/* SB Items. New items for use with Custom TF 3.2 (or something) */ #include "defs.qh" // Internal prototypes integer(entity e) entpointcontents; void() AntiGravGrenadeExplode; // antigrav goes boom void() AntiGravGrenadeTimer; // controls antigrav decay or whatever you call it void(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float bounce, entity ignore) T_RadiusAntiGrav; // bang void() MotionSensorIdle; // motion sensor sitting float() MotionSensorFindTarget; // sensor scans for target void() MotionSensorDie; // I wonder what this does void() MotionSensorSpawn; // let's make a sensor void() SensorBeAlarmed; // very alarming void() TeamFortress_C4DetpackTouch; void() ThrowC4Det; //void() SBInitiateInterface; float(entity hacked, float r) ReturnHackDelay; void() SBHackDotTimerThink; /*void() SwitchToCamera; void() SwitchFromCamera; void() CameraSwitchView;*/ // External functions void() ConcussionGrenadeTouch; void(entity attacker, float damage) Security_Camera_Pain; void(float tno, entity ignore, string st) teamsprint; void() TeamFortress_DetpackTouch; void() TeamFortress_DetpackCountDown; void() TeamFortress_DetpackExplode; void() TeamFortress_DetpackDisarm; void() SBFireInterface; // -- OfN -- void(float tno, entity ignore) teamprefixsprint; //-------------------------------------------------------------- /* void() CameraSwitchView = { if (!self.has_camera) return; if (self.is_cameraviewing) SwitchFromCamera(); else SwitchToCamera(); }; void() SwitchToCamera = { local entity camera; local float done; if (!self.has_camera) return; if (self.is_cameraviewing) return; camera = find(NIL, classname, "building_camera"); if (camera.real_owner == self) done = TRUE; while (!done) { camera = find(camera, classname, "building_camera"); if (camera.real_owner == self) done = TRUE; if (!camera) done = TRUE; } if (!camera) return; msg_entity = self; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWPORT); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, camera); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETANGLES); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_x); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_y); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_z); self.fixangle = TRUE; self.is_cameraviewing = TRUE; self.t_s_h = self.weaponmodel; self.weaponmodel= ""; self.view_ofs = '0 0 0'; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Camera view activated.\n"); }; void() SwitchFromCamera = { if (!self.has_camera) return; if (!self.is_cameraviewing) return; msg_entity = self; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWPORT); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, self); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETANGLES); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_x); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_y); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_z); self.fixangle = FALSE; self.weaponmodel = self.t_s_h; self.view_ofs = '0 0 22'; self.is_cameraviewing = FALSE; }; */ // SB Tossable Detpack! // A 10 second detpack that can be thrown around corners void() PrimeC4Det = { local entity te; if (infokey (NIL, "no_spam") == "on") { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"The admin has disabled spam devices on this map.\n"); return; } if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_TOSSABLEDET)) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You do not have the C4 tossable detpack.\n"); return; } if (self.ammo_c4det < 1) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Looks like you're out of C4.\n"); return; } if (self.is_detpacking || self.is_toffingadet) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can only set one detpack at once, throwable or otherwise!\n"); return; } if (self.is_haxxxoring) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't set a detpack while hacking.\n"); return; } te = spawn(); te.owner = self; te.nextthink = time + WEAP_DETPACK_SETTIME; te.think = ThrowC4Det; te.classname = "timer"; te.netname = "C4detpack_timer"; self.is_toffingadet = 1; self.tfstate = self.tfstate | TFSTATE_C4THROW; TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Arming detpack...\n"); }; void() TeamFortress_C4DetpackTouch = { local entity disarm; if (other.classname != "player") return; //WK if (other.playerclass != PC_SCOUT) if (!(other.tf_items & NIT_SCANNER)) return; if (self.weaponmode == 1) return; if (Teammate(self.owner.team_no,other.team_no)) return; makeImmune(other,time + 2); //other.immune_to_check = time + 2; other.tfstate = other.tfstate | TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE; sprint(other, PRINT_HIGH, "Disarming detpack...\n"); TeamFortress_SetSpeed(other); // Spawn disarming entity disarm = spawn(); disarm.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; //WK M3 Bug Hunt disarm.owner = other; // the scout disarm.enemy = self; // the detpack disarm.classname = "timer"; disarm.nextthink = time + WEAP_DETPACK_DISARMTIME; disarm.think = TeamFortress_DetpackDisarm; self.weaponmode = 1; // indicates disarming self.enemy = other; // points to scout self.observer_list = disarm; }; void(entity ignore, string st, string st2, string st3, string st4, string st5, string st6) teamsprint6; void() ThrowC4Det = { local entity user; self.owner.is_toffingadet = 0; self.owner.ammo_c4det = self.owner.ammo_c4det - 1; user = self.owner; sound (user, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/grenade.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); KickPlayer(-1, user); newmis = spawn (); newmis.owner = user; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; newmis.classname = "detpack"; // for identify it on airfist pushable? routine //newmis.netname = "C4"; // set grenade speed makevectors (user.v_angle); if (user.deadflag) { // if user is dead, throw grenade directly up newmis.velocity = '0 0 200'; } else { if (user.v_angle_x) { newmis.velocity = v_forward*600 + v_up * 200 + random()*v_right*10 + random()*v_up*10; } else { newmis.velocity = aim(user, 10000); newmis.velocity = newmis.velocity * 600; newmis.velocity_z = 200; } } newmis.angles = vectoangles(newmis.velocity); newmis.touch = TeamFortress_C4DetpackTouch; newmis.think = TeamFortress_DetpackExplode; newmis.nextthink = time + 10; newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300'; setmodel (newmis, "progs/detpack.mdl"); setsize (newmis, '-16 -16 -8', '16 16 8'); setorigin (newmis, user.origin); dremove (self); self = user; #ifdef DEMO_STUFF if (live_camera) CamProjectileLockOn(); #endif local entity countd; newmis.weaponmode = 0; // Detpack weaponmode = 1 when disarming sound (newmis, CHAN_WEAPON, "doors/medtry.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); //CH play set detpack sound // Create the CountDown entity countd = spawn(); newmis.linked_list = countd; // attach count to its detpack countd.think = TeamFortress_DetpackCountDown; countd.health = 9; countd.nextthink = time + 1; countd.owner = newmis.owner; countd.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; countd.classname = "countdown_timer"; // Don't call it timer, because we // don't want it removed if player dies countd.enemy = newmis; newmis.oldenemy = countd; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Detpack armed!\n"); teamprefixsprint(self.team_no,self); teamsprint6(self,self.netname," throws a C4!\n","","","",""); self.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_C4THROW); TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self); // let's roll }; // SB Motion Sensor // Sits in shadows and lights up and makes noise when player goes near void() SBBuildSensor = { if (self.ammo_cells >= BUILD_COST_SENSOR && self.has_sensor == 0) { self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - BUILD_COST_SENSOR; MotionSensorSpawn(); self.has_sensor = 1; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You place the motion sensor.\n"); self.option = time + 2; } else if (self.ammo_cells < BUILD_COST_SENSOR && self.has_sensor == 0) sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You do not have enough metal to build a motion sensor.\n"); else { if (self.option < time) // avoids ppl overflowing by destroying/building it repeatedly { Find_And_Dmg("building_sensor", self, 1); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You detonate your motion sensor.\n"); self.has_sensor = 0; } } }; void() MotionSensorTossTouch = { if (other || other == self.real_owner) return; local integer pc = entpointcontents(self); if (pc == CONTENTS_SOLID || pc == CONTENTS_SKY) { MotionSensorDie(); return; } teamprefixsprint(self.real_owner.team_no,self.real_owner); //- OfN teamsprint(self.real_owner.team_no, self.real_owner, self.real_owner.netname); teamsprint(self.real_owner.team_no, self.real_owner, " has built a Motion Sensor.\n"); self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; setsize (self, '-16 -16 -6', '16 16 10'); self.solid = SOLID_BBOX; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/guerilla_set.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.think = MotionSensorIdle; self.nextthink = time + 1; }; void() MotionSensorIdle = { if (MotionSensorFindTarget()) self.nextthink = time + 2.4; //if found wait 2.5 sec before do another check else self.nextthink = time + 0.2; // lots per sec GR No, too hard to get past self.think = MotionSensorIdle; }; float() MotionSensorFindTarget = { local entity client = NIL; local float r, gotone, loopc; // Try a few checks to make it react faster r = 0; loopc = 0; gotone = FALSE; if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE) return FALSE; local float trange; //- OfN - Hack trange=300; // was 250 if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_ONE) trange=500; // was 400 //CH Theortetically this will check every client on the server now while (loopc < 32 && gotone == FALSE) { client = checkclient(); gotone = TRUE; if (!client) gotone = FALSE; else if (!Pharse_Client(client, self, 1, trange, 2, 1)) gotone = FALSE; loopc = loopc + 1; if (gotone) loopc = 1000; } if (!gotone) { self.effects = 0; self.skin=1; return FALSE; } // Found a Target self.enemy = client; if (self.enemy.cutf_items & CUTF_JAMMER) // jammer makes it hard { } /*if (self.enemy.classname != "player") // OfN - wtf does this? { self.enemy = self.enemy.enemy; if (self.enemy.classname != "player") { self.enemy = NIL; return FALSE; } }*/ // OfN - wtf does this? // SPIES, only returned by pharseclient if sensor is able to uncover them -changed if (Teammate(self.enemy.undercover_team,self.team_no) && self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) { /*if (!(self.enemy.cutf_items & CUTF_JAMMER)) // if they dont have a scanner jammer remove their disguise {*/ Spy_RemoveDisguise(self.enemy); sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your motion sensor detects a spy!\n"); sprint(self.enemy, PRINT_HIGH, "That motion sensor knows you are a spy!\n"); //} //else // return FALSE; // removed cause sensors alarm is activated anyway, even if they will not uncover them } // THIEVES, ALWAYS DETECTED BUT SENSOR ONLY UNCOVERS THEM IF HACKED TO DO- changed if (self.enemy.classname=="player") { if (self.enemy.job & JOB_THIEF && (self.enemy.job & JOB_ACTIVE || self.enemy.job & JOB_FULL_HIDE)) { if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_SEVEN) { sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your motion sensor detects a thief!\n"); sprint(self.enemy, PRINT_HIGH, "That motion sensor can see you!\n"); RevealThief(self.enemy,TRUE); } } } if (!(self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE)) sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/enemy.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (!(self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO)) { self.effects = EF_BRIGHTLIGHT; self.skin=0;} sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"Your motion sensor reports enemy presence!\n"); self.think = SensorBeAlarmed; return TRUE; }; void() SensorBeAlarmed = { if (MotionSensorFindTarget()) { if (!(self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE)) sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/enemy.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.nextthink = time + 2.4; } else { self.think = MotionSensorIdle; self.effects = 0; self.nextthink = time + 0.5; /// self.skin=1; } }; void() MotionSensorSpawn = { self.has_sensor = TRUE; newmis = spawn(); newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; setsize (newmis, '-16 -16 -6', '16 16 10'); // setsize (newmis, '-8 -8 -8', '8 8 8'); newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; newmis.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; newmis.classname = "building_sensor"; newmis.netname = "motion_sensor"; newmis.origin = self.origin; newmis.owner = NIL; newmis.real_owner = self; makevectors (self.v_angle); newmis.avelocity = '0 0 0'; newmis.velocity = v_forward*800 + v_up * 200 + v_right*10 + v_up*10; newmis.origin += normalize(newmis.velocity) * 20; setorigin(newmis, newmis.origin); newmis.angles = '0 0 0'; newmis.angles_y = anglemod(self.angles_y + 180); // newmis.skin = 1; newmis.th_die = MotionSensorDie; // Death function newmis.th_pain = Security_Camera_Pain; // may as well use this eh //newmis.mdl = "progs/s_light.spr"; //CH temp model newmis.mdl = "progs/sencer.mdl"; newmis.skin=1; setmodel (newmis, newmis.mdl); newmis.team_no = self.team_no; newmis.colormap = self.colormap; newmis.heat = 0; //Beeps newmis.health = newmis.max_health = BUILD_HEALTH_SENSOR; newmis.touch = MotionSensorTossTouch; newmis.num_mines=0; // OfN - reset HACKER improvements W_SetCurrentAmmo(); }; void() MotionSensorDie = { sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your motion sensor was destroyed.\n"); self.real_owner.has_sensor = FALSE; // ThrowGib("progs/tgib1.mdl", -70); // ThrowGib("progs/tgib2.mdl", -70); // ThrowGib("progs/tgib3.mdl", -70); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); dremove(self); }; // SB AntiGrav Grenade(tm) // Screws over a player's gravity for a short time // // Uses the conc gren's touch function - why repeat it with an identical one? void() AntiGravGrenadeExplode = { T_RadiusAntiGrav (self, self.owner, 100, NIL); #ifdef DEMO_STUFF // Remove any camera's locks on this missile if (self.enemy) CamProjectileLockOff(); #endif WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); dremove(self); }; // Bounces the enemy a bit and screws over their gravity :) void(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float bounce, entity ignore) T_RadiusAntiGrav = { local float points; local entity head, te; local vector org; head = findradius(inflictor.origin, bounce+40); while (head) { if (head != ignore) { if (head.takedamage) { org = head.origin + (head.mins + head.maxs)*0.5; points = 0.5*vlen (org - inflictor.origin); if (points < 0) points = 0; points = bounce - points; if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_GYMNAST) points = points * 2; if (!IsBuilding(head) && points > 0) { // Bounce!! head.velocity = org - inflictor.origin; head.velocity = head.velocity * (points / 20); if (head.classname != "player") { if(head.flags & FL_ONGROUND) head.flags = head.flags - FL_ONGROUND; } else { //WK Add cheat immunity since they fly makeImmune(head,time+3); // Turn on antigrav // If it's already on, restore it to full time // Try to find a concusstimer entity for this player te = find(NIL, classname, "timer"); while (((te.owner != head) || (te.think != AntiGravGrenadeTimer)) && (te)) te = find(te, classname, "timer"); if (te) { head.gravity = 0.3 * random(); te.health = 100; te.nextthink = time + GR_CONCUSS_TIME; } else { head.gravity = 0.3 * random(); stuffcmd(head,"bf\n"); // Create a timer entity te = spawn(); te.nextthink = time + GR_CONCUSS_TIME; te.think = AntiGravGrenadeTimer; te.team_no = attacker.team_no; te.classname = "timer"; te.owner = head; te.health = 100; } } } } } head = head.chain; } }; // Timer used to control antigrav effects void() AntiGravGrenadeTimer = { if (self.owner.invincible_finished > time) { self.owner.gravity = 1; dremove(self); return; } self.health = self.health - GR_CONCUSS_DEC * 2; // hwguy recovers twice as fast - heh heh if (self.owner.cutf_items & CUTF_HWGUY) self.health = self.health - GR_CONCUSS_DEC * 2; if (self.health < 0) self.health = 0; self.nextthink = time + GR_CONCUSS_TIME; if (self.health == 0) { self.owner.gravity = 1; sprint(self.owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your weight feels normal again.\n"); dremove(self); } };