenadeExplode; // antigrav goes boom
void() AntiGravGrenadeTimer; // controls antigrav decay or whatever you call it
void(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float bounce, entity ignore) T_RadiusAntiGrav; // bang
void() MotionSensorIdle; // motion sensor sitting
float() MotionSensorFindTarget; // sensor scans for target
void() MotionSensorDie; // I wonder what this does
void() MotionSensorSpawn; // let's make a sensor
void() SensorBeAlarmed; // very alarming
void() TeamFortress_C4DetpackTouch;
void() ThrowC4Det;
//void() SBInitiateInterface;
float(entity hacked, float r) ReturnHackDelay;
void() SBHackDotTimerThink;
/*void() SwitchToCamera;
void() SwitchFromCamera;
void() CameraSwitchView;*/
// External functions
void() ConcussionGrenadeTouch;
void(entity attacker, float damage) Security_Camera_Pain;
void(float tno, entity ignore, string st) teamsprint;
void() TeamFortress_DetpackTouch;
void() TeamFortress_DetpackCountDown;
void() TeamFortress_DetpackExplode;
void() TeamFortress_DetpackDisarm;
void() SBFireInterface;
// -- OfN --
void(float tno, entity ignore) teamprefixsprint;
void() CameraSwitchView =
if (!self.has_camera)
if (self.is_cameraviewing)
void() SwitchToCamera =
local entity camera;
local float done;
if (!self.has_camera)
if (self.is_cameraviewing)
camera = find(NIL, classname, "building_camera");
if (camera.real_owner == self)
done = TRUE;
while (!done)
camera = find(camera, classname, "building_camera");
if (camera.real_owner == self)
done = TRUE;
if (!camera)
done = TRUE;
if (!camera)
msg_entity = self;
WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, camera);
WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_x);
WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_y);
WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_z);
self.fixangle = TRUE;
self.is_cameraviewing = TRUE;
self.t_s_h = self.weaponmodel;
self.weaponmodel= "";
self.view_ofs = '0 0 0';
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Camera view activated.\n");
void() SwitchFromCamera =
if (!self.has_camera)
if (!self.is_cameraviewing)
msg_entity = self;
WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, self);
WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_x);
WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_y);
WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_z);
self.fixangle = FALSE;
self.weaponmodel = self.t_s_h;
self.view_ofs = '0 0 22';
self.is_cameraviewing = FALSE;
// SB Tossable Detpack!
// A 10 second detpack that can be thrown around corners
void() PrimeC4Det =
local entity te;
if (infokey (NIL, "no_spam") == "on")
sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"The admin has disabled spam devices on this map.\n");
if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_TOSSABLEDET))
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You do not have the C4 tossable detpack.\n");
if (self.ammo_c4det < 1)
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Looks like you're out of C4.\n");
if (self.is_detpacking || self.is_toffingadet)
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can only set one detpack at once, throwable or otherwise!\n");
if (self.is_haxxxoring)
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't set a detpack while hacking.\n");
te = spawn();
te.owner = self;
te.nextthink = time + WEAP_DETPACK_SETTIME;
te.think = ThrowC4Det;
te.classname = "timer";
te.netname = "C4detpack_timer";
self.is_toffingadet = 1;
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | TFSTATE_C4THROW;
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Arming detpack...\n");
void() TeamFortress_C4DetpackTouch =
local entity disarm;
if (other.classname != "player")
//WK if (other.playerclass != PC_SCOUT)
if (!(other.tf_items & NIT_SCANNER))
if (self.weaponmode == 1)
if (Teammate(self.owner.team_no,other.team_no))
makeImmune(other,time + 2);
//other.immune_to_check = time + 2;
other.tfstate = other.tfstate | TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE;
sprint(other, PRINT_HIGH, "Disarming detpack...\n");
// Spawn disarming entity
disarm = spawn();
disarm.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; //WK M3 Bug Hunt
disarm.owner = other; // the scout
disarm.enemy = self; // the detpack
disarm.classname = "timer";
disarm.nextthink = time + WEAP_DETPACK_DISARMTIME;
disarm.think = TeamFortress_DetpackDisarm;
self.weaponmode = 1; // indicates disarming
self.enemy = other; // points to scout
self.observer_list = disarm;
void(entity ignore, string st, string st2, string st3, string st4, string st5, string st6) teamsprint6;
void() ThrowC4Det =
local entity user;
self.owner.is_toffingadet = 0;
self.owner.ammo_c4det = self.owner.ammo_c4det - 1;
user = self.owner;
sound (user, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/grenade.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
KickPlayer(-1, user);
newmis = spawn ();
newmis.owner = user;
newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
newmis.classname = "detpack";
// for identify it on airfist pushable? routine
//newmis.netname = "C4";
// set grenade speed
makevectors (user.v_angle);
if (user.deadflag)
// if user is dead, throw grenade directly up
newmis.velocity = '0 0 200';
if (user.v_angle_x)
newmis.velocity = v_forward*600 + v_up * 200 + random()*v_right*10 + random()*v_up*10;
newmis.velocity = aim(user, 10000);
newmis.velocity = newmis.velocity * 600;
newmis.velocity_z = 200;
newmis.angles = vectoangles(newmis.velocity);
newmis.touch = TeamFortress_C4DetpackTouch;
newmis.think = TeamFortress_DetpackExplode;
newmis.nextthink = time + 10;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/detpack.mdl");
setsize (newmis, '-16 -16 -8', '16 16 8');
setorigin (newmis, user.origin);
dremove (self);
self = user;
if (live_camera)
local entity countd;
newmis.weaponmode = 0; // Detpack weaponmode = 1 when disarming
sound (newmis, CHAN_WEAPON, "doors/medtry.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); //CH play set detpack sound
// Create the CountDown entity
countd = spawn();
newmis.linked_list = countd; // attach count to its detpack
countd.think = TeamFortress_DetpackCountDown;
countd.health = 9;
countd.nextthink = time + 1;
countd.owner = newmis.owner;
countd.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
countd.classname = "countdown_timer"; // Don't call it timer, because we
// don't want it removed if player dies
countd.enemy = newmis;
newmis.oldenemy = countd;
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Detpack armed!\n");
teamsprint6(self,self.netname," throws a C4!\n","","","","");
self.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_C4THROW);
TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self); // let's roll
// SB Motion Sensor
// Sits in shadows and lights up and makes noise when player goes near
void() SBBuildSensor =
if (self.ammo_cells >= BUILD_COST_SENSOR && self.has_sensor == 0)
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - BUILD_COST_SENSOR;
self.has_sensor = 1;
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You place the motion sensor.\n");
self.option = time + 2;
else if (self.ammo_cells < BUILD_COST_SENSOR && self.has_sensor == 0)
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You do not have enough metal to build a motion sensor.\n");
if (self.option < time) // avoids ppl overflowing by destroying/building it repeatedly
Find_And_Dmg("building_sensor", self, 1);
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You detonate your motion sensor.\n");
self.has_sensor = 0;
void() MotionSensorTossTouch =
if (other || other == self.real_owner)
local integer pc = entpointcontents(self);
teamprefixsprint(self.real_owner.team_no,self.real_owner); //- OfN
teamsprint(self.real_owner.team_no, self.real_owner, self.real_owner.netname);
teamsprint(self.real_owner.team_no, self.real_owner, " has built a Motion Sensor.\n");
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
setsize (self, '-16 -16 -6', '16 16 10');
self.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/guerilla_set.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.think = MotionSensorIdle;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
void() MotionSensorIdle =
if (MotionSensorFindTarget())
self.nextthink = time + 2.4; //if found wait 2.5 sec before do another check
self.nextthink = time + 0.2; // lots per sec GR No, too hard to get past
self.think = MotionSensorIdle;
float() MotionSensorFindTarget =
local entity client = NIL;
local float r, gotone, loopc;
// Try a few checks to make it react faster
r = 0;
loopc = 0;
gotone = FALSE;
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE)
return FALSE;
local float trange; //- OfN - Hack
trange=300; // was 250
if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_ONE)
trange=500; // was 400
//CH Theortetically this will check every client on the server now
while (loopc < 32 && gotone == FALSE)
client = checkclient();
gotone = TRUE;
if (!client)
gotone = FALSE;
else if (!Pharse_Client(client, self, 1, trange, 2, 1))
gotone = FALSE;
loopc = loopc + 1;
if (gotone) loopc = 1000;
if (!gotone)
self.effects = 0;
return FALSE;
// Found a Target
self.enemy = client;
if (self.enemy.cutf_items & CUTF_JAMMER) // jammer makes it hard
/*if (self.enemy.classname != "player") // OfN - wtf does this?
self.enemy = self.enemy.enemy;
if (self.enemy.classname != "player")
self.enemy = NIL;
return FALSE;
}*/ // OfN - wtf does this?
// SPIES, only returned by pharseclient if sensor is able to uncover them -changed
if (Teammate(self.enemy.undercover_team,self.team_no) && self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR)
/*if (!(self.enemy.cutf_items & CUTF_JAMMER)) // if they dont have a scanner jammer remove their disguise
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your motion sensor detects a spy!\n");
sprint(self.enemy, PRINT_HIGH, "That motion sensor knows you are a spy!\n");
// return FALSE; // removed cause sensors alarm is activated anyway, even if they will not uncover them
if (self.enemy.classname=="player")
if (self.enemy.job & JOB_THIEF && (self.enemy.job & JOB_ACTIVE || self.enemy.job & JOB_FULL_HIDE))
if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_SEVEN)
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your motion sensor detects a thief!\n");
sprint(self.enemy, PRINT_HIGH, "That motion sensor can see you!\n");
if (!(self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE))
sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/enemy.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (!(self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO))
{ self.effects = EF_BRIGHTLIGHT; self.skin=0;}
sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"Your motion sensor reports enemy presence!\n");
self.think = SensorBeAlarmed;
return TRUE;
void() SensorBeAlarmed =
if (MotionSensorFindTarget())
if (!(self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE))
sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/enemy.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.nextthink = time + 2.4;
self.think = MotionSensorIdle;
self.effects = 0;
self.nextthink = time + 0.5;
void() MotionSensorSpawn =
self.has_sensor = TRUE;
newmis = spawn();
newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
setsize (newmis, '-16 -16 -6', '16 16 10');
// setsize (newmis, '-8 -8 -8', '8 8 8');
newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
newmis.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
newmis.classname = "building_sensor";
newmis.netname = "motion_sensor";
newmis.origin = self.origin;
newmis.owner = NIL;
newmis.real_owner = self;
makevectors (self.v_angle);
newmis.avelocity = '0 0 0';
newmis.velocity = v_forward*800 + v_up * 200 + v_right*10 + v_up*10;
newmis.origin += normalize(newmis.velocity) * 20;
setorigin(newmis, newmis.origin);
newmis.angles = '0 0 0';
newmis.angles_y = anglemod(self.angles_y + 180);
// newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.th_die = MotionSensorDie; // Death function
newmis.th_pain = Security_Camera_Pain; // may as well use this eh
//newmis.mdl = "progs/s_light.spr"; //CH temp model
newmis.mdl = "progs/sencer.mdl";
setmodel (newmis, newmis.mdl);
newmis.team_no = self.team_no;
newmis.colormap = self.colormap;
newmis.heat = 0; //Beeps
newmis.health = newmis.max_health = BUILD_HEALTH_SENSOR;
newmis.touch = MotionSensorTossTouch;
newmis.num_mines=0; // OfN - reset HACKER improvements
void() MotionSensorDie =
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your motion sensor was destroyed.\n");
self.real_owner.has_sensor = FALSE;
// ThrowGib("progs/tgib1.mdl", -70);
// ThrowGib("progs/tgib2.mdl", -70);
// ThrowGib("progs/tgib3.mdl", -70);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z);
multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS);
// SB AntiGrav Grenade(tm)
// Screws over a player's gravity for a short time
// Uses the conc gren's touch function - why repeat it with an identical one?
void() AntiGravGrenadeExplode =
T_RadiusAntiGrav (self, self.owner, 100, NIL);
// Remove any camera's locks on this missile
if (self.enemy)
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z);
multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS);
// Bounces the enemy a bit and screws over their gravity :)
void(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float bounce, entity ignore) T_RadiusAntiGrav =
local float points;
local entity head, te;
local vector org;
head = findradius(inflictor.origin, bounce+40);
while (head)
if (head != ignore)
if (head.takedamage)
org = head.origin + (head.mins + head.maxs)*0.5;
points = 0.5*vlen (org - inflictor.origin);
if (points < 0)
points = 0;
points = bounce - points;
if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_GYMNAST)
points = points * 2;
if (!IsBuilding(head) && points > 0)
// Bounce!!
head.velocity = org - inflictor.origin;
head.velocity = head.velocity * (points / 20);
if (head.classname != "player")
if(head.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
head.flags = head.flags - FL_ONGROUND;
//WK Add cheat immunity since they fly
// Turn on antigrav
// If it's already on, restore it to full time
// Try to find a concusstimer entity for this player
te = find(NIL, classname, "timer");
while (((te.owner != head) || (te.think != AntiGravGrenadeTimer)) && (te))
te = find(te, classname, "timer");
if (te)
head.gravity = 0.3 * random();
te.health = 100;
te.nextthink = time + GR_CONCUSS_TIME;
head.gravity = 0.3 * random();
// Create a timer entity
te = spawn();
te.nextthink = time + GR_CONCUSS_TIME;
te.think = AntiGravGrenadeTimer;
te.team_no = attacker.team_no;
te.classname = "timer";
te.owner = head;
te.health = 100;
head = head.chain;
// Timer used to control antigrav effects
void() AntiGravGrenadeTimer =
if (self.owner.invincible_finished > time)
self.owner.gravity = 1;
self.health = self.health - GR_CONCUSS_DEC * 2;
// hwguy recovers twice as fast - heh heh
if (self.owner.cutf_items & CUTF_HWGUY)
self.health = self.health - GR_CONCUSS_DEC * 2;
if (self.health < 0)
self.health = 0;
self.nextthink = time + GR_CONCUSS_TIME;
if (self.health == 0)
self.owner.gravity = 1;
sprint(self.owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your weight feels normal again.\n");